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/lit/ - Literature

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8362546 No.8362546 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread? I didn't see one in the catalog. Rate, recommend, or ridicule as you see fit.

>> No.8362562
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>> No.8363286

>books on top of each other
get another book shelf


>> No.8363299

how come that animal farm is so huge?

>> No.8363301

it's animal farm and 1984 together in one book.

>> No.8363307

I expect you'd like A River Runs Through It and My Ántonia a lot.

>> No.8363318

its the unabridged version

>> No.8363388


>> No.8363403


russlanddeutscher philosophiestudent?

>> No.8363406

If there was one president from the twentieth century that I would not read a four volume biography about, Lyndon B. Johnson would be right at the top - after Gerald Ford of course.

>> No.8363446
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Not pictured: Don Quixotte, All quiet on the Western Front, Notes from Underground
From top to bottom: C&P, Meditations, Bible, V., Master and Margarita, Stranger+M.o.Sysyphus, Great Gatsby, Divine Comedy(selected parts), History of the Yugoslavs (pretty good book about the coming of South Slavs and up to 1930 -- written by a Yugoslav, so it is a little biased.)

I mostly take books from the library.

>> No.8363498
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About half my books are just laying on the floor though. I try not to shelve until I've read.

>> No.8363509

Was the Alexiad any good?

>> No.8363567

This is the gayest meme /lit/ has ever spawned.

>> No.8363721

Where did you get that I read the Alexiad?

>> No.8363731


just like ebooks man

>> No.8363750

>genre fiction and filler books
>infinite meme

kill yourself

>> No.8363753
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books on top are to-reads and some currently reading.

>> No.8363759

you didn't read being and time and infinite jest

at least those two

>> No.8363780


I did. I haven't read:

* The Kant book
* Everything to the right of The Odyssey, inclusive
* Hopscotch of Brothers K
* The Alexiad
* Leviathan

Other than that I think I've read everything there, at most I'm missing two or three things.

>> No.8363785



>> No.8363787

Did you play in the Denver orchestra?

>> No.8363800

>reading more than one book at a time

Why do people do this?

>> No.8363808
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>> No.8363807


that was the lady. she played in a youth orchestra that went over to europe. right now shes working on a piatti piece, bachs 5th suite, and gigs here and there.

>> No.8363812

because the old testament gets really dry at times.

>> No.8363814
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>> No.8363821
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>> No.8363828
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>> No.8363833


>5 copies of the same book

>> No.8363834
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>> No.8363835


>Wasting that much money on Shakespeare when you can easily buy the complete works as a single book.

>> No.8363838


>wasting any money on books ever when you can get PDFs for free online

Everyone ITT is a sucker, that's what I call getting tricked by a business

>> No.8363842
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>> No.8363847

maybe different languages/translations

>> No.8363872

How much reading did you have to do before reading Heidegger's Being and Time?

Did you understand the book? I want to read it but I'm afraid it might be too advanced for me.

>> No.8363878


Yep. In order:
Carson, Ciardi, Hollander, Mandelbaum, Merwin, Pinsky, Sinclair, Singleton

The complete editions are annoying to carry around and harder to read. Paper tends to be thin and text small. I much prefer individual copies.

>> No.8363891


I didn't understand it at all and I sincerely doubt most of the people who've read it have either. Which is weird, because Being and Nothingness was crystal clear, as is Kierkegaard.

>> No.8363930

Ah, I thought so..

Thanks for the honesty anon

>> No.8363948


Is it money?

>> No.8363972

So don't read it.
Why would you read something you don't like?

>> No.8364003


people read for a lot of reasons. im not going to look down on anyone who reads for pleasure, but this book is too culturally and historically important for me not to read. it's referenced constantly.

i probably fucked up picking up the KJV and shouldve maybe opted for a different translation but im already to the book of ruth so im sticking with it.

im reading a lot of things at the moments and depending on the mood and appetite, i cant read all of them at any given moment. if im looking for some mindless scifi, ill read horus heresy shit fanfiction. still fun, still reading.

>> No.8364005

Nobody cares you narcisistic cucks

>> No.8364028

I've read a bible for kids, which was still a whooping 800 pages or so when I was in school, and thats all I need to get the references.
You get enough knowledge of the bible from pop culture, and from reading other shit.
I could probably tell you most of the stories even if I had never read them in the first place.

