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8331452 No.8331452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

poetry BTFO lol

>> No.8331533 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8331546

>Sex is just fun :P It shouldn't be this big deal XD! It's just a simple bodily function that hurts no one
>Ew no you can't touch my boobs until you court me for six months first :S

>> No.8331552

She isn't wrong. She's figured life out.
You're just mad because you don't get laid, get women at all or ever have a good time.

>because sex is fun I need to do it with everyone casually
>there's something wrong with wanting to get to know people before you get intimate with them

>> No.8331553

>what is consent

>> No.8331557
File: 1.81 MB, 300x240, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting women in the 21st century is the easiest fucking thing one can do.

When you are starting out it may be hard because you are socially awkward and it feels weird talking to girls.
But as you get rolling, it's easy as fuck. To the point of becoming boring and repetitive.

Sex becomes so frequent, it is as air. As if you are just breathing.

Just go out, have fun, talk to girls, and be physical.

>> No.8331559

Truly we are living the last days of Sodom.

>> No.8331564

wtf I hate poetry now

>> No.8331568

>Sex and intimacy are valueless! There's no big meaning :P!!! It's just FUN!
>Uh my boobs have at least six months of investment value :S

>> No.8331574

>as you do it more, it becomes easier
>to the point of being repetitive
>to the point of being boring
>it becomes so common that it becomes as nothing to you

>so go out and do it

>Getting hamburgers in the 21st century is the easiest fucking thing one can do. When you are starting out it may be hard because you are used to low sodium food and it feels weird eating something so large and rich. But as you get rolling, it's easy as fuck. To the point of becoming boring and repetitive. Hamburgers becoms so frequent, they are as air. As if you are just breathing. Just go out, have fun, eat hamburgers, and get fat.

>> No.8331584

Anyone can get a hamburger, not everyone can get laid. Not sure what the point of your post is.

>> No.8331587

I don't want hamburger sloth. I want disney princess. I want goddess. I want Lucie Manette.

I want a lovely woman, but they just don't exist.

>> No.8331590

>Getting women in the 21st century is the easiest fucking thing one can do.


>> No.8331594

Because if there's one thing /lit/ needs more of it's more mindless shitposting threads.

>> No.8331595

Not him but the entire point of your first post was that yes, pretty much everyone can laid.

>> No.8331606

>pretty much everyone can laid.

Yeah, if they pay money for a prostitute, but not everyone has the looks or social skills to make women want to fuck them for free.

>> No.8331610

I'd rather talk to guys, and I'm not even gay. Never met a girl that didn't want to perform hedonistic rituals; guys want to perform virtuous rituals.

One time I talked to a girl, I thought we would just have intellectual discourse but then she started to play footsie with me and rubbed her leg onto mine. I don't care if you're a beautiful woman. Guys don't play footsie with other guys (except that one time in high school but I don't like thinking about it).

>> No.8331618

>Yeah, if they pay money for a prostitute
But that's not what you said though.
>Getting women in the 21st century is the easiest fucking thing one can do.
>When you are starting out it may be hard because you are socially awkward and it feels weird talking to girls. But as you get rolling, it's easy as fuck. To the point of becoming boring and repetitive.
So what's your point then? Getting women is easy as fuck if you have looks and social skills? We already established that.

>> No.8331620

>every one belongs to every on else

>> No.8331623


The point is nowadays 'consent' tends to be retrospective.

The whole point of "having fun" and recent trends is that of submersion in the unconscious: "parties", alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. demand you accept an half-conscious state where everything happens according to the "Vibrations of the Moment" and renders consent—a CONSCIOUS functor—obsolete, or even "crippling". So sex occurs by the hypnotic, "chemical" and surely impulsive moments of it "just happening" quite regardless of any planning—that would just spoil the fun.

So any evaluation of the experience is always retrospective. On the one hand, the hypnotic state allows for all kinds of opportunisms and atrocities. On the other hand, people who didn't like this or other experience may claim they didn't consent, blame every one else or ruin a specific person's life, and never even consciously acknowledge their share of responsibility.

>> No.8331629

>I engage in activity Z frivolously :P!
>Um I don't engage in activity Z frivolously :S

>> No.8331652

Anon, I said that not him.

>> No.8331658
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For you bud, since you never tried, and probably never will try.

>> No.8331661

It's hard to tell with all the anonymity. Who would have thought.

>> No.8331668

>one edgy girl on twitter is representative of all western culture at the present moment

try getting out more instead of spending all your time on pornhub and /r9k/

I agree that free love has been a disaster for all the civilized world. But it hasn't touched everyone quite the same way. You have to remember that the internet isn't perfectly representative of the whole society: more traditional communities spend less time on the internet. Bored hedonists in cities and especially the suburbs are disproportionately represented by websites like twitter.

Keep in mind also that a lot of people who preach free love are, in practice, uncomfortable with it. People who say that there can be nothing wrong in theory with an open relationship are often unwilling to actually have one—many will speak up in defense of 'sluts' though they have no desire to whore themselves out. We ought to make some distinction between what people say they believe and what they evidently do believe.

All that said, it is still true that many women will have multiple sexual partners. This is not in every case the result of shameless hedonism. A lot of women think they have to have sex to keep men interested, and that it is 'unrealistic' to hold out until they have a guarantee of constancy. The myth that sex is a necessary part of dating has been responsible for a lot of fornication. The end goal for most people is still monogamy.

Of course, monogamy itself has been damaged badly by the widespread acceptance of divorce. But that's another matter. I only hope to point out that most people still have the gut feeling that they are meant for monogamy, they're just foiled in realizing their ideal by tangles of sophistry, bad customs, weak wills, etc.

>> No.8331672

Trying is not my problem. I've probably talked to close to 50 women this month alone, given that it's summer, and it's easier to talk to women in general since they are outside and in clubs, but no dice.

Seems like I am just naturally repulsive.

