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8361174 No.8361174[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does free will exist?

>> No.8361181

I want to eat that girl's ass.

>> No.8361184

bet it smells really nice

Would like a taste as well

>> No.8361185

>palo alto
No thanks.

>> No.8361191
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>> No.8361197



this fetish plainly results from the disbelief that you could please a woman with the ol' P in V

>> No.8361203

Do you want to live your life without a little kinky fuckery, you three eyed hamster you

>> No.8361204

well d'uh

>> No.8361207

Does that mean free will exists

>> No.8361211


>> No.8361212

I'd rather just plow her tight immaculate cunt.

>> No.8361217

>palo alto
Hello out of state friend.

>> No.8361227



>> No.8361230


Palo Alto, isn't that the one city in California all the rich Silicon Valley people live in? We both know she probably washes her coochie 6 times a day.

>> No.8361234

No, you're misunderstanding, I've been with plenty of girls. The ones from Palo Alto let you stick it anywhere mang.

>> No.8361237

of course not, friend.
why are there two threads about this?

>> No.8361238

Never read Less Than Zero?
[/spoiler]Its all true[/spoiler]

>> No.8361239

hook me up with one of them, lad, I need validation. I'm dying with loneliness and need a bit of faux affection.

>> No.8361246

Let's have a /lit/ California meet up.
We'll all dress like knockoff Karouacs and fuck everything that walks.

>> No.8361248

Way to fuck up the spoiler, also can't say I have.

>> No.8361260

It's all about rich California kids with AIDS.
You aren't missing anything.

>> No.8361284

Ok, cool. I've got too long of a backlog as is.

>> No.8361318

I was listening to a recording by Sam Harris while casually browsing /r/funnygifs and he said no. He's probably right, considering he's so much smarter than all of those Christian retards and regressive lefties.

>> No.8361343

Aye m80.
A pirate came to me in a dream and told me so.
You can eat all the fresh Palo Alto ass your will orders you to.

>> No.8361355

what do hot girls' buttholes even smell like?

>> No.8361360

Only if you have a metaphysical component, or soul, if you will.

>> No.8361361

Hot girls don't poop so probably whatever kind of perfume they wear.

>> No.8361367
File: 85 KB, 550x825, Jaden-Smith-Louis-Vuitton-Fall-2016-Fashion-Show-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she's Jaden Smith's fucktoy.

>> No.8361385

so that's a no then?

>> No.8361394

>implying the thought of a hot girl grunting as she takes a huge shit isn't erotic as fuck

>> No.8361399

not that anon, but what is the obsession with _kink_
99% of people will try shit like that and end up regretting it later because of how obviously disgusting it is.

>> No.8361409

Shut up and let me pee on you desu.

>> No.8361410
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>> No.8361418
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>> No.8361437


why would she do that to herself

so sad

>> No.8361452


>> No.8361472


Niggers are cool and get the highest quality white women.
While you were busy memeing about Pynchon and watching interracial cuckoldry porn, we were perfecting the skills (dribbling basket balls, free-styling) that signal our high value in this society. Evolve or die. Your best bet is to stop learning Ancient Greek immediately and go for Ebonics.

>> No.8361477



>> No.8361481

Hey man.
I sleep with black girls.

>> No.8361494


In fact I do not like Pynchon (I am fan of Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Aeschylus, Montaigne, Chekhov - If you wonder what I'm doing here at /lit/) and I have a beautiful girlfriend (she looks like a young Audrey Hepburn ).

And yes, I know you are trolling. Also, something tells me that you are not black, but whatever: I do not care.

Stay well .

>> No.8361503

Fuck off Jaden.

>> No.8361506


Oh, I forgot (I am this guy: >>8361494 )

is also true for me: I always liked black girls.

>> No.8361535

Who is she

>> No.8361537

Who said anything about race, jaden smith is simply a sissy annoying fag

>> No.8361583
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>> No.8361600

>Niggers are cool and get the highest quality white women.


>> No.8361609

I feel bad for Will, he keeps hyping up jayen as the next him and seems to actually genuinely believe it will happen

>> No.8361616

Why'd you have to say that? That's like a /pol/ rally cry you fuck. They're going to overrun us now like t*rks.

