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/lit/ - Literature

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8363561 No.8363561 [Reply] [Original]

Who is /lit/'s favourite female author?

>> No.8363572

That's like asking me what my favorite episode of Teen Titans is. I'm sure I'd have one if I really bothered to watch many of them, but it'd still be meaningless information about literal nothing.

>> No.8363577

BEAUVOIR is the most 4chan of female writers and I'm not even being ironic.

>> No.8363580

Flannery O'Connor

What, ho! Wise man here!

>> No.8363585

it's mama flan
but mine is emily b

>> No.8363597
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Don't say that, TT was great.

>> No.8363604

Flannery O'Connor
Hannah Arendt

>> No.8363607

gloria naylor or mavis gallant

>> No.8363611

Willa Cather
Elaine Pagels
Bethany McLean

Hannah Arendt until I read up on her plagiarism charges.

>> No.8363613

Tove Jansson

t. pleb

>> No.8363617 [DELETED] 
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redpilled to the most hardcore degree

pic rel

>> No.8363622 [DELETED] 


>> No.8363627
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Joan Didion. She's one of my favourite writers regardless, read this and tell me it's not genius.


>> No.8363629

explain. Is she a neet that jerks it to hentai?

Can you say yes, and back it up with "evidence" thank you.

>> No.8363643

that chibi shit was garbage. the orignal was actually good If I remember correctly.


Plath, Smith, Woolf, O'Connor, and Morrison are great, I have not read the others.

I also enjoy Laura Restrepo, a contemporary.

>> No.8363650

"Old 4chan" that is, I should clarify.
>bit edgy but ironic about it
>degenerate sexual fantasies
>dislikes authorities
>lives after her own morals despite those of the current society's

>> No.8363653
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The only correct answer
>pic related

>> No.8363682

Ingeborg Bachman

>> No.8363701


>you'll never master portuguese and you'll never have the chance to lost yourself in her absolute godtier prose.

Why live

>> No.8363705

good question, the translation is staggering so the original must be pure transcendence

>> No.8363709

Patricia Highsmith is my alcoholic lesbian waifu

>> No.8363712

Tatyana Tolstaya and Clarice Lispector

I wish I knew more

>> No.8363719
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>> No.8363720

>Is she a neet that jerks it to hentai?
Sartre supported her financially and she got fired from teaching for raping kids, so yes.

>> No.8363729


>> No.8363868

Anne Frank

>> No.8363880
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I just finished pic related, so Agota Kristof atm.

>> No.8363883

Can I get a serious honest to god explanation why people like Plath? I think she would have been great if I had been reading her in high school. Now she seems like a bundle of whiny white girl first world feminism. Not to say I dislike feminist authors but she's kind of over dramatic?

>> No.8363887

LM Montgomery
Frances Hodgeson Burnett

>> No.8363889

Are you a girl? Do you want to be my girlfriend?

>> No.8363901

No thank you, I just want to know what people think is great about Sylvia Plath.

>> No.8363936

Cecília Meireles is much superior to all these American hacks you posted, OP.

>> No.8363945

Lispector is absolutely pretentious and empty. I don't know why you foreigners like her so much. Learn some Spanish and maybe try to read Cecilia Meireles instead.

As a Brazilian, I find it really disappointing that real authors such as Euclides da Cunha and Cyro dos Anjos are neglected in the name of that hack who had nothing but a pretty European face.

>> No.8363961

Excuse us for enjoying books written in our own language. If there isn't a good translation available, unfortunately I give the book/author a pass.

>> No.8363964

Madame de La Fayette is my favorite

>> No.8363981

Your mother, Maman de le Fagette, is my favourite

>> No.8363986


Holy shit my sides

>> No.8364016


>> No.8364017

>a chance to lost yourself

why bother mastering portuguese when you can't even do english.

>> No.8364025
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>> No.8364026
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Joyce Carol Oates

>> No.8364031
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Anyone read pic related?

