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8337220 No.8337220 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, I like to think you're smarter than /pol/, and I am curious who you are voting for (or would vote for) in the upcoming US election and why.

>> No.8337224

Trump because I'm tired of nation not fulfilling its side of the contract with citizen.

>> No.8337225

true intellectuals such as myself will vote for Jill Stein

>> No.8337237

Not voting.

>> No.8337240

Jesse Ventura

>> No.8337241

Gary Johnson.
Solely because i was a jeb bush supporter and he fulfills my need for a moderate without scandals in this election.

>> No.8337242

Being moderate is for cucks :)

>> No.8337243

Nigga I'm still on Greek plays I haven't even started reading about democracy.

>> No.8337247
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>bourgeois elections

>> No.8337251

Americucks out

>> No.8337253

I'm not American but I'd vote for Trump.

>> No.8337260

Clinton, because I'm not insane.

>> No.8337270

Stein because opting out of 2psys

>> No.8337271

I'm an unironic #cruzmissle

>> No.8337275

WTF I hate sanders now!

>> No.8337278
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>autocrats of any kind


>> No.8337281

Jill Stein. She won't waste tax payer money on foreign wars, her environmental policy is radical enough to make a difference, and she's not a crazy religious nut. Also she's the only candidate in the election willing to take a stand against consumer capitalism.

>> No.8337287

praise kek!

>> No.8337293

This. If you really want the policies Stein advocates and you realize that she won't win, Clinton is an obvious choice. She won't change anything radically but at least Sanders and Stein will still have platforms, while under Trump they wouldn't get anything meaningful done.

Any other vote is a vote for Trump which I find to be the equivalent of a political tantrum.

>> No.8337296
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There is potential in this election cycle to establish once and for all that one does not need to choose between a giant douche and a cunt sandwich: this is why one must vote third party.

>> No.8337307

The DNC kind of committed voter fraud though.

>> No.8337314

Primary rules are archaic and weird and stupid, but Clinton did not cheat. She had the support of the party, but they are a group of people who are allowed to make choices of influence.

That's a lie Republicans spread into the Sanders camp to fuck over Hillary.

>> No.8337319
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>mfw a Trump supporter thinks I'm voting for Clinton because I don't know how fucked she and the dems are and not in spite of it

>> No.8337325

At this point it's either the same corrupted, law transcending corporatists or Trump. I'm electing the former because I don't want to see commotion and upheaval within the country. The entire argument concerning any legality is invalid because any politician or businessperson of Trump or Hillary's calibre has likely contravened on several occasions by virtue of their station. Trump's refused to rent to black people, and after the Justice Department ruled against him, he still refused.

>> No.8337326

I'm against democratic elections so it doesn't matter who I vote for. Yes, let's let all the ignorant sheep vote for a bunch of random people who are all against each other and actively harm the country just to make the other side look bad instead of having a single decision maker who was born into ruling and groomed their entire life by experts (like the previous ruler who ruled their entire life).

>> No.8337329

Donald Trump.

He's more fun.

>> No.8337331

Johnson. I think the inability of the American populace to vote on principle has lead to a race to the bottom in two party politics, the results of which we're seeing now. As a result, I feel compelled to stand on principle regardless of the outcome, even though it may lead to serious negative consequences for me as a minority of intentionally unspecified nature.

Johnson is mathematically capable of winning as well, which means Stein (who isn't) isn't even worth considering. It's the only reasonable course of action besides penciling in Bernie Sanders, which I would no longer do anyway due to his treachery.

>> No.8337333
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>> No.8337336

I would never vote for someone as corrupt and manipulated by external interests like Hillary Clinton, I'd rather let the country go out in a blaze of fire... unless the other candidate was Donald Trump.

>> No.8337339

yeah but I don't live in a swing state anyways, so practically speaking why shouldn't I vote 3rd party?

>> No.8337342

It's cute when people try to think.