>> No.8364079
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>> No.8364095
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>> No.8364100
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Last one.

>> No.8364118

A healthy mix of fun and tryhard, I'd rate you highly if not for the Freakonomics and Trump.

>> No.8364129

Thanks. Trump is only there so I can say I've read him, for the sake of current events. Freakonomics is there because I can't make myself finish it and delete it.

>> No.8364161


What phone do you have? I've lost my eReader and im considering using my laptop as a substitute. doesnt it strain ur eyes

>> No.8364249

Galaxy S5. App is Aldiko. You can adjust the font and colors. I like it a lot.

>> No.8364537

Ha my room looked like this for a couple years

>> No.8364591

OP good but you lack the essential Mr. Clemens.

>> No.8364595

Holy fuck tho.

>> No.8364789
File: 440 KB, 800x1237, overflow sort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been helping my dad sort through his spares/overflow penguin cupboard, it's just a dumping ground for penguin books he's accumulated in with other books he was buying

first: hauling a load out to start with

>> No.8364792
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some more recent stuff accumulating to one side

>> No.8364796
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having taken all that out this is still left behind, although these are fairly sorted already from whenever this was last done

>> No.8364832

sheesh thats insane.. ur dad is /lit/ af

>> No.8365064
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So this thread actually became a bit more active? First pic I posted was when I dusted of my shelves and therefore put our books on the floor. This is how it usually looks like.

>> No.8365091

i wish i had a dad

>> No.8365176
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>> No.8365193


>Flight to Lucifer

pls tell me what it's like, Anon

>> No.8365232
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>> No.8365281

nerd alert!

>> No.8365284


>> No.8365317


>> No.8365354

Does he work for penguin

>> No.8365364



>> No.8365392 [DELETED] 

you don't have that many books?

>> No.8365416


Alright fine, I cleaned it, but nothing in the picture changed.

>> No.8365610

nnnngh...so jelly you have those princeton editions of the comedy

>> No.8365692


>> No.8365698
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>> No.8365701
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>> No.8365707
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>> No.8365715
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>> No.8365726
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Forgot one of the shelves

>> No.8366000
File: 1.61 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160805_215430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back row on both shelves is all Warhammer 40,000 novels.

Rate my shit up, senpai

>> No.8366005

You didn't finish the Harry Potter series?

>> No.8366017

stop posting this

>> No.8366023

im reading gödel escher bach right now

>> No.8366026
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>> No.8366055

I feel Like that isn't actually your shelf and is just people shitposting because of how often It shows up. But if it is, how is white trash zombie?

>> No.8366078

you're missing out big time

>> No.8366085
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>> No.8366167

very post apocalyptic

>> No.8366178
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I got the first one entirely on the strength of the cover, and ended up liking it.The zombie stuff is like a gimmick, the heart of the book is about this complete fuck-up getting her life together. It's like a less good Martin Millar novel. The rest of the series kinda gets away from that and focuses more on the zombie stuff, which I'm not crazy about. At this point I'm reading the new books just for the 50 pages that are actually about the main character working to improve her life.

>> No.8366187

Does anyone cover hardback sleeves with the plastic they put on them in libraries/collector shops? I want to know where to get some for some old books with ripped covers.

>> No.8366397

>its a shelf with just tryhard shit and no fun genre fiction

How much of a poser can you be?
And yet, how few people witness your posing?

>> No.8366412

all of them so sexy


>> No.8366475

>I probably fucked up picking up the KJV
U kidding? The KJV is the version of the Bible that's affected the West the most (other than the original Greek, Hebrew, and Latin of course). It has its share of mistranslations but it's language is stellar. The Oxford and other translations are better for religious or spiritual reasons, but based on your reason for reading the Bible the KJV seems the best way to go.

>> No.8366519

Lots of memery. No Greeks? Weak cunt

>> No.8366528

A colonist

>> No.8366533

Because its on the bottom row of your bookshelf

>> No.8366701
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nope, not connection

some of the pelican shelves, these are two deep

>> No.8366703

>not connection
no connection

>> No.8366707

Has he actually read all of these or does he just collect?