>> No.8364062


>> No.8364097

kys pleb

>> No.8364311

Iris Murdoch.

>> No.8364316



>> No.8364347

the topness of this kek


>> No.8364411

Tripticks. Shit was too weird for me. I think I have to reread it.

>> No.8364444

Susan Sontag is a pretty good writer, even though I don't care for her politics, or her racist views of white people.

>> No.8364467

My *personal* favourites are Ursula Le Guin, Isabel Allende, and Arundhati Roy (though she's only published the one fiction book so...)

Idk or care who /lit/'s faves are though.

>> No.8364477

yeah ofc you fucking idiot. You have to read her in context. she was pretty unique within her contemporaries, you only see her as "a whiny white girl first world feminism" because of countless imitators and fangirls ever since. fucking retard.

>> No.8364490

Ayn Rand

>> No.8364494
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Virginia Woolf and Betty Smith.

>> No.8364495

who was the sluttiest?

>> No.8364501

This is really true.

Reading Beauvoir is like talking to your witty bored cynical friend who engages in degenerate behaviour.

>> No.8364504

de Beauvoir or Rand.

>> No.8364507

I dont know that she was being melodramatic, she was depressed enough to kill herself.

>> No.8364514

So she essentially is the first whiny feminist white girl?

>> No.8364522

>your witty bored cynical friend who engages in degenerate behaviour.
This is me.

I should probably change.

>> No.8364526

Beauvoir would fuck her girl students and then have thm fuck her husband

>> No.8364533
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>her husband

>> No.8364543


>> No.8364548

This is really hot actually.

>> No.8364549

Are you capable of nuance at all you ungodly plebeian?

>> No.8364557

Who cucked who?

>> No.8364560
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Fuccing Duh

>> No.8364566

there's actually a great New York Times article about this, search for it and read it, i can recommend it.

it makes the conclusion that he cucked her. she adored him more than he did her, so he sort of took advantage of her.
THOUGH she experienced love in her love with her american lover, he just shallow-fucked a bunch of girls. she orgasmed with her lover, never with him.
so in the end, i think she wins nevertheless.

>> No.8364603

new to books? try reading more then come back. no seriously, please go out there and read more, this isn't a hateful or dismissive comment, I'm serious.

>> No.8364614

how can anon recover

>> No.8364620


>> No.8364623

Renata Adler needs more attention in this board.

>> No.8364656

Zadie, Woolf, Yoko Ogawa, Dickinson.
Some Plath. Some Donna Tartt. Didion. Marilynne Robinson.

>> No.8364659

>de le

>> No.8364680

This was not the serious reply I was hoping for, but if your only defence of Plath is "context lel" then that's enough to answer my question. Thanks famalamalam.

>> No.8364689

You're welcome you stupid sonnovabitch, have a nice fucking day.

>> No.8364690

I always forget to mention her.

>> No.8364745
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Marguerite Yourcenar. Memoirs of Hadrian is one of the best books ever written.

>> No.8364755

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.8364761


>> No.8364764
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>> No.8364802

the obvious ones are o'connor, cather, woolf, dickinson.

I like munro a lot as well, and a few joyce carol oates short stories are nice. maybe shirley jackson.

>> No.8364906

If you reqd "literature" written by girls you're a cuck

>> No.8365003

Whats with the lack of /pol/ and r9k cancer today, this thread actually had serious answers in it.

>> No.8365016

I shitpost about how women are evil and shit but there are women who I have respect for and veiw as equals.

>> No.8365040 [DELETED] 

kill yourself, cuck

>> No.8365044

Eudora Welty
Olive Schreiner
Doris Lessing
Dionne Brand
Charlotte Bronte
Mavis Gallant
A.S. Byatt
Jeanette Winterson
Susan Sontag
Emily Dickinson
Sylvia Plath
Virginia Woolf

>> No.8365155


>> No.8365257

Alejandra Pizarnik

>> No.8365366

Are you on steroids?

