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8327923 No.8327923 [Reply] [Original]

Can philosophy help me find the meaning of life?

>> No.8327924


>> No.8327929

No. Only The Bible can.

If you disagree you're a fedora tipping nerd loser.

>> No.8327937

Bad experiences.

>> No.8327947

Life can have meaning?

>> No.8327952

quite the opposite

>> No.8327960

*tips fedora*

>> No.8327971

What can I draw out of philosophy/what impact did philosophy have on some of you?

>> No.8327983

Started with philosophy about a year ago. I keep building up and breaking down what I think about the world. I am smarter and more aware of the world around me (also sadder, but not to sad I guess more wary). I think I know what to do with my life now but ultimately philosophy is just fun to study

>> No.8327986

No. Everyone who claims to have that is trying to trick you into servitude.

>> No.8327995

>but ultimately philosophy is just fun to study

And this is all the justification one should need, meanwhile OP is thinking that a book will cure his depressive disorder.

>> No.8327996

It may help

>> No.8328000

Anything, and everything.

>> No.8328002

Trips confirms
Kek wills it

>> No.8328006

Empty trips, as empty as your life

>> No.8328049

>It may help

Very doubtful. Being depressive isn't just a matter of perspective.

>> No.8328065

You forgot L Ron Hubbard! The meaning of life - Survive!

>> No.8328103


read Man's Search for Meaning

>> No.8328109

>Being depressive isn't just a matter of perspective

Yeah. Anyone who is depressed (in the real sense, not that romanticized BS) needs help.

For the longest time I thought I was depressed because of "life is meaningless man" but it was all related to the seasons and the fact that in the winter I never exercised because all the exercises I did (biking, running and hiking) are no fun in the cold.

It was literally just chemical imbalance that was solved by an exercise bike.

>> No.8328121

>no Buddhism

>> No.8328125
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Why do plebs always talk about "the meaning of life"? There is none, as simple as that.
What I want to know is WHAT are the REASONS to live? Why live? Honestly. That's a far more relevant question to ask.

y live
fuck this gay earth

>> No.8328126


>> No.8328130


What is stoicism?

>> No.8328222

No you can find meaning in life through other means. Although following the living Lord's word will bring the most meaningful one imo
t. Fellow Christian

>> No.8328400
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Jesus, you alright?

>> No.8328417
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i can't imagine Sisyphus happy Anon
I can't imagine myself happy
nothing matters and life is pain so let's jump this ride

>> No.8328454
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Have any friends? Call one of them up, or maybe a family member and go grab a drink. Being around at least one person and drinking alcohol might make you feel better, even just in the short term. You'll be fine, my friend. Part of the human condition is the ability to find meaning within ones life, just hold it together and you'll be alright.

>> No.8328482


I want to cum on your sobbing face while you sleep

>> No.8328484


>meaningless stock phrases

ill kill myself now this was the tipping point

>> No.8328492

Suit yourself m8. If it's possible, please report back on this thread and tell us about the afterlife.

>> No.8328505
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Anything bearing fruits through trials and errors creates a meaning intentionally or not, in short or longterm.

Think for yourself.

>> No.8328513

Nope and Im studying philosophy

>> No.8328517

You need a southamerican friend?

>> No.8328520


>> No.8328552
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>> No.8328567

dude weed lmao

>> No.8328621

Seriously dude, just fucking become a total stoner. >>8328567 is always the answer.
If you've already given up why not have fun with it?

>> No.8328657


>> No.8328716
File: 42 KB, 350x287, [wú wéi intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking for the definite in the infinite
>looking for the limitless in the limited
>looking for the uncoditional in the conditioned

>> No.8328851


>> No.8328872

This picture is terrible op.

>> No.8328993


>> No.8329018

Life has no meaning, so you should chose one of those in the image.
/spoiler/ stoicism is the best one /spoiler/

>> No.8329020

Fucking Natural Pantheism.

"Caring for nature" doesn't make any goddamn sense. Nature is dynamic, humans and all their creations are part of nature. We all "care" for nature by the simple fact that we exist as part of it and perpetuate a small piece of its whole.