>> No.8366711
File: 193 KB, 700x1101, observers landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with the Pelicans it's mostly collecting, i'd guess he reads fewer than pelicans 10 a year. Books shown in the pic above represent far less than half of his pelicans.

some of the observers books (these are down the hall, so hard to photograph)

>> No.8366717

In my case, I have a short attention span. I hop between 2-3 books at most

>> No.8366723

I don't understand. Why would someone collect cheap penguin paperbacks? They're meant for reading.

>> No.8366729

Anon, the shelf is meant to hold the books, not the books hold the shelf.

>> No.8366738
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Please encourage your dad to visit a psychiatrist.

>> No.8366742


>> No.8366758
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the penguin main series ones are, as mentioned, just collateral acquired with other books, which is why they are all bunged four deep in a cupboard

the pelicans (non-fiction, mostly) … not sure what the appeal there is on the collecting front. But plenty of good books in there for me to borrow, i've just started Hibbard's book on Bernini from that series.

the observers you replied to are hard backs (primarily) and not published by penguin (though penguin did later acquire the Warne publishers)

he's quite happy pottering about between the shelves. It's my mum who struggles with the continued onslaught of books from all sides, all walls, all rooms.

this picture is from the top of the stairs, more pelicans, shelved two deep

>> No.8366762
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Why is this allowed? Half the reason I get books physically is for them to look nice and this does not.

>> No.8366805

I can beat my cock to this

>> No.8366828

How do you own so few books?

>> No.8366868

Yugoslavs don't exist.
Serbian translation of names is also retarded.

>> No.8367243

I get that you'd never pass on a find like this if you were offered it, I know I wouldn't, but I've a handful of Pelican books, mostly pieces on historical pieces and some on American and English literature around 40-50 years ago, but are you realistically going to read them? What's in the books I have is interesting but dated, and if I ever develop a particular interest in any of it I'd probably acquire a bigger standard work and check out recent scholarship online, at any rare I'd probably never read an entire Pelican

>> No.8367295

did you want bookends to prevent your 5000 copies of dogs from falling out

>> No.8367306

The overlap in our collections/taste is scary and impressive. Come have beers with me, anon.

>> No.8367355

Lol wtf? You dad is seriously a hoarder. What you've shown us isn't book collecting, its mental illness. Dozens of copies of the same books?

>> No.8367363

Nice shelves anons.

What % of your shelf have you read? I have probably 150-200 books on my shelf and I've probably read 50 of them...

>> No.8367369


>All this literature and your dad probably hasn't read or at least come across any story where the main theme/moral is that hoarding is a mental illness, or a book that explores the inner-workings of a hoarder's mind, and mindless book collecting is a fruitless endeavour.

>> No.8367398
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>> No.8367412

With non-fiction books, like in a library, I like just looking at each book and deciding where my interests lie and flipping through them to see what's interesting and what's not. I assume it's the same thing here

Our campus library has so many presidential writings books. The goal with looking at stuff like that is not to read every single word but to gain knowledge or little tidbits and to get some insight into history, or to at least find out what non-fiction books are really interesting and you might want for yourself

>> No.8367476

ejjj druze moj

>> No.8368070
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>> No.8368096

Why do the people that post in these threads always have awful taste and/or very few books? And then there's the weird penguin/pelican guy...

>> No.8368122

Because you're a pretentious faggot?

>> No.8368147

Perhaps, but so are most people on /lit/. My point is that the people that post in these threads seem oddly unrepresentative of the board.

>> No.8368166

What was your shelf?

>> No.8368194

Judging by the discussion on this board and these bookshelf/purchase threads, most people are likely to be pseudo intellectual collage students. There are a few oddly knowledgeable individuals but they are most definitely the exception not the rule.

>> No.8368204

You sound insecure. Perhaps some people just don't like genre fiction?

>> No.8368220
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idk what the alcohol is doing there either but it seemed to fit

>> No.8368222

Perhaps some people keep the books they enjoy in a shoe box under the bed, and put books they didn't finish on the shelf, so people who don't come to visit them could see it if they ever did.

>> No.8368244
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well, ok..


>> No.8368249
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>> No.8368255
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>> No.8368313

keep in mind the number of titles and subjects is vast. Yes, a fair proportion are out of date accounts of 70s inner city education, or economic reform etc etc, but the series also contains the works of Freud and Marx, books by A J Ayer, J B Shaw and similar notables, as well as 'classics' of both modern non-fiction (Silent Spring) and historical (Leviathan).

