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/lit/ - Literature

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8352514 No.8352514 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with the Dark Enlightenment?

>> No.8352518

The redpill.

/pol/ and /r9k/ are good places to start

>> No.8352529

Don't. There are much better things you could waste your time on.

>> No.8352532

Such as?

>> No.8352533

kill yourself

>> No.8352540

No. Why would you say such things?

>> No.8352541

What's Dark Enlightenment?

Dialectic of Enlightenment by Adorno and Horkheimer sounds like something you'd like.

>> No.8352550

Masturbating, reading the Greeks, literally anything

>> No.8352867

Start with Hans- Hermann Hoppe's Democracy: The God That Failed.

Then Nick Land's Dark Enlightenment.

Finally, the complete Moldbug.

>> No.8352874

then skip forward until you get to Stirner

>> No.8352876


>> No.8352892
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>> No.8353071

>implying it's not fucking true

I may have been bullied, but soon, I shall reign over them as a GOD! A GOD I SAY! MINE HAND SHALL HOLDETH THE WORLD!!

>> No.8353109

I have no idea what the Dark Enlightenment is. It sounds like something out of Warhammer 40k. But from what I've gathered in this thread, it sounds very reactionary and very alt-right.

Can someone give me a good summary of what it is?

>> No.8353128

I wanted to read Nick Land but he is postmodern like Derrida et al.

I wanted to know about the alt right but they have a shibboleth that guards em.

Also do they like Peter Sloterdijk? He also writes verbose and cryptic.

>> No.8353334

>Find copy of Locke's Two Treatises On Government
>Find Hobbes' Leviathan
>Find Collected Works of Hume
>Fat-ass Sharpie
>Color over entire pages of each book

>> No.8353361

Friendo, it is not supposed to be understood. It's a ideology direct taken from an a-historical trashcan. Therefore they seek to rationalize their racial and economic utter hate into difficult-words and cool-names armor of rhetorics. So you get Nick Land, an excrement of the left, writing mildly senseful but unneeding difficult texts with old right-wing arguments refurbished for his impressionable demography, most of the times white-christian, but focusing on destructive anti-left religious resentment.
"Dark enlightenment"/"Cathedral" is just another repacking of Enlightenment ideals critiques, that originated on the left, some oscillating between deconstructing instrumental reason and ideas of "progress". For this: >>8352541.

Peter Sloterdijk is a filthy fatty neonazi factory of cryptic philosophy books, some of those are dressed critiques of the left, and other can be considered mildly decent (Critique of Cynical Reason). One needs only reads his purportedly attention grabbing "naive" essay "The Giving Hand." Even so, he's a competent philosopher, meaning his a-political works have intellectual momentum, but careful with old right-ideas contraband.

>> No.8353500

Moldbug's "Gentle Introduction", "How Dawkins got pwned" and "From Mises to Carlyle" posts are good. After that, go to Moldbug's first post ("A Formalist Manifest") and read the writers whose ideas he admits he repurposed (Jouvenel, Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Leoni, Burnham, Nock). Not listed in the article but also worth reading are Mosca, Pareto, Hoppe, Maistre, and Bonald.

Ignore Nick Land, ignore most of the NRx-sphere, though Henry Dampier and some of the Social Matter writers are good. If you want a better background on traditionalist-conservative though it general read Roger Scruton, Paul Gottfried, and the late-Lawrence Auster's blog archives.

>> No.8353501

>Peter Sloterdijk is a filthy fatty neonazi

Has he written anything recently about refugees?

I'm vaguely familiar with his Heideggerian conservativsm.

>> No.8353539

>What's Dark Enlightenment?
It's Vaporwave for Deus Ex fans.

Seriously, It's the exact same philosophy of Accelerationism but instead of collapsing the patriarchy through capitalism they want to collapse it through neotraditionism.

>> No.8353546

Is anyone here just a flat-out Old Right Traditionalist?

I'm a conservative Catholic, so I'm halfway there.

>> No.8353550


/thread pt 2

>> No.8353570

>Is anyone here just a flat-out Old Right Traditionalist

There isn't many left on /lit/ any more, no.
Reddit drove 'em out.

>> No.8354680

You don't, we have enough cringelords in this world already.

>> No.8354705
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I have an urbit planet if any /lit/tards want to be the first author to write a novel in Nock

>> No.8354708

doesn't seem that dire there's catholic threads all the time
i remember when the place seemed to be run entirely by marxists, at least the stirnerites are more fun

>> No.8354731
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>> No.8354733

Scientology, of course.

>> No.8354736

Why not instead of blaming women and blacks and der libruls for your lifes problems you look at the class struggle that is effecting all of you as the elites restructure the economy to suit themselves and screw the rest of you?

>> No.8354742

Or, you could say fuck it, be conceited, and figure the rich and powerful should just run everything so long as white men like yourself can continue to feel better than the rest of their slaves

>> No.8354751

Leftists abandoned the class struggle for the race and gender struggle back in the 20th century. Face it, class is a spook.

