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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 159 KB, 265x408, harry8-64f47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8339806 No.8339806 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8339810

Fuck no. Children's trash.

>> No.8339874

Pdf or epub link?

>> No.8339897

I can't believe she actually did it, the crazy cunt

>> No.8339899

seconded. id be interested in reading this also.
anyone here read it yet? whats it like? i read a plot synopsis some time ago and it sounded utterly retarded

>> No.8339904

Ya I'd like to read it anyway l.

>> No.8339924

>Not knowing how to google

>> No.8339929

Its not even a book? its just theater. -_-

>> No.8339943

Wait, they publish theater texts now?!? :ooo

>> No.8339950

Cover is pretty nice, too bad it will be teen trash.

>> No.8339965

google doesn't really give you results for this sort of thing these days. especially something so popular

>> No.8340069


>> No.8340103
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>> No.8340454
File: 510 KB, 700x827, feelsartsyman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read a summary of the plot, it's literally fanfiction-tier trash that doesn't even follow the rules of its own universe.

>> No.8340994

Just finished reading it, calling it fan fiction is an understatement.

>lol Voldemort had a kid
>Albus is even more edgy than Kylo ren
>Cedric is evil lol
>you know what a great plot point is? Time travel!

She doesn't even know her own characters let alone the plot from preivous books, there are so many plot holes and inconsistencies.

>> No.8341120

>Harold Bloom copypasta

>> No.8341122


>> No.8341759

would you say it's worse than 50 shades of grey being a fanfic of twilight?

>> No.8341874
File: 85 KB, 768x768, 1469768478932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>All of the reviews/to-read people are teenage girls.

>> No.8341877

Not literature. reported.

>> No.8341893


Been a long time since I read Potter, what rules does it break?

>> No.8341904


>Popular Answered Questions

>> No.8341928

Use libgen

>> No.8342016

all these reviews aren't even reviews, they haven't even read the book and they give it 5 stars. They literally say "SO EXCITING IT WILL BE AMAZING - 5 STARS"

>> No.8342088
File: 10 KB, 300x272, I Think Words I Would Never Say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me, in all earnest, mad. I don't hate the books. I don't appreciate the books, because they're derivative and poorly written trash, but I sincerely do not hate the books.
I hate the fandom community because they project their own hopes and dreams and desires for the story. They want a story to be told just as they want it. They want the characters to be just the way they want them to be. They want events to unfold just the way the want them to.
I hate the Harry Potter fandom because they are infantile with their wanting to have their desires for a piece of fiction validated in print. J.K. Rowling is a money grubbing panderer and has sold these Peter Pan syndrome fans the story that they wanted. That's fucked up. Only small children should want a story to be a certain way because they can be excused for not understanding the consequences of neglecting personal growth. We don't grow as people when we get what we want. We don't become wiser for the literary experience if we know how the story progresses and ends because it's going to progress and end in the way we wanted it.
So, I don't hate the books. I don't even hate Rowling for making an easy pay day. I just hate the fandom who refuses to grow the fuck up and, God forbid, learn to engage literature without the God-damned egocentrism as if the book was supposed to be written just for them.

>> No.8342094
File: 26 KB, 213x237, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8342108

Shit, I forgot
>inb4 fedora
I had that coming.

>> No.8342113
File: 16 KB, 214x317, nig tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another because one is not enough for all the shit in your post.

>> No.8342118

You can't get me for two fedoras if I only own one. Those are the rules.

>> No.8342151

I mostly agree.

Except hate is a bit of a strong word.

"Assiduously avoid" would be more accurate.