>> No.8331681

I don't see how that's a rebuttal of anything I said

do you not see how pointless it is to set out to kill your own pleasures by overindulging your appetite? your only defense when I point that out is to say that getting laid is something "not everyone" can do? well I suppose it's fine to sacrifice your joys so long as it pleases your vanity!

>> No.8331690

>implying free love has happened
Alain du Button would like to have a word with you
Being a cuck is intellectual

>> No.8331696
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You see the problem with this post is that eating hamburgers will amount to absolutely nothing, unlike getting women.

It seems stupidly ironic, since you said "get fat" as an equivalent to "have sex".
Where sex is actually a very very good thing, and being fat is a very very bad thing.

Picking up women is a rite of passage. There many rites of passage, but this one is probably the easiest to achieve in the 21st century.

That is why I told you that it is the easiest thing to do.

Did you care about their reactions? If you did, you did it wrong. Their reactions don't matter. Women's reactions are boring and shallow.

You should be going out to have FUN. If you see a girl that you like, bring her into your fun. Don't look to her for fun. You are the fun.

>> No.8331706

let's make an important distinction

"free love" as an idea and as a movement has undeniably happened

"free love" as the ideal of that movement has not been achieved

>> No.8331708

>You should be going out to have FUN. If you see a girl that you like, bring her into your fun. Don't look to her for fun. You are the fun.
And they ruin the fun, or are not fun. Weird advice.

>> No.8331709
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no ... just to ME

>> No.8331728
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>And they ruin the fun

You say this based off what? Did you listen to what I said?

>Women's reactions are boring and shallow

If you let her ruin your fun, you cared about her reaction. Something SHE DID ruined your fun. You fucked up.

You must literally stop giving the slightest fuck what a women's reaction is.
What a women does does not fucking matter in the slightest.


And if you're skeptical:
A women will usually try to "ruin the fun" as a test to see if you are truly the fun guy you claim to be.
If you bite her shitty test, you fail.
If you don't give a fuck, you pass.

>> No.8331739

>reading is just hedonistic fun! (source: Borges)
>no I don't want to read your stupid reddit genre shit

>> No.8331740

>She isn't wrong. She's figured life out.
she/you didn't even scratch the surface

>> No.8331741

>Where sex is actually a very very good thing, and being fat is a very very bad thing.

Over-indulgence in sex produces an effect on the soul very easily comparable to that of overeating—it deadens the joy in things that it sets out to enjoy. The philanderer is something worse than the fat man.

That it is a "rite of passage" in some savage tribes and in modern times I don't deny, but I deny that it should be one.

The reason big fat miserable people will walk into a McDonalds every day for lunch is that they are still enslaved by a misconception: that by indulging their appetite they will find joy. You say "eating hamburgers will amount to absolutely nothing"; not so. To a man who seldom eats fatty foods, a hamburger is delicious. But if he wants to enjoy the hamburger he must regulate his desire for it—he must practice self-denial. If he decides that the path to joy in life is to eat fatty foods and sweets all the time, he will become miserable, and he will cease to enjoy the food, and he will go on in misery so long as he still labours under the belief that he is seeking joy. The same can be said of alcoholics, of drug addicts, of chain smokers—but people have forgotten to say it about sex.

>> No.8331753

because it's boring you stupid pleb
who but a child is entertained by fantasy swordsmen and dragons

reading is hedonistic fun, and i find stimulating thought and unique aesthetic experiences fun

>> No.8331755

But you said to bring her into it. Which means there is an inherent implication that you do give a fuck.
Your last part is also some silly pua shit.

>> No.8331757

And now you will ask me to defend my position that the joy is sex is at all deadened, and I will refer you back to this:

>But as you get rolling, it's easy as fuck. To the point of becoming boring and repetitive.

>> No.8331761
File: 71 KB, 600x450, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you said:
>Over-indulgence in sex produces an effect on the soul very easily comparable to that of overeating—it deadens the joy in things that it sets out to enjoy. The philanderer is something worse than the fat man.

What you mean:
>I'm to busy reading these philosophical tomes written by 50 year old virgins explaining why sex is a bad thing. I have never tried it and based off my studies, I never will. Instead, I will devote my life to being a hermit or a sage, and forever post garbage nobody will ever care about on an image board on the internet.

>> No.8331763

I was making the opposite argument.

>> No.8331765

I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

>> No.8331772

Have you eaten tomato?

>> No.8331779

I read books written by old monogamists, and books written by old philanderers. I can tell which ones speak from real gaiety.

I take it on the evidence that using heroin produces, in the long run, more misery than joy; in the same way I take it on evidence that engaging in frequent sex produces, in the long run, more misery than joy. I have not set out to try for myself whether hard drugs will ruin my life, as I have not set out to try for myself whether casual sex will ruin my immortal soul.

We call some of those fifty-year-old virgins saints, and I venerate them as you venerate nothing you have ever known.

>> No.8331781
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>Which means there is an inherent implication that you do give a fuck.

You will never get a women anon, sorry. Since clearly you do not see the experience of talking to one as a chance to increase the fun, and lead to sex or a relationship.

When you go to a store to buy a widescreen television, you do not go up to the first television and buy that one.
You walk by every television and pick the one you think is the best.

Same thing with women. If you do not even try to see what type of girl she is, you will never be able to pick her. You care about yourself, not her. You care about making a good choice.

It is a healthy way of giving a fuck. Where as caring about the women and her reaction, is an unhealthy way of giving a fuck.