>Dozens of copies of the same books?
Depends what you mean by 'the same book'. None of the books in those pictures are full duplicates. Though I appreciate that all you can see in the photos are the spines, these are not just shelves of 'identical' books, all the books are in order and tracked in a spreadsheet, he won't purchase exact duplicates.

>> No.8368351

>only having 1 copy of a celebrated text
>single perspective

>> No.8368447

I'm honestly not impressed. I know it's a small sample size but...

>> No.8368504
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Tom Clancy in hardcover? Good grief.

>> No.8368517
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Pic related
South Slaves would have been better

>> No.8368533


did you buy it on eBay?

>> No.8368539

damn. i literally have no books anymore. everything is digital.

>> No.8368551

its not a hard book to find, its still available on amazon.

>> No.8368558

Says the guy with the child molester shelves

>> No.8368588

I bet he lures all the children into his home using those late Victorian hardbacks. Kids love that sort of thing.

>> No.8368629
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Only recently got back into literature. Pls no bully

>> No.8368654

Oh he'll give them a hardback alright

>> No.8368666

Why even bother posting, I'm not saying they're bad there's just little point in showing books you should already be familiar with if you're posting here. Good start tho

>> No.8368720


>> No.8368742

thanks for rotating it so i don't have to tilt my head

>> No.8368751

Sick burn!!!

>> No.8369191


oh, i'm sorry. does, "did you buy it on eBay?" translate to, "is it hard to find?" in your piece of shit language?

>> No.8369271

My bad, your question was just too fucking stupid to translate any other way.

>> No.8369319
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Christ, I hope they don't attract any more. I've already got two kids.

>> No.8369332

>charles darwin

take a very long sip from that bottle pal

>> No.8369353

what differences did you notice in each translation?

>> No.8369399

ahahaha ya take a long sip of that propynol blind darwin. cant handle 1200 pg ball of pain called the holy bible

>> No.8369408

fucking commie

>> No.8369429

How's Tokyo Ghoul?

>> No.8369608

What are your thoughts about auslander? i loved that book.

>> No.8369728
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Ok mr molester I'm just going to leave this here.

>> No.8369758

Wonder what's in the box...a child sized dildo?

>> No.8369979

child-sized severed genitals.

>> No.8369982

ok. goodnight 4chan.

>> No.8370080

>Didache Bible


>> No.8370316

Is S good?

>> No.8370540
File: 1.58 MB, 2000x7594, 1467042960601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you the guy who made this Dante chart?

>> No.8370733

>How to Collect Books
jesus fucking christ

still likin it though

>> No.8371572

A century ago, it was a more challenging pastime. That book gives checklists for the best small fine press publishers, which bindings and watermarks to look for, etc, info on repair, current value, print run sizes, etc.

>> No.8371775

what is the organizational principle here

>> No.8372313
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At that stage is was "keep older books with interesting/tasty bindings away from my toddler who likes to chew on leather and gilt." Seriously. The new cases are being slowly organized all over the house (I just put together the 13th new bookcase since I moved). I'll sort the rare books by author when I get a chance, as shelf height allows. And the main library is a disaster area. Pic related.

>> No.8372322


Hows the LBJ biography? Heard an interview with the author on NPR, sounds really good.

Does he go into the JFK assassination conspiracies at all?

>> No.8372663
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>> No.8372666
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My "classics"...

>> No.8372688

>gabler ulysses
you're smarter than that, dante guy

>> No.8372707
File: 743 KB, 2592x1944, 101_0361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I organized my bookshelf somewhat and got rid of the books that weren't mine

>> No.8372815


>cat selfies
>all that shit on your floor

>speaks english but reads translations


>solid wood with tasteful stain

>reading on a phone

>collecting the shittiest publisher of all time
kyd (kill your dad) then kys

>no one can see what's on the shelves


>posting this garbage again

i can't say i approve of your cheap quality shelving, but you are excellent

fucking embarrassing

>hey look i tried to make a humorous juxtaposition pls laugh

ugh kys

>shit taste and living like a slob
you disgust me. and kys

glad someone is taking care of these old books, but the interest in children's books does give it a creepy vibe.

