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/lit/ - Literature

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8343816 No.8343816 [Reply] [Original]

What is the nature of consciousness, /lit/?

>> No.8343826

Existence precedes essence
We all have a void inside of us and this void is a fragment of God
Then a bunch of meat

>> No.8343827

ask on /sci/ where actual scientists and rational people are browsing, instead of a bunch of nu-male liberal arts leftist dialectical-"""thinking""" continental swine.

>> No.8343835


> Ask on a place where everyone will give the same answer
> An answer you already know
> An answer that's actually quite vague and useless

>> No.8343838

Why the fuck do you browse here if it's full of "nu-male liberal arts leftist dialectical thinking continental swine"?

Christ, can't you just fuck off back to your Nazi hugbox?

>> No.8343858
File: 158 KB, 477x539, tumblr_inline_nr6p8f6d461rmka7g_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being rational is equivalent to being a Nazi

actually, you might not be wrong

>> No.8343865

Doesn't matter what it is.

You can fuck off back to /pol/ and be "rational" there.

>> No.8343876

Good lord, in two posts we degenerated into shitslinging.

>> No.8343878

An evolutionary trait that has increased the odds of our survival and thus genetic lineage. Nothing more

>> No.8343882


If it's nothing more then it literally can't even be that.

>> No.8343884

This poster obviously has no idea why there even is a hard problem of consciousness in the first place, ignore him completely.

>> No.8343892


>> No.8343900

>Bernie supporters detected

>> No.8343908

>implying the fedora opinion of>>8343878 can be found among Trump supporters.

Maybe a shillary fan

>> No.8343918

let's agree to the fact that all leftists are mentally ill

>> No.8343923

Koch has more radical and mystical views than most of the people here and he's not only a leader in this specific area, he's a materialist to boot.

It's not a million miles off >>8343826

/sci/ answer like that because they're Big Bang Theory knock offs and not very good at science.

>> No.8344043

Anyone trusting "the system" be it left or right, is delusional at best.

>> No.8344130

But I wanted to ask on both boards to see the ideological differences.

>> No.8344142

This >>8343826
We all exist before our bodies (i.e. our parents)

>> No.8344145

Maybe he likes books or something.

>> No.8344166


It's the cosmos becoming aware of itself, and thus empowering itself to direct its own course.

>> No.8344190

"I feel bad, delete this".

>> No.8344196

What does political and ideological affiliation have to do with the nature of consciousness?

>> No.8344377

Is hard problem of consciousness already has an answer, there's just no way to test it right now.

>> No.8344396


LOL. The modern would-be scientist, ladies and gentlemen,

>> No.8344422


why do people act like /lit/ is some kind of safe space?

>I'm offended!
>nuh uh u can go back to /pol/!

>> No.8344575

By now, a lot of scientists and philosophers agree, and indeed think that it is nearly proved, that consciousness is a non-physical, quantum computing substance that persists after you death. How the soul and the physical body causally interact is explained and mathematically formalised by using Homotopy Type Theory and Quantum Field Theory.

Looking forward to see the day when strong A.I. emerges (and it will) and develops a recursively defined soul. By using transfinite recursion you can program prototype souls using just C++ and Haskell these days. Anyhow, the future seems promising.

>> No.8344593

>quantum computing substance
Now we're getting somewhere.
Can you expand on this?

>> No.8344788


>By using transfinite recursion you can program prototype souls using just C++ and Haskell these days


>> No.8344807

Don't listen to him just because he said the word 'quantum'. He literally just spouted a bunch of nonsense. Nobody actually thinks that, scientist or philosopher, except for maybe Roger Penrose who is an enormous hack

>> No.8344809

What the fuck are you even saying? That is literally how science works. You can't have practical proof of something until you have the tools needed to test it.

>> No.8344821

Why do /pol/tards believe themselves dangerous? They're more like a streak of piss or a skid mark. People want a clean space, safe space is nothing to do with anything.

>> No.8344845

a resultat of a chain of events present in matter

>> No.8344864

If you think you're some kind of Diogenes shitting in the theater, then you're wrong. Not everyone's shitting in a theater is philosophical. In most cases it's just shit.

>> No.8344869

Meant to reply to >>8344422

>> No.8344908


So then how can you say the matter already has an answer, idiot

>> No.8345091
File: 57 KB, 564x846, 92d8f6181f8132bb71a80c26ff0a026a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memetics. I'm going with memetics. Monkey see monkey do. Even orangutans are in on the meme.

