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8339734 No.8339734 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8339736
File: 39 KB, 236x987, CA09X3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT wrong picture

>> No.8339738

who cares

>> No.8339742


>> No.8339743 [DELETED] 

>it's a 'redpiller wants a circlejerk over a perceived enemy to massage his frail ego and validate his beliefs' episode

Go away

>> No.8339750

the highest voted comment is something like 'yeah I went to high school too', they aren't really impressed by it either

>> No.8339751

>captain gasmask visits his mouse friend and leaves him some money to buy a new american flag
I don't get it

>> No.8339759


I don't like Trump, but do people seriously think the country is going to be an apocalyptic nightmare because of him? That's just as stupid as people thinking Obama was going to make America a socialist country or something.

>> No.8339762

the pacing and composition of this comic are literally perfect, I can really appreciate that.

also, shit thread.

>> No.8339764

>Not wanting to be a lone survivor in a post-apocalyptic landscape
Fucking nu-males.

>> No.8339768
File: 23 KB, 462x327, untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you read to have your mind blown then a shotgun would do a much better job

>> No.8339773 [DELETED] 

It's a comic. Calm yourself, retard

>> No.8339787

I think the assumption is either that he's legit crazy and would use fire nuclear weapons, or that he'd destabilise the world to the point that somebody else does. Which seems very unlikely, sure, but also not entirely impossible.

>> No.8339880

Trump was obviously amazing or they'd never put him on the 1. Probably some other punter fucked shit up

>> No.8339884

Name of the Rose is pretty dope though. Shouldn't really be in that high school edgelord list.

>> No.8339887

This is literally all of /lit/, every thread, every discussion. Whether that enemy is Reddit, plebs, people with different tastes, women, whatever.
Maybe you should go away.

>> No.8339896 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's the nature of 4chan. There are still a few good threads, though

>> No.8339903

>i swear that i don't have a gun
>shoots self with a gun

>> No.8339930

What a weird mix of good stuff and absolute shit

>> No.8339937

>no War and Peace

>> No.8340018

That's a fine entry level list desu

>> No.8341404

these are nearly all good books tho

fuck that fucking morrie book tho

>> No.8341472


Why would anyone be dumb enough to use nuclear weapons against a nation with second strike capability? If it was some mickey mouse operation like North Korea or Iran the ABMs would just shoot them down. Apparently the US has enough ABMs to stop 50 nuclear missiles.

The military would never let Trump do something stupid, right? I always thought the American military looked out for itself and wasn't some fanatical praetorian guard.

>> No.8341486

>tfw Flowers for Algernon is one of my favourite books but can see the disgust whenever I tell someone

>> No.8343022

Captain gasmask is a Mexican that brought death and destruction to America, he sees the flag and leaves a mark as a fuck you to the guy that tried to build a wall with a workforce considering of lard.

>> No.8343058

In this age, you'd have to be practically single digits in age to be blown away by anything.

>> No.8343067

I liked it too bby

>> No.8343173

So Trump was so good they put him on the one dollar bill?

And this guy respected him so much he places the money with his face on it in front of the American flag to remember the America that was so great under his rule

It must have been the president that came after Trump who let America go to shit

>> No.8343332

i don't understand what this comic is trying to say

>> No.8343342

Did you look at the last panel properly?

>> No.8343347

I am pretty sure that the keyturners would shoot ICBMs just for fun if it was up to them.

>> No.8343356
File: 49 KB, 294x294, 1378916386218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ender's Meme

>> No.8343391

Seems pretty simple there smart guy.
There're only two logical outcomes to a Trump presidency, given his statements about repealing everything useful in our country, his complete lack of foresight, his wanting to take us back to a WWII level of foreign policy. One: He's impeached long before he can do any damage. This would be the optimal route, and could help to salvage our country from what deviation he might bring, but leftists do have a habit of trying to take control, and Trump, being the last gasp of a dying party and having failed miserably at being president, might be enough to kill the two party system and allow Democrats to take full control. Two: Trump's archaic ideology and lack of concern over the changes happening to our planet, and again his lack of foresight, will turn the United States into a dystopian wasteland that will look on its face much like that city in India, with no centralized government and private companies paying for the public systems only when they feel the need. Which will only happen until climate change, and I say that in both contexts, caused by humans or not, will wipe us out.

>> No.8343410
File: 12 KB, 195x195, 1378917904954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post

>> No.8343417

Unless you're 11 I don't get how 90% of this school-tier list can blow anyone's mind.

>> No.8343425

Ah so this is the part where we pretend to be surprised or annoyed someone has such bad taste and accuse its creator of being in high school. I'm sure glad you made an entire thread for this OP, there simply wasn't enough of that here.

>> No.8343434

r u memeing me m8

>> No.8343456

From this image we can assume that Trump's presidency will be so successful that Congress will break their own rules concerning money and place his face on the dollar. And that the USA remained stable long enough for the Trump dollar to enter mainstream circulation.

