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8334699 No.8334699 [Reply] [Original]

How have there been so many journalism websites that came out in the last decade or so that had the exact same idea?
“What if we like, made a new media website for millennials that had a left-wing bias??”
>Vox, Mic, Gawker, TPM, BuzzFeed, Mashable

There’s no way all of these sites can survive with the same business model. Journalism just doesn't make much money

>> No.8334701

It's a profitable bandwagon. They won't all survive forever, but there are plenty of newspapers that have similar politics to each other too. What's your point?

>> No.8334709

Those newspapers are local and/or have real reporting.

These things are essentially blogs, news aggregators and pearl-clutching about Donald Trump

Plus journalism's influence is fading.

>> No.8334712

More importantly, is there a single character that could even possibly ever TOUCH Madara Uchiha?

>> No.8334716 [DELETED] 

anyone not from anime because their eyes aren't slanted rofl
anime is shit kiddo and their power levels are hyperbolic because japs have small dicks

>> No.8334724

They're not really leftist tier, more like PC bullshit pop culture bazinga meme politic appeal to emotion tier. Believe it or not, outside of America (may God bless her) there are actual leftist political parties with a different ideology than the feel good soup anti intellectual trump supporters complain against.

>> No.8334728

if you believe in disaprate impact laws in transgender ideology, you're a leftist

>> No.8334729 [DELETED] 

BRO..... I'm nott akling about EDOUGH TESNEI UCHEHA MARADA! I’m NOT EVEN talking about GOUDOUGH RINNIE TESNEI UCHEHA MARADA eather! Shit. I’m DEFANATELY NOT talking about JEWBEY JENCHOORUKI GOUDOUGH RINNIE TESNEI UCHEHA MARADA with the ETERNAL MANGOKYO SHARINGGONE and RINNIEGONE DOUGHJEWEDSEWS (with the RIKIDOUGH ablilties and bieng cabaple of both AMATERASEW [more like Amater your mom's asshole LMAO] and SUKUYUMMY GENJEWEDSEW), equiped with his GUN....... a PERFECT SUSANOO'O'OO'O'OO'O', control of the JEWS and GEDOUGH MAZOUGH, with THE BIG MAN’s DNA iplemanted in him so he has MOTOGENKUNOTOPKEKKEIKAI and can pefrorm YING YANG RELEASE NINJEWEDSEW while being an expert in OWNING THE GLASS!

>> No.8334737

you're right, and you'll always be, because you will never go outside the USA.

>> No.8334743
File: 108 KB, 5000x3750, MANDARIN UCHIHUAHUA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8334758

epic, my fellow redditor

>> No.8336080


Opinions about politics are fashion accessories. Democracy has been entirely subsumed by capitalism. The human does not exist except through consumption.

>> No.8336107

Why does a single adult male with no children know how Kevin the sea cucumber behaves?

>> No.8336119

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, it seems to me that this is just our modern version of the "yellow journalism" that plagued the 20th century. Basically it's just a bunch of people who were just a fraction more intelligent than other people that latch on to one mode of thinking and use that thinking as a basis for everything they do. Since fabricating problems and reporting on things that don't matter are not that hard to do, they feel like they're good at something for once and have monetized it. It's a dying business model though, I'm slightly afraid of what the next step for this kind of thing is.

>> No.8336122

>business model
they're just scamming people with their adsense or whatever the modern equivalent is, it'll go away once the bottom drops off

>> No.8336128


>> No.8336157 [DELETED] 

Takes a guess.

>> No.8336168

New media is designed to cater to its audience because maintaining a loyal base is really the only way to survive in an overcrowded environment. Most people who are interested in easy-to-consume, pop culture-conscious internet news that's delivered in an irreverent tone are going to be young internet-savy liberals and progressives. The BuzzFeed audience has a much bigger presence online than the Breitbart audience, and thus has more clout with internet blogging firms who imitate the formula.

If you want attention from both viewers and sponsors, progressivism (which naturally supports capitalism) is the political ideology to support. You'll notice that old media vanguards like The New York Times and The Washington Post, despite historically having a bias to the left, are becoming increasingly blatant in their support for progressivism as they know that progressives are the vast majority of people who read and support them.

The existence of Vox et al will continue as long as there continues to be an audience to pander to.

>> No.8336176
File: 310 KB, 1821x750, weg logh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about anime that don't have power levels, like Legend of the Galactic Heroes?