>> No.8331787

i'm really glad my brain isn't as shitty as yours

the point isn't
>random guy : guy you want to fuck :: terrible book : great book
which is actually how it is!!

it's that according to these women, for whom sex is meaningless, it should be
>guy you like enough to date for weeks or months : guy you want to fuck :: book you're OK with checking out : great book

the person isn't saying "women should let all men fuck them", they're saying "women claim that the only criterion for sex is 'i want a little bit of hedonism right now', because sex is just a fun meaningless thing; but they still treat sex as something that has to be 'earned' and that has 'value' which is 'lost' if 'given away' to the 'wrong person'"

it's GOOD to be selective about who you fuck. but don't go claiming that you fucked just for the sake of fucking. you selected a guy, and he had to pass tests (handsome etc.). there's a big difference between a free love culture where people genuinely just enter into intimate relations whenever it's merely fun, and a "free" love culture where women are fucking whom they please but most men are not doing so because the vast majority of men don't meet the women's standards

>> No.8331794

sorry anon I don't eat vegetables

>> No.8331795

or, you know, women aren't all the same in every way

>> No.8331800
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What you said:
>We call some of those fifty-year-old virgins saints, and I venerate them as you venerate nothing you have ever known

What you mean:
>I give up on all the things I desire in my life, and here is the comfortable excuse I use to justify my giving up.

>> No.8331802


>You will never get a women anon, sorry. Since clearly you do not see the experience of talking to one as a chance to increase the fun, and lead to sex or a relationship.

>When you go to a store to buy a widescreen television, you do not go up to the first television and buy that one. You walk by every television and pick the one you think is the best.

This is poetry. Got it: girls are like the things you buy

>> No.8331843
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>girls are like the things you buy
They are.
YOU are the one who matters. NOT them.
Fourth time I repeat this.
Women don't matter as thinking beings. Literally nothing she does matters. Everything a women does is bullshit.

If you come from a buyer perspective, and pick the girl based off how you judge her, your success with women will increase massively.

>But what if I judge all women badly
You cared about their reactions, they offended you. Repeat this in your head: women's reactions DONT MATTER. Just like a TV's reaction doesn't matter as you walk buy it in the store. You are judging the TV's QUALITIES. You are not judging whether the TV frowned or smiled at you.

>> No.8331857

>You will never get a women anon, sorry. Since clearly you do not see the experience of talking to one as a chance to increase the fun, and lead to sex or a relationship.
No. I don't think you even understand what you're trying to say. You keep contradicting yourself. I've had women, don't be a ponce. You change your stance on things in every new sentence.

>> No.8331863

>You change your stance on things in every new sentence.
And you don't give any instances of me doing this, this argument is null.

>> No.8331873

There is literally nothing wrong with any of that.

>> No.8331875

Confirmed bitter handholdless 30+ year old virgin

>> No.8331881

>the art of virginity: 1001 arguments for never getting laid

this thread

>> No.8331884
File: 109 KB, 201x203, uncomfortable pupper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I regret making this thread. I'm so sorry /lit/.

>> No.8331934

Reading this thread combined with my personal experience of the US saddens me. Why are gender relations in America so bad? Why do American men and women hate each other so much?

>> No.8331941


>> No.8331956
File: 81 KB, 1024x723, Typical american man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American men are terrible entitled manchildren.

>> No.8331961
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This is what I'm afraid of. What if when I start having sex I will lose the meaning, thirst, and taste of it? What if as a desperate virgin now I'm relishing the concept of sex much more than Leo DiCaprio? What if only when you don't have sex you really have it. Sex means everything to me now. Why would I want to become an alpha hustler who fucks supermodels all day and lose the value of it, making it an automatic subconsious process like digestion?

>> No.8331968

Forever a virgin

>> No.8331970

>>Ew no you can't touch my boobs until you court me for six months first :S

Since fucking when?

>> No.8331972

that anon has never courted someone for six month
that anon has never touched boobs

>> No.8331974
File: 473 KB, 297x212, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon.

That's the most retarded thing I have ever heard.

>> No.8331979

wew lad, you've gone so virgin you've literally cucked yourself

>> No.8331993

love is dead

>> No.8331995

>this thread
>these people probably post in other threads on /lit/ all the time

>> No.8332000

why bring hamburgers up?

>> No.8332016



Jewess detected

>> No.8332018

>Why do American men and women hate each other so much?
sexual revolution

>> No.8332046


you're cute, anon. And your doubts are on point: sex without intimacy ends up destroying your fucking soul.

t. girl lurking this thread for a laugh.

>> No.8332056

please fuck me

>> No.8332061

Oh yes, finally someone who knows what it's like to get plowed by seven different dudes in one week.
Glad to have your perspective.

>> No.8332063

Proof? Please, I'll go to sleep very happy knowing a girl replied to my and said I'm cute.

>> No.8332064


>> No.8332066

Hey. Are you really a girl?
I posted this >>8331802. Am I noble enough? It was satire.
Please respond

>> No.8332069

I would have posted proof if you asked in a less pathetic way.

>> No.8332078
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>"btw I'm a sexxy girl hehe"
>20 replies

every single time

>> No.8332082

Fucking whore. AWALT. Treat them like dogs.

>> No.8332083



>> No.8332091

there's always one of these every single time
so you're participating in the cliché...just as we are; at least we know it

"It's OK as long as you know what you're doing"—morality 2016-101

>> No.8332092
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Friendly reminder that women over 20 years old aren't worth 10 minutes of effort

>> No.8332105


this was not me.
I'll go away now so you can continue with your male fantasies.

you're okay lads.

>> No.8332116

>you're okay
top kek

>> No.8332159

Why is even one getting mad at this? She saying nice guys are better than bad guys, unless she typed it wrong.

>> No.8332160

I wasn't the guy you're responding to, but not everyone is willing or able to do what he wrote, even though they'd want to.

>> No.8332170

>Just go out, have fun, talk to girls, and be physical.
This is exactly the same as saying
>Just go out, run across no-man's land, dodge the bullets, and destroy the entire German army
No shit it's fine if you can do all that, but most of us (as autistic retards) can't.

>> No.8332171

It doesn't work the way he says anyway. They're not going to just want you because you're aloof or whatever. That is just a serious misconception.

>> No.8332185

>who but a child is entertained by fantasy swordsmen and dragons
Do you want to know how I know you're a pseud?

>> No.8332201

>false justified belief

>> No.8332205
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>No shit it's fine if you can do all that, but most of us (as autistic retards) can't.