>> No.8354754

>class struggle
you had to use Marxist language. that's one way kill any hope of a rational discourse with cyborg nazis.

>> No.8354767

do our economic problems really revolve around matters of race and sex?

>> No.8354788

No, but economic problems aren't the only problems, nor are they the root of all of our problems a la Marxist historical materialism. There are economic components to all issues, but there are also racial, cultural, sexual components and so on and so on. For instance, the large amount of Middle Eastern immigration to Europe has a very visible religious component, but also ethnic and cultural, as well as economic. I do not think that the European and Middle Eastern 'proles' will have much in common in how they desire to live. The importance of religion, family, values cannot be eradicated. It would be ironic if Marxists end up dehumanising these people more by talking of them as merely economic units, than people with different spiritual and ethnic substances.

>> No.8354795


>a very visible religious component, but also ethnic and cultural, as well as economic

so observing that Islamic fundamentalism thrives almost exclusively in poor, or amongst descendents coming from poor nations, ruled by warlords with horrible economic policies consisting of something like "hold on to the X until we die or the West takes it" has nothing to do with it

>> No.8354802

Bin Laden was from a wealthy family. ISIS guy has a phd. Besides, I didn't say economics has nothing to do with it, but I wouldn't call it the root or even the main event. It's one thread among many in the tapestry clusterfuck we're in.
How do you intend to protect your nation in pure economic terms from this foreign threat?

>> No.8354806

Nick Land is right about literally everything and the Neoreactionaries have never been proven wrong
snarky greentexts are not an argument btw
Evola has nothing to do with NRx

>> No.8354809

Is this quote about the mainstream left?

>> No.8354818

you sound like you place humanity outside of history, looking on as a spectator rather than a participant of it.

the migrant crisis is a problem with a cause, mainly the civil war in Syria.

that war has a cause, regime change imposed by the Saudis and their paid mercenaries to maintain control of the region and retain their market share of the oil market.

democratic universalism is an idea. as long as you embrace it, no matter you ethnicity or religion, you can participate in government, and you have a say. no wonder this idea is undermined at every turn.

im just saying remove the methodological lenses through which you view history and be a good citizen.

>> No.8354822

>Bin Laden was from a wealthy family

yes, almost exclusively assocated with "hold on to the X until we die" guys

>ISIS guy has a phd

most of "ISIS" part-times as mercenaries for defending oil fields or is funded

>but I wouldn't call it the root or even the main event

well-fed stoned people with air-conditioning and aquifers, (especially the those in the middle east) tend to not fight and generally make less babies

>> No.8354830


>> No.8354842

Not really, I acknowledge I'm a participant. That's sort of the point. My self-interest would be to stop the influx of migrants who are disproportionately responsible for terrorism and rape, and who's ideological and religious motives don't align with Western values, like the democratic universalism you mentioned. I would in fact be sad to see their beliefs and culture undermined by boring Western late capitalist state multiculturalism.

I don't see how importing third world problems into the first world is a necessary step from your perspective.

>> No.8354844


>I don't see how importing third world problems into the first world is a necessary step from your perspective.

this was never a solution to global issues, but just a way of keeping politics divided and labor cheap

>> No.8354857
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These alt-righters, neo-reactionaries, neo-traditionalists (I keked typing that last one), and the left overs of libertarianism used to be so much better at analyzing terrorist attacks in relation to geopolitics, but ever since they went and swallowed that pill of theirs all you get from them is pure ideology. For the group that used to struggle completing a sentence without making appeals to reason and self identified as the only rational political movement to make such a radical break so quickly just shows they how phoney they originally were. What you kiddos be on tomorrow one can only guess. Anyway have fun.

>> No.8354863

>I don't see how importing third world problems into the first world is a necessary step from you perspective

You're the one that brought up the migrants dude. What else do you want to talk about if you don't like talking about economic or foreign policy? BLM? SJWs? Hillarys emails?

>> No.8354865

The jumping point for this topic was
>Why not instead of blaming women and blacks and der libruls for your lifes problems you look at the class struggle that is effecting all of you as the elites restructure the economy to suit themselves and screw the rest of you?

>> No.8355017

>as the elites restructure the economy to suit themselves and screw the rest of you?

that's the heart of Marxism

>> No.8355049
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>le ideology is bad meme

>> No.8355176

Is there any site that is fairly intellectual that I can use to spy on these kinds of movements? Or is it all like /pol/?

>> No.8355266

spy on nrx's?

I read xenosystems most days. Find one of those link dump blogs that you find interesting.

>> No.8355322

>spy on nrx's?
I 'spy' on all kinds of movements, from social justice, to classic communism, to deep ecology and liberalism to Christians.

It is a kind of natural curiousity and a relic from studying, but not finishing, integral safety.

>> No.8355348

bro u just read it

>> No.8355369

I am looking for something like r/srsdiscussion. That subreddit has been very useful to get a glimpse of the pure ideology of a new kind of leftism.