>> No.8336178
File: 106 KB, 318x444, tips morality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even without identity politics, (leftists) politics would still be shit.

>> No.8336183

it does have power levels

>> No.8336195

I guess I agree with this, but you make it sound very conspiratorial.

Communication is a two way street. The speaker wants to express himself, but also wants to be heard. They want readers, and so they have to know what readers want. This shouldn't be surprising.

What is surprising is when people create things for nobody. There was a John Oliver segment where he called out a local city council meeting, which was only attended by the two individuals conducting the meeting. They continued the charade of doing the pledge of alliegence, asking for comments from audience of zero, etc. Even the youtube video had zero views. I shitty bit of political theater that no one consumed.

>> No.8336216

because thats what the people like rn. journalisms dead.

end thread

>> No.8337417

Perhaps he, like everyone else, is familiar with the content of the early Spongebob episodes, you underaged cum-gargling egg.

>> No.8337696

Nigger how new do you think spongebob is?

>> No.8337732

>like everyone else

>> No.8338150


Saying that Reinhard and Yang are tactical geniuses doesn't equate with power levels.

>> No.8338157


>> No.8338168

it aired 15 yrs ago.

>> No.8338170

Fuck off newfag

>> No.8338219


>> No.8338223

Late night talk shows are the exact same way.
>lets have EVERYONE spew the same left-wing rhetoric every single night FOREVER!

>> No.8338225

Did you know the first two Legend books are now out in English in a proper translation?

>> No.8338240


>> No.8338248

Not sure if this you're metapostpostironic satirising or if it's an actual newfag

>> No.8338250

why are right-wingers always so easily-triggered?

>> No.8338262


>> No.8338264


>> No.8338267

People get emotional about their beliefs. Not that you would understand that, seeing as you are, after all, a nihilist.

>> No.8338273


>> No.8338289


>> No.8338303


>> No.8338309

Sure they can people love click bait. They're tabloids

>> No.8338350


>> No.8338473

>actually typing this instead of just using the copy pasta


>> No.8338498

its weird that only people who no absolutely nothing about anything remotely political say 'leftist'.

>> No.8338504

"real" or not, the industry will sustain itself as long as it appeals to the target demographic. Expect media sites to be the newspapers of the new generation

>> No.8338531
File: 156 KB, 580x672, veblen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is you're an infantile Marxist friend if you're still thinking simply in terms of profitability of corporations as being in anyway relevant under financial capitalism. Business in America is about capitalization upon reputation and other intangible assets not profit generation. The predatory methods they use to capture income is the concurrence of business strategy.

>> No.8338548

They have the same owners (different legal entities of course) and the articles seem the same because they literally are just slightly reworded.

>> No.8338590


its weird that only people who no absolutely nothing about anything remotely political are leftist

>> No.8338768

>“What if we like, made a new media website for millennials that had a left-wing bias??”

Well, you just answered your own question


Younger people are overwhelmingly more left wing than older people

Besides, half the sites you mentioned are focused on clickbait, not left-wing politics. The only thing Gawker has ever cared about is getting people to click on their links

>> No.8338883

The only people who go into journalism are rich WASPs and Jews who don't need the money

>> No.8338934

fucken rekt

>> No.8339014

>no Cathedral
>no Nick
>no Land
>no Moldbug
>no dark enlightenment


shaking my head /lit/ and leaving this here so you can all get redpilled

>> No.8339034

Vox is fucking hilariously on the payroll. Every single thing they do is "Let's start the article with slacktivist snark, and then segue into 'vote democrats' to get the Tumblr retard audience!"

>> No.8339068
File: 62 KB, 540x694, third world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but isn't tumblr filled with kooky third-worldists and other nuts, I don't think most of them are the audience for democrats who want to attract professionals and bureaucrats in the technostructure

>> No.8339077

democrats want votes

you place your bernaysian technocrats AFTER you've been voted in by trillions of retards who think
is a political platform

>> No.8339292


>> No.8340079

>get linked to Vox article about why the 2nd amendment is outdated
>it's cutsy blocky pseudo-pixel art with hollow arguments about how the world changed

The worst part isn't the viewpoints so much as how insidiously patronizing they are. It's one thing if you're right-wing looking at this stuff, but seeing what is basically the Nick Jr. editorial wing is painful when your actual views aren't that far off.

The mainstream left long had an image problem as being too soft and touchy-feely, in that regard none of this is new. It's hit a goddamn peak, though, so what the hell happened?