>> No.8332208

Are you retarded? She says: bad guys > nice guys

>> No.8332215

crocodile eats greater thing because it hungers

>> No.8332224

wtf I hate women now

>> No.8332230

Women are filthy creatures

>> No.8332244

Happened here (Ireland) too and relations are good. There must be some other explanation.

>> No.8332261

Fucked around and got a triple double

>> No.8332265

They aren't. You're just a tard.

>> No.8332267
File: 438 KB, 683x1024, cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Hell I've actually had women hit on me. It's nerve racking at first, but if you speak to women as ya'know...people rather than glorified object of desire its so much easier.

>> No.8332268

>boasting about the dubs you got last week
Act like you've been there before.

>> No.8332273


Non American confirmed.

Beyond high school age the sexes get along like oil and water, largely because of our market arrangements and university brainwashing

>> No.8332295

>Fucked around and got a triple double
i know thats ice cube but what does it actually mean

>> No.8332319 [DELETED] 

33 22 44

>> No.8332321


White people in the United States have been kept inside a delusional bubble for all their life. It's not only their education, it's their overall ignorance and unwillingness to learn, because learning means treating other human beings with respect and understanding they have dignity too. Instead they get the "we da best fuck da rest" ideology, which you don't encounter anywhere else, at any point in history either (Romans, British empire).

When you don't bother with people and their culture/history outside your nation, you can't expect these autistic literal sociopaths to understand how proper social interaction works. Just read the replies above in this thread.

>> No.8332325
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>dkn från Smedjebacken

>> No.8332328

sex is easy. real connections are not. it breaks my heart.

>> No.8332332
File: 130 KB, 800x1111, George_Orwell_press_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a shitty thread and you know full well it was going to be a thread that has nothing to do with literature. Well fuck you, here's my contribution:

"It is not certain whether the effects of totalitarianism upon verse need be so deadly as its effects on prose. There is a whole series of converging reasons why it is somewhat easier for a poet than a prose writer to feel at home in an authoritarian society. To begin with, bureaucrats and other ‘practical’ men usually despise the poet too deeply to be much interested in what he is saying. Secondly, what the poet is saying — that is, what his poem ‘means’ if translated into prose — is relatively unimportant, even to himself. The thought contained in a poem is always simple, and is no more the primary purpose of the poem than the anecdote is the primary purpose of the picture. A poem is an arrangement of sounds and associations, as a painting is an arrangement of brushmarks. For short snatches, indeed, as in the refrain of a song, poetry can even dispense with meaning altogether. It is therefore fairly easy for a poet to keep away from dangerous subjects and avoid uttering heresies; and even when he does utter them, they may escape notice."

>> No.8332354

Unless they bothered to post from different ips op and fp are different posters.

>> No.8332383

It literally isn't. Fuck off.

>> No.8332386

Real connections are way easier than sex.

>> No.8332409

some basketball shit it think

>> No.8332422

I actually hate that stupid wide-smile and rolling-shoulder thing that girls do when trying to act cutesy. It's the fakest shit out there.

>> No.8332433

I don't mean to bring /r9k/ or /fit/ garbage into but how many of you claiming 'sex is easy' are either rich or good looking?

I'm 26 and I still haven't managed to have sex.

>> No.8332438


All literature and art is made political now. Even poets—mostly poets—are seen as threats. "Requiem fur Einen Jungen Dichter" is a nice essay of how the poet sees (saw) the present. Clash of images in chaotic fury with little space for ratios between associations or any coherent interplay of meanings. Zimmerman took the dichter=poet definition literally and condensed clashing images of pop and "erudite" culture, of tradition and avant-garde in entirely incongruous and chaotic patterns that is much like forcing aesthesis out of poetry.

The point is that when there is information overload the poet is brought back to prominence not in the name of totalitarianism, but in the name of the information-handler who brings the chaos into orderly service. His associations are more a way to bring ratios among contrary themes, his analogies more a way to condense information by parallelistic association instead of "exploding" millions of themes into multidirectional endless mazes, and the poem itself a way to provide a corporate image of the present that can be easily digested by anyone. A newspaper, for example, is more poetic than prosaic.

The point is that "meaning" under these conditions is not inexistent. Neither is it of the one-sided, point-of-view character of prose. The poet—or journalist—is engaged in influencing the psyche by taking hold of your own capability to associate. He turns single associations into culture. He might link sex to spirituality, violence with a metaphysic hunger; sex with violence, spirituality with metaphysic hunger;...and whole subvert an entire population's value system based on that single association. So his play with associations and imageries is not a matter of idle art craftsmanship in the present. See it how we've linked the Internet vs. Print, Maternalism vs. Paternalism, New culture vs. Old culture with Hillary and Trump, though they both shout the same message. Lots of vulnerabilities and exploitations are to be found if you just let yourself see them.

>> No.8332440


I'm rich and good looking and I haven't seen a vagina since 2010

>> No.8332450

>I give up on all the things I desire in my life, and here is the comfortable excuse I use to justify my giving up.
Not this Anon, but what does complete abstinence of having joys has to do with seeing sex as every other drug in this world (scientifically speaking, endorphine literally is THE drug)?

Oh, and also, please don´t post NEET-Chan when defending your addicted lifestyle. This guy was all about not overdoing sex.

>> No.8332453

Do you not go out, like at all?

>> No.8332464

No, not really. Don't really know what to do. Don't have any friends. Just go and sit at the bar or something? Hit on girls and be the creepy alone guy? eh

Different anon btw. Rich and good looking as well.

>> No.8332467


Maybe 5 or 6 times a year. I hate women my age so I see no reason to spend time chasing them.

>> No.8332593

I'm kind of curious how someone would be a virgin until 26 years old.

Surely you don't look like the elephant man, do you just have unreachable standards or something?

>> No.8332609

Women just don't come up to you and ask for some fuck

>> No.8332627

Where do you think you are? A lot of people here don't have friends or any social life.

