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/lit/ - Literature

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8333655 No.8333655 [Reply] [Original]

Salut, fellow writers of /lit/. I have a question for you: How do you deal with depression from isolation? Being literature such a lonely art, I think I'm starting to lose it. At first, it seemed nice. A lot of time for myself and myself only. I could read, play the piano and continue with my novel. One month and three thousand words later, I have just lost it. I usually get motivated when I go out with my friends every now and then, but that's not often and I would to know your take on this issue.

>> No.8333667

Pinor Noir
Rum and Soda
Mint Julep

>> No.8333669

Get a muse

>> No.8333673

>One month and three thousand words later, I have just lost it.

Stop writing, and get a job. Grow old gracefully thinking about what could have been.

If you're writing a hundred words a day you're nowhere close to working hard enough. You should be doing 3k words a day.

>> No.8333686

Won't alcohol just make it worse?

>> No.8333687

3k words a day seems a bit much.

>> No.8333691

I've gotten used to it, but I do have friends I can chill with from time to time.

I have nothing really close to a consistent group though, except maybe a few online buddies I share work with.

>> No.8333692

>3k words a day seems a bit much.

Yeah, I should have said "aim for 3,000 words a day". Bare, absolute, minimum should be 1,000 a day.

>> No.8333699

I'm not into lenghty paragraphs filled with nonsense. I usually aim for a more "beautiful" narration. Sounds corny I guess? I don't know. It's my first novel anyways. I'm more used to doing poetry.

>> No.8333708

Write what you want to write, but my point stands: you should be working a lot, lot harder if you're serious about writing.

100 words a day makes you look more like a neet trying to keep mum off your back.

>> No.8333710

this is true, 1000 words a day should be the standard.

>> No.8333713

The "work sharing" friends might be nice. Nobody has read anything I've written yet.

>> No.8333721


Feeling lonely is emotional, not logical. Realize that. Don't live by your emotions and it won't be a problem.

>> No.8333727

Alrighty, amis, I'll work harder.

>> No.8333728

Not him, but yes, yes it will.

>> No.8333735

But we're artists. Aren't we supposed to be driven by emotions?

>> No.8333738

Well, they barely read it but at the same time I hardly talk about it lol.

Most of them are art/comic fags, I'm like the only literature guy there

>> No.8333742

Myra Breckinridge, the greatest novel of the postmodern age, was written in a month. You can write more and not lose finesse.
You should read Myra Breckinridge because it is wonderful and also realise that since you're a person your mind requires human interaction to stop you going nuts, soz m8 but you've got to look after your machine.

>> No.8333745

Channel your loneliness into a good character

>> No.8333753

Really? That's actually quite impressive! I'll have to read that one. Thanks, I really needed that.

>> No.8333762

My character was, from the start, a sociopath painter. It's weird how I've started to be like him.

>> No.8333767

Just be yourself.

>> No.8333796

i play video games

>> No.8333817


No. Emotions offer nothing of value. Truly intelligence people see things only from a logical perspective.

>> No.8333822


>> No.8333825

What would a sociopath even paint tho

>> No.8333859

Gore Vidal used his special power of hating, in a very catty way, every living thing including himself to fuel it, I suggest you get the version with Myron included because it comes with a killer introductory essay.

>> No.8333975
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Actually don't worry about that, my friend sent me pictures. Prepare to experience sabre toothed cattiness.

>> No.8333980
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>> No.8333987


>> No.8333993
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>> No.8333994
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that chick has nice feet

>> No.8333997
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As far as I know this essay is not available online, count yourself blessed. Incidentally Harold Bloom loved this book.

>> No.8334016

Thank you, anon. I really appreciate all this.

>> No.8334086

The PDF is quite easily available so you needn't even order it, except for the nice book smell. If you feel depressed except when you see your friends, and if seeing your friends makes you feel creative, then see them more often. Depression is not noble and it does nothing but stop you writing, at least when you're suffering under it (on this note there is currently an exhibition on Van Gogh trying to prove how much it impaired him). Honestly, ask one of them if you can stay with them for a weekend or something and see how it effects you, don't listen to this bozo who is saying that you can separate your emotions from your being because he is falling into a simple dualist fallacy that there is somehow a true 'you' hidden beneath all those pesky feelings and dreadful bodily functions. Good luck, happy reading. You might also enjoy some Brecht.

>> No.8334087

What do you mean lonely? I have 4chan for socializing, I'm never alone unless you mean physically in which case I'm very much alone save for those rare times I meet up with old friends for mahjong and drinks. It doesn't really bother me to live alone though. In fact I think I've always been suited to it. I've never agonized over my isolation, it's something I chose.

There's no reason you have to be isolated as a scholar or writer though, go out and mingle if that's what you want to do. Your life experiences shape your craft after all, there's not really such a thing as bad input if you can turn it to a positive use.

