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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 300x225, barn-owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8306495 No.8306495 [Reply] [Original]

I regret my English major.

>> No.8306500

regret nothing?

>> No.8306512

I regret much of my life

>> No.8306541

I regret being born.

Remember the Greek myth quoted by Nietzsche, somewhere in The Birth of Tragedy, about King looking in the forest Silenus, to the day he finally manages to find him, King Midas asked him "What is the most desirable thing for man?", Silenus answered "What is best of all is utterly beyond your reach: not to be born, not to be, to be nothing. But the second best for you is—to die soon.”

>> No.8306548

I regret that German minor. I was drunk. Sorry Allah.

>> No.8306551

I regret my childhood

>> No.8306614

>majored in Biology hoping to go to med school
>don't feel like med school anymore
>have to get my master's just to teach children or do entry level research because I have a weak chemistry background

>> No.8306835

topical, i like it

>> No.8306840

That's why I went for Marketing instead.

>> No.8306917

Allah is not reel. #fagmohamed

>> No.8306921

tough luck, I dont regret engineering

>> No.8306928

it's k anon, you can rest easy knowing you can read the shit out of books with a greater capacity of understanding than the majority of the population

i mean, it's not like just anybody can learn these things with out the rigorous training only an english department can provide.

>> No.8306929

Any education is good. You can always go back to school if you fail to find a job.

It's most important that you do something that you enjoy.

Best luck to you Anon

>> No.8306931

t. Euro

>> No.8306952

>avoided the whole identity politics clusterfuck that is modern humanities and decide to read hard and read a lot on my own

feeling relatively good about this decision these years later, the little bit that i would've gotten out of the degree wouldn't have been worth the endless miasma of disillusioning bullshit

>> No.8306953

That's just liquor and guessing.

I regret my engineering degree.

>> No.8306956

>That's just liquor and guessing.
not quite, its pretty fun too

>> No.8306989

Hey OP, I'm currently an English major, about to be a junior at uni.
My current outlook on it, especially after being assigned to read Possession and Small World last semester, is an understanding of the flaws of pursuing a career that functions in an "academic" setting, but also an acceptance of that fact that getting this far in life, being able to even study in a university and get any degree, is an experience as/more rewarding than what a lot of others do with their time on earth.

>> No.8308199

please tell me more so I could feel better about being an engineering major.

>> No.8308279

i regret my computer science major, so i guess were like, even, man?

>> No.8308315

>polsci major
>literally no jobs except unpaid internships dicksucking on campaign trails
>too cynical to immerse myself in the cultlike atmosphere of the political campaign circuit
>go for a masters in public administration instead
>still jack shit for job openings for people without 3-7 years experience

>> No.8308361

I regret not finishing my English degree before switching to something that pays.

>> No.8308379

I regret that it cost so much, but I'm very glad it gave me the drive to learn at a time when I otherwise might not have. I read old books I otherwise wouldn't have, and learned old languages I otherwise couldn't have. That said, I plan to let my degree rot in a closet somewhere while I learn a skilled trade. Not that I think I need to; but I've always been biased with a love towards physical objects and a deep respect for honest work.

>> No.8308438

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8308443

Fuck you OP, I'm going back to school this fall to make a second attempt at an English degree.
Post something motivational, would you?

Like this.
And this.

>> No.8308466

19 is too young to have produced anything of real merit.

>> No.8308467


>> No.8308469

You sound quite insufferable tee bee eich.

>> No.8308471

i'm already regretting the next 40 years of my life

>> No.8308472

jealousy lol

>> No.8308473

>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

This part of the pasta is so good that it transcends pasta. It's worth all of /lit/'s copypasta combined. One cannot quite pinpoint why it is so good: the confident assertion that existential crises are measurable, desirable experiences, of which the relater has kept account—the strange assertion that someone else has confidently assessed the "profundity" of one as being that of a man "twice his age" (one imagines him being examined by a wise old master of existential crises)—the proud implication that there will be many more 'crises' of this sort—everything about the passage suggests that an "existential crisis" is like a spurious bout of self-improvement for a talented young go-getter, which is counted towards his character because it stems not from existence but from high IQ and good initiative. He demonstrates no capacity for understanding the grounds of an existential crisis, while boasting that he has outdone everybody else at it.

It is a masterpiece of copypasta and ranks among some of the best satire in the English language. It is only a shame that the author cannot copyright it and reveive the credit due to him.