>being this stupid

>low resolution
>shit taste
>living in florida
kys big time


>> No.8372819


Oh fuck off, Adrian Monk

>> No.8372875

High res pics won't up load and wtf does Florida have to do with anything.

>> No.8372929

that's chester

>> No.8372960
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x1845, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bookshelf is in shambles so have my cat with my current reads (labyrinths, travels in hyperreality, and the rubaiyat)

>> No.8372981

Why are you posting my shelves, anon?

They take up too much space; I have the children's lit shelves double-rowed. Longer series get shoved back.

What's the overlap in?

Why is it garbage?

>> No.8373001
File: 1.65 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly collect movies, but here is a small selection of my books I have up. Most is in storage, plus it's an old pic.

>> No.8373008

aww look at dat lil kitty just a lil grump just a grump

>> No.8373041

shes cute isnt she she looks like a grumpy lion!

>> No.8373191


>> No.8373512



>> No.8373603

Yeah, whatever.

>> No.8373821

You don't have outdated dead greek philosophy texts, thus you won't be commended by the /lit/ circlejerk.

>> No.8373873

Wtf. Why do people put their books in horizontally? Is this an American thing?

>> No.8373958

you should consider suicide

>> No.8373980


>> No.8374105
File: 309 KB, 1200x887, IMGP0315edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an adjunct prof with two kids and teach Children's Lit for undergrads every term. I like carefully handing some of the older ones around as examples and reading excerpts. Or, you know, I might be a pervert who uses young children's natural desire to be shown dusty antique books as a way to lure them into my home. Whichever you like.

>> No.8374306


>> No.8374348

>no valid response
kill yourselves

>all that fucking garbage mixed with House of Leaves
was that a gift or did someone misplace it? fucking kys

interesting. i just went through some of my long dead grandmother's things that were packed away in the house she grew up in. many books, and a lot of them were children's lit circa 1900-1930s, many still had dust jackets and were in pretty decent condition. wish i'd thought of you, i would've been happy to send them your way, at least you could've gone through them properly. instead, i'm afraid they'll likely end up with my aunt who will toss them.

>> No.8374439

>>speaks english but reads translations
get fucked; I actually like my mother tounge.

>> No.8374473


I use my bookshelf as a work desk also. It's going to be dirty. For something to be dirty means that it's actually used. A person with an entirely clean house is both sterile and impotent.

>> No.8374535
File: 225 KB, 817x3580, Missing House Of Leaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying House Of Leaves is good

>> No.8374557


>> No.8374561

never said it was, you fucking mongoloid. but it certainly doesn't fit the genre of all that other trash.

>> No.8374571

It wasn't said, but it was implied.
God, why are you so fucking mad?

>> No.8374601

it wasn't implied. what was implied was that it was unique among the other shit on the shelf. i'm not mad, your post just doesn't deserve any other type of response.

>> No.8374616

>what was implied was that it was unique among the other shit on the shelf
The thing is unique on most every shelf anywhere, Bruh. Did you even read the book?
>i'm not mad
k :^)

>> No.8374627

Eh, some people have OCD about maintaining things in a sterile manner, that doesn't mean they don't read the books or use their home. Though I would hazard a guess to say, like on /mu/'s vinyl threads, most of these books were purchased by teenagers/young adults who will never read the majority of them but like owning them to feel 'cultured.'

>> No.8374654

Regardless of quality, if you can't recognize that House of Leaves is more related to actual literature than manga and other genre fiction trash, than you are truly mentally deficient. Do you even have the mental capacity to dress and feed yourself? Please post proof with a timestamped photo.

So reading translation in your own language is more important to you than reading an author's work as it was written and intended by the author? I understand that it's not a perfect world and many readers will need to rely on translated works, but you have the option to at least attempt to read the work as it was originally written in the author's own words and you still refuse to do so. You are the worst kind of person.

>> No.8374666

>Regardless of quality, if you can't recognize that House of Leaves is more related to actual literature than manga and other genre fiction trash, than you are truly mentally deficient. Do you even have the mental capacity to dress and feed yourself? Please post proof with a timestamped photo.

Okay, this is just getting sad now.
Sorry for upsetting you.

>> No.8374674



is that what i do now? make a little ironic reddit smiley face when i feel that i've bettered you like in >>8374616 ?

