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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.28 MB, 848x1200, wodan_sacrifice_by_ethicallychallenged-da4pooi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8331293 No.8331293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>google name of my book
>it's first result
>google my name, it's first 3 results
>google name of my book with my name
>it's first page of several blog links and articles

Can I finally say I did it?

>> No.8331328

What is the book about?

>> No.8331332

Wodan sacrifice, apparently.

>> No.8331350


>> No.8331364

It's about a teen who claims to be bisexual, plays several musical instruments, does great in school and has many friends. As the book progresses, it's revealed that he's actually a manipulative cunt who does everything, even the most terrible and vile things to get what he wants and basically nothing about him is true.
It was pretty successful locally. Hopefully it'll get better known abroad.
No sequels or anything else, it's stand-alone.

>> No.8331375

Actually sounds interesting
Congrats, I guess

>> No.8331773

>Herman Schnoederleiabahn
>Inquisitions into Qatarian Combat

>> No.8331819


>> No.8331951

whats the name

>> No.8331980

Why would someone cut a man's throat before hanging him from a tree?

>> No.8331991
File: 145 KB, 640x909, 640px-Pessoacopo[1].jpg_1469734622764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter if your book gets published or not, what it matters is whether the book is worth to be remembered in the future or not
>Still studied by the Pessoan critics, who have different interpretations about the way the book should be organized, it was first published in Portuguese in 1982, 47 years after Pessoa's death; the author died also at 47, in 1935.

Will be your book good after 47 years of your death?

>> No.8332065

Will yours though, anon?

>> No.8332079

You want a spanish translation of your book?

>> No.8332085
File: 35 KB, 420x336, Putin+buranovskiye+babushki[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8332106

At least you can talk!

>> No.8332119

Well common now OP. First step to success is to let us anons read it and censure it unkindly

>> No.8332129
File: 167 KB, 178x460, pic_related.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for this kind of anal-oral-genital Trinity?

>> No.8332151
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I share that goal and I think that's what most of us want, but that level of notoriety is not everyone. I'm sure plenty of people are fine with moderate temporary success, and if they are then they got what matters to them.

>> No.8332155
File: 92 KB, 455x695, 1464385647894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't even post on 4chan, got a tough road ahead of me.

>> No.8332163

blood magic?

>> No.8333071

perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of an airplane

>> No.8333101

What's the name of the book? Sounds interesting.

>> No.8333123

Is the book in English?

>> No.8334166

Sorry anon but I don't want to have my name related to this place

>> No.8334169

can you drop enough hints so that many will guess it but you maintain plausible deniability? how about at least the language it's in?

>> No.8334177

If I ever make it i'm gonna be proud of this place unlike op who's a big jerk

>> No.8334231
File: 4 KB, 212x218, 1466465676133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlike op who's a big jerk

>> No.8334254

>google my name, it's first 3 results

If your name is even slightly unique this will be the case, regardless of publishing your Pynchon interracial fanfic.

>> No.8334255

I don't know, how many people reviewed it on goodreads?

>> No.8334259

so like that tv show Faking It (TV Series 2014–2016)?

>> No.8334262
File: 87 KB, 732x227, Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a mercy

>> No.8334267
File: 34 KB, 396x594, Sasha+Grey+Presents+La+Sociedad+de+Juliette+r-XWkVTfGvpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work harder
good choice. will there be an audio book of it?

>> No.8334332

OK. Eastern Europe

>> No.8334377

that's not a language
i want to know how impressed i should be

>> No.8334401

>my pagan jerkoff fantasy.jpg
And where are the pagans now? We romans now.

>> No.8334404

No but it's a hint.
No man, you won't get any details. Surely you know how shitty can 4chan be. Never will I reveal any details about my personal life on 4chan. /lit/ is my favourite board and you people are as shitty as it gets. For example the book reviewer who got bullied into closing her YouTube account.

Nah, I'm good the way it is right now. I don't want jaded memers sending me dragon dildos and stuff. Call me paranoid, whatever.