>> No.8332636

yeah i am pretty suspicious of people on here who claim they have friends.

the friendless periods of my life track pretty well with the extensive-4chan-browsing periods of my life.

>> No.8332641


If you lack social standing and aren't drop dead gorgeous, it can be hard to get attention when you have any kind of standards.

Also virginity is like a tumor, the longer you have it the harder it become to get rid of.

>> No.8332650

no friends no confidence no marketable skills and ugly (despite being in healthy shape (i run and eat well)) no idea how to make new friends even less how to hit on a girl or have sex (never kissed anyone even family)

>> No.8332686


Perhaps I'm luckier than I imagined.. it kind of just happened for me.

>> No.8332703

>All these wannabe Chads talking shit because they finally had sex

wew lad, just shut the fuck up and read books.

>> No.8332765

That's not true. Maybe if you're in college/university or something, but in any other scenario it's harder than ever before.

Girls expect guys to be rich, look like models, are socially desirable etc, and thats just the ugly girls.

If you aren't the top 1% it's excruciatingly difficult to actually meet and get anything out of girls, wether it's a simple conversation, sex, or even basic acknowledgement.

In a sense society has never been more focused on social acceptance and popularity than it is now.

Basically this generation will have more kissless virgin men than ever before.

>> No.8332774


I like this post a lot anon. I'm always interested in how we try to enjoy things, and how that often involves having to sort of "let go" and be in the moment.

>> No.8332778

desu its not that hard, most people like to brag about getting laid but the truth is they're just taking what they can get. there's no mystical process involved.

>> No.8332781

Same 2bh. I hate women and their calculated 'cutesy' acting.

>> No.8332796

This lady looks like nightmare fuel.

How can no one else see it?

She looks like a monster disguised as a human or something

>> No.8332865


once you don't have friends and people know you're a loser it's kind of hard to go out and meet people. Girls don't go out by themselves, they go out with groups, and their friends will pull them away from the loser who went out by himself. Cold approach only works if you look like a model.

Kinda sucks going through life feeling undesirable.

I guess in a sense its just natural selection. lol

>> No.8332898

And American women are petulant whores.

>> No.8332911
File: 233 KB, 454x471, skeleton_PNG5547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The likes of which have not been seen since the Roman empire, I've heard.

>> No.8332983

What did this guy even do to you besides buy alcohol and dress silly

>> No.8332996

artifice is the top virtue in the 21st century yall

>> No.8333030

I stopped caring. Honestly I have bigger issues than having some girl on my arm, lol.

And when you look at most people, it seems their relationship is just a thankless job inter-sped with lust. I really have no need for anymore dysfunction in my life.

>> No.8333043
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't you see it? This guy is a very peculiar case.

He stands between

the effeminated America of ever-growing maternalism, with the male subjugated to a defeatist role,

and the opposite trend of immature masculinity.

Much an elucidating work of art, your picture. But the man's eyes are more lucid than your take on it.

>> No.8333246

>it's da white man's fault!
Have you tried not having a huge chip on your shoulder?

>> No.8333303

>projecting this hard

>> No.8333342

Any person who blames white people for anything is projecting by definition.

White people rock, everyone else objectively sucks. The only other race on planet Earth that's accomplished more are Asians. The rest of the bumblefucks occupying our landmasses have yet to accept they are inferior to a very large portion of humanity.

>> No.8333353

Sick comeback. Maybe next time, you can call me a racist.

>> No.8333406

A social construct

>> No.8333447

>Going to the movie theater is just fun :P It shouldn't be this big deal XD! It's just a simple social interaction that hurts no one
>Uh no you can't point a gun at my head and force me to watch Bee Movie with you
Anyone else hate when women say this?

>> No.8333469

>Literally the only reason anyone besides whites are still alive is because whites decided maybe it would be mean to kill them all.

Yep, basically. Maybe Asians would put up sick a fight it wouldn't be worth it. But every other race could be wiped out easily

When black people cry race war

>> No.8333599

Why does labeling or categorizing something = btfo?

Melons are fruits; suck it noobs.

>> No.8333634

>>Just go out, have fun, talk to girls, and be physical.
sure my goy, spend your time and energy earning money then spend your time, energy and money to be noticed by a few girls so that they let you try to make them cum, like they let dozens of boys beforehand and they will let dozens afterwards.

>> No.8333676

>Girls expect guys to be rich, look like models, are socially desirable etc, and thats just the ugly girls.

This is all in your head anon. Girls just want a guy who is confident in his reality. The person you described is usually very confident in their reality.

>> No.8333685

must be nice not being short

>> No.8333695
File: 53 KB, 780x520, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you believe that matters, you are not confident in your reality and you will not get women.

In your reality, being short should be the alpha thing. All you have to do is bring a girl into your reality.

But your reality is one of shame; you believe being short is undesirable.

Women don't want to be with a guy who is ashamed of himself.

>> No.8333701

>All you have to do is bring a girl into your reality.

Every single woman I've ever talked with has found my height unattractive, without me ever bringing it up.

>> No.8333707

And attractive*

Thankfully that can be fixed for most people, but lets not cut-corners here.

>> No.8333709

>Thankfully that can be fixed for most people

>> No.8333717
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If you care what some how some stupid bitch feels about you being short, you will never get her. Just. Stop. Caring.
Women's reactions DO NOT MATTER.

>> No.8333723

You not achondroplasiaic, are you? Of my friends the one who gets the most is probably 5' 4" (sorry eurofags) and has a generally very interesting girl every ~2 weeks. Dude who gets the second most is probably 230Lbs at normal height with a man bun. You just need to get out there and try. The internet is a wonderful thing.

>> No.8333730


>> No.8333740

what does "get" mean in this instance?

I dont see much value in forcing someone to be around you

>> No.8333755

get means what ever you want it to mean.
What I am saying is a universal truth.

