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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.37 MB, 5000x1501, office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8331769 No.8331769 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelves of /lit/ thread?


>> No.8331797
File: 222 KB, 1362x681, Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 2.42.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>toy car
if you have kids you shouldn't be on this board

also why did I find this.

embarassing. leave this website forever

>> No.8331808

what a fucking faggot lmao

>> No.8331888


The Toy car is for my future SO's son.
And yes I sometimes visit Reddit, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.8331891
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>> No.8332057


I don't have a bookshelf because I'm poor. My books are just strewn about randomly on tables and the floor.

>> No.8332137

I'm so poor i can't even afford books, rich fag.

ITT: OP is a pretentious attention whore.

>> No.8332174

>I'm so poor i can't even afford books, rich fag.

This isn’t a fucking game, kid, this is my life. Live on the Alaskan tundra for a year and we'll see how your habits change when you come out the other side. You wake up and spit your morning loogie down the sink, I swallow mine for sustenance. You're the kind who throws away bad milk. I make sour cream. You tie your shoes before you leave the house. I use one long lace between them both to save $ on shoelaces, faggot. I shit in a diaper for a year when I couldn’t afford to flush. Ever heard of a lambskin condom? I fuck lambs with a condom, cause women are just too pricey. I have a mustache, because it gets me free hotdogs. You're up a paddle without a creek, richboy. I’ll only tell you once: I keep my promises kid, because I can’t afford to lie.

>> No.8332393

That picture doesn't belong to him anon, relax.

>> No.8332427

I know, all I said was that it was nice.

>> No.8332832
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"Thanks for the car papa. its kind of gay, I just want to play pokemon go"
"why do you never read your books papa?"

"because I like to take pictures of them instead"

"you're a faggot papa"

>> No.8332920

Calm down there Nietzsche

>> No.8332924
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Since all of you are so gay, I'll get this shit back on track with my repost from last week.

>> No.8332950
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With many more books on the floor. Partly because I try not to shelve a book until I've read it, partly because there's not enough space.

>> No.8332977
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>> No.8333087

>all that 20th century american literature
you dont know how much i hate burgers

>> No.8333121
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Stay mad, fag.

>> No.8333184
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why that's very nice op looks comfy

>> No.8333279
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>> No.8333325

So you're a white 57 year old father of three?

>> No.8333386

close i'm a transgender mongolian emo dwarf fetus of eleven

>> No.8333391

Nice Americana poster, anon

>> No.8334403

Regardless of whether your SO is a lady or a dude, you're still a fucking faggot for taking a panoramic view of your shelves where you can barely make out any books except for that 'Evergreen Review Reader' and your copy of the bandanna mememan, and you're a swine for having stacks of books on your ground
Nothing in your picture suggests you should stay here, and I'm a 23 y/o kissless virgin so I would know

>> No.8334410

the ground*

>> No.8334508

you'll get kissed one day bud trust me
by your UNCLE FRED

>> No.8334576
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Entry level meme reader shelf here.

Only just started reading fiction - previously was only economics/finance books and textbooks (more econ books outside of pic).

Atlas Shrugged to American Psycho were all picked up today. Halfway through Infinite Jest.

>> No.8334580

who the fuck wants skylight

i haven't opened my blinds since 2007 and that's the way i like it

>> No.8334584


hol-ee pleb

>> No.8334586


Looks like you haven't even read your copy of Infinite Jest.

You could have spent the time you used to read Atlas Shrugged to read Infinite Jest.

>> No.8334588
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/pol/ told me to read Crippled America.

>> No.8334589


That's actually the most patrician book on the shelf.

>> No.8334604


I literally just finished reading it. Two days ago. Atlas Shrugged was better. Infinite Jest would be like if Ayn Rand decided to write Atlas as 50% edgy-kid rambling, 40% sci-fi centering around the electricity-from-air and cloaking machines, and 10% her politics. Only it's worse, because IJ doesn't even rise to the level of a political argument as vapid as "leeching off of others is bad". Instead it simply states very observational things like "People have addictions", makes a lame as fuck Ulysses reference, something something post-modernism, and bam! done.

>> No.8334613


Will Atlas Shrugged be a faster read than Infinite Jest?

It has more pages, but given the footnotes and complicated vocab in IJ, Atlas Shrugged can't be anywhere near as mentally draining as IJ.