>> No.8334551

And how did you achieve this? any tips for marketing?

>> No.8334556

Are you the Polish guy who said he was working with the biggest publishers in his country a year or so ago?

>> No.8334578

I never posted my stuff here.
And I'm a girl.
Yeah I do work with one of the head publishers in my country and the top in my city.

>> No.8334594


>> No.8334596

East europa

>> No.8334598

How old is OP?

>> No.8334601

post feet

>> No.8334870

Sounds pretty shit.

>> No.8334880

>btw I'm a girl

>> No.8335030

For fuck's sake OP. Now I have to figure which your damn book is.

>> No.8335049

Post your feet

>> No.8335097
File: 271 KB, 1365x2048, PIC_43906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I don't earn my bread based on a few tired anons' tired opinions eh?

22 but turning 23 soon

I'm not a slut so have socks

Anyway in case anyone else is interested in writing, what are your opinions on first person narration? Is it actually easier to get your point across without feeling like infodump and plain listing of opinions, or is it too preachy if the book has a deep philosophical aspect?

>> No.8335108

You show the "deep philosophical aspect", you don't tell it. In this respect, it shouldn't matter whether you use first, second or third person.

>> No.8335128

>Anyway in case anyone else is interested in writing, what are your opinions on first person narration?

Nobody gives a shit ya piece a meat

>> No.8335168

And in the end, /lit/ shows its true face. You never learn, boy.

>> No.8335185

nice undies. post moar

>> No.8335194

>is it actually easier to get your point across without feeling like infodump and plain listing of opinions, or is it too preachy if the book has a deep philosophical aspect?
the thing about first-person is that the narration is through the lens of a developed character, and not all characters are shaped to deliver a message. Take for instance, Nausea. The protagonist is sick in an existential aspect, we as the reader know this, and everything he says passes through the presupposition that he is a sick man and therefore any perceived "preachiness" looses its didactic edge to characterization.
I think first-person can only be done well when coming from an innately flawed character, allowing for the writer to "show, don't tell"

>> No.8335224

Yeah, I feel you and I think that the reason so much first person is done so poorly is because so many writers tend to develop a character along the way and explore it along the story like you would in third person, instead of presenting the story like a fully developed and explored person would without being a literal copy of yourself. I think it's very hard to do it and at times you'd have to be downright autistic to do it well
I need to read more first person because the next book will be written in first person and it's about the journey of a mother and her son through a strange land. The story is the son's narration and I'm enthusiastic of writing a male character at such a personal level. I'd only need to refrain myself for going on a ramble because first person easily allows me to.

>> No.8335235

the book of disquiet is fucking awful though

>> No.8335262

>what are your opinions on first person narration?
>without being a literal copy of yourself. I think it's very hard to do it and at times you'd have to be downright autistic to do it well
Wrong, read more
t. someone who read a translation

>> No.8335265
File: 160 KB, 343x315, dfw really nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you overestimate this place, kiddo

>> No.8335267

Can I be you?

>> No.8335346

OP, as others said first person needs a flawed character, you have to make a balancing act and make the flaws evident even if the character won't acknowledge them.

>> No.8335355

>what are your opinions on first person narration?
campy if you're writing post-1900

>> No.8335359

First person allows you to go deep into a character's head and way of thinking, which can be interesting to explore.

>> No.8335419

Пoздpaвляю, ecли этo нe пиздꝐжь и пpoвoкaция. Пo тoмy, кaк ты cтыдишьcя нaзвaть cвoю cтpaнy, дeлaю вывoд, чтo Бeлopycь или Укpaинa. Moжeт, Poccия, хз. Удaчи, энивэй.

>> No.8335431

>I'm not a slut so have an obviously laboured and unnecessary pic of me in my underwear, O internet strangers

well at least you don't fornicate, right?

call that a hypothetical—don't answer if it isn't to defend yourself. if the answer dishonors you, then it was indecent of me to ask and indecent of you to answer.

>> No.8335442

How's being a slut a despicable act?

>> No.8335463


There is literally nothing wrong with a little infame.