>> No.8333757

>sex without intimacy ends up destroying your fucking soul.
its better than intimacy without sex let me tell you

t. married male

>> No.8333766

That dosent help, someone can easily say "get" means to fuck her in the street and she'll suddenly like it because you're "strong in your reality"

>> No.8333932

how did this thread happen

>> No.8334139

>subjective anti-realists actually believe this
fucking drumpfkek

>> No.8334146

this whole poem is TS Eliot tier. collaborative poetry, not even once

>> No.8334147

Tried online dating?

>> No.8334186

there can be many reasons, i will offer mine: i have some good friends and passable looks, but i hate myself and my life. im trying to fix the things i dont like in my life but having sex is not the priority right now, i will look into it later

up until a few years back it was because i was an ugly, socially awkward (and coward) neet and leech and i just wanted to be left alone by everyone. i like to think this isn't the case anymore

>> No.8334201


If you're not ideologically opposed to it you should go to a brothel. It would give you confidence when you are going out finding civilian girls. The women who work there prefer to work with pleasant and agreeable guys like you. You're never any hassle for them.

>> No.8334422

Congratulations, you're actually retarded

>> No.8334434

Hedonist defense force plase go. Why is it that there are never any arguments presented on your side but "virgin"?
>inb4 lol only virgins would say that

>> No.8334444
File: 19 KB, 644x718, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question: How many of you have ever heard the words "I love you" from a woman and known that she meant them? When you knew that there existed at least one person who would be in love with you and would be willing to shower you with affection just for being you.

(relatives such as sisters, mothers etc don't count. talking about a woman who's a peer or about the same age).

I swear to fucking god, if I find out that even autists here have experienced what I haven't in 2 fucking decades then I'll finally off myself.

>> No.8334450

>heard the words "I love you" from a woman and known that she meant them?
I guess technically, though it wasn't meant in *that* way.

Congratulations on them digits.

>> No.8334509

I love you anon
I really do

>> No.8334539

What a pit of despair that has been.

>> No.8334573

Love fucking sucks. I've been loved for multiple years by two women and it's shit.

It's great in the moment because your babby mammalian hindbrain thinks "FUCK YEAH I HAVE A MOMMY AGAIN!" and is oedipally entranced by all her little feminine body movements and coos and shit like that, stuff that is inaccessible to you as a man and that you constantly crave. But that's all it is. They're doing a similarly shallow thing to you: You're their big imposing Freudian daddy.

Falling out of love is the best indictment of the transcendence of love ever. It's an OK partnership at best, and most of them don't even amount to that. 99% of relationships are just people wanting a live-in friend (and they usually end up being bad friends), relatively accessible sex (which dries up after a year for many, and becomes routine with most chicks because they're so boring), and a common-law economic partner (and they usually end up fucking you financially and bringing nothing to the table), and smushing these three functions together into one person without any actual holistic synthesis or specialness. Most normalfags just drift into relationships like people with no skills or ambition drift into some random job and come to identify with it after a few years.

>> No.8334577

>I swear to fucking god, if I find out that even autists here
Of course we fucking have. I think you're probably quite far on the spectrum if you aren't aware that there are plenty of people on this board who aren't foreveralone virgin neets. This isn't wizardchan.

>> No.8334587

Your post smells of a virgin roleplaying as functional human-being

>> No.8334592

>they usually end up fucking you financially and bringing nothing to the table
where do you live

>> No.8334597


>> No.8334599

It really doesn't.

>> No.8334608

It really does. I'm sorry things turned out as they did

>> No.8334612


Its a nice feeling.

Then a year later you see pictures of them with a new guy and realise shes probably being fucked by him right now.

then you realise its all just a meme

>> No.8334616
File: 41 KB, 550x512, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too anon. I know you want me to believe that you really do but even if that is true it is only because you don't know how despicable I really am. Your love would wane in a matter of weeks of knowing me (just like any affection anyone has shown me in my adult life has ebbed away the more they got to know me). i need to get used to being a miserable loner autist and grow some stoic balls.

good for you.

time to go get drunk and hope that I can acquiesce to being an unloved monster like a stoic would.

Speaking of the stoics: I feel as if their philosophy is directly related to "feeling less passionately" about things. To reduce the extent to which you attach value or meaning to things so that they don't affect you as much as a defence against grief. When you do that, don't you lose something? Something that makes us human? I know that loss of feeling is advantageous to miserable and sad people because it alleviates pain but I sometimes question whether I would want to be a numb, detached, indifferent stoic PR a miserable loner who takes risks in getting to know people, loving them and failing over and over in a cycle.

>> No.8334621

>how despicable I really am
Tell me, I'm willing to bet it wont phase me. Bad morals, poor hygiene? I'm counting on it.

>> No.8334626
File: 87 KB, 574x323, theshining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too anon. I know you want me to believe that you really do but even if that is true it is only because you don't know how despicable I really am. Your love would wane in a matter of weeks of knowing me (just like any affection anyone has shown me in my adult life has ebbed away the more they got to know me). i need to get used to being a miserable loner autist and grow some stoic balls.

good for you.

time to go get drunk and hope that I can acquiesce to being an unloved monster like a stoic would.

Speaking of the stoics: I feel as if their philosophy is directly related to "feeling less passionately" about things. To reduce the extent to which you attach value or meaning to things so that they don't affect you as much as a defence against grief. When you do that, don't you lose something? Something that makes us human? I know that loss of feeling is advantageous to miserable and sad people because it alleviates pain but I sometimes question whether I would want to be a numb, detached, indifferent stoic OR a miserable loner who takes risks in getting to know people, loving them and failing over and over in a cycle.

>> No.8334627
File: 20 KB, 557x443, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. Are you saying that I'm wrong and everyone here without exception is a frustrated virgin neet, which includes yourself, then expressing sympathy for it? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

>> No.8334630

No, I'm saying you sounded like a virgin trying to roleplay as a non-virgin on an imageboard. This board isn't made solely of "frustrated virgin neets", but I do think you're one

>> No.8334634

I didn't make any claims specifically about myself. What a weird thing to get upset about.

