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8324587 No.8324587 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm writing a novel and I'm very satisfied with the results and think it has the potential to become a best-seller. But what the fuck will I write next? I feel like I'm putting all my effort and ideas into this one.

Writer feels general maybe?

>> No.8324594

Maybe focus on your first non existent book before worrying about the second

>> No.8324601

Why all ideas looks good in mind but when it comes to writing you are standing before blank page for minutes. It may be problem with lack of "warm-up" i always feel my writing is better after hour of struggling with every sentence.Same story every day

>> No.8324602

you'll get your idea the same that you got the first. Life, other media, creativity, etc.
Try poetry or a memoir or nonfiction writing

>> No.8324680

Try outlining more. I get the same way if I don't just sit down with an outline first in place.

Worry about finishing your first book first. Probably still needs more editing, then you should find a literary agent. That said, this is why I keep a little book with me and a pen at all times to write ideas as they come to me, no matter how inane. The piece I'm working on now seemed really dumb when I first thought of it but now I'm working it out because I can draw from life experience to make it a fuller story.

>Browsing thread about erotica or books with well done sex scenes the other day
>Someone posts a black qt
>Think about what life would be like with her instead of my wife
>Another thread about findings the literary city of the 2010s comparable to Paris in the 1920s
>Write down the idea for a story about a writer who meets a black girl in early 20th century Paris
>Decide to draw from my own experience with dating people society thinks we shouldn't and turn it into an outline
>Have 1k words in just the outline so far with several more sections that need more information

Also, for the thread itself
>tfw no ac because you're poor and it's 100 degrees outside
>tfw computer adds even more heat to your office space
At least it sort of feels like I'm writing in an apartment in Havana?
>tfw living in the suburbs
Kill me desu
>tfw feel like I'm being held back from exploring the world and my interests therein

>> No.8324776

sounds good anon, keep it up

>> No.8324782

Paris is not the place you want anon.

Normandy/north/sea/harbors is what you want.

Black peoples have been a thing in france since a loooong time, do i need to remind you algeria was still a french state with french laws and french règlementation. 20th is too late for what you are going for ,racism was still a thing but appart from temporart disapointment from your familly it wasn't such a big deal to marry a black or an arab APPART if you go full peasant/industry workers in the north.

>> No.8324811

The girl is from the Ivory Coast and the man is actually an American working abroad, basically Hemingway if Hemingway stayed in France in the 30s. There won't be any super overt racism from the Parisians in the story but rather a casual racism and general dismay at the situation. It also ends up being relevant later in the story during the occupation.

>> No.8324820

Thanks for the kind words. Tell me your writer feels, anon.

I suppose I should also mention that Paris as a city is important to the narrative anyway. I also in my previous post implied racism was really in any way relevant, except for the very end.

>> No.8324838

I don't think i have any writer feels, I'm just incapable of having any good idea. In general my prose is quite okay, but I just can't find things to write about

>> No.8324866

I always worry that I've already had all my best ideas

>> No.8324883

So did you write them out?

Ideas are easy. What genres, if any in particular, interest you?

>> No.8324912

Magic realism is probably what best resonates with me, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mia Couto, José Saramago

>> No.8324932

>So did you write them out?
Yeah, some unfinished novel drafts when I was younger, short stories nowadays. The novels were very shittily written, but reading them I come upon bits of ideas that I find pretty great and amusing, and think that I'll never be as creative as I was back then, even though my writing is miles ahead now.

>> No.8324943

So take those ideas and write a new novel. At the very least take the ideas that really stood out and make them short stories.

So list out a bunch of different settings, characters, plots, etc and mix and match.

>> No.8324955

I have only had the opposite problem.

I want to write seven different things at once.

>> No.8324992
File: 74 KB, 737x700, Graded.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TED Talks

Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses — and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. It's a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.


More on architypality...

How is Your Attendance?
How do you take notes?
What are you study habbits?

Lower level consciousnesses may be harder to get good grades in

>> No.8325035

>TED Talks
>Women giving talks
>Women having relevant opinion
>Women being intelligent
>Women being worth listening to

>> No.8325110
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Be a little more fluid and support Gender Equality Solidarity

Also chek these dubs


>> No.8325260 [DELETED] 
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Oh look someone already did it. Again.

Fuck this shit, there's nothing fucking new to be written.

>> No.8325288

Concentrate on finishing the first one. Chances are, your draft is shit. Don't feel bad, everyone's first draft is god awful. Take the necessary time to edit and make 2nd, 3rd, and 4th drafts. Refine your work. You've mines the gem, now polish it. Make a few notes about what you want to do next but don't get distracted. Finish your current project. I speak from experience.

>> No.8325301



Seriously though what are your sales like

Also what was the name of your book again

>> No.8325330

>Write 100 epic novels with a super ridiculous story line
>No one buys your books and you fade into obscurity no one having read the works you spent years writing
I think I'll take my chances without your experience, thanks.

>> No.8325394
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Sales are waning, however, I've done ZERO marketing but that's about to change. Like many authors starting out, I made the mistake of taking the Amazon KDP Select route. While yes I did get some much desired exposure, I locked myself into a 90 day exclusivity with them in trade. It's an ok arrangement but there's bigger markets out there and I'm waiting until I can get into kobo, tolino, and other providers and aggregators that will get you into the world markets. If you do your homework, Amazon is small potatoes. When the 90 days elapses, (August 20th) I'll "go wide" with the bigger providers and make a push there. Book 2 out early September.

>> No.8325402

Enjoy working at a gas station the rest of your life, since your writing will never support you.

>> No.8325407

No longer work at gas station but Thanks guy!

>> No.8325429

No need to be bitter. If you pretend to be happy, maybe you eventually will be!

>> No.8325445
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I'm stoked, brah. I'm getting 5 star reviews from complete strangers. Feels good, man!

>> No.8325484


>> No.8325603

Space opera
Blue cover with white text
Released this year

>> No.8325629

Saga Volume 6 by Brian K Vaughn?

>> No.8325635


>> No.8325636

I wrote more in a month of NEETdom than I have in 6 months of wage slavery

I don't think I'm gonna make it

>> No.8325660

You gotta make the time.

>> No.8325668

Perhaps you're a one (hit?) wonder? Writing books is a knotty problem.

There's always plagiarism.

>> No.8325674
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somebody said this to me a few months or so ago and it made me feel good

>> No.8325676
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I have the time, I lack the energy

I got home from work yesterday at 4 and fell asleep for 15 hours, then it was time to go back to work. That's a little unusual, but not that unusual.

I'm shitposting now because it's my day off. Maybe I'll write later tonight after I walk back to my internetless apartment. But I'll probably end up sleeping the weekend away. Again.

>> No.8325700

Try writing before you go to work? Adjust your schedule that way.

Or save up and just go full NEET in cycles.

>> No.8325733

This is more of a reader feel than a writer feel


>> No.8325740

oh so I'm assuming it must not be very good? i would recommend not writing anything next!

>> No.8326155

Building Victoria?

>> No.8326573


You write the same book again, with a different name, a different female lead and a different plot device and call it the second installment in the "<mc's name> saga". Then rake in the money.

>> No.8326828


>> No.8327693

>tfw trying to write but my wife is home
She keeps trying to read over my shoulder as I write and distracts me.

>> No.8327824

Same thing here. Just go to a quiet coffee shop and work there. Make sure it's not a starbucks though. Otherwise people will think you're one of those trendy macfags with a 2000 dollar laptop and can't finish a project.

>> No.8327877

I don't actually have a laptop. Just my desktop.

>> No.8328011

Tell her to GTFO.

>> No.8328165
