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/lit/ - Literature

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8348056 No.8348056 [Reply] [Original]

So I finished reading "Finnegans wake"....
I didn't Understand it
But i read it

>> No.8348058

Nobody does

>> No.8348061

this describes everyone's experiance

>> No.8348068

You piece of shit. You're detracting conversation from my superior Finnegans Wake thread. Delet

>> No.8348069

>read it

>> No.8348133

Was it good?

>> No.8348197

I-I Don't know....

>> No.8348199

Finnegans bake LMAO

>> No.8348208

is it wrong that I use this as a coffee table book? my friends and I read passages and laugh at the nonsense.

>> No.8348209
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why do you idiots pass the pages without understand it the fucking text... like thats the point of literature. fucking romantics. -_-'

>> No.8348224

lol get off this board you subhuman brainlets

>> No.8348226
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gj OP!

>anime poster
>complete fucking retard
nothing to see here

same goes for you

>> No.8348236

>same goes for you

Actually no. Quit encouraging idiots

>> No.8348285
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>posting on an anime board and dont watch anime
>"im so different guys!"
Nice job being a meme

>> No.8348301

Fucking lewd

>> No.8348381

/a/ is the anime board, go there

not understanding finnegans wake without supplementary reading doesn't make you an idiot, implying the opposite does make you an idiot

>> No.8348388

Am I right in thinking I should approach Joyce in the following order?

Finnegans Wake

>> No.8348437

Yeah, I actually read the whole thing because I had to. I was entering a prestigious PhD program and focusing on Joyce because I loved Dubliners, Portrait, and Ulysses. To my shame, though, I'd never read the Wake. I'd never even tried, as hard as that was to admit. It was this huge blind spot and area of vulnerability for me. Whenever it'd come up with my colleagues I'd just smile and nod, smile and nod, hoping they wouldn't ask me anything specific about it. "The musicality of it," somebody would say, and I'd say, "Oh God, yes, it's like Beethoven." Finally, though, I had to dive into it, and let me tell you it was tough going. Joseph Campbell's guide helped a lot. Reading it out loud helped. I listened to other people read it, read online commentaries. Eventually it started to make some sort of sense. It was like I was learning to read for the first time again, and in a way this was enjoyable. I got better at reading the book. Soon I was reading entire paragraphs without trouble, getting the puns, laughing at the jokes. I could sort of follow the story, it was like a blurry picture resolving into clarity, or like I was drunk and I was sobering up, I could actually understand it. As I became more and more adept at reading the Wake, I began putting myself to the test, initiating conversations with my colleagues about it, but specific passages this time, specific parts of the book. You can probably guess what happened. After a number of these conversations it became blindingly obvious that I understood the book a lot better than they did, they who I thought were the experts. It eventually became sort of embarrassing for them and I stopped trying to talk about it. And at the end of the day I would pack my things, catch the bus home, and settle into my apartment to read the Wake. It had surpassed all of Joyce's other works in my estimation. Ulysses, the book months earlier I would've named as my favorite of all time, the best book ever written, was now #2 to the Wake.

>> No.8348451

No, Dubliners, portrait, Ulysses, you won't read Finnegan's wake

>> No.8348539


>> No.8348620


I almost read this post. Then I skipped to the end and I was glad I didn't bother.

>> No.8348936

>write shit tier book
>random mash some words together
>if someone doesn't like it he didn't understood it

>> No.8348952

If you've had a really emotional acid trip that's basically Finnegans Wake