>> No.8361631

>Niggers are cool and get the highest quality white women.
>niggers are desperate and will happily date fat ugly white women to satisfy their demented ass lust

>> No.8361687



>> No.8361703

literally the only post in this thread actually discussing free will and it's a fucking meme

>> No.8361735


>> No.8361790

Free will isn't lit related, so fuck off. The Op got banned.

>> No.8362743

You are wrong my nigga, Jaden Smith gets what he gets because he is one of the highly sophisticated philosophes of our time.

>> No.8362764

tolstoy sucks

>> No.8362773
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>Immaculate cunt.

Literally PornHub tier commenting my friend. Kill yourself. At least use some better terminology.

>> No.8362852

-Does free will exists /lit/?
-Man I need to eat that girls butthole
-I bet it isn't even that clean
This for the rest of the thread
Wew lads, thanks.

>> No.8362966


>> No.8362983

>being this vanilla
>not having girl's ass and pussy for breakfast

lmao @ your life pleb

>> No.8363079
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No free will does not exist
You're essentially just watching the move of your life unfold with absolutely no control
You don't choose what you see, or what you hear, or what you feel. Thoughts are the same, you don't choose what you think, what you think just suddenly appears in conscious, prompted by either experience or the subconscious. In addition to have no control over what you think, you have no control over what you do or decide to do.
When your driving a car, and you daydream the entire drive, and not think about any of the actions you had to take for the whole course, most people immediately accept this as obvious and natural. "Yeah dude you just go on auto-pilot like with most motor-control"
Now think about that for a second, you could steer and manage gears without any thought at all. This is pretty much your entire life, the only difference between the "daydreaming" and the "feeling in control" is whether your conscious is focusing on your actions or not. But either way, your actions play out as normal.
In addition to movement, concentrate next time you need to make a decision, and witness the actual experience of making it.
Say you go to the fridge, and are choosing between a sandwich or noodles. The pros and cons of both are just fed to your mind, and after a while of essentially just going braindead not thinking, one will just click as the answer. How did you make this decision? You didn't really do anything, it sort of just happened.
This is the reality for every decision, thought, and action you've ever made. They all simply just "happen". So get comfy in your head up there and enjoy the right, and just hope (in a completely figurative sense) that you determinism plays out well.

>> No.8363081


>> No.8363083


I typed that to quickly, not that I had a say

>> No.8363095

This is all bullshit
I chose noodles because I felt like noodles

>> No.8363098

> I felt like noodles
Right, you felt it.

>> No.8363106
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Okay disregarding the ad hominem
Why did you feel like noodles? Did you decide that? No, there was an unexplainable innate desire for noodles over a sandwich. This of course is only unexplainable from a conscious perspective, the real reason would be complex biological determinants such as lower levels of sodium than iron/zinc/copper etc making your subconscious decide noodles to be the more beneficial option, and then feeding that decision to your conscious experience creating the illusion that you made it. Then your hands and mouth go on auto-pilot and consume it. This has pretty much all been confirmed experimentally btw

>> No.8363232

who cares if free will exist.

the only way to determine if free will exists, would be to go back in time and change an action. sinse that isn't possible, just enjoy the ride and stop concerning yourself with your part in it.

>> No.8363265

only if you want it too anon

>> No.8363284

I know this sounds fedora but I figured out there can be no free will once I became familiar with the concept of causality, I was like 12 years old.
It baffles me there are grown-ass dudes out there who cannot understand that there is no free will.

Even if you pretend the world isn't entirely deterministic, you don't even have free will over your thoughts, every thought you have seems to occur completely random.
Just try to predict the next thought or the next decision that will arise in your consciousness, you just can't.
What I'm saying is, even if there is no deterministic root behind the arising of thoughts, you still have 0.00% control over it.

There is no free will fuck offffff

>> No.8363294

nigga I suggest you study up real hard on the amygdala.

if free will didn't exist then everytime we got a boner we'd just whip it out and beat off right then and there, and any time we felt hungry we'd just take some food without paying for it.

if free will didn't exist then addicts would be abolutly hopeless and there wouldn't be any 12 steps or drug treatment.
but people get over addictions, and we have those.

yes I know its rare and relapses are even more common, but there are people who beat the addiction through focus and force of will.