>> No.8374679
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know why my phone is posting the pics sideways. It always happens when snapping a pic of my biblioteck.

>> No.8374684

I'm still correct, you can be mad all you want but what you said didn't imply what you meant it to. Sorry that you're so angry that what you were trying to say didn't come across correctly.
Again, sorry for upsetting you.

>> No.8374715

>if i say it, it must be true.

still waiting on that picture.

>> No.8374719

because you're a newfag, probably from reddit, who doesn't know how 4chan works or what EXIF data is

>> No.8374722

Of what? Me dressed in a nice suit eating something or some shit? Why do you want that? Is this some obscure fetish I'm not aware of?

>> No.8374730
File: 3.99 MB, 5312x2988, 20160808_104218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are 2 of my bookshelves. They are from Ikea. I hate them.

>> No.8374737
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View of the books.1/5

>> No.8374742
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>> No.8374757
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>> No.8374764
File: 2.53 MB, 1819x2117, 20160808_112401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/5 office books

>> No.8374775
File: 1.40 MB, 1529x1380, 20160808_112152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/5 currently sifting through these.

>> No.8374782

These threads always make me and shelf feel inadequate.

>> No.8374879
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry anon its not the shelf that counts

>> No.8374904

Agreed, lol.

>> No.8374916


My shelf and I.

>> No.8374919

Some of us don't even have shelves. Check your privilege.

>> No.8374937


Try reading one of them.

>> No.8374982



>> No.8375038
File: 1.97 MB, 1262x945, ping2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cat says hi to your cat

>> No.8375104

That's a shame. There might be some treasures in there (either in value or rarity, etc.) Did (or can) you take any photos of them, or are they inaccessible?

>> No.8375107


That cat is a fatass

>> No.8375343

Patrician af.
I'm glad at least some people still start with the Greeks

>> No.8375409

>all four Landmark Strassler editions
Very nice.

>> No.8375452

makes the titles easier to read desu senfam

>> No.8375467

But I'm scared of death.

>> No.8375472

awwwww what a cutie hi ping! 90% of calicos are female

>> No.8375481
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IJ, breakfast of champions, and lot 49 are somewhere but i'm not sure where

>> No.8375482
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>> No.8375528

Nice Kizumonogatari desu

>> No.8375535

If you aren't going to alphabetize at least group books by author. I'm sperging here man

>> No.8375561

I like them and the thread doesn't say I gotta post my own shelves. Do you have a problem with me posting them? If so, I stop doing this.

>> No.8375616

none, and can't take any, they are probably in storage somewhere in upstate NY right now far from here.

some i can remember were some of the 'honey bunch' series and another series that had a girls name as part of the title, but i can't remember it. there wasn't anything ultra obvious and well known though or i would've taken it with me. i would've taken them all, i just didn't have room at the time.

>> No.8375622

>not 'this space intentionally left blank'

>> No.8375629
File: 3.56 MB, 2837x5278, whole shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my shelf, I'm also currently reading Moby Dick, one of our friends is reading The Fountainhead (he can keep it desu), House of Leaves is missing, and my girlfriend is reading one of the Narnia books.

did you actually read Goder Eschel Bach, and was it worth the effort you put in?

lmao I thought my multiple copies of the Inferno were bad but holy shit my dude

>all that italo calvino
My girlfriend is a direct descendant of his, I feel bad that I haven't read any of his literature.

those are some beautiful copies

I'd say this is a good foundation to branch off from but I'm also a huge fucking pleb

prettyyyy covers also checked

oh you just reminded me I also have like 3 copies of the rubaiyat not pictured. I know khayyam wasn't sufi, but if you like the rubaiyat you should check out Hafiz's poetry (he's my favorite poet). Also, next on my to-read list is Name of the Rose, haven't ever read Eco before and honestly have no idea what to expect.

Did you like The Familiar? I thought it was complete shit. I think Only Revolutions was his best, above House of Leaves for sure.

Every thing on here is great--I'm also (regrettably) a DFW fanboy. Looking to get into Pynchon soon too, what order did you read his stuff in? Was thinking about jumping into Gravity's Rainbow but I've heard that can be tough.

