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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 74 KB, 415x332, amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
831974 No.831974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Situation: Grandfather died, left me two grand, to put it one way our family is okay for money and I've been seeing a wish-list trend on here lately, so post your wish lists. I'd like to get through a few people so try to keep it under 30GBP.

>> No.831980
File: 74 KB, 600x467, 1276406492808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very nice of you!

I only have two books on my list, one of the two would be more than generous, supremely kind.


>> No.831983

Going to have come back in an hour or two.

>> No.831984

Let's see what happens: http://amzn.com/w/2ANLB68XP7FZI
And if you're just a troll, like some of the wishlist people: I like your picture, OP. Where is it?

>> No.831986


I find myself a little warm and fuzzy inside because of this new trend. I'll definitely have to pass along the kindness.

>> No.831988

Hope you are not a troll like yesterday's, so here is my list:


>> No.831995

Haven't actually bothered participating in these, but you sound nice enough OP.


It'd be interesting to see if Amazon UK knocks the VAT off the price if you're wishlisting an overseas recipient.

>> No.831996

If this is for real, thank you kind sir: http://www.amazon.co.uk/wishlist/4GHE10Z1E7VE

>> No.832006
File: 84 KB, 318x470, zapaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds nice OP, but there are more deserving people than me.

Hope you're for real.

>> No.832007

All right, I'll give it a shot...thanks in advance!


>> No.832016 [DELETED] 


Having just bout nearly all the real books on my wishlist, it now sucks. Honestly, ignore all the comics.

>> No.832034

OP if you do this you will be my hero.


absolute legend.

>> No.832037


Anything would be awesome OP.

sorry about the grandfather.

>> No.832039

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.832040

Why do people think wish listers are good? They only give people books who can get them elsewhere, it is not noble or worthy of praise.

>> No.832043


Is your name seriously Matt Hatt?

That's awesome.

>> No.832042


>> No.832041
File: 29 KB, 468x458, internet-bro-fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're genuine in what you have said then I would be made so happy.
I am only after The Genealogy of morality..


>> No.832044

RemOEV_yuOr_IllGeAl_clOEN_fO_HtTp://wwW.coCkstaLk.se/ (repLaCE COCKs WITH aNOn)_immEiDately. prq c cy tnhtw lnmqlswmroqjqutpkzmhgguhsrhbyi

>> No.832047

Hmmm, http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1SZY724C0CX8S/ref=reg_hu-wl_goto-registry?_encoding=UTF8&sort=dat
e-added. Condolences to your family. Cheapest thing tere.

>> No.832048


Not OP, but what the hell. Enjoy your books, my Polish & Texan friends.

>> No.832053

Here goes nothing..

>> No.832052

no books for your UK friend? :(


>> No.832049

BTW, Polfag, it's going to take 3-4 weeks for yours to arrive--couldn't justify spending more on shipping than on the book.

>> No.832056 [DELETED] 

how desperate..

>> No.832059

These threads are really about collecting the real names and information of 4chan users. Enjoy your identity theft.

>> No.832061

I just clicked on two at random...maybe OP will help you out. Also,
> Atlas Shrugged

>> No.832062

how desperate...

>> No.832063

Haha, surprisingly yes.

>> No.832064

Right, because you couldn't just look in a phone book for names and addresses.

>> No.832066


Oh noes! Somebody knows my name!!!

>> No.832067

Now they can work magic against you!

>> No.832070

Oh dear sir, bless you


>> No.832071

your wishlist sucks.

>> No.832073


Don't you dare beg, easy come easy go, leach

>> No.832076

sorry I hurt your feelings.... :S

>> No.832081

You angered me with your patheticness (not sure if I made that word up) actually. How about YOU buy a book for a random person on this thread, huh?

>> No.832084

by the way, I have quite a lot on there, just pick out the cheapest one :) Thanks a zillion

>> No.832088


"post your wishlist"

---posts wishlist


>> No.832089
File: 91 KB, 550x668, 1276061959017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thank you! Shipping time doesn't matter.

