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File: 32 KB, 300x465, ten little niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
828236 No.828236 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about racism in books?

>> No.828240

I don`t have a problem with it, especially not if the book is pre WWII.

>> No.828241 [DELETED] 

remOEv YuOR illgEal_cloen FO hTTp://WWW.ANoMNOmTaLK.se/_(anOmNoM_= aNoN) ImMeiDateLY. npu frks ubyevmb okpcgj uj mf bchk lx

>> No.828254

I enjoy it

>> No.828262

mmmmm! heartily! with tabacco to puff

>> No.828267

It's mostly useful as a means to reveal the author's or the society's attitudes when it's being written. If, however, it was written puerly for racist purposes it's almost definatley a pile of crud, not just material-wise but also prosaically. Prime example is Mein Kampf, which even Mussolini didn't like.

>> No.828272


>> No.828299

So many racist short stories.

Nigger this and nigger that.

It's awesome.

>> No.828322

Pretty much the same I feel about anything in books. I'm not a serial killer, but that doesn't prevent me from identifying with Bateman in American Psycho, I'm not a closet gay with powerful connections, but that doesn't prevent me from identifying with Cohn in Angels in America (technically a play, but it's a story, so go suck on a dick).

If it is well written (i.e. convincingly) it is just a part of the character. If it is written for propagandist purposes, it will probably be crap. I have never seen a combination, but would be interested.

>> No.828330

For the record, the word "nigger" did not always imply racism. The word itself was often seen as neutral until the civil rights movement decided it was inherently racist.

More generally though, I expect books to give me a certain insight into the culture that produced them, and I see racism in literature as historically educational.

>> No.828341

It doesn't bother me at all unless I get the feeling that the author is actually racist. However, it's uncomfortable to read when the word "nigger" is used when I'm on the subway sitting beside black people.

>> No.828356


Isnt that just a general problem? When I went through Lolita I had the same strange feeling at times on the bus'. Same with what im reading now called " I kill " (Translated), with alot of blood splatter on the cover'.

>> No.828364

>>828330 For the record, the word "nigger" did not always imply racism. The word itself was often seen as neutral until the civil rights movement decided it was inherently racist.

Are you fucking serious? the word was always a slur in the US, but not until the 60's or so in the UK.

Wierdly enough, "black" was also a slur - the polite terms in the US used to be "negro" or "colored".

>> No.828370

I don't have a problem with racism, but with bad book, and this is one of them. I really like Agatha Christie, but this book is just bad.

>> No.828378


No, the word was not always a slur in the United States, though it certainly became one well before the 60's.

>> No.828381

women and nigger cannot into book

>> No.829797

Not sure if trolling.

>> No.829809

can anyone recommend a really good racist book?

>> No.831578
File: 78 KB, 818x1017, 11bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Bible aka Manufacterer's handbook

Comes in many translations and can be found in fiction, non fiction, fantasy, and Literature and many variations ....and it's ALL about the exclusive club rules elite members go by...to justify genocide...doesn't get any more racist than that!

>> No.831598


atheists gonna atheist

>> No.831625 [DELETED] 

You can be a theist and dislike the bible.

Responding to OPs question I have to say that it doesn't bother me if it makes sense in a cultural context and isn't purely there for propaganda purposes.
Pic related, it's easy to forget my favorite xenophobic writer because it was so characteristically over the top at times, one could not help not to view it as an unintentional joke.

>> No.831629
File: 57 KB, 500x592, Lovecraft3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a theist and dislike the bible.

Responding to OPs question I have to say that it doesn't bother me if it makes sense in a cultural context and isn't purely there for propaganda purposes.
Pic related, it's easy to forget my favorite xenophobic writer because it was so characteristically over the top at times, one could not help not to view it as an unintentional joke.

>> No.831633

I meant to say forgive.

>> No.831731

Good. In fact very good. Schopenhauer hated niggers and proved their inferiority as group. Only because some niggers are as smart as whites and some whites are as stupid as normal niggers doesn't that mean that both are equal.

>> No.831776

As an anti-racist, I'm generally opposed to it.

>> No.831779
File: 248 KB, 459x318, 1277079322699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying race isn't an outdated concept.
>Implying you're any better than the nigger out on the streets until you actually prove your usefulness.
>Being an intellectual isn't proving your usefulness.

>> No.831792

I never used the word "race", I would have had to say niggers would be human for that but niggers are apes.

>> No.831823


Schopenhauer said that? I'm not surprised, he was a very rational man. He also considered women to be inferior wenches.

I hate black people by the way. I wish they would all just go back to Africa or be exterminated.

>> No.831840

Yes he did, I could quote him but that would be in German and probably of no use for you.

>> No.831845


no niggers are inferior to white people

>> No.831847


no please go ahead, i am skilled in german

>> No.831874

Moment...here we have it, I even underlinded it.
"Die geselligsten aller Menschen sollen die Neger sein, wie sie eben auch intellektuell entschieden zurückstehen: nach Berichten aus Nord-Amerika, in Französischen Zeitungen, sperren die Schwarzen, freie und Sklaven durheinander, in großer Anzahl sich in den engsten Raum zusammen, weil sie ihr schwarzes Stumpfnasengesicht nicht oft genug wiederholt erblicken können"
Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit, Marixverlag, Seite 32, Arthur Schopenhauer.
For Schopenhauer sociable human are inferior.

>> No.831881


Interesting, Schopenhauer also said this
The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmins, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature and out of it all came their high civilization.1

>> No.831901

A wise man he was.

>> No.831949

Romantic fantasy hogwash. The reason our white ancestors became so powerful is because of a mixture of luck and calculated cruelty. For centuries the "great" white north was little more than a collection of dark age imitation of greater cultures and barbarism.

>> No.832035


Too bad Schopenhauer also said this: "Man soll, wo möglich, gegen niemanden Animosität hegen, jedoch die procedes eines jeden sich wohl merken und im Gedächtnis behalten [...] >Weder lieben, noch hassen< enthält die Hälfte aller Weltklugheit: >nichts sagen und nichts glauben< die andere Hälfte." Paränesen und Maximen in: Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit, Insel Verlag, S. 196
Also: "Zorn, oder Hass in Worten, oder Mienen blicken zu lassen ist unnütz, ist gefährlich, ist unklug, ist lächerlich, ist gemein".

Even his views on ethics include all humans whether you can use it for your racist comments or not.

>> No.832090

So what? I don't hate Niggers, I just say they are inferior, that's a fact not a feeling like hate, spreading the truth and facts is different from sprading feelings.

>> No.832100

it makes the book pretty fucking worthless.

>> No.832147


sure is liberal jerkcircle in here

>> No.832249

>not racist
sure is /new/ in here