>> No.8375711
File: 430 KB, 1200x742, JD goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wolf In White Van
Shiiiet. Love Darnielle, though that book was pretty disappointing in my opinion, I expected something amazing.

>> No.8375855

>John Green set appears to be unread


>> No.8375867
File: 309 KB, 1500x829, auIMGP0002a-ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must read Calvino, especially if you know a close relative. Here's my standard fiction/lit section, first two shelves, showing most of the Calvino I have.

>> No.8375880

i'd like to shake your hand, sir.

>> No.8375882

she is indeedy

>> No.8375906

shit, alright. I know he's great, I just genuinely don't know what to read first.

>> No.8375924
File: 1.80 MB, 3000x2529, bookcaseaugust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English lit and Dutch lit overflow with some randoms.

My leaning tower of Art & design is being overhauled.

>> No.8375932
File: 1.17 MB, 2000x994, frenchsection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The French are hiding in the hallway.

>> No.8376055

what do you like about the divine comedy so much? how many times have you read it?

>> No.8376074


Get a real edition, son.

>> No.8376083

For Pynchon just started with V and lot 49 first.

>> No.8376100

Honestly, I'd start with Mr. Palomar. They're short funny sketches, and they really highlight Calvino's constant tongue-in-cheek humor, which is easier to miss if you jump right into something big like Winter's Night, or as beautiful as Invisible Cities.

>> No.8376155
File: 16 KB, 220x281, 220px-Molière_-_Nicolas_Mignard_(1658).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French Shakespeare thread

>> No.8376163

Learn grammar, it would be shelf and me. You fucking twit.

>> No.8376191

alright will do, thanks friends

>> No.8376212
File: 377 KB, 1000x1200, IMGP0094edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered that I didn't reveal the contents of the mystery box. Perhaps even more horrifying or embarrassing than any guesses...
Yes, it's a set of replica coins from Smaug's hoard in the Hobbit movies, and a replica of Toby's Japanese mouse from Lucy Boston's classic Green Knowe children's book series, ordered from her descendant still living in The Manor, Hemmingford Grey.

>> No.8376246

Looks more like a mutant rats head

>> No.8376331
File: 93 KB, 960x960, Ebony Mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's resin-cast from the original antique, so all I can say is that's how somebody in Japan carved a cozy little ebony wood mouse a few hundred years ago. I think it's got great character and charm.

>> No.8376437
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shelf anon! Also, this is a really pretty edition of the rubaiyat. I love hafiz, been trying to get more into Persian stuff too.

As for what to expect from name of the rose- it's amazing. It has a lot of really obscure literary references so it will be a fun read for you. The antagonist is named after Borges because Eco got in an argument with him over something.

>> No.8376481

What are all those Japanese books

>> No.8376485

my bad looked closer and saw it was Korean

>> No.8376712

What'd you think of Pinsky? I rather enjoyed his translation and wish he'd do the other two parts of the comedy

>> No.8376720

Being and Nothingness is literally a retreading of Heidegger. Try going back to it now, a lot of it is just the awkwardness of translating Heidegger's German.

>> No.8376725


I'll need to find a better translation then. There are other things on my list that take priority for the moment unfortunately.

>> No.8376728

>B&N Classics

>> No.8376781

Is Infinite Jest good?

>> No.8376920

no but if you have to ask you're probably going to read it

>> No.8376940

Nah, it's my favorite book really, next to Battle Royale. A lot of those books on there were gifts though.

I liked The Familiara bit, I'm hoping with the rest it'll get better. I just recently bought the second one.

>> No.8376958


It has like 5 good moments in a thousand pages

>> No.8377906

Just a bit strange to see. As long as you're not pretending to be me, I suppose it's not a problem.

>> No.8378664
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20160809_110426[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden dawn
>wicca book
not good
>liber kaos
>frater u.'.u.'.
that cant be a good sign

>> No.8378683


Yes. Its the GOATest book of our generation. Ignore the idiots who say its sucks - they probably never finished it.

Its fucking amazing.

>> No.8378691
File: 3.18 MB, 3961x2917, 20160809_110438[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to resize because my phone takes gigantic pictures

>> No.8378718
File: 3.84 MB, 4032x3024, 20160809_110446[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know whats in here

>> No.8378939


A man of memes but also Norton Shakespeare, you study English lit?

