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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 570x380, summerreading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8339275 No.8339275 [Reply] [Original]

Originally from /v/, I've been playing only vidya everyday for the majority of the day. Occasionally browsed /pol/ during this time and the NatSoc threads got me to turn my degenerate habit into something more productive.

Anyways since I've started, I've been doing all my reading in bed or on my couch. I always end up dozing off after a handful of pages though which is killing my progress. Where does the average /lit/erarian do most of their reading?

>> No.8339288

Maybe your body needs more sleep than you're currently getting?

>> No.8339290

Also, how much time a day do you guys spend on reading? Just curious.

>> No.8339291

I read while taking a shit.
>inb4 triggered squatfags

>> No.8339300


Read Moby Dick to completion and realize that every belief you hold is shit

>> No.8339310


I can read in bed up to 7 hours. Too much vidya and shit politics ruined your brain, m8.

>> No.8339334

it probably has less to do with where you read and more to do with what you read.
Read something more engaging to train your brain to retain focus while reading for long periods.

I read on my bed before I sleep and still manage a few chapters a night.

>> No.8339351

I read in my bed, always.

Sometimes I lay on the floor in the balcony.

>> No.8339383


Hello, hemorrhoids!

>> No.8339400
File: 448 KB, 1200x900, Athos_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retreat to a monastery like pic related and contemplate god at the point of creation

>> No.8339407

I live in a tiny one-room study apartment without bathroom. There's literally just room for a bed and shelves and a sink. So I can just lay in my bed.
Damn I dream of having a sofa one day. Or you know, fuck, even just room for a comfy chair.

Going outside is not an option for obvious 4chan reasons (I don't like the outside, the outside does not like me).

>> No.8339416
File: 80 KB, 600x800, 1678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just go to The School of Life's philosophical retreat/sex dungeon/torture chamber for True Intellectual cult members?

The Life House! Come - and never, ever, leave! Just $50.000/week.

>> No.8339419

sounds amazing

>> No.8339428
File: 628 KB, 1355x813, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't forget to buy your full Cult Member uniform before you go, anon! Or all other intellectuals will laugh at you

>> No.8339435

if its for a special price and it'll make me happy then sure

>> No.8339467

Has anyone written anything properly critical or investigative on this "School of Life" thing?
Seems like this and all their videos are highly... peculiar

>> No.8339470

looks like any other bland high-modern house

I thought they didnt like modernism architecture?

>> No.8339484

They have their own porn too, so don't forget to check that out and learn yourself not to cum to anything but Alan du Button approved porn material! :)
I'd include pictures but blue board you know, so just google

>> No.8339491

I don't know, I'd love to read it though.
This video did it for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeM-O-kgXD4
It's definitely a cult.

>> No.8339501

they're probably smarter than that, they just skip the cult stage and go straight for the cash
they seem to have a kind of nihilistic collage of a behavioral style going on

amazing dude, do they do dap and prolapse?

>> No.8339515

OP here, I'd most def tap that ass right before I fucking fall asleep after reading three pages.

>> No.8339538
File: 24 KB, 455x191, 1461786801280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tap that ass
Oh you'll need to go much kinkier than that

>> No.8339544

what video is that from

>> No.8339545
File: 62 KB, 958x783, tsol0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amazing dude, do they do dap and prolapse?
They do interracial power play. "Dig your posh tongue deeper into my black arsehole" is an actual quotation.

>> No.8339556

they have like 100 videos promoting kinkier sex, but i do think that comment is from this relative softcorn one

i like this one though lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihSTGqCO52Q

>> No.8339577

I read on my computer chair or my bed. Depends, some days I've been awake for 14 and read for 10. Other days I don't read at all. Others for 6 hours. I am a hermit and rarely go out and I have no job or school (currently recovering from chronic illnesses that left me practically disabled) so I can spend as much time as I want doing whatever I want. When being productive and not reading I am either learning to program, or writing, or composing music.

>> No.8339657

i read while eating breakfast
i read while laying on couch or bed
and i read while taking a dump

>> No.8339671

Only videos I agree with are the ones about Romanticism.

Romanticism is shit.

>> No.8339677

I don't know anon. Life would be too gray without greater.
He makes a good point saying romanticism replaced religion. But without romanticism a well, what's left?

>> No.8339703

i spend a few hours a day in the bath tub reading. and then another few in my bedroom.

bath is best place to read desu.

>> No.8339721

Most of the time I read laying down, usually in my bed. I've never fallen asleep during reading, I'm to focused on it to do so.

>> No.8339931

Yeah, but 100 years ago, there was at least some order in the system.

Now you literally have to sit around and wait for a woman to feel fuzzy feelings for you, because she actually believes that there's such a thing as "the one", or some knight in shining armor fantasy.

>> No.8339941

>wait for a woman to feel fuzzy feelings
That's not romanticism, that's biology, Anon.
Love is real, the idea of love being flawless and eternal is a shill of course, but love is very much real and so are crushes.

>> No.8339986
File: 164 KB, 1024x1276, devilish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in one-bathroom house
>Monopolize it for reading anyway
>People tell me to come out because I've been in there too long
>I lie and tell them that I am pooping

>> No.8340123

Yeah but it's not that those feelings aren't real that's the problem, it's the fact that people believing you can never base a relationship on that feeling never existing, or falling away.

>> No.8340130

>it's the fact that people believing you can never base a relationship on that feeling never existing
Why the fuck would you promote loveless relationships?

>> No.8340173

I read in the shower

>> No.8340184

>two beds

>> No.8340199

I read outside in a park or on a porch.

If I notice my mind start to wander or I start to get tired, I just listen to the sounds of the outdoors for a bit until I'm ready to continue reading. Having something to drink like ice water or coffee usually helps me focus, but I'm not really sure why.

>> No.8340304

>Why the fuck would you promote loveless relationships?

Because infatuation is just a phase that doesn't last forever.

Do you think people who have been married for 50 years, still are as in love as they were the first 6 months they met?


>> No.8340333

Of course not, but many still feel love for each other, only the infatuation - the crush - fades.
And why would you START a relationship without love? That doesn't make sense, and that's what I was pointing out.

>> No.8340396

>And why would you START a relationship without love?

That's how it was done for centuries, millennia even.

And we are here today, so it obviously didn't function as bad as you think.

That's not to say I advocate arranged marriages or something like that, but people should be a great deal more rational in their choice of mate, than simply thinking that a romantic infatuation is what leads to children and a happy marriage, because it isn't.

>> No.8340447

At home in my bed or on my couch.

>> No.8340596

> That's not to say I advocate arranged marriages
Why not?

>> No.8340600

Because I think it's too coercive.

>> No.8340623

Good parents only want what's best for their children do they not? Is it too coercive to force children to go to school? Why is it then too coercive for parents to make their daughter marry a man with a good career and a caring nature who can provide for her and their children instead of some fuckup she's temporarily infatuated with?

>> No.8340648

Because the parents don't have to live with that person for the rest of their lives.

>> No.8340754

What do you mean because? What are you referring to specifically?