>> No.8308474

he has a patreon

>> No.8308519

I started BS Bio, shifted to BS Archi and graduated, found a work as web designer with no IT background, just learned all during work. Never looked back.

>> No.8308521

Name one person besides Rimbaud to disprove what I said. Mid-20s is around the point when writers have garnered enough experience to produce quality work.

>> No.8308531


Not going to lie, I'm actually kind of jealous of your major despite your lack of prospects. It good be worse anon.

>> No.8308756

I read a diverse selection of literature and enjoy it very much

that's the best thing I can say about my english degree

>> No.8308761

I regret not being a native speaker of English.

>> No.8308805


I'm glad I studied English (got a dual degree and went to law school so I avoided the barista track). I just wish my program had been more rigorous.

I honestly think that's the major problem with a lot of humanities programs - the faculty are all hippies who are constitutionally indisposed to giving out bad grades, and who probably find the very idea of ranking people distasteful. So the programs end up attracting the detritus of more rigorous majors. Then you have a bunch of morons in every class who don't read anything and couldn't give two shits about literature, and the conversation suffers. I took some advanced classes with fewer than 10 people in them and the experience was infinitely better.

On the other hand, I find it laughable that business majors are so much more respected than the humanities. My econ classes made the English program seem like boot camp, and the other business fields are even easier (except maybe accounting).

>> No.8308902

Álvares de Azevedo, considered the 2nd best brazilian romantic poet. Died when he was 20 years old.

>> No.8309040


I regret being born too.

>> No.8309141

I have transcended regret.

>> No.8309157


Very poetic.

>> No.8309169

>2nd best
>thinks his point still matters

>> No.8309297

But this is something that you can accomplish without the degree. Is an English degree really this useless?

>> No.8309415

I regret not caring about my GPA as much as I should have.

>> No.8309719

>he doesn't regret that he didn't regret regretting

>> No.8310846

>But this is something that you can accomplish without the degree. Is an English degree really this useless?
I guess you can self-teach yourself anything you want

but most people don't

>> No.8310884
File: 9 KB, 200x285, Musil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow wish i spent a lot of money to get an english degree

i have missed out on so much

>> No.8310913

I don't regret my math/physics degree.

But I'm totally unemployable, so....

>> No.8310924

>tfw this anon is actually a depressed loner, but typing this post gave him a good laugh

>> No.8310929


It's a popular pasta, m8.

>> No.8310953

>majoring in english and not journalism

>> No.8311058 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 400x225, >Mohammed >Prophet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8311065

how is it possible to be this new?

>> No.8311068
File: 1.38 MB, 400x225, >Mohammed >Prophet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Following sand nigger religions
Mohammedanism is just a shitty Christian heresy based around fanfiction written by an epileptic autist.

>> No.8311071

Unless you had shit grades and no internships, then of course you're going to be unemployable.

>> No.8311075

now THIS is shitposting

>> No.8311077

writing profs are leftist liars

>> No.8311109

Is it financially viable to major in what your passion is if your passion isn't STEM related? I've majored in Computer Science and am doing well by it, but going to school for it was a real slog. I wish you could feasibly make money with an English or Philosophy major, but outside of academia or as a technical writer, I don't see how it's possible.

>> No.8311139

Islam is still cancer though

>> No.8311144

>Any education is good

no it isn't. time is valuable and education is a timesink. bad education is a waste of time -> bad

basically me. except I quit after a year and went to law

>> No.8311148


Jesus fucking christ
>Newfags microwaving this fucking mouldy pasta


>> No.8311158

I sleep better at night knowing this is bait and no real human actually holds this belief.

>> No.8311221

Bait aside, Islam is still a shit religion.

>> No.8311354

I don't know how to feel about my music major.

>> No.8311419

I naively thought an English Major would be about mastery of the english language, technical abstractions (basically formalism), and ascetic study of significant works in the language.

As it turns out, it's more about finding novel ways to:
>curate literature to suit your personal politics
>pretend something as past-oriented as literature can be progressive by creating new subjectivities to read old books
>produce research in volume... "publish or perish"
>cheekily smuggle films, YA, youtube, and twitter into literature courses where no one reads anything
>believe in fashionable nonsense

I had a shit childhood. All I want(ed) was to be alone somewhere with beautiful words. Instead, I get a professor bringing up gamergate drama in class, pop feminism, bad secular left criticism of science, and similar trash.