>> No.8365438

Can't decide which of the Brontë sisters I like more. Probably Charlotte, because Jane Eyre is my waifu. . .

>> No.8365460

Ayn Rand, I'm still not totally convinced she's a woman though.

>> No.8365472

>Hates women
>Likes book by written by a woman
>Author must be a man, it's impossible that I'm wrong about women
hahahaha and you have shit taste m8

>> No.8365505

I like Marguerite Yourcenar
She was a lesbian who didn't really like women all that much despite enjoying fucking them.
I can relate to her.

>> No.8365540



Mein negroid.

Montgomery reminds me beauty exists.

>> No.8365542


Women should not be allowed to speak, write, vote, or read.

>> No.8365572

this is why nobody lets you on the computer, grandpa

>> No.8365684
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t. nu-male cuck

>> No.8365693

t. mindless parrot

>> No.8365696


Have you ever talked to a woman?

>> No.8365702
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>> No.8365713

most of my friends are female. I talk to mmy female friends more than I do my guy friends. I was just at a get-together thing last night with mostly women. I'm texting one right now.

so yes.

>> No.8365718


I never had the desire to read her, but now i do. I guess I always assumed she was going to be a stuffy, intellectual French woman. And a feminist to boot, which is usually a no-no for me. But you've piqued my interest.

>> No.8365723

She is a feminist.

>> No.8365728

Flan Flan FTW.

>> No.8365729


Yeah, I know. That was one of the reasons why I never searched her out before. But "She Came To Stay" sounds pretty interesting.

>> No.8365730
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Then you are lost!

>> No.8365738
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>he's not a Nazi

>> No.8365745

hahaha I'm not even gonna knock you for that one, my female friends have such shit taste in dudes, I give them shit for it all the time.

But it's literally never the Chad-meme like you think, it's just some fuckin weird fuck with shit taste.

>> No.8365753

>calls others a cuck
>using a degenerate weeb picture

Fuck off back to /r9k/

>> No.8365754

Welp, this hit a bit close to home.

>> No.8365761

Savitri Devi

>> No.8365764


Fuck off Schweinhund. Nips are honorary aryans

>> No.8365770
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>> No.8365774
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Gg bait untermensch
As long as you have a gook toon picture youre a fucking race influenced degenerate cuck

>> No.8365784


lol please tell me you aren't joking

>> No.8365792

Anime is degenerare as fuck. Why would I not be joking cuck?

>> No.8365812


Friendzoned again

>> No.8365817
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now you're calling me a cuck lol

anime is good

how is you're first day at #pol?

>> No.8365820

How is anime good? Its a bunch of moe asian bullshit that does nothing more than serve as masturbation material to degenerates like you. Most of the "characters" are women and that should be a red flag

>> No.8365833


there is good anime but you are too trygard ''''''red-pilled''''''' to notice

>> No.8365836

Thats like saying there are good women or minorities. Not true

>> No.8365841


it really isnt

>> No.8365855

T. talks to women

>> No.8365860

Dr lecter. Im FBI

>> No.8365861

any female author who read a line etc

>> No.8365874
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underrated post

>> No.8367159

Astrid Lindgren or Sigrid Undset.

>> No.8367165


>> No.8367173

>as a black man

>> No.8367193
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Does Dworkin have any real merit? I mean, is she worth reading for at least *some* of her ideas, or is it all drivel?

I remember some thing some feminist friend of mine got me to read quoted Dworkin and I thought maybe I'd read her stuff. Then I looked her up and thought again when I realized she looks like she defined the nu-feminist stereotype of angry, ugly woman who doesn't take care of herself.

But maybe my ad hominem is ill conceived and she has at least *one* good, original idea, maybe more?

>> No.8367232

suggest a work?

>> No.8367236


>> No.8367238

Was dworkinposter real or troll?