>> No.8337344

>besides penciling in Bernie Sanders, which I would no longer do anyway due to his treachery.
Because he endorsed Clinton? Can you explain to a pleb what the big deal is? He lost the nominee, so he expressed his opinion that Hillary was the next best choice? Or am I missing something?

>> No.8337345

Call me an idealist, but it irritates me that they get away with corruption and americans don't care just because "well everyone does it lol"

>> No.8337346

If you want to get experimental, you vote Trump.

For maintaining status quo vote Hillary

>> No.8337354

>what does he mean by this

>> No.8337357


He said that it wasn't about him, that it was about creating a movement. He then turns around and endorses the status quo, a candidate who represents everything the movement was against.

>> No.8337359

if you're about to be an expat for work regardless, vote Trump and laugh from across the oceans as your SJW peers from college cry.

>> No.8337369

Eh, might throw it Stein's way, she's tolerable, though I do think the Green platform has some anti-sex worker shit in it. In all honesty I've only heard that through others, gotta look into it myself.

There are further left options that may be kinda nice, but given the trajectory of the Greens as of late (they seem to be moving left), and the fact that I don't know what other options will actually end up on my local ballot, I don't mind tossing a vote her way.

>> No.8337373

>Babby's first time baiting

Jesus christ did you even try

>SJW peers
Can we stop this strawman? It's fucking retarded. People don't support Trump because they don't want to see a hotheaded retard be in charge of supreme court nominations, have a direct line to the pentagon and manage diplomacy on the international stage in representation of their country. You're literally the reflection of your own strawman being the liberal 'everyone who doesn't disagree with me is a racist' - 'everyone who doesn't agree with me is an SJW college cuck xD'

>> No.8337376

I didn't pay that much attention to the 2008 election, and I was too young to care about 2004 or 2000, so I'm curious, when was the last time the Americans had such a contentious election? The Romney/Obama one was fairly civil.

Maybe I just go on the internet too much, but it looks like the US is on the brink of open strife. You don't see this kind of stuff in Canada anymore, not since that Quebec horseshit.

>> No.8337377

Wow, I seem to have started a fire without even implying anything that you've gone on about. I don't agree with Trump (nor did I come close to implying I did), and I genuinely meant that I would like to see my Bernie bros (who just HAPPEN to be college-aged sociology majors) hashtagging it out. You've assigned me my own strawman completely out of nowhere.

You seem mad.

>> No.8337386

It's like this every fucking time.

It's always "apocalyptic" and "this election is the most important ever" etc.

>> No.8337387

Underrated post

>> No.8337391

This is why I love /lit/. Thanks guys for not falling into the Trump meme

>> No.8337393

/lit/'s consensus: ANYONE BUT TRUMP

>> No.8337402

There's not even a consensus in this thread you fools. There's even a couple monarchists in here.

>> No.8337408

It depends on how much traction Jill Stein gains over the coming months. If somehow she manages to find her way into the national debates with Hillary and Trump, her popularity and poll numbers will skyrocket, in which case I'll likely vote for her. If she gains little momentum from now until fall then I'll swallow a bitter pill and vote Hillary; but only to keep out a man who thinks climate change is a hoax, who wants to lower taxes for everyone, who has no respect for free speech and wants to open up libel laws, who will nominate a terrible justice, and who advocates for extreme forms of torture that violate international law. And that's just scratching the surface. The only thing I agree with Trump on is trade.

So Stein's my first choice, but I'll reluctantly vote Hillary if Stein's not doing well.

>> No.8337433
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I'll vote Trump because I'll have a STEM degree in a few years and want him to reform H1-b visas and lower interest on student loans. I think it is in my best interest that he wins, plus I actually do not trust Hillary. Sorry if that Isn't contrarian enough for this thread

>> No.8337443

it's funny, since literally every person i've met complains that he's a racist and never mention his temperament. you're clearly saying why YOU don't want to vote for him. and that's fine. stop putting words in other people's mouths.