>> No.8335464

Even this seems circumstantial. I can obviously only speak out of my own experience, but the first short story I published was the one that came out the most gradually at like 100-200 words a day.
This pace probably wouldn't hold up for a longer work (as that particular short story was very very brief) but I think you should be more careful with posing these arbitrary word quotas. They can really fuck with the heads of new writers like OP.

>> No.8335555

I wrote 6.236 words yesterday alone and I work fulltime.
'The hell you're talkin' about.

>> No.8335564

Ayy. nice digits. But were they shitty words?

>> No.8335607

Nah. I like the shit that I write. It's real damn comfy and other anons agreed the prose is good.
Thing about writing is just fuckin' practice. Also, finish the shit you started. The first time you actually finished something you wrote it gives you a nice feelin'

>> No.8335630

Cool man. Good looking out. I'd be interested to see a sample though, if you don't mind. Promise I'm not trying to bait you into exposing your stuff so I can shit on it, I'm just curious the style you are using that you can produce that much in a day.

>> No.8335655

>alone for one month


I finished school over a year ago and all I do is read by myself.

>> No.8335660

I saw a shrink and she put me on this stuff called Trazodone which also helps with insomnia. I have genuine depression according to her After about 2 months I felt a little more human and less like this grey, hollow thing.

You should maybe consider interacting with real people by joining an interest group. If even not that, try doing things you'd normally do alone around other people. Want to drink? Go do that outside. Want to read, go read in the park.

Pretty much. Well... no. Look, I was on about 5 bottles of vodka a week at my worse stage. Its temporary numbing, that's it. Getting drunk with friends is ok. Getting drunk on a Tuesday by yourself after work, eh not so much.

Also I suggest doing some mindless activity. Being alone, you wrap yourself up in that constant stream of ideas and noise in your head, overthinking and shit. It doesn't help. Just stop writing for now, go do something physical.

This is all the advice I took. It works more or less.

>> No.8335790

>it's 2016 and there's white people who don't have freckles
darwin btfo

>> No.8336169

> pinor

>> No.8336595

>One month and three thousand words later

bitch I wrote a 1700 word short story in five hours last night

How can you have so little progress? Do you write a word a day or something?

>> No.8336602

I shitpost, shoot the shit with the boys on IRC and let my family buy me beers.

>> No.8336603

>You should be doing 3k words a day.

I get paid by the word and 3k is a lot even with the money incentive. I can do it for a few days in a row, but then I'll need a break.

A good thousand, with some time spent editing/revising is a much more realistic regimen imo

>> No.8336645
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Jesus christ

Is this what american literature is like?

>> No.8336654
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>One month

stop making threads about this shit. you have no clue.

>> No.8336682

>How do you deal with depression from isolation?
By not falling for the hermit meme. Writing depends on knowing and dealing with people more than most art forms. You don't have to be overly social "always going out" type but at least get some e-friends and go out with your real friends once a week or so.

>One month and three thousand words later
Unless you're in a late stage of editing, this is pretty damn slow. Why?

Yes but also better at parts.

Sounds pretty average, unless you're very, very busy with some other shit. Though also depends on the shit one is writing of course.

Sure but if it's affects our productivity, you're being slowed down by them.

>> No.8336685

>The fragile moss-tea rose which Myra so lovingly cultivated was later to flourish like a crock of gold at Gravity's Rainbow's end


>> No.8336694

>tranny trash novel is best novel

do not take advice from this person

Gore Vidal is shit

>> No.8336700

only prolific hacks care about word count

>> No.8336712

eventually you do so many shitty things you just kinda become shitty and being alone still rips you apart but it becomes less of a "i need to change" and more of a "this is the way it will be until the end"

so it will kind of get better in a way

>> No.8337320

I agree w/ 1000 if you have other shit going on in your life like job and school.

But if you are neet and nofriends you should be cranking out 3K a day.

OP start doing some meditation daily. You need to get your mind right. It doesn't have shit to do with going out with friends. Do some mindfulness meditation.

>> No.8337444

Second this. Best advice so far.

>> No.8337513

Whats stopping you from getting your social needs met? Socialization is an inherent need. Not meeting it has actual negative physical (as well as mental) consequences for you. As you already have seem to notice. google it

Its not hard dividing your time.

>> No.8337517

That is actually wrong though. Yeah you don't necessarily feel alone even if you are, and you can feel lonely when you aren't. But prolonged isolation and loneliness has numerous negative effects on your body.

>> No.8337555

Agreed with the midfulness meditation. I spend a lot of time alone and some time to center myself daily helps keep me going (otherwise apathy happens). It'll also help your work ethic and you'll learn more about yourself thus your quality will improve.
That said, just because writing means you're alone doesn't mean you should always be in writing. We need life experience to write things other people want to read. Good luck Anon.

>> No.8337579

>emotions are invalid
>regurgitates inaccurate synopsis of Stoicism
>posts on an illogical image board to validate emotions

>> No.8337586

you wrecked him son, you really did

>> No.8338405

Truly intelligent people also walk only in straight lines and turn only at 90° angles.