>> No.8363298

also take some mindfulness courses

you can defintly control your thinking.

>im breathing
>im thinking about the sensation of my chest expanding and collapsing
>my next thought will be this

>> No.8363312

Even mice can wean themselves of an addiction. You can predict if a mouse will continue using a substance or try to quit by referring to his environment. Therefore the environment plays a more crucial role in decision in regards to addiction.

>> No.8363320

but who chooses to change the environment?

>> No.8363381

>even mice
Ah, the old fallacy in which we pretend animals are incapable of thought and willpower like good Abrahamic keks.
Also, those predictions are not 100% accurate.

>> No.8363391
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>if free will didn't exist then everytime we got a boner we'd just whip it out and beat off right then and there, and any time we felt hungry we'd just take some food without paying for it.

It's interesting to see how ignorant people can be, while believing themselves to be educated.

You're on mount stupid, anon.

>pic related

>> No.8363449

Im totally going to agree with and let your comment stand on its own without levying any sort need of feedback on what I SAID rather than WHO I am.

seriously educate me
its why Im here.

>> No.8363452

Nah, women just smell like food because they belong In the _______

>> No.8363472

>Do you believe in free will?
I have no choice

>> No.8363474

If you don't get the point he's making then you really are incredibly stupid

>> No.8363476


The irony here is delicious.

>> No.8363477

>seriously educate me
I just have to finish burning my life savings in a big ol bonfire first.

>> No.8363479


Ok, babes.

We are animals whose behaviour is governed by genetic and environmental programming, stored in the form of particular nucleotide arrangements and neural networks that correspond to our genetic code and an array of psychological mechanisms crafted by the processes of natural selection.

These psychological mechanisms govern an array of behavioural programs, which developed in response to the adaptive problems humans faced throughout their evolutionary history.

Many of these programs conflict with one another and the elaborate mosaic they form upon interacting with one another and the external environment is what produces an individual's behaviour.

The reason the average person wouldn't 'whip it out' in public upon feeling the urge to masturbate is because to do so would be a social taboo.

Mechanisms related to social prestige, self-esteem (self-assessment of one's mate value), in-group mentality and the web of culturally mediated negative association heavily conflict with such an urge; therefore, it is unlikely to occur and only rarely observed.

Competing programs mediate out behaviour; therefore, your example is not only naïve but ultimately fallacious.

Oh and in case you're interested, free will is an illusion.

>> No.8363480

Do you ever try to juxtapose your libido's view of women with a stripped-down "realist" view of them? Like, really let your mind flood with vivid, colorful imagery of how you want to take this girl in front of you at the bus stop and pull down her jean shorts and spread her buttcheeks apart and smell her asshole, and then try to hang on to that entire thought while also thinking
>She's just an ape. Another ape, like me. She's 99% similar to me but her hormones are slightly different so she has slightly less angular features. She's basically a guy. A guy ape. She's just a male ape with a rounder face. There are even men with feminine features, so it's not unique to them. There is no feminine quintessence. She is just an ape. I want to smell an ape's asshole. But I find "man ape" asshole repellent. But she is functionally a man ape, subtype-B. I want to lick the shitting hole of a genderless ape.

>> No.8363484


make love to me

>> No.8363485

and you seem to be reiterating without explaining.

how does my reasoning that if determinism were true we would have no self control over our baser instincts?
and we would be ruled by our hormones

>> No.8363504


so how do we choose what "programs" to follow?

what happens when you are confronted with a rock and a hard place?
two evils
coke or pepsi
or what to study in college
or choosing to go to a nude beach versus a clothed beach?

and if proving free will is merely rising above the establishment or social norms then I would say free will is rare, or aquired rather than inherent.
but definitely not an illusion .

>> No.8363515
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no you can only rearticulate the structures that are always and only exist within you.

there is no escaping, and probably literally everything is ideology

>> No.8363524

sounds pretty utilitarian to me

last I checked not even our political system is utilitarian

>> No.8363529

>be yourself

>> No.8363542


>so how do we choose what "programs" to follow?