>> No.8337454


>saying goodbye to 1st and 2nd amendment and importing millions of terrorists is "status quo"

>> No.8337502

yes, the rate at which things are getting worse stays exactly the same

>> No.8337520

>saying goodbye to the 2nd amendment

It's about goddamn time. I'd rather be free from gun owners altogother than free to own guns.

Unfortunately for me the 2nd amendment isn't going anywhere. She might make stricter gun control laws, but it'll still be easy for most people to get them. Hillary is an incrementalist. She believes in very slow change, if any at all. In other words, she likes to maintain the status quo.

>> No.8337528

Trump because it's the only way left open through these people's >>8337293
>and you realize that she won't win

>> No.8337530

Voting Trump. H1Bs

>> No.8337541

It's August I can't foresee Stein gaining that amount of momentum...especially amongst the plebs.

I'm voting Hillary. I'm hoping she does a lot for women and stands by lowering the cost of college for everyone. I'm also hoping she emulates the progressive revolution which was started by Berine.

Trump is a horrible human being. The people in /pol/ are destructive and see him as way of escapism.
He has literally been accused of rape by three different women (including a child), disrespectful, cheated on his partners, openly inspires violence, is extremely racist, denies climate change, etc.

>> No.8337544

woops meant to respond to OP

>> No.8337546

Voting Trump because I don't like illegal immigrants and Muslims.

>> No.8337550

3/10 bait.

>> No.8337551

>The people in /pol/ are destructive and see him as way of escapism.
Pretty much, he's the same sort of juvenile manchild that they are, just ostentatious and vaguely success shaped

>> No.8337553

Hope you like national debt and recession then

>> No.8337573

I hope you like nuclear holocaust as the alternative

notice how I spew utter trash without explaining any of it
>have unarmed populace
>be at the mercy of your own military and government
wew, glad those angry rednecks aren't committing armed robberies at convenience stores anymoe

>> No.8337581

I personally know lots of Immigrants, and the process isn't as easy as you think.

Also for those of you that have similar feelings on H1B visa please don't hate on the immigrants. They are literally just looking for a better life. It's the greedy industries in America that are doing the outsourcing.

There doesn't seem to be any checks or balances on H1B visas so I agree with you that it does need to be reformed.

Hillary has stated that she's intends to preserve H1b visas and actually increase them. I really do think that's a bit fucked since there are so many people in those tech industries w/o jobs; my own brother being one of them. It's also immoral too since often times these immigrants aren't treated or paid like American workers.

This is where I do disagree with Hillary, but I still can't see myself voting Trump.

>> No.8337591

His tax plan is going to lead to somewhere between 9-12 trillion in budget deficit, but hey at least there wont be any Muslims in the unemployment line

>> No.8337682

>people get so caught up discussing which pres. they're going to vote for
>some of them don't even know who their state's governor is

>> No.8337709

Donald Trump
Jerry Brown

>> No.8337786

>He thinks Trump will do that

Only reason for not voting trump is allbuthillary and the end of government support for cancer like BLM.
Im Europoor so Hillary would be way better for us, because she is anti-Russian.

>> No.8337794

Bring back the adoptive emperor regime from ancient Rome backed by a strong senate consisting of the finest minds of each field.

>> No.8337796

>adoptive emperor regime from ancient Rome backed by a strong senate

>> No.8337815


>> No.8337819

Trump because the future is looking boring and I could care less about the state of the nation desu

>> No.8337861

It's incredible. Either we have a psychopath who has done everything to ensure Europe is falling apart due to her crusade against Gadaffi, the blood on her hands due to what happened at Benghazi, the email controversy, the blatant corruption where she basically sold herself to the big banks promising that she would enable high offices for those who protect the wall street interests, not even mentioning how she and the DNC basically forced Sanders out. This woman is just pure evil and I don't want her to rule, what is basically, the mightiest country on earth.

Then again you have this retard of a man called Trump... Yet Trump hasn't done nearly the things Hillary has done, and if I had to choose Trump should be given a chance. Iam worried he will weaken NATO though and as a result Russia will once again encrouch upon the Baltic states and Ukraine.