>> No.8334619


Infinite Jest has better prose. Atlas Shrugged is more linear. However, Atlas Shrugged is also screamingly didactic in a completely heavy-handed and unsubtle way. It's pretty close, but I think Infinite Jest is going to be the faster read. May depend on you.

>> No.8334632

Wew lad...

>> No.8334691


The Chapters on Inequality of Labor Income and Inequality of Capital Income in C21C are GOAT. Really makes you think.

>> No.8334911

They are not and Piketty is a hack who uses his credentials to sell books instead of writing actual research articles for economic journals. He is literally scamming people.

>> No.8335010
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>> No.8335016
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I need more shelves

>> No.8335022
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this is the most patrician shelf ITT

>> No.8335024
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I wish more American publishers sold complete sets of an author's works

>> No.8335028
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5/6 guess what the missing book is in the the top shelf

>> No.8335033
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I think it's important for you to know I posted these while taking a shit.

>> No.8335063

>Stacks of books because you don't have enough shelf space
I can relate. Really nice set-up though.

>> No.8335075

What the hell is that top shelf? Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

>> No.8335077

Is the Oxford set of Faust worth getting? I have the Kaufmann and Norton editions, but I always hear good stuff about the Oxford.

>> No.8335080

Any tips before reading Faust? you seem invested

>> No.8335084

that's a lot of dante
what's your favourite translation

>> No.8335091

Please tell me you're writing a dissertation on the Divine Comedy. Otherwise I'll want to smack you across the face.

>> No.8335098
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luke is sophisticated and very well-received, though i think some of his modernization are a bit awkward. could be personal preference. it's showing signs of being the new "standard" translation for sure. i liked it better the second time i read/skimmed through it than the first time.

sincerely and unironically - start with the greeks, esp. for part 2. part 1 is pretty straightforward and you probably already know the story so it shouldn't be difficult to follow.

see pic


>> No.8335103


Maybe you should actually read one or two of those books instead of hoarding every single piece of classic literature you can think of.

90% of those shelves look untouched. Unless you turn the pages with tweezers a book that has been read does not usually look brand-new.

>> No.8335111

i don't believe in reading books. i think it's haram.

no i just really like dante. also im interested in the process of literary translation so this makes a good case study.

>> No.8335116


I've read two of his journal articles. What's wrong with them? I could only read two of them because the rest are full of complex equations and mathematical symbols that are beyond my scope of knowledge.

Capital in the Twenty First Century literally wrote the book in the current inequality debate at the top 1% meme that people like to rant about.

I don't necessarily agree with all of his ideas but the book itself is great. Not exactly light reading though.

>> No.8335117

I just have a kindle, but I am planning on buying all the books I read on it to decorate my shelves with eventually

>> No.8335122

oh you're the dante guy? respect

>> No.8335137

Fascinating. And you read Chinese? That's pretty impressive, desu

>> No.8335162


>Cute girl comes over to your house.
>"Wow anon you must really like reading classic books! Can you tell me a little bit about those Dante books? Oooh you have the entire collection of Shakespeare's plays? Which one is your favourite? I love Shakespeare!"
>H-heh, sorry [cute girl], I've only read HALF, HALF of Hamlet. Despite the size of my collection.
>"Well, what about Dante? You have so many copies of his books!"
>"Those are just decorative."

>Spend $1000s on books to impress people who probably don't care.
>Your shelf ends up looking tasteless.
>You probably only read manga comics.
>The money could have been spent on something far more productive than decorative items.

>> No.8335177

>projecting this hard

>> No.8335183


Not everyone is as shallow as you

>> No.8335188



Really? How much would you say all those books cost, why do they cost so much anyways, are there not many printed?

>> No.8335299
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>> No.8335308
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>> No.8335309
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>> No.8335342
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>tfw poorfag
>tfw seeing all these big collections
>tfw barely have two 1m shelves full, rest is ebooks or returned to the library
>tfw have been looking at buying a physical copy of Epistulae morales ad Lucilium in my language for my collection for months now and can't bring myself to spend the money
>tfw Thales was wrong

>> No.8335345

Don't worry. One day you will die.