We don't choose.

The 'choice' is already made and the it is the experience of choice that is the illusion.

How one responds to any given stimuli will be determined by their genetic and environmental programming.

We work on a stimulus-response/input-output basis.

What we know to be consciouss awareness is essentially an internal simulation, which is fed information regarding responses/actions/output after they have been executed.

Our actions are 'decided' before we become aware of them.

>> No.8363546

>The reason the average person wouldn't 'whip it out' in public upon feeling the urge to masturbate is because to do so would be a social taboo.
And yet plenty of other social taboos like theft, rape, adultery can be justified with "I couldn't help it".

>> No.8363550

>which is fed information regarding responses/actions/output after they have been executed.

>he thinks the arm reflex experiments prove fatalism

>> No.8363566


>he thinks the arm reflex experiments prove fatalism

Alien Hand Syndrome*

And no, no I do not.

>> No.8363573

I'm not talking about the Alien Hand Syndrome though. The appearance of impulses before cognition has been observed and recorded. It doesn't prove fatalism.

>> No.8363616

It's crazy how short it is to explain your whole life and how much people would better themselves and be happier just knowing this.

Women are so far to realise this it makes them easy to play with like small toys.

Oh and I like to eat ass.
Since there are others here with the same taste, how long do you wait to just lick it with passion when in a serious relationship ?

>> No.8363626


you are basic

>> No.8363635


>And yet plenty of other social taboos like theft, rape, adultery can be justified with "I couldn't help it"

I'm going to have to explain everything to you, aren't I?

Ok at the neuroscientific level, dopamine mediated goal pursuit programs mediated human striving/desire.

Now let’s look at adultery…

If a mechanism corresponding to short-term mating strategy is triggered by environmental stimuli and subsequently one’s dopamine mediated goal pursuit circuitry fires up, then providing the rush of dopamine, glutamate and norepinephrine is sufficient enough to eclipse the negative association relating to the act of infidelity the individual is likely to engage in said short term mating strategy.

The individual may resist the urge to pursue such a goal numerous times; however, cognitive dissonance typically implies that if the urge persists and is particularly intense, then the individual will yield to it.

It’s a case of competing routines and which ones win depends on the degree of neural energy afforded to them.

The consequences of such an act are also resultant of competing routines, in relation to both the individual and their long term mate.

For example, on the part of the cheater: guilt reinforcing long term mating and shame reinforcing societal norms.

On the part of the long term mate: anger and grief acting to negatively reinforce such behaviour, perhaps desire to enact revenge and possibly the desire to terminate the relationship.

>> No.8363639

>how much people would better themselves and be happier just knowing this.
Only simpletons like yourself.

>> No.8363644



I don't see anybody arguing fatalism ITT.

Predeterminism ≠ fatalism.

>> No.8363652
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The answer is "dependent co-arising". your existence, including all of your actions, thoughts and responses, springs into existence simultaneously with the entire universe you are observing and interacting with. each, your consciousness and the entirety of existence, are dependent on each other for their creation. with the caveat that all of your being is entirely dependent on the unknowable manifestations of reality, you are being endowed with free will. remember, of course, that you originally chose, at the beginning of time, to have numerous unconscious or instinctual reactions that pretty much control you. those, you can make more conscious, if you try. the desire to try to be more conscious is also innate, as the desire to merge with all and become superconscious is what drives all of existence. what that state may be like is entirely unknowable to us in the present, but we can experience glimpses of it at any moment if we let ourselves do so.
And i would definitely eat her ass out, along with her pussy, and come buckets down her soft warm throat.

>> No.8363654

>Would like a taste
Perfectly understandable within the fantasy of a loving stable relationship etc etc
>as well
Pure degeneracy

>> No.8363657

He couldn't control himself.

>> No.8363658

sarah snyder

>> No.8363661
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>> No.8363743

But infidelity is not a short term mating strategy. It's not a mating strategy at all.
Guilt and shame don't always appear (or subside very quickly), and the long term mate isn't always given consideration. These have no bearing whatsoever on the actual choice of making the decision to engage in the taboo act anyway.
These don't contradict what you say in terms of the mechanisms themselves, but the argument in the light of what you said basically becomes "programs work as intended and predetermined, except when they don't, but that's all still predetermined ok" which is retarded. You're also forgetting the fact that whatever programming we have is not static- it changes. Not only due to environmental pressure, but paradoxically also due to the supposedly predetermined choices we make. While you will always be constrained into your programming the programming itself can change, so what you will be constrained to isn't predetermined at all.