>> No.8337864


Corruption is not new, cameras are. And anyway I'd rather my president be an adult politician.

>> No.8337867

Couldn't have put it in better words, though I am still on the fence on wether I'll be voting Trump or Hillary. I probably won't vote at all, I just can't support any of these people.

>> No.8337876

i'm like so a nihilist tho so idk lol

>> No.8337882

>we could vote for a 3rd candidate
>go ahead, waste your vote

>> No.8337883

Honestly either candidate is going to get into a major, impeachment-worthy scandal within their first term.

Who would you rather have as president after one of them resigns? Mike Pence or Tim Kaine? Pence is your classic GOP douche like Bush Jr., but there's something about Kaine that makes me tingle uncomfortably. Must be his Jesuit background.

>> No.8337884

accelerationism LOL

>> No.8337888
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>not voting for Trump

>> No.8337889

Jesuit or child molester?
This is where we are friends

>> No.8337894

Impeachment so only happen when the president resists the demands of oligarchs. I think neither will have to sweat impeachment.

>> No.8337898

>voting for a climate change denier

>> No.8337899

so like basically europe is just fucked

>> No.8337904

Jill Stein. I'm not a libertarian and I refuse to vote for Clinton or Trump.

>> No.8337914

I agree. I live in Florida and I can't leave the house without bursting into flames. I'm done with this.

>> No.8337920

That is correct

>> No.8337921

Clinton, because the idea of Trump in control of the nuclear triad scares the everliving shit out of me.

>> No.8337923

what's worse is that politicians are climate change deniers because they're paid to be. they're kicking the can down the road so they can line their pockets now. old people should not be allowed to participate in government.

>> No.8337926

There is no difference in either candidates foreign policy concerning Syria, Russia, or Iran. They both share the neocon vision of the Middle East as the last strategic obstacle before pressuring and moving in on Russia. They both say Assad must go, they both think Iran is evil incarnate, and neither entertains cooperative measures with Russia in solving the problems of the region, like fighting ISIS and ending the Syrian/Iraqi civil wars, and thus at the least slowing the migrant surge.

Don't worry about NATO. That's campaign rhetoric for the libertarians and others.

>> No.8337936

No one fucks with NATO without Eurogarch approval, and not even Trump is in any position to influence that crowd.

>> No.8337976

>I like to think you're smarter than /pol/

well yeah, but that's only because the average /pol/tard has the intellect of an edgy 16 year old who's read a grand total of 2 philosophy books and thinks their thoughts to be revolutionary and proof of their superiority

>> No.8337982


Trump because immigration is the biggest issue facing the west today. It's practically destroying European civilization as we speak.

>> No.8337997

>read a grand total of 2 philosophy books
I think you're overestimating them there, more like they watched a couple of youtube videos about cultural marxism and had their crush smile at a black person.

>> No.8338012

Europe isn't the United States.

You fucks were complaining about firstly the Irish, the French, then the postwar Italians, Jews, and Albanians. They were all apparently the biggest issue facing the 'West' at whatever point in time.

>> No.8338014

Trump. Partially because >>8337982 and also because I overwhelmingly side with the conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

>> No.8338016


Tim Kaine plans to legalize illegal immigrants.

>> No.8338026

He says while safe and secure in his stable economy with zero military threats. Such a shitty government that is the oldest continuous one in operation worth considering.

>> No.8338030
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Now why don't you show us the Reddit thread you're using as a source for that.

>> No.8338036

How is the most liberal candidate in US history against what they stand for?

>> No.8338038
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Trump because let's ride this thing baby

>> No.8338045
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So I guess because we were wrong once a long time ago we never get to have an opinion on immigration again. Back then there was no welfare or multiculturalism. Nowadays we have to accept all these horrible people into our countries and then fund their lifestyle and approve of their backward culture, it's fucking insult to injury.