>> No.8378978

that's me.
dunno i just like it. a lot of times.

I hope I didn't get memed.
I have a 1961 ulysses too not pictured.

I think gabler is fine. it makes zero difference to the vast majority of readers.
see the chart.>>8376712
see the chart as well.

I like pinsky a lot but I don't think his style will work well for paradiso and to a lesser extent purgatorio given the tighter prosody required.
Christmas card from a friend
I love papa bloom but it's not that good :(
chink books..Google Jin yong

>> No.8378985

what's a patrician like you doin in a place like this

>> No.8379025

you don't write very convincingly. it sort of sounds as if you're trying to establish a voice in a "correct" tone, rather than in one that would be compelling and work, at least a little bit, with what you're trying to communicate.

you write as if it is a sterile craft, intended solely to carry information and spite.

i'd recommend being a more attentive reader and perhaps branching out a little bit.

or maybe just have a conversation with someone else for once, and think about the exchange rather than how you're depicting yourself.

good luck, i'd bet it isn't easy being completely alone and unliked.

>> No.8379473

Notice I didn't answer what people asked you, so don't worry about that. And thank you.

>> No.8379714


Wiccan book was just to get a notion for what Wicca is about. I agree it's sort of juvenile. Golden Dawn stuff seems over-rigid and oversymbolized desu. And it's Frater U.D. just in a dumb font. So yes, I guess you could literally say it's a bad sign.

>> No.8379721

>implying I'm patrician

I like memes desu

>> No.8379731
File: 1.53 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20160809_191103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Private Library

>> No.8380136

I have those exact two editions of Ulysses holy shit.

>> No.8380211
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Continued in reply...

>> No.8380220
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Part 3 in reply...

>> No.8380221
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>> No.8380231

t. Petroleum engineer

>buying new books
You must be rich.

nice Shakespeare collection m8

>> No.8380235

>beware of the ____
>yield to zombies

i'm surprised you're shelves aren't just a few dozen copies of Hitchhiker's Guide and Terry Pratchett

>cant actually see any book titles

>> No.8380240

Sorry about the titles, my camera is shit.

>> No.8380254

Also, most of what you see on the large wall is film books; my fiction literature is mostly in the corner, obscured by all the random shit I pile on the bench.

>> No.8380255

can't see shit

>> No.8380270


>> No.8380272

>my struggle 2 and 3
>no my struggle 1

>> No.8380519


>> No.8381110

friends borrowing it

>> No.8381115


wow you're so well read! hope we run into eachother at barnes and nobles


>> No.8381256

I feel like it would be easier to just learn italian

>> No.8381845

*tips fedora*

>> No.8381899

>lending books

>> No.8381948

Have you read Underworld yet? I loved White Noise, Point Omega, Esmerelda, Falling Man, etc..., but I am struggling to get through Underworld.

>> No.8381953

Maybe he's interested in how the work can be transformed and given new meaning through translation.

>> No.8382327

the golden dawn has a lot of mason type bullshit but its the foundation of all occultism today. I own the complete golden dawn book and it has almost anything you could want to know. I highly recommend tracking it down if you can afford it/ find it.

>> No.8382340


I would say the foundation of all organized occultism, perhaps. Chaos magick definitely seems like its own thing, and folk magick is still very extant. Plus there's everything reverse engineered from the psychological side of things, like Jung, Campbell etc, which generally leans on emergent symbols rather than the hard coded traditional golden dawn symbolism. But I mean yes, basically everyone uses the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

>> No.8382585

Chaos magic owes a fuckload to the Dawn and Crowley: Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant followed his expulsion from the OTO, iirc, and that was a big influence.

>> No.8382817

>a disorganized German
a sad waste

>> No.8384481

basically this
nah. Dantes Italian is also distinct from modern italian. a rough comparison would be shakespeare to modern day english

>> No.8384683

>a rough comparison would be shakespeare to modern day english
yeah exactly, same fuckin language

>> No.8384697

hello plebo

>> No.8384705

>oh shakespeare is sooo different and sooo hard, learning shakespearian english wouldn't teach you anything relevant to modern english, it's for all intents and purposes a separate language

>> No.8384712

"yeah exactly, same fuckin language"
-- William Shakespeare, Cymbeline

I agree, he was quite the wordsmith.

>> No.8384817