>> No.8335367

most of the books cost ~$5 - $10. the Chinese set cost me $70 + $200 shipping. the History of Middle Earth was around $150. Various books cost in the $30 - $50 range (Bible was $50, flight to lucifer ran me $30, the Spenser and the Marlowe were like $50). The Shakespeare set was like $400. some of the Dante was ~20 - $40.

but keep in mind this was gathered over many years

>> No.8335376

Try working.

>> No.8335388

How poor, though? I've ~500 dorrah to spend each month after paying rent, when I have to buy course books or when my bike breaks it's even less, and I only go looking for books after I know I've covered both food, drinking and drugging, but I'm always running out of space on my shelves just from buying used books anyway.
Granted, if you're looking for one specific book you probably won't find it, and newer books are obviously out of the question, but finding literature for cheap is easy as piss.

>> No.8335397
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>> No.8335414

>not making drugs your property

>> No.8335511
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Reading and the Passage of time.
Don't you find that, after a few years. could be one year, could be ten, the books you've read pretty much vanish from yourself? You only get a slight sensation of what it did for you at the time. If even that. I'm 34 and it's such a pity to realize that, not only I will never read all the books I'd like to because of limited time on this earth, but also because of the fact that those I've read don't become part of me or stay with me, but they vanish away, more or less slowly, until there's nothing left of them.
Some book's I've read and really liked, I remember nothing.

>> No.8335521

I guess I should create a separate thread. Here it is:


>> No.8335552

Looks like a pretty comfy spot, OP. What do you do for a living?

>> No.8335553

I envy you for that work/study space. I won't have my own for some years.

>> No.8335563

money laundering

>> No.8335818


How is the Norton Critical Inferno?

I normally hold their translations in high esteem.

>> No.8336271

sorry not familiar with that one

it doesn't really get brought up often in translation discussions and comparisons in my experience

>> No.8336290

Poor mans libary and fucking Amerifat at that ! Must do better or fail and die and be obscure ..basically faggotry at its worst excess..

>> No.8336431
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>> No.8336439
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>> No.8336475


Maitena. Manes. Are you not ashamed, my fellow porteño?

>> No.8336501
File: 1.53 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20160729_182004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my bookshelves Britannia's fifty greatest books of the western world, plant and biology books, some signed jesse Stuart books, and bird books. Inherited all of these and the shelf

>> No.8336504

Cool, a bunch of shit nobody would ever read.

>> No.8336510

for free

>> No.8336511

Man, recycle those cans and vacuum your carpet. Shit looks disgusting.

>> No.8336550

>>8336475 We are stupidly proud of stupid things. Look close, I'm not from Buenos Aires.

>> No.8336579
File: 78 KB, 450x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean your shit and stand your books up so you don't ruin the bindings.

>> No.8336601

had to take the books for the shelf the whole bottom row is books i have to throw out

>> No.8336627

This makes me realize how nice a book collection looks if it's mostly hardcover.

>> No.8336794

i love this

>> No.8336805

This is a very nice collection. Someday when I get a physical collection it will look a lot like this.

>> No.8336873

Thanks, anons. This is probably about a third of my total collection and it has been a lot of fun to build up, both in the reading and in the hunt for the books. Most of them I found in used book stores with the rest coming from Abe. I did buy Graveyard Clay new because I couldn't wait to read it.

>> No.8336906 [DELETED] 
File: 3.74 MB, 1300x1870, Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 9.22.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be kind. only my fiction shelves, nonfic not pictured.

>> No.8336921 [DELETED] 


It's mostly memes so I can't go any higher than that but there is enough character in there to elevate you above basic /lit/ bitch.

>> No.8336940

deleted it, sorry. promised myself I would stop posting in these threads and should have stuck to that
for the inquisitive anon, it was just like he described it

>> No.8336983

Now I hate you.

>> No.8337193
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>> No.8337209
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Dont have a pic of my set up right now. I just got this sexy bastard though.

>> No.8337217
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>> No.8337228


I actually like floors like that, reminds me of being a little kid

>> No.8337303

i agree with the other guy this carpet is disgusting a smoker lived here before me and i didnt replace the carpet and im not very clean myself

>> No.8337841


>> No.8337958

Gaudy crap

>> No.8337983


good way to impress a girl in 8th grade. I hope you read your daughter or loli-fu le faux leather robin hood book.

>> No.8338111
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>> No.8338112
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>> No.8338116
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>> No.8338118
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>> No.8338300

Can you tell that I'm a girl?