>> No.832091

>no books for your UK friend? :(

attempt at guilt tripping kind anon.
kind anon offers anon. anon doesn't ask kind anon.

>> No.832096

Thank you very much!

>> No.832094


I get it!!

>> No.832095


Exactly what my colleague said.

>> No.832102
File: 97 KB, 550x476, 1277466513012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Also, shame on you all, well nearly all of you, only one person offered condolences after I told you all that my grandfather had supposedly died.

>> No.832105

I'm glad your grandfather died.

>> No.832106


Fuckin' greedy middle class lot these blokes are, never to know real suffering.

>> No.832107

The operative word was 'supposedly'.

>> No.832108

well, your cool?

>> No.832109


Still, 2 people got free books because of your thread. Successful troll?

>> No.832113

Yeah that is a bonus.

>> No.832112


Everyone's relatives die, especially grandfathers. You sort of trolled yourself.

>> No.832111

I hope he dies soon. At that point, post your wishlist and I'll buy you a book to console you.

>> No.832110
File: 2 KB, 126x103, 1277465960778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I said in the original post was a lie.

>> No.832114


I'm the guy who actually wished you condolences and continue to do so in you and your family's of need. Could you please delete this thread so people don't see my real name on 4chan?

>> No.832115

Okay troll, but where was your pic taken?

>> No.832118


>*family's hour of need

>> No.832120
File: 205 KB, 550x400, 1277468770684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you are wishing my relative dead and making sarcastic comments only makes me lol harder

Not yet he hasn't, well done for stating the obvious btw.

>> No.832122

green-oval, dude. Nothing disappears from the internet.

>> No.832123


>> No.832124

Dude, the thread was about AMAZON wish lists, the picture name is AMAZON.jpg, and the picture looks like it was taken in the AMAZON.

>> No.832128

Lol, it was a risk I was willing to take
Is your Gramps actually dead, bro?

>> No.832134

Lol, should have realized that. Thanks, anyway.

>> No.832131
File: 19 KB, 241x230, 1277468452589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.832132
File: 54 KB, 596x476, 1276359195059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.832136


Good. Hug him extra hard for me (no homo etc) and appreciate every moment you share with him

>> No.832138

ITT: books about grandfathers.

I liked The Third Life of Grange Copeland by Alice Walker.

>> No.832139
File: 22 KB, 432x288, 1277468296752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.832141
File: 26 KB, 250x400, 1277350506391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.832144

This is 2010, not the early 90's, being online isn't nerdy now.

>> No.832149

See, I told you, if you give out your real names on the Internet people will use magic against you.

>> No.832152

Condolencesfag, enjoy your books.

>> No.832154



>> No.832160


No, you made a troll thread in the expectation that a lot of people would overlook the claimed fact that your grandfather had died. Which you could then aggregate into a gotcha post. Not having dwelt on his death at any length whatsoever, you might reasonably expect potential giftees to get on with the business of nominating themselves, but didn't. You effectively trolled yourself with your own ruse.

>> No.832161

Are you in the military?

>> No.832164

It was the first thing mentioned.

>> No.832167

I accuse OP of being a witch! I saw him trolling /lit/, talking to the Devil in the forest, and turning my cow's milk sour.

Burn him at the stake!

>> No.832170

Have ANY of these wish list threads actually been genuine?

>> No.832171

i am.

>> No.832174


The first one was, yeah. And in the recent string of fake ones, some people have still gotten stuff.

>> No.832178

i've gotten 10 free books so far in 3 days :)

>> No.832179

That's not even the same guy.

>> No.832177

Okay, thread will be deleted in 1 minute.

>> No.832182

You can't get that from a couple of lines of text.

>> No.832181

>Grandfather died

Oh, that? You also mentioned not needing 2000 dollars, so you were throwing it away on strangers - which was your first mistake. You didn't sound too broken up yourself.

>> No.832186

Internet Wizard.