It's the exact same thing. Only difference is that instead of a sky man determining your fate, le Selection does. Of course Selection doesn't determine whether a truck will you or not, but that's just a disadvantage of not being a sky man. The deterministic nature of the universe on the other hand means that only one course of action can come true, so the conspiracy of the laws of physics that relate to the "outside" and biological determinism means that what will happen to you is predetermined as well. Predetermination of one's actions plus predetermination of what events one will face equals fate.

>> No.8363788


You haven't understood a single thing I have posted.

>But infidelity is not a short term mating strategy

Nobody said it was.

Infidelity is the result of interacting mating stratergies.

>Guilt and shame don't always appear (or subside very quickly), and the long term mate isn't always given consideration.

Nobody said they do, or that they should or that the long term mate should be considered, only that they typically do and are.

Whether somebody experiences guilt or shame will again be based on their programming.

That is to say, whether mechanisms are triggered and programs executed will be determined by the initial programming/set up.

That is to say once more, how somebody reacts to any form of input will depend on their programming.

>programs work as intended and predetermined, except when they don't, but that's all still predetermined ok

That doesn't describe anything I have said, in the slightest.

>You're also forgetting the fact that whatever programming we have is not static- it changes

You clearly haven't read my posts properly, see >>8363479

>Many of these programs conflict with one another and the elaborate mosaic they form upon interacting with one another and the external environment is what produces an individual's behaviour.

>While you will always be constrained into your programming the programming itself can change

Yes, changes due to predetermined interactions based on the programming of other individuals and the laws of physics.

In relation to your fatalism argument, yes bilogical determinism implies fate.

I took fatalism to mean the philosophical doctrine, which also encompases aspects of defeatism.

>> No.8363811

I was going to say "Dependent origination is the Buddha's teaching. Don't bring this charlatan into it" but the anon's post is Chopra tier indeed.

>springs into existence simultaneously with the entire universe you are observing and interacting with
Only as far as the experienced universe goes. The mind doesn't literally create the universe. Mind and body however are literally created by the universe.
>your being is entirely dependent on the unknowable manifestations of reality
No, it is simply dependent on ignorance and the karma created due to it.
>the beginning of time
Doesn't exist.
>as the desire to merge with all and become superconscious is what drives all of existence
No, the desire to exist and to be annihilated, and to always experience something or other does it. That's why beings take rebirth.
> what that state may be like is entirely unknowable to us in the present, but we can experience glimpses of it at any moment if we let ourselves do so.
It requires training.
>free will
The Buddhist conception of free will actually doesn't recognize the absolute independent free will posited by Abrahamics and others, and it also doesn't recognize absolute determinism (Hinduism does). What it recognizes is conditioning.

>> No.8363819


>> No.8363832 [DELETED] 

Willy dindu nuffin
he a good boi

>> No.8363845
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Willy dindu nuffin
he a good boi

>> No.8363853
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behavior requires willful agency to boil it down the entire process of decision making is a mistake.
Man isn't a reactive animal, he is a creative animal. A person can choose to do something given the time and space. Sure knowledge will help them become aware of more possibilities , and environment do frame our choices, but put man by himself , given enough time he can do anything he damn well pleases.

You are also just explaining how we make our choices not that weather we can make free ones. I think we have the capacity to do so.

blood flow isn't the be all end of of brain activity
and given there are certain localizations in the brain but to imply that we can glean that much specific information from reading the blood flow in the brain is a bit far fetched I'd say.
Blood flow is the exact thing that the fMRI measures which was used in those studies.

>> No.8363863


What is up with millennials and anal fixation?

>> No.8363866
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>behavior requires willful agency... [because] I think we have the capacity to do so.

>x is true because I think it is, despite everything but feels implying otherwise

Ok anon, have a good day.