>> No.8338355

Is this a new meme?
I like it

>> No.8338416


>The 80/10/10 diet.

>> No.8338490

How is Underworld and Ireland? I've been itching to buy them for some time.

>> No.8338769

I haven't read them yet

I just finished Libra though and I've read other DeLillo books before. So far, I really enjoy him. That, combined with the general consensus, and Pappy Bloom's belief, that Underwold is his best, leads me to believe it will be great.

>> No.8338902

Underworld ain't great, it sort of buckles under its own weight in the second half. Goes faster than you think it will. Came off to me like he really just wanted to write a 50s nostalgia novel but pumped it full of "deep" and cynical shit to make it seem like he's not a sentimental old codger. Roth's American Pastoral is similar but does it way better.

>> No.8339279

it doesn't count if you have a dick

>> No.8339317
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>what do you think of my stinky bookshelves anon? i haven't washed these books in ages

>> No.8339517
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Fuck it, I'll repost mine again.


>> No.8339541
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>> No.8339546
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>> No.8339568
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>> No.8339581
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>> No.8339819


>> No.8339934

Just looking at you're collection I know you haven't read any of you're books. You're the cliche pseudo intellectual college student in his 3rd year that thinks he's better than everyone else because he's an atheist.

>> No.8339955

He's obviously read the anime, and probably flipped through the Dawkins books, tipping his fedora the whole time

>> No.8339962


Books only end up damaged if you are careless with them, read them significantly more than once, or buy them used. If you know how to keep your books in good condition, then they will stay in good condition.

>> No.8340013

How is middle C, does Gass still have gas?

>> No.8340582

Lil okay bro. You so refined. Girls just swooning left and right cuz you so suave.
What a little punk bitch.

>> No.8341381
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There's a second layer of nothing but Warhammer 40,000 novels on both shelves

>> No.8341516

>my future significant other's son

>> No.8341519

how fat are you?

>> No.8341607

Nice 3mg pic phaggot

>> No.8341609

Nice repeat meme, bacterio-PHAG

>> No.8341641

>opm,monster musume
you read for the lolz right?

>> No.8341780

Pretty fat
I do unironically read Monster Musume for the characters and their wacky interactions.

>> No.8342951
File: 2.74 MB, 2448x3264, CAM01840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like my beloved shelf lads?

>> No.8342963

>mobi dikas

>> No.8342970

which lang?

>> No.8342982


>> No.8343006

It seems interesting. Aesthetically, I mean.

>> No.8343165
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>> No.8343169
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I have another shelf with lots of overflow books but I'd have to move the coffee table to take pictures and that's not going to happen.

>> No.8343211

Damn bro the memes got you.

>> No.8343491

hahahhaa holy shit this is the most embarassing shelf ITT

>> No.8343596

>tfw no one even insulted mine

>> No.8343791

Rate my taste, don't mind the Japanese stuff. I wish I had more space.

>> No.8343801
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Captcha ate my image!

>> No.8343846

Can I honestly ask you if it's worth reading anymore Murakami? You seem to have quite the collection.

I've read Norwegian wood and Kafka on the shore. I was never entirely convinced of his writing style, but I enjoyed Norwegian Wood a lot. However, after reading Kafka on the shore, I'm not sure I want to pick up another one of his books again, it was extremely disappointing. I've hear the wind up is great though, maybe Hard-boiled as well? Is it worth it?

>> No.8343991
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>> No.8344019


epic non readers in the house unite!!!!!!

>> No.8344045


also, most girls' shelves here are utter crap. Nothing against manga, but it really does not compare to a book.

>> No.8344144
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>> No.8344240



But srsly, nothing wrong with a little manga. It is just art.

>> No.8344320

Its a i take a shit on another anons shelf showing im a better more valuable person than the other

>> No.8344474
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I agree, there is a difference between reading shit like Naruto/Bleach, and reading works of art like Rozen Maiden.

>> No.8344515


>I agree, there is a difference between reading shit like Naruto/Bleach, and reading works of art like Rozen Maiden.

For sure, but it is analogous to reading genre fiction and comparing it to Tolkien or Asimov. It isn't wrong, just nothing special or commendable (and is often someone's dirty indulgence).

>> No.8344525

probably not going to be of use to me but where did you get that zero bundle?

