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8364510 No.8364510 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't he just fuck Devi? She's clearly the best girl.

>> No.8364524

He's almost as dumb as she is.

>> No.8366285


We gonna fight.

>> No.8367380

Is book 3 ever coming out bros? Last I checked rothfuss was too busy with "charities" and other dumb shit. GET TO WORK YOU FAT MANCHILD

>> No.8367762

yeah same he told it gota be out like 2012 and still not out? lmao

>> No.8367816

don't say "fuck", Kvothe only "makes love" to heavenly blessed goddesses if they invite him into their bed with a proper consent form, where he will ravish them with his sexual abilities, leaving them moist and wanting more

except for denna, he'll always be closer to her than other guys so he doesn't even have to do her, he's just that much of a crazy, awesome dude

>> No.8367866

Oh, I thought you meant Denna. Ya, Devi is cool.

>> No.8368022

Denna's dumb as shit

>> No.8368028

Wow is this actually what this character is like?

>> No.8368054

Yep. You'd rather bang Devi than Fela though?
>if I had tits like yours I'd own half the world

>> No.8368120

orbiting MC happy about not getting any, claiming this makes him superior, while other guys are putting it in the girl he likes

>None were good enough for her, so I held them in contempt and hated them. They in turn hated and feared me.

>But we were pleasant to each other. Always pleasant. It was a game of sorts. He would invite me to sit, and I would buy him a drink. The three of us would talk, and his eyes would slowly grow dark as he watched her smile toward me. His mouth would narrow as he listened to the laughter that leapt from her as I joked, spun stories, sang...

>They would always react the same way, trying to prove ownership of her in small ways. Holding her hand, a kiss, a too-casual touch along her shoulder.

>They clung to her with desperate determination. Some of them merely resented my presence, saw me as a rival. But others had a frightened knowledge buried deep behind their eyes from the beginning. They knew she was leaving, and they didn't know why. So they clutched at her like shipwrecked sailors, clinging to the rocks despite the fact that they are being battered to death against them. I almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

>So they hated me, and it shone in their eyes when Denna wasn't looking. I would offer to buy another round of drinks, but he would insist, and I would graciously accept, and thank him, and smile.

>I have known her longer, my smile said. True, you have been inside the circle of her arms, tasted her mouth, felt the warmth of her, and that is something I have never had. But there is a part of her that is only for me. You cannot touch it, no matter how hard you might try. And after she has left you I will still be here, making her laugh. My light shining in her. I will still be here long after she has forgotten your name.

so cringe

>> No.8368385

Oh no way, I have no idea why Cvuckth doesn't.

>> No.8369830

Sounds like he's the one clinging to her like a shipwrecked sailor.

>> No.8369841

Wow. this is literally le frandzone neckbeard food

Have to say tho the writing could definitely be worse for a fantasy novel. Ive considered reading this because I use to enjoy fantasy but have a hard time stomaching how poorly it is written. This is pretty ridiculous cringe though so idk you would have to be pretty unselfaware to write something like this

>> No.8369852
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First book was decent enough though nothing special, second one flopped hard (it's where >>8368120 and all the sex-goddess stuff comes from), actually really liked the weird little Feng Shui girl novella. Now I want one about Elodin.

>> No.8369903

agree so hard