>> No.8335473

it treats a sacrament with irreverence, destroys beauty and makes people unhappy

>> No.8335476
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 1375154694144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be a qt slutty polish writer woman

>> No.8335492

Sacrament is spooky.

"She" never had beauty.

It makes me very happy.

>> No.8335494

I'm not cute and not polish though, anon.

I have bad acne on my face, a huge crooked nose, thin lips and thick eyebrows. I'm also really tall and spindly though that could be considered attractive. But not cute in any way. I have a quite objectively ugly face that looks too old for my age because of acne.

>> No.8335501

For fuck's sake OP, now I wanna see your ugly face too.

>> No.8335509

You're still a skinny woman with a vagina that men want to stick their dicks into at least.

>> No.8335532

And I'm a locally successful writer so I can get away with stuff you won't even believe. Can't remember the last time I actually had a worry. Probably back in highschool when it was still considered weird to read and write.
I can say a lot of bullshit and pseuds in the café eat it like grocery. I won a poetry contest with a poem I shamelessly stole from a critique thread a couple months ago while browsing on my phone (thanks for that anon who wrote the poem about the friend who killed himself)
Life is cash familia.

>> No.8335536

Fuck you

>> No.8335537

OP, support me financially until I succeed.

>> No.8335540

this was the post that finally convinced me: this is a subtle troll and not a real author

how did I not see

>> No.8335545

Authors are trolls.

>> No.8335585

I think that you are misinterpreting what it means to be an author, anon, or how it is to have a young author's life. Before being published I was basically invisible and I still am at large. The average joe on the street likely never heard about me or my book, or maybe only fleetingly on Facebook or whatever. It's mostly about the circles if people that I am with, which are mostly composed of other local authors, people that work at university magazines or newspaper writers, and other university/literature affiliates and café shop dwellers.

>> No.8335594



>> No.8335644

You're a Jew, aren't you?

>> No.8335651

Are people not aware that google search results are personalized and depend on your previous search history and identity as much as google knows about you?
You'd have to google this stuff on a computer unrelated to you

>> No.8335683

Part of my family comes from then Yugoslavia, and part is here since the dawn of time. Im not a jew though, not that I'm aware of. I just have a big nose, is all.

It came to my attention in the first place afterI googled myself on a phone, of all else, and not even my phone. I never claimed to be a top 100 authors voice of a generation bull, just that I finally made it locally and people are actively buying and discussing my book. That's all I wanted to achieve in this darn life and every writer would consider it to be a commendable achievement in life. People just don't get big in this country. Even big people are, in the end, not even that big.

>> No.8335696

Kek, i know you.

>> No.8335699

Does your book have any novel ideas?

>> No.8335710

Uhhh.... Chris???

>> No.8335727


We're waiting.

>> No.8335729

Also known as....

>> No.8335915

I guess anonymity is pointless now. Chris I rather have you not talking about this, though.

>> No.8335927

blackmail her into fucking you or else you'll expose her for plagarism

>> No.8335930

Is Chris even a name in Eastern Europe?

>> No.8335935

Why would I want to do that to her? That poetry contest was shitty anyways.

>> No.8335942

Of course.

>> No.8335944

And this is why I didn't want to write my book's title. Some people are always flying in circles like fucking vultures.

>> No.8335950

>oh no people will call me out for the fraud scum I am!

>> No.8335954

Well, how the fuck would you know if your book is worth to be remembered if it's not published, you imbecile? John Kennedy Toole died thinking he was shit.

>> No.8335958

Can't take my book from me anyways. When the message is out, the messenger might aswell be dead.

>> No.8335962

>le death of the author xD

>> No.8335968


It's literally based on Christ. It's probably the most common Christian name.
It's valid. I wouldn't want people finding out if I was a war criminal.
They're joking.

Also I hope you're okay with "Chris" seeing you in your knickers, or, seeing the random girl's pic you chose to pretend were your knickers.

>> No.8335975

Not really referencing Barthes, but thank you for the clever remark.