>> No.8344585

I will be the first to admit that Murakami is a bit of a guilty pleasure and there are a bunch of other authors that deserve more attention. But if you liked Norwegian Wood you should give South of the Border, West of the Sun a try.

Depending on what disappointed you in Kafka on the Shore you will probably be disappointed by The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle as well and don't even bother with IQ84. I haven't gotten around to reading Hard-Boild Wonderland yet but I've heard good things. If you wanted to give his magical realism books another try then pick up After the Quake or The Elephant Vanishes. The short stories take less commitment and honestly fit his style better.

>> No.8344674

I like the visual pun on The Rise and a Fall of the Third Reich

>> No.8344713


But Tolkien is is pretty bad and not particularly interesting.

>> No.8344727

>But Tolkien is is pretty bad and not particularly interesting.

go back to r/books dear.

>> No.8344737

Sorry, Tolkien is boring and mundane after you read a good universe building writer like Lovecraft or GRRM.

>> No.8344746


>or GRRM

Whelp, now I have to clean my keyboard. Thanks for the laughs, anon.

>> No.8344753

I love the GRRM is bad now that he is popular meme.

>> No.8344761

pls see >>8344727

>> No.8344771

We get it man, you like your memes. Doesn't change the fact that Tolkien's writing is the cure for insomnia.

>> No.8344787

Considering most people would read before bed anyway, I'm not seeing the problem with that...

>> No.8344794

>not stealing

>> No.8344799

It is pretty funny, He was well liked and pretty heavily recommended on this board before the show came out.

>> No.8344803

actually it's more because when this board was new it was a carbon copy of r/books in terms of subject matter

it had little to do with the show. for example kingskiller was loved here and then got pushed out as people who actually read literature came in and took over.

>> No.8344806

Shitposters are typically contrarians and psudointelectuals.

>> No.8344814

Not sure why someone that reads "real" literature would be soo angry about someone calling Tolkien boring.

>> No.8344819

tolkien is still divisive but his reputation and prestige among "real" literature/academics is a few steps above GRRM.

>> No.8344853

Tolkien's writing is neither intellectually nor emotionally stimulating, it does not touch on philosophy or the human condition, it makes no commentary about society or civilization, it's not a product of it's time nor is it religiously or socially important. It's at most filler that you might read as a child or in between serious reading. Tolkien right on par with GGRM, and GGRM is more interesting at any rate. I've read law books more interesting.

>> No.8344978

He invented languages and myths and you think that isn't intellectually stimulating? He serves as a master class in world-building and developing deep characters in a genre which hadn't been known for it before

It's like comparing Arthurian myth to Warhammer novels

>> No.8345108

No, I don't think fake languages and myths are intellectually stimulating when there are real languages and mythos to explore. You are putting Tolkien on a pedestal. Why the hell would you read Tolkien for the mythology when you can explore Greek, Roman, and oriental myths, why would you learn a fake elf language when you can learn Latin, Old English, Japanese or German?

>> No.8345393
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>implying Tolkien comparable to Arthurian myth

>> No.8345404

Why learn anything at all?

>> No.8345911

How is date a live?

>> No.8346196
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Dude Fuck all those people who for some reason do not like where you post your pics and your possessions..I like your set up.

>> No.8346265

It's not that great honestly, but the girls are cute so I can't help myself.

>> No.8346434

Why read Greek myth when you can read Roman myth?

That's how stupid your argument looks

Come back when you've learned how to actually argue

>> No.8346764

Holy shit if there's one thing that fucks me off from Reddit it's their cunt terminology

Why do you have to call your wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend SO? I can only come to the conclusion that you think it's non gender specific and inclusive of all sexual persuasions. Imagine someone in real life with their actual voice saying 'my significant other', what kind of cock-gobbling autist can't just refer to their partner as what they are. Fuck off, cancerous tumor thread.

>> No.8346804

It's shorter to type than 'partner','husband' or 'wife'.

>> No.8346820
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Just moved house, so most of my shit's in boxes. This is just the upper crust of my fiction selection.

>> No.8347017

TRU, it's all abt saving mili-scnds of ur day!

Unless you have sausage fingers it shouldn't take you any more noticeable time to type wife than SO.

Also it's really gay >>8346804

>> No.8347375

It's useful if you don't want to outright say you're a woman by using "boyfriend" or "husband." Especially on places like 4chan.