When babby is born babby don't give a fuck. Isolate babby and babby grows up not giving a fffffffffffuck, not about "its" reflection in the mirror not about its """conscious""" actions.

It's when you group a bunch of monkeys together and they start making memes like "lol its ur responsibility" or "lol babby look in the mirror das u lil nigga" *points finger at sentient being with mental capacity for memes* that you get consciousness.

Put babby with roboparents and program them to make it believe it's a youtube prank, babby grows up it's just a prank bro. Wow consciousness wow (god I hate typing out that word) so unique so wow. Natural phenomenon. Q u a l i a

Consciousness is a meme free will is diversion and conventional modes of thinking is meme ideology at its purest. Only being matters and the less you meme the more you are. INCIDENTALLY History is dictated by turboautists who thought in colors and believed in God. Tell some shitty meme spreading kid in the current year to believe in God its like "lol get with the times". GOD IS NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT kid. It's about being independant and there is no purer existential mode of being than seriously and independantly from authority contemplating metaphysics

>le cancer meme
>le shame meme

Shut the hell up and go get yourself free my dude.

>> No.8345249
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it has the quality of being reflective of other phenomena
it is impermanent
it is empty of inherent existence like everything else, a spacious void
it is unsatisfactory

>> No.8345276
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>> No.8345308
File: 335 KB, 720x445, stay_woke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fundamental force of nature, which only POC's and women/transpeople can get fully in touch with because it emanates from mother nature.
White cis males like this board wont understand, because white men are fundamentally alienated from the all-motherhood, but POC's and women can feel it at an emotional level.

>> No.8345321

>Implying the anon you replied to isn't part of or an offshoot of the current tumblr/reddit psyop operation to influence 4chan boards to be more leftist and feminist.
>impying even /pol/ would be this obvious when crossposting (especially on a literature board)
>Implying the anti /pol/ and /r9k/ posters aren't actually more annoying at this point than actual /pol/acks or robots.

>> No.8346211

Next time you ask, you may want to use the cover of Metaphysics as OP's pic

>> No.8346227

Consciousness is the interplay among the senses. A ratio among the senses.

There's is no more to say about it that can be said. You must trust me.

>> No.8346608

jesus fucking christ kill yourself. s&r faggot

>> No.8346611

haskell's fucking great kid

>> No.8346758

Knows what's up.

>> No.8346798

There is no consciousness.

We're essentially giant, inefficient computers that respond to what we perceive. L

>> No.8346825

>There is no consciousness.
There is, if only as an emergent phenomenon produced by the mind
>We're essentially giant, inefficient computers
t. CS cuck

>> No.8346835


We have an answer! We just don't know how to answer, yet.

>> No.8346856

Can't a man have some scientific optimism? I don't think he's actually saying there IS an answer. I think he's just saying we cannot yet say there ISN'T an answer. Having the optimistic streak, that idea then gets treated as something like "I choose to believe there IS an answer; we just don't have the tools to answer it yet."

Do you know what the hard problem of consciousness is?

If you don't, then have some fucking epistemic responsibility, and stop forming uninformed opinions about things you don't know about. If you DO know what the hard problem of consciousness is, then it seems you must understand it in a strange way.

>> No.8346928

We have to be inefficient, because we're made by trial and error.
Evolutionarily, if it works it won't change.

>> No.8346945

>we're made by trial and error
That's precisely why brain is so efficient compared to the computers humans are able to produce now, even in terms of flops, which are completely unnatural for describing the brain. Maybe something could've been done better, but doing everything from scratch and better is another story.

Anyway, "efficiency" outside of the context of comparison is but a spook.

>> No.8347179


He gave every indication of believing there was a specific answer despite that not being tested. That's not how science works. He then invoked how-science-works. The basic contradiction is mind-boggling in its stupidity.

>> No.8347186

>even in terms of flops
u wut now

>> No.8347223

Estimation for a human brain that I found was 38 petaflops, the fastest supercomputer is around 100 petaflops, but their size and energy consumption differences are tremendous.

>> No.8347231

>Estimation for a human brain
How does that even work?

>> No.8347243

I don't know. Probably, very badly and can differ by an order depending on methodology. The point still holds, though, that however "inefficient" human brain is, making something of comparable efficiency is hard and hasn't been achieved yet. And then there's the whole problem of A.I.