>> No.8311422

shoulda did Linguistics

>> No.8311471

I feel you, I'm leaving once I get my Bachelors. I'll probs work in a bookshop or attempt to run my own in the future, and write novels in my spare time.

>> No.8311836

Was she cute at least?

>> No.8311845
File: 46 KB, 620x400, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me fresh out of high school
>want to do an English major so fucking bad
>dad thinks it's a shit idea, fuck it doing it anyway
>read only 'queer, black and indigenous' authors all year
>forced to study 'feminist readings of Robinson Crusoe' where the island represents a vagina and Robinson is the patriarchy
>drop out
>become a doctor instead
>only good decision I ever made

>> No.8311971

Philosophy Major, English Minor. No regrets yet :^)

>> No.8311996

Written by a guy who could actually do something.

Who're you going to follow? Some faggot who wanted to save his brutal, dying empire? Or some faggot who went and *made* a new, brutal empire?

Okay, they're both actually pretty good.

>> No.8312002

>You can always go back to school if you fail to find a job.

>> No.8312009

I'm socialist and I hate this fucking meme.

I find the Mongols really interesting. Does this mean I think they were paragons of virtue? No. I wouldn't find them interesting if I did.

Same with literature.

>> No.8312208

martin adan, louis zukofsky, chatterton

>> No.8312605

He expressed it very badly. But Islam is a Christian heresy.

>> No.8312621

>majoring in a dying field
>have fun at buzzfeed

>> No.8312623

You're thinking of linguistics, or english language. Maybe you should have done your research before dedicating 3 years of your life to a degree you don't understand.

>> No.8312629

>mastery of the English language

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.8312769

How fucking rich is your family?

>> No.8312788

I don't regret my humanities degrees, I've pursued a STEM vocation after and will make ridiculous bank with it. In the words of the poet Ludacris, "regret is fo suckas fo suckas fo suckas, regret is fo suckas."

>> No.8312802

Lad, linguistics has nothing to do with English really, just language as a whole.

>> No.8312812

I cancelled chemical engineering midway and switched to history.

I really, really don't think I'll regret. Happiest I've ever been so far.

>> No.8312821

I see where he's coming from.

A lot of positions that are sustainable careers don't even care what your degree is in, just that you have a degree.

For instance I work (janitorial) at a call center and there's a desk for the guy who manages the managers. He's gotta make at least 40/50 thousand a year. He has his degree in his cubicle and it's seriously a Dance degree from the shitty state university that I'm going to.

Having a degree at all just means "yeah, I was on time to class for 4 years and I completed most of my assignments", and signals that you have devotion and the ability to meet a deadline.

People over-exaggerate "oh whaaaaat am i gunna do with my liberal arts degree".

>> No.8312831

That happiness wears off when you actually start applying for jobs and keep getting rejected because of a sea of 4 year humanities degrees is competing with you in this economy and you lack any experience to set you apart from the rest of them. The Bachelors degree is devalued to what the High School Diploma used to be. Want to be a Grad student enjoy your piled up debt just to be a park ranger or if your lucky teach at a Community College.

>> No.8312836

So basically in the United States you not only go through 10 years or whatever of schooling, you also need to go to university, which I heard is expensive as fuck, and graduate in the "right thing" so you're able to afford a living?

This is kinda fucked up. Why isn't everyone burning shit down up there.

>> No.8312842

>or if your lucky teach at a Community College.

I'm not american but I'd be more than happy to do that desu.

>> No.8312844
File: 304 KB, 1382x1054, marshall-mcluhan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why isn't everyone burning shit down up there.


It's that easy.

>> No.8312848

And student debt isn't really a thing where I live thankfully

>> No.8312850

>tfw live in Sweden
>state pays you about 340 dollars a month to study
>you can take loans of about 620 dollars with pretty much no interest that can has to be payed back within 25 years, before you turn 60 at latest
>even the poorest can study without any major difficulties

>took (and learned) French and German for the fuck of it
>did the same with statistics and will probably study more than necessary to take advantage of this system

I like studying actually, might do a double major or something.

>> No.8312862

I wouldn't brag, unrestrained neoliberalism is the future of every place. We're all just in the waiting room until all our shits is privatized.