Two thirds of illegal immigrants have never completed any form of high school. Those 12 million mexicans are going to be so poor that they will never pay any income tax, and as soon as they're able to they'll go straight onto the welfare rolls. If you want to import immigrants get some Indians or Chinese; they're much harder workers and much less prone to crime. You guys could have your pick, everyone wants to work in the US, yet you're willing to accept favela dregs.

>> No.8338047

Like cooperating with Russia has a different result than not cooperating with Russia.

>> No.8338048

>against immigrants
>supports the two most devastating groups of people on this entire planet

>> No.8338050

Hillary Clinton.

I think we've had enough of old white men by now, don't you?

>> No.8338053


Just because complains about certain immigrants were overblown in the past, that does not mean they are overblown now.

It's hard to deny that Europe is going through an extreme ethnic/immigration crisis, and something very similar could happen to the US if it's allowed. Hell, immigrants/refugees are practically being used as a bio-weapon now, with leaders of countries threatening to send them into Western/Northern Europe unless they comply with their demands.

>> No.8338060


in general i tend to be against government intervention in the economy. seems to make everything more worthless. i think it's nuts that left-wing politicians want to make college free for all. The value of a college diploma is getting worse and worse every day.

And really, why should public funds be used to support garbage majors like sociology, women's studies, art history, etc? Complete waste of money.

>> No.8338068


I disagree, but my point is that out of all the people you could choose to import by the millions, why illiterate mexicans? The world's your oyster. Get some people who will work and stay out of prison.

America already has a burgeoning domestic supply of high school dropouts. Didn't you guys have some program a long time ago where you got black people to harvest crops and take care of domestic chores?

>> No.8338076

You know who's really being affected by the crisis? Well it certainly isn't the refugees themselves.

>> No.8338094

What's this H1-b issue? I'm European so I don't understand but I'd like to

>> No.8338100

Heaven forfend some mere commoner should attempt to understand the machinations of society or the flowering of the human mind.

>> No.8338110


This can be done without college. A commoner can mostly learn about these philosophical subjects from extensive reading in libraries and the internet, not to mention videos and lectures. Why waste all that money to learn that stuff at college? It's a complete waste of people's tax money.

>> No.8338124

If I was American I would as always vote my conscience, which is what Americans should do, but they never do. They just vote what's popular because they're so retarded sheep.

>I need to vote either Democrat or Republican else my vote isn't worth anything


>> No.8338137

>I care more about being Right than real life consequences

>> No.8338141

If I'm voting, Stein or Johnson. I wouldn't be in mourning or something if Trump won, though. Whoever wins, state power always wins in the end.

>> No.8338154

See? You even try to rationalize your herd behavior.

>> No.8338160

Are you fucking retarded? There was a tone of multiculturalism especially with French, Italian and Chinese enclaves - all of whom are generally very assimilated today. We're talking about the specific context of the United States. Muslim Americans go through the same hard vetting process that all ultra-continental immigrants do.

I'm not denying anything concerning the U.S. But the U.S is not equitable to Europe because the legislation, culture, views on assimilation and potential for ghettoisation are all widely different from the U.S. With the bio-weapon shit you're just referring to Erdogan, who has nothing on the U.S. American Muslims and American Syrians have to go through an extremely difficult vetting process and turn out to be fantastic citizens in general. This is evidenced by higher average incomes, higher average education rates, lower crime rates on average and the fact almost every second generation Muslim American for all intents and purposes is an American like anyone else. I don't see what's so hard about differentiating American Muslims and European Muslims.

>> No.8338176

>destroying the planet is a price well worth paying for not being part of the herd

>> No.8338182

The military and government is made up of our countrymen. They're not part of some elite foreign group ruling us from afar. It's Phil, Tommy, and Susan from down the street. So I'm not worried about them suddenly enslaving us because they have the weapons and we don't. And even if they did, it wouldn't matter if we had our guns. They have far superior weaponry. Your line of argument might have held in the 1700s, but not anymore.

>> No.8338184

>Voting for someone other than Trump or Shillary destroys the planet

You're really going all out now. Keep the rationalizations going m8, it's funny.

