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/lit/ - Literature

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8344313 No.8344313 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw reading novellas and short novels to pad my goodreads shelf size

>> No.8344334

Being proud and smug about utterly taking to heart the quantitative bias of social media imbricated with a rootless, aimless, universal competition.

>> No.8344340

you sneaky sneak

>> No.8344363

nothing wrong with the gamification of reading

you're just mad I'm a more worldly person from all the books I've read

>> No.8344410
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>you're just mad I'm a more worldly person from all the books I've read

>> No.8344436

>tfw can't fill up my goodreads list because I waste more time on kino every day

>> No.8344444

This fucking duck is literally more worldly than any of us will ever be

>> No.8344445

anyone else add mangas and short stories to their goodreads to impress girls?

>> No.8344447


>> No.8344478


Why do you kid yourself like that? No girl has ever browsed goodreads accounts to be impressed

>> No.8344504


I do. Too bad men who send me private messages are absolute creeps.

>> No.8344516

can I take a gander at your feet mlady?

>> No.8344542


o shit gotta start paddin

>> No.8344576


My feet are for my belov'd only, audacious anon.

>> No.8344583


>> No.8344586
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>tfw not using goodreads but doing that anyway

>> No.8344607

>he still uses Goodreads

fuck that shitty site, it turns literature into a fashion show

>> No.8344608

It could be that it's summer. Many people are off having adventures and don't have a lot of reading time.

>> No.8344611

what do you suggest senpai

and no im not gonna keep a ledger

>> No.8344741

I think this dude posted this after looking at my profile. Mang it's a fun change of pace to read a novella a day for two weeks or so.

>> No.8344760

I would actually like a private message from a creep, havent had sexytime chat from a literate guy in forever.


>> No.8344766

quints of truth

>> No.8344770

recommend some well respected books under 200 pages

I just finished The Old man and the Sea (127) and Of Mice and Men (187)

I can feel my reputation in literary circles growing as we speak

>> No.8344797
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>tfw don't read anything and mark books as read anyway to pad my goodreads shelf size

>> No.8344805

Ever since I started my Goodreads account, I don't feel compatible with this planet, although I feel I have my own structured idea of what the world should be and what my ideal world would be. I'm not depressed and suicidal, I'm more of an idealist who's starved of any sort of satisfaction, and indeed it's left me with a deep seated resentment and dissatisfaction with life. Most of the time I'm just bombarded with thoughts of how much I hate myself, because of how my thoughts have betrayed me, how they've misguided me into saying something regrettable. That's one way I really relate to Sebastian, is that I feel that my own thoughts betray me, in the foray of existence I'm forced, by any principles of living for the sake of living, to live through.

>> No.8344832

I read 40% or until I have a good grasp of the author's writing style, then I read the summary on wikipedia and analysis on spark notes (somtimes not even that) and consider it read

>> No.8344871


look at this fuckin cooked cunt chuffing down a durry after a hard day on the pingers ruthless cunt

>> No.8344889

I'd pm you but I don't pm anyone and would feel weird doing it

>> No.8344890

It's dead.

>> No.8344896

Can you share some?

>> No.8344900

Death of Vanya Illest.

>> No.8345399


you wanna know how I know you're not a bogan cunt?

>> No.8345523


im not even from australia mate i just noticed the photo posted was the same as the profile picture for the facebook group "animals smoking durrys" and so i made a comment similar to one that might be found on said page

also i assume it's because "durry" is now a universal word in australia that was appropriated by the middle classes, and an actual "bogan" would say something like "dart" etc

>> No.8346752

>pledge 100 books in the Reading Challenge
>get late
>read plays and novellas
feels good man

>> No.8346791

I have created a bot that takes care of these things for me. Every 3 days he adds a new arthouse film to my IMDB and Letterbox list, every 2 days a new album to my RYM list (rotates between Scaruffi, Needledrop and pitchfork), every 5 days a new book from a shortlist of patrician authors i created, and it also scrobbles constantly my 30000 song-db to Last.fm.

This allows me to read, listen and watch in peace, with no time pressure. The Big Other is pleased

>> No.8347185

read poetry.

if i were as sad as you i'd go though the collected works of say ... W.B Yeats and add the books individually. thats like 6/7 books right there.

Philip Larkin would be another good one.

>> No.8347192

>I have created a bot
kys stemfag

>> No.8347256

If you use it the wrong way, ya. Stupid people often do things like that.

>> No.8347449


I truly don't know how one manages to screw goodreads up... I use it only to keep track of what I read already and what I want to read, and literally no one in my area of residence gives the slightest of fucks about it.

How do you even turn it to a "fashion show"??

>> No.8347568

>and no im not gonna keep a ledger

Stop pretending, Holden.

>> No.8347580

But it gives me recommedations and find me sum books I wouldn't 'ave found before.

>> No.8348615
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