>> No.8334645

it took a single fucking post to derail this thread

>> No.8334646

>Literally the only reason anyone besides whites are still alive is because whites decided maybe it would be mean to kill them all.

White people could not kill everyone else if they tried. They have too many "subhumans" in their politics, army, etc

White people effectively cucked themselves.

They wont even argue with north korea, because nuclear warfare means size and numbers are irrelevant now.

>> No.8334655

>Women's reactions DO NOT MATTER :P

> but you have to be funny, charming, happy and amuse them constantly for them to give you a positive reaction xDDD

>> No.8334657 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 500x361, 1469798779134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not derailed it's just

>> No.8334662

>replying to the PUA autist

>> No.8334683
File: 128 KB, 600x600, nervousbreakdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a sick, spiteful, despicable person who is incapable of finding or forming lasting relationships.

I figured this out because I've realized that all relationships are like transactions where people barter the value that they can claim to bring to such a relationship in return for friendship, companionship, love, conversation, humor etc.

I have no quality or value to offer someone which would make them want to be my friend or spend more time with me. In 20 years of existence I haven't achieved anything significant and I've spent most of my time till now in the act of "consuming": consuming books (academic or non academic), films, music, education. I've created so little and the things that I have created (like code) aren't things that can buy love or affection. The feeble wit/humor that I have also is self deprecatory in nature (the novelty of which wears off soon) so I can't entertain people or make them laugh to buy their love or friendship.

Now you might think that people can bond over almost anything which might include trivial things such as shared interests but I view almost everything with such a detached apathy that I can't bring myself to give a shit about things that excite people. Social anxiety and aversion to conversation that isn't rooted in anything concrete doesn't help either.

I genuinely fucking wish I was born with a ridiculously interesting, quirky personality which flourishes best when around people but to be honest my current self couldn't be more antithetical to that idea. I managed to alienate the few friends I had because they thought I was too depressing/pessimistic/whiny and thought that I should be more grateful for the life I had. I wish I could explain to them the extent of alienation I feel from most people and that I want to love all of them and wouldn't mind some in return.

IN short: I lack any value or worth as a person that can buy companionship and the odds that I'll come across someone who would be okay with me are almost impossible. Moreover, I have an aversion to the kind of things that usually attract friends so even if I see any scope to attract people (at parties or social events), I keep my distance from it.

>> No.8334696

not to mention that I am quite ugly. When alone I don't give a shit about this because I am almost entirely indifferent to appearances but I understand that other people attach value to it and I don't blame them for it desu. I try to keep my distance from people because I just dont want to feel guilty of being a nuisance or a pest around them anymore. It is too much. Better to be an unloved a d unnoticed solitary fly on the wall instead of being an actively hated butterfly among people.

>> No.8334698

This thread never had a topic. OP is a moron.

>> No.8334705

>I've spent most of my time till now in the act of "consuming": consuming books (academic or non academic), films, music, education.
You've spent your time getting cultured. I can't really think of a more noble thing to spend your time at. Anon there are people out there who dress up like furries or paint little miniature trains all day

Not everyone want to spend their time around quirky personalities. Just look at 4chan, we all come together here and have a nice time in this cynical attitude. I'm sure you know many who've replied to your posts on 4chan over the years and laughed at things you've joked about, gotten interested by your posts, etc. And this is anonymous, they have no reason to pretend, and you haven't bought their interest in any way.

But you know anon, a lot of help can be gotten for social anxiety. Therapy is really the best gift you can give yourself, and this goes for everyone (normies too).

I really know 100% percent how you mean. I spent years in total isolation because of it. Now I'm having therapy (also taking some SSRI) and it really is making my life so much better, just helps you sort your mind out and realize you're limiting your own happiness by building up this anxiety. It isn't actually a reasonable thing to do.

>> No.8334720

it's a troll thread, but it was still derailed

>> No.8334747


wow what an absolute fucking shitshow

>> No.8334754

He's right, most poetry is just metaphors and comparisons. It's bullshit for nerds.

>> No.8334769

It's strange to me that people like you seem to say these things without a hint of embarrassment.

>> No.8334781
File: 7 KB, 250x185, cutedream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No familia.
That is such a needless trivialization.

I personally haven't read much poetry but to be honest, it is so much more than that.

Have you not read "rime of the ancient mariner"? It tells a story. Isn't just a metaphor or comparison. It tells a story like a book would but only with so much more brevity and in an arguably more appealing, beautiful form.

Poetry can also be used to convey an emotion or a feeling. Poems are the futile hope of mankind to be able to adequately express themselves and how they feel through language despite knowing completely well that language itself is fundamentally deficient in this task. Which is why we resort to things like metaphors and other devices that lend a sense of aesthetics to a poem or embellish it.

how is it different from a painting? poems can be appreciated if not for their content then at least for how they're written which can be appealing to one's senses.

tell me if "once more unto the breach dear friends.." doesn't make you feel something. tell me if frost's old man's winter night doesn't make you feel lonely. they evoke emotion anon and they make you feel or experience a sense of beauty even in things that might tragic such as anxiety or loneliness. how is that not worthy of appreciation? am I missing something here?

>> No.8334786

Shut up, poems are all degenerate chunks of Judaism you nu-males

>> No.8334864



^ everyone should read this

>> No.8334879


Poems are like babies.
They're beautiful to their creator but to other people they're silly and fucking irritating.

>> No.8334883

i don't always find poems by others silly or irritating. i quite liked frost's poems.

i have just shown you a counter example which disproves your assertion.

>> No.8334962

Hearing it doesn't matter. It's all about saying it.

>> No.8334965

I've known short guys who do really well with women

but they were in great shape (they were short but not small), dressed well, styled their hair well, and were intelligent and charismatic

it's harder but you can do it

>> No.8334970


I think I have mild autism, because reading poetry seems to trigger it. I like reading actual sentences, and in poems, it feels like sometimes they stick by the rules of punctuation, and other times they don't. It makes my head hurt.