>> No.8338187

>could care less

Americans... when will they learn?

>> No.8338191

This. Fucking Americans, why do you have to be so simple? Why can't you have more than 2 strong parties with a population of 300 million people? I can't believe only 2(two) discourses are going to fit the narrative of so many people. The sheeple mentality is strong in that country.

>> No.8338220

Trump is the literary choice

>> No.8338245

Helping a climate change denier win the presidential election is a good plan if you want the planet to be destroyed.

>> No.8338263

Helping someone who deletes emails if a good plan if you want every email in the world to be deleted

>> No.8338270

Well it's a matter of priorities then, innit.

>> No.8338280

This election really is a shitfest, but it's not an uniquely contentious one. Bush vs Kerry also saw a lot of anger against Bush and the Iraq war, and Bush was considered a dangerous idiot by some, similarly to the perception of Trump now.

>> No.8338376

> every email in the world to be deleted
What a wonderful world it would be

>> No.8338403


Who gives a shit, Trump will most likely just leave that stuff up to the states and organizations. Voting based on climate change policy is like voting based on their stance on abortion: pointless.

The main priorities are economics and immigration, everything else is secondary.

>> No.8338434


>> No.8338438

>The main priorities are economics and immigration, everything else is secondary.

Trump wants to place a massive tariff on imports which would cause the price of all consumer goods to sky rocket and he would cause the value of the USD to plummet a lot worse than the pound did during Brexit, the only thing that he could cause to really become cheaper is food prices by restricting their exports and driving down farming profits.
If you want to set-up domestic manufacturing making it so that nobody can afford to import capital goods is crazy. The only way corporations would be able to deal with this is to drive down wages to save on expenditure.

Clinton and Trump have even always held pretty much the same position on immigration

>> No.8338439

I'll be voting for some adults to replace some of the incumbent tards who continually fuck things up in the state & federal legislatures. That's the most important task. The presidential puppet show is designed to distract us from that. Anyway I will hold my nose & vote Clinton because trump. Don't be stupid.

>> No.8338451

A working visa scheme introduced under pressure of tech companies. A foreign worker can be granted this visa if sponsored by a company willing to hire him. If he's fired he gets deported. Needless to say this will force him to accept whatever shit wages the company offers. and overall lower wages across the whole industry.

Remember immigration is the reserve army of capital.

>> No.8338453

Watch out for that fedora there you Chomsky quoting cuck

>> No.8338468

Corporations are the ones who demand specialized workers with guaranteed qualifications so the cost burden of that should be directly shifted onto them instead of individuals. They should collectively pay the cost of maintaining a skilled work forces if they want one available for them.

>> No.8338482

>Consumer Capitalism

Wow fulfilling peoples wants and needs is such a dreadful thing. Why can't we just go back to the stone age but without the rape and pillage?

>> No.8338487

>Trump will most likely just leave that stuff up to the states and organizations.
And that will surely work out just fine.
Everything is text anon.

>> No.8338502

>fulfilling peoples wants and needs is such a dreadful thing
> Why can't we just go back to the stone
To hard to organize.
>but without therape and pillage
Both things still exist anyway.

>> No.8338523

Trump is a meme-politician, a populist. He's dangerous. I'm not happy with Hilary but voting for her is the only reasonable and responsible thing to do.

>> No.8338549

There's no need for capitalism to "fulfill wants and needs". Markets do and they don't need capitalism to work.

>> No.8338571
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She's not even that fantastic of a choice, but I'm probably gonna go with Stein and her healing crystals. As far as third-party candidates go, I think she should be where Johnson is in terms of popularity but the "dude weed" people have been pushing him hard.

>> No.8338610

Vermin Supreme.

>> No.8338620

Are you fucking retarded? Are did you just sleep during Econ.?

>> No.8338630

>Are you fucking retarded?
>Are did you just sleep during Econ.?