>> No.8329595

>nihilism is represented by radical actions
>implying that bringing the most good to humans is necessarily pragmatic
>self-interest AND common good
>no Taoism

>> No.8329655


>> No.8329674

You all are full of shit. You won't learn the meaning of life through words or philosophy. You'll find it through observing life, observing nature and living organisms. Look at the grass, trees, flowers, ants, spiders, cockroach, deer, parrot, protists, Human beings, and even bacteria and ask yourself what the fuck are they doing?
And you'll find the answer is fucking. Or rather reproduction.
Reproduction is the only means to outrun time and random destruction. Philosophers and poets complained about how fleeting time is, yet they can't seem to see the solution that life has brought. Everybody have their head stuck up their own ass.

>> No.8329869

thats a philosophy dickweed.

>> No.8330080
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I'm reading the Letters from a Stoic and Seneca says that philosophy is their to strengthen the soul, and aid the weak. (Just paraphrasing) That philosophy isn't supposed to answer questions that are a waste of time and won't help you live better, for example "What is the meaning to life" etc.

Basically what I get from it , is he believes philosophy should be 'self-help'(not a qoute but put it into astrophes because a lot of self help is money grabbing business), yet hates hope.

FUCK sake, I'm retarded. I suck at coherently putting my thoughts down on paper.(or in this case pc)
This is the result of 18 years of English education guys. 120 000 pounds guys.

>> No.8330553


>> No.8330557

Is there any philosopher propagating the collection of experiences? I mean this in a Faustian way, living through the highest highs and lowest lows.

>> No.8330565

No, but can help you have a bigger penis.

>> No.8330632

>thats a philosophy
Are you telling me that bacteria, the aids virus, your dog, the salmon that swim up river to spawn and die, are all doing philosophy? Are all guided by some philosophical view of existence?
No. Philosophy is full of shit. You can't do philosophy without language. But once you put words to things you introduce bullshit.

>> No.8330669

All you need to know about Seneca is contained in his justification of wealth.
He wants people to live simply, but in accordance with nature (read:society) so the heinously wealthy can stil live like the heinously wealthy. He also believes in the classic stoic doctrine of adapting your reaction to the tribulations of the world as you can do nothing to stop them.
I can't remember where but someone once summarised the consolations of philosophy as 'funny old world, isn't it?' and 'When you're dead you're dead'.

>> No.8330864

unironically agree with this.
weed and read, those are the keys of life.

>> No.8330903
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Logical positivism is the right one.

>> No.8331358

have you read anything about natural pantheism?

>> No.8331371

whilst the practice of reproduction is not philosophy, your ideas could be deemed a philosophical stance. It's one of the most common and basic ideas, actually, and is often referred to as the biological meaning, or scientific meaning, of life.

>> No.8331383

no but you can use it as a sort of escapism from the misery of your mundane dicksucking life, if you're an idiot, also use it to appear smarter than the average nonphilo idiot even though you're both idiots
tldr; we're dumb

>> No.8331462

Can someone explain what is the difference between absurdism and nihilism?

>> No.8331561

So I've pretty much "figured it out" as far as I'm concerned, and it's simple. To extract as much pleasure from life as possible.

It's not hedonism, since I'm not just talking about pleasure in the moment. Basically I'm assuming I'll live to be 80 or whatever and I plan accordingly. So for example, I'm getting an education, picking up languages on the side and investing, because down the line these are things I won't regret and they'll enhance my enjoyment of life. Also I lift and do cardio (ripped by anyone's standards pretty much).

Anyone else agree/have a different idea?

>> No.8331566

Dim, empty room. You sit in the middle of it, tied to a chair. It is expected one of these two things happens:
At one point, and you don't know when, a man could come in and shoot you without question. There is no afterlife and your essence crumbles to nothing as you die.
There's also the possibility that a man comes in and tells you that there is nothing but the room, and that you are going to live forever tied to that chair; and you will keep on existing and exhausting your sanity and mental wealth every second until you are dry to the bone, and then there will be only excruciating boredom, until they see fit to release you into the abyss and unmake you.