>> No.8367247

Started reading Alice Meynell yesterday, really liking her work. Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Christina Rossetti are also favourites. Jane Austen obv. Haven't read George Eliot yet, but I probably will eventually.

I've tried reading Woolf, I find her style annoying

>> No.8367254

SJW's hate Dworking because she was anti-tranny. But she does define them otherwise

>> No.8367269

based Sontag.

>> No.8367373

She seems to be an author people like for very personal reasons. I read her diaries and I can relate to her way too much (I'm male if that matters). I don't use that as justification to call her a good writer, but the fact I can relate means I get a lot out of her work. She describes feelings I didn't know I had.

>> No.8367376

>Elizabeth Barrett Browning

>> No.8367445

completely genuine. I went to a college that had a huge "sjw"/feminist scene, and I generally think women are/should be equal or whatever, but I'm a fucking white male and am had a difficult time parsing their dialectic. So I want to put a genuine effort into reading feminist literature (along with the greeks) and judge for myself how to be a good person. You know, the ol' "huh, maybe these people are right, I dunno. Let's check out their fundamental arguments because honestly I don't know shit. Maybe it holds up and maybe it doesn't."

I swear to god I'm not trolling.

is there any tranny literature? Literature by authors who don't conform to the gender binary? Do I believe that's an important distinction? I'm not sure.

>> No.8367475

Alice Munro, you dumb faggot.

>> No.8367670

Her ability to write about the countryside PEI lives of that era is both hilarious and terrifying.

>> No.8367675


>> No.8367805

Very good answer.

I need to read more of her, but I have so much backlog. Year of Magical Thinking was very good.

Xenophobic trash. Try to make a case on your author's merits not their cultural background.

Making some headway in it. It's better now. The opening was annoying to me for some reason.

I have a theory that she was a trans. She reminds me of Margaret Thatcher.

Have you talked to all women ever? Do you know why they, or even all men, are the way they are? NO? Okay, shut up about things you don't understand. Have a nice day.

Memoirs of Hadrian. Would probably help if you knew French.

>De Beauvoir
Funny how open sexual relations makes people "degenerate" but prostitution is perfectly normal and acceptable

>> No.8367821

>prostitution is perfectly normal and acceptable
U wot now?

>> No.8367838

People have fought against homosexuality, bisexuality and polyamory far more than prostitution. Sure a lot of people see brothel workers as scum, but they support and tolerate their presence by and large.

>> No.8367912

ursula le guin

>> No.8367941

>Female author.

That's like asking who my favorite WNBA player is. The correct answer is always, "Who fucking cares?"

>> No.8368007


I read Mercy way back when. Not at all what I was expecting. Most of the chapters read like Peter Sotos. Which was surprising, consider Dworkin wanted any text featuring text with children banned. I guess since her book was a feminist whinge about how awful women have it, her text would be exempt from any future bans.

>> No.8368010

>featuring text with children banned

that should say "sex" not text.

>> No.8368060


>but prostitution is perfectly normal and acceptable

Where? Thailand? In Canada it's still quite illegal, and being a John carries a heavy social stigma. The sex workers themselves are treated with a mixture of pity and contempt.


I would bet good money that anti-vice campaigns against prostitution have been much more extensive and costly than the campaigns against homosexuals. Gay people were and are a tiny minority. It's just become a cause celebre in the last few decades.

>> No.8368075

Sei Shounagon, I guess.

>> No.8368111
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>perfectly normal and acceptable
You can't name me one country it doesn't exist. Not even Vatican City.
>Second point
It does have a negative social stigma, but it is allowed. There's quotes from St. Augustus and Aquinas, they stop short of condoning it but consider it a necessary evil. But in the age of the capitalist gods we've seen an even more schizo opinion on sex. It is sort of getting better, but all these anon who type "degenerate" unironically are sick in the head.