>> No.8363870

>Nobody said it was.
You did.
>Nobody said they do,
You brought them to the table champ. I guess your programming had a bug there.
>Whether somebody experiences guilt or shame will again be based on their programming.
Yes, if you pay attention no one in the history of intellectual thought (no one worth noting anyway) claimed that emotions are a matter of free will. Neither did I. But feeling guilt due to something is different than taking an action.
>That doesn't describe anything I have said, in the slightest.
It does.
>You clearly haven't read my posts properly, see >>8363479
I read it. It says nothing about the actual modification of programs, just that different programs can be launched (as determined by another program- itself modifiable intentionally or unintentionally).
>Yes, changes due to predetermined interactions based on the programming of other individuals and the laws of physics.
Exactly, and what does this say about predetermination again? Because for predetermination to be true, ONLY A SINGLE OUTCOME can be possible. If your program changes, leading you to adopt a different set of actions, what does this say about your action being predetermined?
Of course, if you extend determinism to its proper scale -universal- then this indeed doesn't mean anything either. But otherwise, the supposed predetermination itself is discontinuous. Which cannot be. Which brings us to...
>yes bilogical determinism implies fate.
Not just biological, boy. Determinism itself implies fate.
>also encompases aspects of defeatism.
Ah. Here we are then. You're deluding yourself despite your professed adherence to determinism. Under the kind of determinism you profess, whether you feel like it or not, you're already defeated. Nothing that you intend or do has any relevance, they've all been predetermined. I repeat, everything that you will do, and will happen to you, is predetermined. You don't feel that way because your programming tries to infuse your fragile mind with a modicum of paradoxical self importance, but all that's really happening is that you're a marionette dancing at the hands of the invisible puppeteer. In the interest of intellectual honesty you would do well to drop the fancy term and just profess fatalism.

>> No.8363884


>You did.

No anon, I said:

>If a mechanism corresponding to short-term mating strategy is triggered by environmental stimuli and subsequently one’s dopamine mediated goal pursuit circuitry fires up, then providing the rush of dopamine, glutamate and norepinephrine is sufficient enough to eclipse the negative association relating to the act of infidelity the individual is likely to engage in said short term mating strategy.

Clearly short term mating stratergy and infidelity are used exclusively.

>Nothing that you intend or do has any relevance, they've all been predetermined. I repeat, everything that you will do, and will happen to you, is predetermined.

Yes, this is exactly the case.

Anway anon, you haven't understood my posts and you are clearly an idiot, so goodbye.

>> No.8363888



>> No.8363906

you've misunderstood pretty much everything that anon has said, right from the beginning.

>> No.8363916

>ONLY A SINGLE OUTCOME can be possible. If your program changes, leading you to adopt a different set of actions, what does this say about your action being predetermined?

Are you insane?

The change in program would be due to interactions with other programs and the 'external environment' (as the other anon put it), which are all predetermined.

The change is part of a predetermined web of interations.

>> No.8363918
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>behavior requires willful agency... [because] I think we have the capacity to do so.


>x is true because I think it is, despite my bullshit explanation about fucking dopamine and glutamate dictate weather I jack off with my left hand or my right hand. Even though I'm just taking the word of scientists who put everyone under a goddamn bell curve and oh god oh god I can stop sucking soooo much dick and fisting my ass till I bleed out.


>> No.8363924
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>> No.8363928


>Even though I'm just taking the word of scientists who put everyone under a goddamn bell curve and oh god oh god I can stop sucking soooo much dick and fisting my ass till I bleed out.

I know you.

You were in that thread yesterday.

Have fun being a retard.

>> No.8363939
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>this thread

>> No.8363940

have fun being a meat robot you massive massive faggot

>> No.8363946


Do you by any chance live in the UK?

>> No.8363954

>bullshit explanation about fucking dopamine and glutamate
>scientists who put everyone under a goddamn bell curve

You should identify yourself as anti-scientific before you engage in arguments with others.

It would save everybody a whole lot of time.

>> No.8363965

Hella down

>> No.8363974
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Be honest: what have you read of him?

>> No.8363984

yeah it's kind of hard reading the entire war and peace and saying "wow tolstoy sucks"

>> No.8363987

this picture is unfunny fucking garbage. kill yourself.