I do enjoy a good metaphor. I just wish it was easier to read in terms of syntax.

>> No.8334977

other way around if anything

Stevenson in one of his prefaces laments that he is fated never to enjoy the books he's written, though they are exactly the sort of books he would want to read if someone else had written them. It's really no different with poetry. It's impossible for the poet to see anything other than his failure.

>> No.8334979

yeah i relate to this as well. I find it a bit of an ordeal to read poems sometimes because I find it difficult to distinguish the "flow", "rhythm" of the text. The punctuation and syntactic intricacy/difficulty makes it difficult for me to appreciate poems and sometimes prevents me from delving deeper into the meaning behind the content itself.

>> No.8334996

What the fuck was that deleted comment that started all this?

>> No.8335013

a screencap of a girl on twitter saying that sex is just harmless fun

>> No.8335031

If I remember. It was something like bad guys > good guys. It's 2015. Life is only about good times

>> No.8335044

4chan X used to show deleted posts too. Is this feature removed?

>> No.8335129

Whenever you use a thing, make some guesses about the underlying mechanism that makes it work

>> No.8335145

now I really want to know what this post said

>> No.8335192

Should've just deleted the thread desu

>> No.8335230

A tweet that said something like "screencap my shit all you want but bad gus>nice guys all the way it's 2015 sex and fun all that matters".
I tried to find the picture but I couldn't. /r9k/ gave me her name and twitter https://twitter.com/shannonlepre

>> No.8335250

>getting your all pants up about someone with 60 followers on twitter
Stay gold ponyboy

>> No.8335268
File: 2.37 MB, 436x502, 1469474036951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just gay

>> No.8335363
File: 2.00 MB, 400x259, Me (OP) running away from what I created without looking back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I juts got the fuck out of here when it derailed multi-tracking

>> No.8335399


nah man, her nose is fucked

>> No.8335505
File: 900 KB, 2058x2990, 1466933511391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8335533



I've had quite a few loves in my life. All of them were in love with me, and I, them.

It's wonderful. I hope you have it one day, anon.

>> No.8335546

tell me more about yourself. I want to know what a person who is loved by multiple people is like so that I can understand what to strive to be.

What are the variables or factors or things that are a part of your life that made them love you? Please be as detailed as possible.

>> No.8335554

CHR was 7
AGI was 5
STR about 6

I think that is the answer you want - not the answer you need

>> No.8335557

Nice digits.

I'm honestly past the point of caring about women. I really just want a friend at this point. Someone that tolerates my existence enough to want to talk to me, without me being the one to initiate it. The only time I've ever had that feeling was back in middle school. I always look towards the next years of my life thinking that it'll get better, high school will be different, college will be different but it never does. I realize that I have to be the one to change if I want things to be different, but over the years I have genuinely tried to talk to people.

I've joined clubs to make friends, I've went on outings, but I realize that even when I'm at these outings, I feel more isolated among a group of people than I am when I'm by myself. Even when they share the same interests as me, I just feel as if it's all fake. Maybe I'm just subconsciously narcissistic, that deep down I want to think that I'm better than all of them. Maybe I've just been looking for friends in the wrong places.

I have this sort of thing where I want to have a genuine friendship with someone, a completely sincere deep relationship where they would be able to come to me with their problems and I to them, yet at the same time I'm more comfortable being alone.

>> No.8335567


We get it plebs: You hate culture

>> No.8335578



>> No.8335581

wtf i hate literature now

>> No.8335593


>> No.8335610
File: 20 KB, 450x420, 1456473208046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me as well anon-friend.

>> No.8335626
File: 40 KB, 1000x665, cosmopolis_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I literally look like this. No pussy for two years. What's going on?

>> No.8335629

>weird shaped head
That'll do it, anon.

>> No.8335637

I like to think it's because I don't bother to try. But apparently most people don't even try, and they lap up pussy like cat.

>> No.8335659

>someone that tolerates my existence to want to talk to me without me being the one to initiate it
this. so much this.
I understand a lot of what you wrote but at this point after going through multiple failures at securing a lasting friendship with someone who can tolerate my existence, I feel repulsed by the idea now. I want to move away from people because I realize that if I'm around them then I will seek their companionship or friendship which will inevitably result in failure. I detest the compulsive need to seek companionship because of the "longing"/"disappointment" it creates and the feeling of failure that arises from it. I wish to outgrow it.

It would be fucking lovely if someone could perform surgery on my brain to make me indifferent to other people. I don't want to have the "want" for friendship and love and companionship anymore. It sucks to be constantly given proof of how worthless I am as a person (in seeing such apathy or disinterest from other people and alienation from friends and women who just don't care).

>> No.8335689

It takes work to have the kind of friendship you want, and honestly if you're the kind of person who can't go to some club's outing without thinking everyone's a faker, then you aren't capable of putting in that kind of work.

>> No.8335698


maybe we're just gay lmao

>> No.8335863


Poetry is just dumb, its just a series of "things are like other things" written with rhyme, rhythm and imagery. And so is the beauty.

Unfortunately, beauty is more convincing than behavior. "Better an end with horror than a horror without end, Totale Krieg!!" is far more convincing than "lets do whats best for all and for all time"

Honestly, anon what do you fap to? Images or a girl's record of good behavior??

>> No.8335884

Save it for halloween.

>> No.8336125

How is solving a jigsaw puzzle a chasing of the wind, specifically

>> No.8336134
File: 286 KB, 1940x1092, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets do whats best for all

>> No.8336150

Love is a meme, books are better. The ideal relationship with a woman is a friendship. Sex is only marginally better than masturbation.

>> No.8336155

You need friends who can criticize you and who you can criticize. Then you all can change and fix each other. This is how antisocial people socialize each other. Became friends with people in a debate club or something, if possible.