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File: 32 KB, 307x500, burning_chrome-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
831780 No.831780 [Reply] [Original]

Burning Chrome is pretty damn great short story, science fiction or not.

>> No.831848

It's my favorite short story of Gibson and I think it's my favorite cyberpunk story of all time. The imagery was god damn intense, I gotta read it again.

>> No.831860

The Winter Market and Hinterlands are waaaaay better IMO.

Two truly great shorts, whatever the genre.

>> No.831866

Japanese Ginza leather boots dangling over the edge of the grey concrete pier. Sometimes it rains out here.

Burnt out car-casses line the sides of West 4th.

I think, "How the fuck does Gomi Island not sink? not get swallowed back up into the soundless depths?"

>> No.831884


Last time I met my Mum I lent her my copy of Burning Chrome. She's fucking lost it now! Gonna have to buy a new one.

Have some Gibson travel writing instead:

>Singapore is a relentlessly G-rated experience, micromanaged by a state that has the look and feel of a very large corporation. If IBM had ever bothered to actually possess a physical country that country might have had a lot in common with Singapore. There's a certain white-shirted constraint, an absolute humorlessness in the way Singapore Ltd. operates; conformity here is the prime directive, and the fuzzier brands of creativity are in extremely short supply.
There is no slack in Singapore. Imagine an Asian version of Zurich operating as an offshore capsule at the foot of Malaysia; an affluent microcosm whose citizens inhabit something that feels like, well, Disneyland. Disneyland with the death penalty.

>> No.831920

Agh! I always forget that Gibson was a wonderful writer for Wired in the 90's. I'm going to read all the shit he wrote on there now-- starting with that Singapore piece.

I've lived there before during the summers, and his is very much the view of the outsider looking in. He should have spent more time in the old concrete towers my grandparents lived in, before it got cleaned up. That was a lot dirtier. The hawker markets were incredible and cheap. Wish I had the tastebuds then that I do now. I'd be a lot more adventurous in my food choices.

>> No.831924
File: 22 KB, 346x346, 1272764297496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Bono as a columnist for the NYT.


>> No.832299

Did Gibson write non-fiction for anyone else?

>> No.832326

He used to write on his blog a fair amount, and I remember seeing some pretty good stuff there.

>> No.833464

I loved the Burning Chrome collection in it's entirety, but I agree that I think Burning Chrome was my favourite, and deserved to be the title of the anthology.

>> No.833471


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