>> No.8363992


dude Im the one here considering all the advancements science and human will has brought us.

sure all these chemical interactions in specific areas of the brain and various metabolic and our environment do play a large role in HOW we make decisions. but becuase of fucking SCIENCE I can choose to overdose on prozac and book a flight to thailand.

so unless you come at me with just insults you better just sit the fuck down and accept that you're choosing not to believe that you choose not to believe.

>> No.8364014

I'm on my phone so can you provide sauce of the pic please?

>> No.8364072

This is an elementary school-tier philosophy question. There is no contradiction between free will and determinism. They are obviously both real. If you are an adult male and you can't understand this you are definitely mentally stunted and you should not be on this board.

>> No.8364127

There's too much conflicting information for my airhead brain to answer with confidence. I read an interesting article yesterday though which featured some studies challenging conventional wisdom.


>> No.8364177

there literally isn't a self tho

>> No.8364185

>Reading science articles out of science publications.
That's the problem. But hey, everyone is 'free' to fool themselves.

>> No.8364452

More like does free jayden exist.

>> No.8364461

Did you have an existential crisis befitting a man twice your age?

>> No.8364462

what the

>> No.8364464

>having girl's ass and pussy
I hope you're not doing it in that order.

>> No.8364676

then why does ideology matter so much?

>> No.8366481

you assume we aren't able to overcome our innate predetermined choice.

let's say that i am on a diet. one day i am desperately craving steak but i know that a salad would be a better choice. if i am craving steak then it must be that my biological determinants are telling me to eat those certain minerals. i choose the salad and ignore my innate biological desire for the steak.

>> No.8366487

same senpai

>> No.8366491

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.8366510

From the human perspective, yes. From the hypothetical perspective of a being that occupies 5 dimensions, no, because to them, the entire existence of the universe would be a static object.

These arguments on free will arise because we are capable of postulating about higher-dimensional awareness, even if we do not posses it.

>> No.8366910

you still got an isolated brain tho, its just too volatile to be considered a constant.

>> No.8366943

This thread was more interesting when it was about eating ass...

>> No.8366984


Look nigger. I haven't read the other posts in the thread but let me tell you this. You didn't choose your will. Now, you can do what you want (what you will) to a large extent, but you can't will your will. None of us have freedom of the will. In fact, the question doesn't even make sense. Without a will in the first place, how would you even 'choose' a will? Based on what preferences? We need a predetermined will to will anything in the first place.

>> No.8367218

>disregarding the ad hominem

if you dont know what a term means, dont use it

>> No.8367279

the Subject is irreducible.

>> No.8367297

So she can get a billionaire father-in-law

>> No.8367328
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Free from what?

>> No.8367394
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Yes. Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolf Steiner explains it quite well.

>> No.8367570

What does Rudy say?

>> No.8368133

Fucking MODS, why are these threads allowed?

>> No.8368237

Yes. Wait- no.

>> No.8368332

Why does my vision go blurry when I'm drunk?

>> No.8368443

she's trash, she's a shoplifter

>> No.8368444

Life is like a walk through forested path with a few forking off this way and that. You can pick one way or the other, you can rush through it or take your time.

Life is not like a clock with perfectly meshing gears.

You can do whatever you like and are capable of with your time along the path. You just can't do anything you want.

>> No.8368449

innate biological desire to be healthy / attractive and not fucking die is more powerful than innate desire for mm nice food

>> No.8368468
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Free Will is inextricably linked with the idea of 'Personal Responsibility', which is nothing more than a means by which to impute the idea of guilt unto others - thereby giving he who imputes a licence to judge and/or judge.

For this reason, the whole idea can be readily dismissed. Distrust all those in whom the urge to punish is powerful.

Mankind is not ever responsible for its actions. All actions are a consequence of the butterfly effect writ large. In short, you can do what you will, but you cannot will what you will.

>> No.8368479


>judge and/or judge.

A retarded Nietzscheposter, just as I thought.

>> No.8368491

i hate to break this to you
but i have strong reason to believe you've got a bad case of the 'tism

>> No.8368664

strawberry ice cream

>> No.8368670
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Wait, so if all I want to do is lay on an antique couch with these things, why do I read books?

