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8322794 No.8322794 [Reply] [Original]

china mieville's arms are huge

>> No.8322795


>> No.8322804
File: 221 KB, 1600x1200, DSC01149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put "curl bro" but I think he does a lot of pull ups and chin ups.

>> No.8322812

Do loser nerds really think roids make them look less pathetic?

>> No.8322817

If I liked Kraken and The City and The City which other books of his would I enjoy most?

>> No.8322818

Looking at /roid/ on /fit/: I'd say yes.

>> No.8322819


>> No.8322821


How can they be so broken inside that they take all that shit seriously?

>> No.8322828
File: 86 KB, 166x685, memeville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's actually not, photoshop is pre obvious just look at the squashed clock, I've tried to un shop it and you see he's actually quite DYEL

>> No.8322838

Roids are cheap, lifting is physically demanding and takes a while for results to show, and many think you can only get muscles with drugs (the everyone in sports is on roids thesis). So they want to have the cache of looking like they have their life together and they do something like go down the gym regularly but without waiting and working and actually having the dedication to get their life together.

There are more nuanced variations like Supermang roiding to beat Isley at powerlifting, and later Isley roiding so he feels he's finally succeeding at a sport in some way, but I feel I've nailed the general idea up there.

>> No.8322841

But what the hell is the point in the first place? Why would they take the entire ideology that says that you have to look like a retard seriously? How do they have no strength in yourself to reject this, when the exact same people who propagate this to keep you in the hamster wheel have rejected them? Is the need to belong really so overpowering?

>> No.8322852

>But what the hell is the point in the first place?

Uhm, to get big quicker than you would otherwise?

In most cases roids are simply unadulterated testosterone(that is, if you're smart), which isn't really unhealthy at all for anyone depending on dose and how long you use it.

>> No.8322856

And you need to "get big" because...?

>> No.8322857

>And you need to "get big" because...?

Sex obviously. Looking fit usually gets you laid more often as a man.

>> No.8322861

>Is the need to belong really so overpowering?
I think in some ways it boils down to they feel weak or like failures and they want to be strong instead. Because I wouldn't say they exactly want to belong but to dominate, be better, overpower everyone else.

I will say tho that after I got into fitness properly and started to get quite decent stats, many people will just plain assume or accuse roids regardless. So I guess for some people they can see that dedication isn't going to derive respect or something on its own, and in a sort of rational line of thought they may as well roid anyway.

>> No.8322871

When I see a "fit" guy all I see is someone with an immediately obvious outward display of brain damage, like a blue-haired chick.

>> No.8322872

That's because he lifts.

Which is irrelevant to his writing. His prose style isn't the kind you'd associate with his physique though.

>> No.8322875

Not really about getting big but getting fit in general makes life much more comfortable, and muscles are a physical testament to man's ability of self discipline and persistence

>> No.8322878
File: 117 KB, 1200x631, Greek-Statue-Bronze-Zeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I see a "fit" guy all I see is someone with an immediately obvious outward display of brain damage
Why do you hate the Greeks brah?

>> No.8322879

>muscles are a physical testament to man's ability to buy and inject illegal drugs

>> No.8322880

Because they were faggots obsessed with retarded shit and underage boys? See also: Mishima and the dude in the OP.

>> No.8322884

>When I see a "fit" guy all I see is someone with an immediately obvious outward display of brain damage


Seems like projection on your part tbqh. People who are fit usually do it because it gives them pleasure, and I have read several studies just recently that people who work out for intrinsic reasons(e.g their own health, their own well-being), have a much greater chance of success than someone who does it because they want to look good for other people or whatever other vapid reason.

>> No.8322889

No you fucking retard. If you're someone who shoved Tren up your ass for a week and grew muscles it would firstly be obvious to the general public that you roided and you wouldn't feel the same affirmation that you would if you worked out naturally. The point is, exercising, like everything else that makes civilisation and innovation, requires persistence, dedication and the best out of masculine traits, as you will have to painfully invest for a while with no return. Muscles are a visible 'trophy' if you will

>> No.8322890

>People who are fit usually do it because it gives them pleasure
So just like heroin addicts, rapists and gluttons?

>> No.8322891

You'd be a lot happier if you stopped being salty and started lifting. Go pick up starting strength and then pick up a barbell, the time commitment is probably a lot less than you think too.

This is very true. And being fit and healthy in body helps being fit and healthy in mind. There's a lot of crossover between the two. The old "brains v brawn" dichotomy is a pile of horse shit.

>> No.8322893

>If you're someone who shoved Tren up your ass for a week and grew muscles it would firstly be obvious to the general public that you roided and you wouldn't feel the same affirmation that you would if you worked out naturally.
Really, you think Tinder whores get your blood tested for roids before they fuck you or?

>> No.8322895

Are you trying to justify your own shitty feelings by morality or something? Like "I feel like crap but at least I'm not a junkie"?