>> No.8347463

>90% of those shelves look untouched. Unless you turn the pages with tweezers a book that has been read does not usually look brand-new.
If you mostly read at home, they'll be pretty damn close though. And hardbacks will look practically new. Paperbacks will get pretty rekt if carried around or read a lot, though, but a single read at home won't leave much to show.

>> No.8347466

"Partner" might sound less out of place here. SO is sort of, well, it reminds one of Reddit.

But why the fuck care?

>> No.8347496

Because not everything has to be upheld by theory. Some things are just queer and lame, and saying SO is one of them

>> No.8347525
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>> No.8347764

I use partner and SO interchangeably. Not sure why only that one would have that connotation for you. It's been around for a lot longer than Reddit has.

>> No.8347838

I was playing around with this yesterday after think about all these "looks untouched" posts. With a 550 page trade paperback, I can lay it completely open at the mid way point and the spine only takes on a very slight bend. The only ways you are going to get creases in the spine are:
Folding it all the way around
Reading >700 page paperbacks
Intentionally breaking the spine
Reading a Penguin Classic

>> No.8347874


>I sometimes visit Reddit, nothing wrong with that.

Yes there is.

>> No.8347877
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Even then, it really just seems to depend on the publisher.

A True Novel is nearly 1,000 pages and it got treated like crap when I was reading it (on a plane), shoved into luggage, laid out almost entirely flat all the time. I even did the thing where I held it one-handed with the front cover bent back. But there's really only one mild crease in it, and you couldn't really tell I've read it at all.

With the Vintage Murakamis, it's easy to tell Wind-Up Bird Chronicles was read, but you can't even tell I've touched the other four from how short they are.

>> No.8348028

>Haris Poteris


>> No.8348511
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That meme is so original and dank that my mind was changed. If only it were 2012 again though.

>> No.8348534

Oh, to be 15 again.

>> No.8348582



Are you talking about this pic? Because if you are, I have some news for you...

It's actually from a video game

>> No.8348588

Oh. Well, to be 12 again...

>> No.8348596
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Not sure if damage control or just someone who bars themselves from activities because they convinced themselves that life is about not having any fun

>> No.8348645


>3 Piketty books
>no Hayek, Friedman or Mises

kek, "really makes you think"

>> No.8348730

>fun has value

Really though, maybe I just don't find anime or video games very pleasurable or rewarding (which is another form of pleasure - only less immediate). Actually, anime is pretty cool. Most shows are just too long for their worth, ~4-8 hours for a basic 1- or 2-cour show is a lot of time. Masaaki Yuasa is a great director.

>> No.8348783


>maybe I just don't find anime or video games very pleasurable or rewarding

Fair enough, that is perfectly reasonable

>Actually, anime is pretty cool. Most shows are just too long for their worth, ~4-8 hours for a basic 1- or 2-cour show is a lot of time. Masaaki Yuasa is a great director.

I agree with this completely. I don't really watch anime unless a particular show catches my interest. They are just cartoons and, like you said, usually not worth the time. Also they don't really have much going for them in terms of thinking or deep meaning (perhaps with the exception of Evangelion).

>> No.8348897
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i readed "julito cortazar"
Would have been some much sweet

>> No.8348930

Idk I'd be friends with you. Unless you dont like Delillo, then we cant be friends.

>> No.8348940

Oh yeah. I tend to like the creators who do cool things with visuals; they've developed a whole lot of good animation techniques. Deep meaning is very rare indeed, though.

>> No.8348975


>Unless you dont like Delillo

Never heard of him, actually. What is the full name?


>Oh yeah. I tend to like the creators who do cool things with visuals; they've developed a whole lot of good animation techniques.

Yeah, I pretty much have to use the whole "turn your brain off" for any kind of film/animation that isn't a documentary. I watch mostly for the story. Most anime is super generic, but sometimes there are shows with a good twist that makes it entertaining to watch. Good animation is like the icing on a cake.

At the end of the day, I simply consider them entertaining television shows. Nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.8348983

Donald Richard Delillo

>> No.8349047


My interests are generally in non-fiction (particularly science and philosophy), but if you have recommendations I wouldn't mind checking them out.

>> No.8349155
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>> No.8349180
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sort of old I think but whatever

>> No.8349184

How was the age of turbulence?

>> No.8349194
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>> No.8349292
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>> No.8350442

any thoughts on zorba the greek?