>> No.8331577

>This is stupid and crazy and there's no point in giving a fuck

>wtfffff man

>> No.8331579

Absurdism = Saying fuck you to the meaninglessness of the universe.

Existential nihilism = I can create my own meaning by doing things in the world.

>> No.8331651
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This is a terrible chart. They have it all FUCKING wrong

>> No.8331788

define your own life you lazy brick

>> No.8331866

THIS >>8327923
Listen to this man Op, Philosophy will NOT help you find meaning to life, in fact it will most likely upset you more and you'll view life as having LESS meaning. Sometimes ignorance is Bliss OP. Philosophy can be cancerous to one's happiness.

>> No.8331892

Just you wait. Exercise becomes part of the routine and inevitably you revert back to your depressive ways. Life is depressing, friend. That's something we must accept if we're to move on and try to find some fulfillment.

>> No.8332048
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Look op, you're never gonna find meaning or happiness or anything else of that sort because there isn't any to find. Life is a cycle of ups and downs until it's over and you're but a memory, if even that. Diet and exercise and even counseling and medication if your issues are that severe can help prolong the ups and quell the downs, but you'll never escape them entirely. Even my 86 year old grandmother is prone to bouts of sadness, in spite of her pride in having raised a generally healthy/successful family and her ability to play with her great-grandchildren.

Find activities to occupy your time, preferably ones that will actually enrich your experience as a conscious meatsack rather than just chasing momentary visceral pleasures like fucking prostitutes or getting sloshed off cheap booze. Go for a walk around your neighborhood, travel somewhere new, check out some nearby museums, see live music performances, read a good book, read a shitty one just to laugh at it, troll celebrities on twitter, deface public billboards, collect stuffed animals, watch 2deep4u animu or a favorite childhood cartoon for the nostalgia, try finding a qt to spend your life or at least your next few months with, anything to break the monotony. Good luck buddy.

>> No.8332052


>> No.8332118

Lifes a garden m8 dig it

>> No.8332187

read kierkegaard

>> No.8332195

Drugs and mysticism my friend

>> No.8332216

Mr Crowley, what went on in your head?
Mr Crowley, did you talk to the dead?

>> No.8332218


Sadly the joke is on you, because it's probably impossible to die!

On the upside, you might get subsumed into some mind harvesting god-being eventually, dispersing your consciousness to a point that it would be similar to dying.

>> No.8332771

Life has no meaning

>> No.8332831

no. it can only help you lose it.

>> No.8333383

>you can find the meaning of life ONLY through this specific religious text written thousands of years ago because i said so
>if you disagree you're a stereotype

>> No.8333404

Language as an invention is amazing, I argue that it helps us discover the meaning of creation, just like math does. The question "what is the meaning of life" presupposes a question that could be like asking "how do you square a circle" A) We are using concepts that do not properly reflect reality. B) We have not had a man Smart enough to Answer the question.

>> No.8334804
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Perhaps, however..

The meaning of life is a question that cannot be answered collectively at this very moment in time.

This leaves the question to be answered by the individual.

The individual's answer will shape aspects of the individual's life [intuitive, yet overlooked].

As a human being on this Earth, at this very moment, with knowledge of a finite lifetime, an answer for the individual arises.

The ultimate goal for the individual is to progress the capabilities of humanity and push the boundaries of what is discovered in their lifetime.

Surely an ever so small percentage of inhabitants of Earth share this outlook, yet it is these individuals who have brought us to what we experience today.

What a fantastic time to join, and further humanity.

>> No.8334920

>stocism: be logical & don't suffer
is this how atheists really think???

>> No.8334945

I wish people would stop asking if "Life" has a "Meaning"

Sentences have meanings; a fresh dog turd placed lovingly on your doorstep has meaning, facial expressions have meaning.

Life does not have a meaning because nobody is trying to tell you anything through the accident of your birth.

The question "Does life have meaning" is actually a nonsense question.

>> No.8334974

No, but I'm more and more convinced that Christian mysticism will.