>> No.8322897

No, you'd be happier if you did that, because you have the brain of a subhuman animal.

Btw, it's not "salty", it's "bitter" or "sour", you should stop appropriating adjectives thought up by a race that doesn't understand any taste beyond McDonalds french fries.

>> No.8322901

Not that guy but I never had any problem with picking up women pre tinder or pre actively trying to get fit. So getting muscles to get laid has always been moot.

>> No.8322902

>So just like heroin addicts, rapists and gluttons?

Yes, pretty much, as with everything humans do that is pleasurable, it is associated with the release of endorphines and dopamine.

But if you're trying to analogize taking heroine with going to a gym 3 times a week for 1 hour, you're being incredibly facetious.

>> No.8322903

Are you trying to materially compensate for your lack of one?

>> No.8322905

You don't need to go to a gym with roids, you'll gain muscle regardless, as studies have shown. In fact, you'll gain more muscle by injecting them and sitting on your ass, than someone not injecting them and doing the whole gym thing will.

In before citation needed, feel free to google it and it will be on the first page.

>> No.8322908

>You don't need to go to a gym with roids, you'll gain muscle regardless, as studies have shown. In fact, you'll gain more muscle by injecting them and sitting on your ass, than someone not injecting them and doing the whole gym thing will.

But that isn't true at all. If you take roids and sit on your ass, you'll become a fat fuck.

>> No.8322909

Sorry, who do you think thought up the adjective "salty"? It's old af slang.

And McDonald's have nothing on your saltiness bruh.

>> No.8322913

Did you forget a word or are you trying to Stirnermeme?

>> No.8322915

It's true, but having seen lazy roider progress pics you probably won't look aesthetic. Just lean and weirdly muscled.

>> No.8322916

That's not the point. If you work out to get muscles without roids then you'll feel good about yourself in a mentally healthy way. If you work out with roids you'll not only know that you mentally 'cheated' in a vain fashion but without serious and well applied detox you're physiologically fucked forever. I didn't even mention women. Can you even read?

Either your standards are shit or you're an extremely adept charmer. Unfortunately most guys aren't either, and getting fit would be worth it for them for the additional palatability it gives them with women as well as the fact the vast majority of guys in the first world at a young adult level are either obese or underweight

>> No.8322927

>Either your standards are shit or you're an extremely adept charmer.
Rarely column a, I like to think mostly column b. I also have good bone structure.

And I'd add that lifting and not roiding brings gains in personality and charm for most people too. Trying to overcome your own limitations and committing to improving yourself are great goals.

>> No.8322931

china doesn't do roids just fyi

>> No.8322932

How many levels of irony do you think are enough to shield you from being a mongoloid?

>> No.8322935

No and no, try rereading a few times.

>> No.8322943
File: 46 KB, 559x720, Arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't look like he does either. It's pretty obvious when someone has roided.

>> No.8322944

I am completely* sincere.

*that is unironically, or in a tautological** sense sincerely

**however if we are to take early*** Wittgenstein to heart then all logical**** statements are in fact tautologies

***I don't personally buy into the early/late divide of Wittgenstein's work, there is an implication of incompatibility that I don't see, but I believe this concisely and efficiently signposts the set of ideas I'm talking about

****meaning in the sense of rational or reasonable i.e. to do with reasoning or thinking something out

>> No.8322947

Haha le golden upboat.

>> No.8322948

One doesn't fit with either shitty feelings or morality, so I have to take it as you asking about my lack of ego. This cake is delicious.

>> No.8322952

why do you lads bully China? Seems like an alright dude desu

>> No.8322956

you're kinda pathetic dude

>> No.8322959

> unironically responding to such a post insincerely
I'm also not keen on this 'irony power level' meme, which is quite clearly from reddit. I like to keep the levels of reading meta-ironic discussion to the once a week I read Bleach and post about it on /a/, it doesn't really belong on /lit/ imo.

>> No.8322964

I dont understand how someone can have the critical capacity to comprehend literature yet lack any and all self awareness to not see how much of a fucking cringey retard they sound using the 'le...' whatever meme. Just say something violent at least.

>> No.8322967


>> No.8324381
File: 11 KB, 195x268, IMG_1034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average, not obese, not ripped looks get more women. When I was super ripped and carried near 5 percent body fat girls didn't notice. Now that I am "average" and my waist went from 26 to 32-33 inches (kind of chubby for a short guy) way more girls like me. Average and mediocre is best for women. Also, getting old worked for me. It's way easier to be normal looking guy than to look like I used to year round.

>> No.8324836



>> No.8324909
File: 38 KB, 368x639, 1458681074724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak nerd over here.

>> No.8325241
File: 46 KB, 450x320, 1468215405091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to be fit in both body and mind
Plebs to the highest degree. The upper echelons of never-gonna-make-it'dnous.

>> No.8325256

He looks like that guy in gym class who took it way too fucking seriously

>> No.8325258
