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/lit/ - Literature

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8357384 No.8357384 [Reply] [Original]

Is watching a movie the same thing as reading a book

>> No.8357393

No. In the case of the former one watches a movie, whereas in the latter one reads a book.

They are qualitatively different experiences

>> No.8357398

Not necessarily. There are menu similarities. You didn't prove anything sir.

>> No.8357418


>There are menu similarities


You are comparing apples with bananas, it's that simple. The argument is that since they are different things in essence, their experience differ in principle.

It's like comparing the taste of, well, apples and bananas. Of course there are vague similarities, but no wise man would say those make them "equal" in any way.

>> No.8357423

You're just speaking nonsense. Movies and books tell stories in the same way

>> No.8357427
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>Movies and books tell stories in the same way

I refuse to fall for the bait anymore than I have already done

>> No.8357431

is an audio book the same as reading a book?

>> No.8357433

I'm not baiting I just don't understand how u can't see the very similar parallels

>> No.8357441
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>is x y?

>> No.8357453


It's not THAT they tell stories what makes them different. It's HOW they tell them that is important.

>> No.8357471

Aren't you reading when you watch a movie with subtitles? Or watch a silent movie? There's a lot of similiRties don't deny that

>> No.8357482

Hey /lit/,

is Unorthodox Concept A true?

I am hereby officially gracing you with the burden of proof!

Best regards.

>> No.8357492

How do you mean? Reading books is objectively a better positive experience for your brain. It's been proven that your brain activity is higher and your brain is more engaged reading books than staring at a screen.

Don't get me wrong I love movies too.

>> No.8357500

You have to admit their similar though

>> No.8357504

>objectively better

>> No.8357518


>> No.8357525

Obviously not. Movies work within the senses.

>> No.8357526

>your brain activity is higher and your brain is more engaged reading books than staring at a screen, and therefore it is objectively better experience for your brain to read books than to watch movies


>> No.8357557

No, Billy. We're glad you learned that using a keyboard is not the same as throwing a ball, but you should really practise throwing a ball some more since you got so good at this typing thing. It's okay if you throw your keyboard by accident again too. We'd be glad to see that trick.

>> No.8357561

Are you calling me stupid ?0

>> No.8357574

Of course not, Billy; you're just special.

>> No.8357579

Just stop bruh not cool. I was just curious

>> No.8357621


>> No.8357625

Holy fuck. Get off this board.

>> No.8357628

This thread is absolute shit.

>> No.8357631

What did I say that bothered you axactly

>> No.8357657


>> No.8357722


>> No.8357769


>> No.8357783

Yes. They are literally the exact same thing.

>> No.8357789

Thought so

>> No.8357799


>> No.8357819


>> No.8357870

[citation needed]

Visual media - text, still art, film - are ontologically similar, and differ phenomenologically only because that's what people have made each medium and the how they are "supposed" to be experienced out to be. For all intents and purposes you're probably not going to "read" films the same way you do a novel, but the line between what it means to read anything at all is a gray area; if you want to get technical there's arguably no philosophically substantial difference.

I had film professors who would pause films every shot and ask what every element - framing, mes, cinematography, editing, ie basic stuff - was doing and how it was contributing to the narrative, how it could tie into some theory or meaning of the film, and so on. The process could take up to 8 hours at a time. Sounds pretty engaged to me.

>> No.8357942


>> No.8357962


>> No.8358006


>> No.8358015
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>this thread

>> No.8358027


>> No.8358087

Underrated as fuck

>> No.8358089


>> No.8358111


>> No.8358157


>> No.8358227


>> No.8358235

I acquiesce this. Only because there can be significant overlap.

>> No.8358239


>> No.8358468


>> No.8358507
File: 21 KB, 228x320, 1460872028370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature its art.
If films its like literature them its are art; them vidego games are art.
Video Games are NOT art. So fuck off to >>>/tv/.
Nice try, OP.
But that

>> No.8358515


>> No.8358631


>> No.8358634


everything is ideal

>> No.8358650


>> No.8358797


>> No.8358802

Is August the same as September?

I wish...

>> No.8358822


>> No.8358840

Some films could be equated to a short story or novella. Other films are basically trash. A movie would have to be very long to be as mentally engaging as a good book.

>> No.8358841

How do you report same-fagging?

Does the janitor see only one report at a time, or if multiple are reported will they get the picture?

>> No.8358842

Do you think there is same flagging in this thread or something?

>> No.8358847

Obviously not dumb ass.

>> No.8358848


>> No.8358850

Explain your point. Nobody in this thread has really proved me wrong or convinced me otherwise

>> No.8358866


>> No.8358872

>Is watching... the same thing as reading ...

is licking the same thing as tasting?

>> No.8358873

You can read without using your eyes, dummy.

Invalid analogy.

>> No.8358879


>> No.8358890

what? you asked a question

>> No.8358895

You use your imagination when reading a book and you simply consume when watching a movie. OBEY. DON'T THINK.

>> No.8358913

shit op gets shit thread

>> No.8358940
File: 25 KB, 321x322, 1466939322225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good point

>> No.8358944

(By which I mean of course that yes, an audio book and reading a book is the same thing)

>> No.8359996


>> No.8360078


>> No.8360163


>> No.8360174


>> No.8360216

>thread about book has 12 replies
>thread about movies has 74 replies
???water fUck happen???

>> No.8360217


>> No.8360245