>> No.8368193

>medicalizing ideology

>> No.8368226


Just because something is common doesn't mean it is "perfectly normal and acceptable." For example assault or shoplifting.

>It does have a negative social stigma, but it is allowed

If it has a negative social stigma then by definition it's not acceptable. In most countries it exists on the margins of society, like drug dealing or panhandling.

>Hey Mom, I'm going golfing!
>Okay, have a nice round!

>Hey Mom, I'm going to the brothel!
>You're no son of mine!

>> No.8368239

>She is a feminist.
She didn't want to be called one for a long time. US feminists went gaga over her though for some reason and eventually she gave in.

I'm fairly positive most feminists who recommend her now don't read her because a lot of shit she comes out with, well, makes /pol/ seem loving and well medicated.

Heads up though, if you get Second Sex or any of her theory books, you should expect Heidegger and Marx jargon.
This and the rest of her fiction is much clearer to read.

>> No.8368240


p.s. I don't think prostitution is wrong per se but that's not what the law or society thinks

>> No.8368247
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>But in the age of the capitalist gods we've seen an even more schizo opinion on sex. It is sort of getting better, but all these anon who type "degenerate" unironically are sick in the head.

Mein gott.

>> No.8368251

No one is trying to make assault and shoplifting legal. Police don't round them up in after using them in a show of support for the church group that pushed for a brothel to be shut down.
I know what you're trying to say, but it's kind of baffling that you can't or wont see what I said.

On /lit/ I revealed that I didn't support legalizing prostitution. Anons jumped all over me. I guess this is why I mentioned it here.

Enough. Please.

>> No.8368282
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>this pic
>people like to fuck >: ) XDDDDD
I put my dignity firts. Your mind and body its not for someone that doesnt deserves it. You would work for nothing. Fuck random people because its muh pleasure its complety a degenerate attitude. Theres a natural reason for someone to call you an "slut".

>> No.8368358

>Your mind and body [is] not for someone that doesnt deserves it.
Of course not.
>You would work for nothing.
One never works for nothing. Capitalism or not.
>Fuck random people because its muh pleasure
To each their own. Not my style.
>Theres a natural reason for someone to call you an "slut".
It's called being a prig.

>> No.8368827

stop stealing my waifu, i saw her boobs first

>> No.8368839

Man, what a shit show.

>> No.8368851

If men can be derided as callow womanizers, women can be derided as sluts, too.

Jeez, I'd love to be able to start a campaign against "womanizer-shaming", but I'm not gonna do that, bitch, because it's just retarded.

>> No.8368861

No girls allowed!

>> No.8368897

You think women are inferior creatures who should not be permitted to speak or write, but you admit that most of your friends are women? Are you some new kind of combination of asshole and idiot?

>> No.8368914

>St. Augustus


>> No.8368922
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Depends on the context. If a closed relationship couple has a philanderer sneaking around for the thrill of it, I don't anyone should approve of that. But a lone Don Juan type who picks up on other woman who aren't married or otherwise coupled. I just don't see a problem with that kind of "womanizer"

>> No.8368931
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HA! Augustine

>> No.8368939


Going to have to go with Patricia Highsmith

>> No.8368941

>implying womanizers stop being womanizers just because they're married or in a LTR
>implying sluts stop being sluts because they're married or in a LTR

The naivete makes my brain hurt.

>> No.8368953

If it makes you feel any better, I've done it in person in front of someone presenting a paper on Augustine.

>> No.8368971
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If a couple or partner isn't mature enough to either abstain or invite a mutually agreed upon open relationship, there will be problems. I thought I inferred that enough.
Take an aspirin dear, there's no naivete here.

>> No.8369120


Bane was an anarchist though.

Having seen the movie, I don't even consider him a bad guy. His motives may have not been to help Gotham, but he removed all of the control and allowed people to get justice against corruption.

>> No.8369552
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Agreed, am rereading atm.