>> No.8368678

stale girl sweat smells just like the space between your balls and your leg when it gets sweaty, there's almost no difference, except it's overpowering and it's everywhere because their clammy thighs trap it in there. also assholes can smell like nothing at all, but more often have "unique" smells because they trap the sweat in there with some poo pheromones or something. i think it's just farts. honestly i think it's just trapped farts. but i don't care because i like it anyway.

when i was 5 years old i would dare my teenage babysitter to sit on my face in just her panties and i can still remember what her asshole smelled like. i want to find her.

>> No.8369100

nah famm

>> No.8369165

>what is the ego and super-ego

>> No.8369227

He revisits the arguments frequently used by those that deny a free will, differentiates what constitutes free will from doing something subconciously and relates it towards morality and right behaviour towards the end. It's quite easy to read and the English translation is quite I believe.

>> No.8369554

And girls getting raeped while drunk ;)

>> No.8369589

Literally no. The ones usually talking about free will bullshit are really talking about taking the best available opportunities in a selfish manner. They haven't disengaged themselves from desire for profit or gain. But unless one removes such desires one will always be a slave to them, always choosing the higher return over the smaller. Even a machine can do that. How can it be said that there is free will?

>> No.8369926



>> No.8369996

Free will does not really exist materially; it has no material implementation since all existent things (including us) are composed of unconscious matter, and unconscious matter is contingent and one property of contingent things is that any thing can't transition from potential to actual without a cause, so the operation of all material involves this process, meaning that a thing depends on what came before it in time.
So in that sense, there is no free will.

However, human beings have consciousness, which means we have binding power regarding immaterial things.
In a nutshell, the existence of the concept of free will proves that there is free will.
Or the fact that there is an interiority incommensurable with the exterior proves free will.
If God is the prime mover, imagine conscious beings such as humans to be 'composite' movers, we can conduct within ourselves something that has no exact material instantiation.
You wouldn't say that brain matter is exactly consciousness, only that it may produce consciousness, albeit in not the same way as a material thing produces another material thing, but in a way that stretches eternity to that place where unconscious matter becomes paradoxically alive.

So I say, no, free will doesn't exist.
But we still have it somehow.
In the same way that there is good in evil, or in the same way that the bush burned and was not consumed, in that way only we have free will.

>> No.8370005

Oh, and this.

>> No.8370011


>> No.8370025

>when i was 5 years old i would dare my teenage babysitter to sit on my face in just her panties and i can still remember what her asshole smelled like. i want to find her.

You lucky bastard

>> No.8370026


Yes, because we exist outside of time.

Also morality.

t. Kant

>> No.8370054
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No, read Free Will by Sam Harris

>> No.8370121

underrated reply

>> No.8370154

how did you write this, if you don't have free will?

>> No.8370331

Okay, but what if he chooses the steak instead? than the "less powerful" innate desire took control specifically because he chose to have the steak instead of being healthy/attractive

>> No.8370373

>poo pheromones or something
Nice science.

>> No.8370441

The only honest answer is this: we don't know. If you mean "free will" in an reductionist, materialist way, i.e. agency - then yes, it probably does. But if you mean "people are able to make autonomous, conscious decisions despite programming, peer pressure and outside influences", then I'd be more skeptical.

>> No.8370449

> If you mean "free will" in an reductionist, materialist way, i.e. agency

He doesn't mean that, because that's called 'freedom of action'

>> No.8370464

There are three possible scenarios:

1) Once the universe started going (whatever caused it is now irrelevant for this discussion) it was like a very complicated machine that would go through its life in accordance with the initial set conditions, meaning that your post was destined to happen the moment the universe came into existence. In this scenario you are no more responsible for the place of every atom than the decision what you will eat tomorrow.
2) There is some unknown randomness to the universe, be that quantum mechanics or whatever, in which case you are no more responsible for the random elements than you are for the initial condition of the universe, therefore you do not have free will.
3) Some combination of the two and since you had absolutely no power over either of them, free will doesn't exist.

You are watching a shitty movie with absolute cutting edge technology that deluded you into thinking you move the camera.