From then on

>> No.8343465

Will somebody please take this bait pls.

>> No.8343484

>The military would never let Trump do something stupid, right?
Probably not, but then you'd be in a military coup situation and that wouldn't end well.

>tfw you realise Trump could be the most Latin American president in US history.

>> No.8343499
File: 33 KB, 512x384, 1439048771317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Alchemist

>> No.8343505

>Apparently the US has enough ABMs to stop 50 nuclear missiles.
why only 50? how expensive can they be to make?

also i was under the impression that the russian ones were like nukes that nuked other icbms but americans are just kinetic killers so why not have a bunch?

>> No.8343512

Good thing that's something that doesn't usually happen in democracies, though. Why is it that Trump brings up all this scary shit. Just the idea of him being president is enough to evoke imagery of police states, nuclear war, widespread famine and disease(When he starts watering crops with Gatorade)
Is he the biggest spook in all of politics?

>> No.8343518

>praetorian guard
Kek. You mean the military group that essentially ruled Rome by killing every emporer they didn't like?

>> No.8343613

When you have two communities that stand in opposition they tend to back each other further and further into their respective corners. I feel like this process has been accelerated (or maybe catalyzed is a better word) by the fact that you're being pounded with these increasingly exaggerated 'corner' opinions 24/7 through [social]media.

>> No.8343633
File: 6 KB, 219x220, dale gribble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>several decades after the fall of civilization
>scavenger raids decrepit convenience store
>sees the flag of an America so great they still tell stories of it
>immediately tears of pride and nostalgia begin to well in his eyes
>leaves behind a single dollar in appreciation of the long-dead storekeeper
>a dollar that displayed the portrait of a president so beloved that he replaced the nation's founder on her currency

pretty based

>> No.8343661

"Trump's condescendence has finally effected the nuclear war the whole globe has been trying to avoid for decades."

>> No.8343677

>The military would never let Trump do something stupid, right?
Every fucking thread = pol
bye guys

>> No.8343698

Obama making the US socialist was stupid because he's the president, not Congress. Trump on the other hand can actually build the wall, attack other countries, and ban people from entering the US with presidential powers.

>> No.8343705

>making the US socialist
Good lord, tell me people aren't this stupid.

>> No.8343722

Yes, people said that, but the point is that it was never possible, it's not within presidential powers, unlike the shit that Trump wants to do.

>> No.8343731

>italian dan brown
>not highschool-tier

>> No.8343745


>Good lord, tell me people aren't this stupid.

They are. Millions.

Question is, "do we dare confront such facts at the conscious level, or is it best to becloud and repress such matters until some violence releases us from the entire burden?"

>> No.8343748

Well I don't think the Trump shitfest is within presidential powers either.
And I don't think he'd do anything he talked about once he actually was in office and actually was able to get a better understanding of how the world works and the U.S.'s place in it, assuming he's smart enough for that. The scariest part about Trump is the traction he gets.

>> No.8343757

>what a sexist and racist list!
>only one of these books was written by a woman!
>and none by people of color!

>> No.8343758

>Well I don't think the Trump shitfest is within presidential powers either.
Wall and attacking other countries is possible as Commander in Chief, and banning people from entering the country is a presidential power.
>assuming he's smart enough for that

>> No.8343774


Wait, tumblr is reddit now?

>> No.8343792

>heeeeehhheh Trump is a stoopeed EEHHHEEHHHHEHHH

You remind me of the people who were calling Obama a Muslim.

>> No.8343800

The thing is, congress could stop the wall, and probably would due to the fact that we share so much manufacturing with Mexico, and we make a lot of money off of them. Also he'd have to go through Congress to declare war, although I think the marines can be deployed without congressional authorization. As for the ban, the widespread protests and general unrest would make it a short ban, I think. Don't worry your pretty head, I think Trump is less of a problem than we think. Although I'd prefer if he didn't win, though.

>> No.8343841

>the Alchemist


>> No.8343842

It's either act or he's actually dense, I'm inclined towards the latter seeing how many of his businesses failed.
They'd have to cut military spending which won't happen, he can send troops out without congressional approval, and it's obvious that protests won't move him.

>> No.8343868

Wait, I'm confused, why would they have to cut military spending?
Also, I'm talking 70's tier riot protests. No elected official in the United States can just keep their office without the will of the people behind them.

>> No.8343890

The wall would fall under the defense budget.

>> No.8343896

Did I make any comment whatsoever regarding the list? I was curious what /lit/ would think of it and was happy to find that not everyone on here is a pretentious, meme-spewing faggot. I consider many of these "good" books.

>> No.8343903

2014's "Top 100" is up there again

>> No.8344715

Fuck you OP for posting the wrong picture.