>> No.8338631
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>Browsing /lit/
>Think for a moment we'll have a fun Leviathan discussion
>Shitty US politics

>> No.8338634

Does her in control of Presidential emails not scare you?

>> No.8338638

2016 Auschwitz suicide

>> No.8338639

We had one gentrified negro though, forgot already?

>> No.8338644

>Im Europoor so Hillary would be way better for us, because she is anti-Russian.

I'm always amazed on the retardation of /lit/ when it comes to geopolitics

>> No.8338653

You really need to get your head checked. Just to be sure your not batshit crazy. If you are in fact sane, you are either an imbecile, ignorant, or immoral. In the age of total information there is no excuse for people like you.

>> No.8338655
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*within the next 50/100 years

>> No.8338668


You seem to fail to understand that climate change denial is the only politically correct way to solve the real underlying issue, which is overpopulation. They're playing the long-game. You can't outright go out and say that 50% of the world population has to die for life to be sustainable on the planet - you'd be crucified. But you can reject climate change, maybe even reject environmental policies that would suppress climate change on the basis of it being inconvenient to businesses, and you wont piss off anyone except hippies who no one takes seriously. Endgame is it solves itself - climate change causes rectification of the human population to a sustainable level in a matter of centuries.

There's a very noble long-game being played by all the politicians who have misanthropic beliefs if you consider them half-assedly, but sustainable beliefs when you think them through.

The planet has been here for billions of years. It does not give a single solitary fuck about climate change. It was here before humanity, it will be here after humanity.

>> No.8338670


>> No.8338675


Say good night to western civilization. All that will remain of it will be the hyperreal american plastic souvenirs of it.

>> No.8338677
File: 1015 KB, 500x418, 1469285181150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im Europoor so Hillary would be way better for us, because she is anti-Russian.
It is truly astonishing how some of you people will swallow the le ebil russia meme whole-heartedly.

>> No.8338681
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Liked and upvoted

>> No.8338685

Hillary will literally do shit fuck all about climate change though.

>> No.8338707

Can't vote because britbong, but I would vote for Trump because of his tax policies, strong emphasis on national security, desire to curb illegal immigration and to deal with the current mass of illegal immigrants in the country, his desire for a strong military that can project power across the globe when necessary and his relatively let-people-sort-out-their-own-problems/non-interefernce foreign policy (at least, in comparison with hillary).

>> No.8338728

Voting Stein, as I did in 2012. Call me an idealist, but I refuse to cast my vote for Wall Street and/or Military-Industrial Conplex shills (thus excluding the entirety of the Democratic and Republican establishments) and Trump is too unpredictable for my tastes, though I appreciate his stance on TPP and campaign finance reform.

>tfw you see the mainstream media and their twitter drones outright lie about Stein being anti-vax

Someone get me off this ride

>> No.8338742

Illegal immigration is literally a non-issue that only truly stupid people or fruit pickers are worried about

I don't understand why anyone would vote for a retarded, orange-faced failed business magnate reality TV star like Trump

>> No.8338757

I pressed the upvote button with my fedora

>> No.8338881

The USA has over 300 million people
In comparison to most of the world, including third world countries, their illegal immigration problem is very small.
I dont think Illegal immigrants who work in intensive agriculture, as maids, as gardeners, or in Chinese restaurants, are stealing the jobs of the more numerous Americans who live from food stamps or the autismbucks neets.

There wont be growth for years if the USA leaves NAFTA.
There wont be growth for years if the USA starts a tarde war with China.

If Trump deports 10 million people in 2 years there will be a humanitarian catastrophe, similar to the Syrian refugees in Turkey. Millions in Mexico living in tents.
Although I dont think edgy youngsters from 4 Chan would care about that.

And also, something similar to a police state may be needed to locale and deport that much people in 2 years, and to force companies to manufacture in the USA when supposedly the economy is free.

>> No.8338903

>being this much of a libcuck
Is there even a containment board for you?

>> No.8338959


She's not. She's a shill and a criminal.

>> No.8338965

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