>> No.8335980

>Also I hope you're okay with "Chris" seeing you in your knickers
That's hot; damn I really do wish that I could trade bodies with her now, I'd start flirting with "Chris" a lot if I were her.

>> No.8335994

Chris has gone beyond knickers. You focus in irrelevant matters. The summit of stupidity is to make a big deal out of someone's naked body.

>> No.8336002

Or the exposure of it, to be fair.

>> No.8336005

Then what are you worried about?

I don't believe you -- anon.

This is the point that you stop at. You've lost your defence, and worse -- much worse -- you've turned this board into a house of /sock/. That's not good for anyone.

>> No.8336006

Post more

>> No.8336011
File: 16 KB, 500x270, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books are titled, not named.

>> No.8336016

Not really worried; but 4chan is a rather controversial topic for most people. The pedestrian doesn't know about boards or shit, just "that site that leaked those pictures" and stuff like that.

>> No.8336021

Zamknij mordę, frajerze.

>> No.8336023

Thoughts on Tito?

>> No.8336029
File: 115 KB, 1280x1024, fénykép_47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here's a picture of me. If it is Chris here then please don't post my name or any of the photos I sent you. I don't think you will but please don't anyway. I will not post anything about the book here, I just wanted to make a thread since I never usually have a reason to. End of post.

>> No.8336035

A good example on why a dictatorship is much more efficient than a democracy when the dictator is capable and at least not totally corrupt. To be honest, I'm not as informed as I would like, so I can't say much more. Unless you mean Tito Puente, he rocks my world.

>> No.8336038

Not me!

>> No.8336041

Fake and very, very homoerotic.
That's interesting. Would you say that's a common view?
Also interesting.

>> No.8336042
File: 90 KB, 1048x514, lyingfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you being such a faggot, anon?

>> No.8336048

Why are you burning so hot, fire?

>> No.8336063

Post more

>> No.8336069

Not me, do a reverse image search, they didn't even put some effort.

I'd say mostly among old people. It can't be denied how human rights were constantly violated during his time; but it can't also be denied that he was extremely beneficial to the country. If you weren't political opposition you were fine; but, of course, that system can't last, at least not being «good».

>> No.8336076

>Not me, do a reverse image search, they didn't even put some effort.
That's what anon was saying, "anon".

How much would you say is down to propaganda, if you even know? How much of the younger generation's (presumably converse) thoughts is due to counter-propaganda?

>but it can't also be denied that he was extremely beneficial to the country
Spooked motherfucker.

>> No.8336085

More than propaganda I'd say people not being able to reconcile that a dictator can be good in some aspects. Violation of human rights makes everyone lose their shit.

>> No.8336098

>Violation of human rights makes everyone lose their shit.
My grandfather worked as a miner in a former Soviet republic and now enjoys a state pension well above the average salary, while those fighting communism were often kidnapped, tortured or killed. In no way would my grandfather ever condone what the system did, even though he was never treated badly by its representatives. And he was "there", he's not some twenty-something theorist on the Internet. If a government has to resort to atrocities to enact its policies, then it's a shitty government.

>> No.8336109

I'm not saying it's a government I'd support, just that one has to acknowledge the good things done. Democracy is slow and specially harmful in uneducated countries; but it's the only system that can stand, at least that I know of.
A lot of people were "there", anecdotal experiences are useful up to a point.

>> No.8336138

Democracy is not responsible for a better economy.
It can't stand. Don't get me wrong; dictatorships can't either.

>> No.8336143

Let me guess, free market and minimal government?

>> No.8336144

Fuck no.

>> No.8336149

I was worried there for a while, anon. So what do you propose?

>> No.8336152

I don't.

>> No.8336158

Top input, m8, thanks for participation.

>> No.8336163

It surely can stand better than dictatorships, but I see your point. Also, OP stopped replying around here >>8335710 but it's been a good conversation. Have a good day anons, and OP, stop plagiarizing shitty poetry, what's the point?

>> No.8336164

No problem.

>> No.8336575

mods please delete this thread