>> No.8312871

University is a daycare for adults who don't know what to do with themselves and are still afraid of the real world. Intellectually stimulating as it is, the four year degree is the equivalent of a high school diploma since anyone can get a high school diploma these days including shit for brains who are passed through despite failing grades and general lack of interest in schooling, thanks to the No Child Left Behind and Every Student Succeeds Acts. It sucks that feel good bureaucracy paired with shitty School boards have screwed everything up.

>> No.8312887

Clinton will fix it

>> No.8312903

She doesn't care, and even if she could she wouldn't because she never faced the problems us average joe Americans are facing. Quit being delusional. Comb Over Jesus can't and won't fix it either.

>> No.8312946


I've always wanted to get an english degree and teach, but own a farm on the side or learn a trade before I teach (that or go into the french foreign legion). I learned how fufilling honest and hard work can be, the strengthening of my body while I work put shit in my head is aesthetic af.

>> No.8313022


>> No.8313109

40/50 thousand a year?!

At least?!

Whoa. What the fuck kind of literal pleb are you?

>> No.8313136

>I'm actually kind of jealous of your major despite your lack of prospects

>> No.8313169

I'm about to be a senior at Cornell and I wish I'd fallen for the STEM meme. I really do.

>> No.8313170


he said he was a janitor at a call center.

>> No.8313172

If you want the good parts of Humanities and STEM you do Business.

>> No.8313173

Yeah. I know.

>> No.8313190

He's a janitor.

>> No.8313192

Do you ever aim to be a janitor?

>> No.8313414

hard work won't make you beautiful; if anything, it'll make you ugly and worn-out. it's not about the aesthetic, it's about doing real and difficult work with tangible results, and knowing that you created good things that bring joy to other people

>> No.8313438

I'm realising how awesome law actually is the more I study it and it lets me integrate philosophy in it and it is incredibly stimulating to have a completely new way to look at things.

>> No.8313458

Okay bud.

>> No.8313465


>spending his life selling shit to people who don't need it and can't afford it

yeah, that'll make for a good life

>> No.8313472


>there are people who need more money than 50 thousand a year to have a good life

you guys sound retarded

stop having children and you'll realize you don't need a lot of money to live comfortably

unless of course you're American

>> No.8313477

>stop having children

I don't enjoy living alone as a selfish prick who gave nothing back to the world

>> No.8313482
File: 80 KB, 421x480, scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw about to be a sophmore
>really love grammar
>can't find any advanced grammar courses on the syllabus, anywhere
I asked my mom about it, and she said she didn't get to take any actually interesting courses on it until she was at school for her masters in journalism.

Am I gonna have to go into debt and work for Buzzfeed, /lit/? All I want is to have a really fundamental understanding of how grammar works, I just think it's cool.

>> No.8313486


I'm a high school teacher. I'm attempting to correct all of your children.

>> No.8313489

>I dont know shit about Marketing, or how Sales is just a small section of that

>> No.8313492

idk about your school but mine has a second year course in the linguistics department

>LIN204H1 English Grammar
>How the English language works: students analyze a wide variety of English grammatical structures and learn how they vary across dialects and change through time.

>> No.8313495


ultimately the goal of your field is to sell shit to people, yes?

what a noble life indeed

stay degenerate my man

>> No.8313501
File: 253 KB, 1080x1283, 1469034654119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get products to the people that need them.

Besides, who do you think will get your shitty books to unsuspecting kids? The world falls apart without Marketing.

>> No.8313506


Thank you for confirming that.

Everyone I know in marketing (which is half the English majors I went to school with) is generally a superficial, materialistic cunt.

>> No.8313523

You still need us. It's as valid as plumbing so far as professions go.

>> No.8313548
File: 1021 KB, 500x484, ad6cf2ec-e42d-4907-9b0c-2a47d1b18fb6..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having children
>giving back to the world

>> No.8313551

>he fell for the overpopulation meme

>> No.8313556

>stop having children and you'll realize you don't need a lot of money to live comfortably
Children are part of living comfortably.

Besides, you're right. There's more to life than money.

But being a fucking manager at a call centre does away with all of those things.

>> No.8313599


That's true, I wasn't advocating that. I was more just responding to the people on 4chan of all places who seem to think that making less than 100 grand means your life is shit. I genuinely feel pity for Americans who have been completely brainwashed all their lives about the need to be "successful" by earning as much money as they can. Sad shit really.

>> No.8313604

The point is that it's not a lot of money, not that it's not enough money.

>> No.8313641

Me too famygdala

Social degrees are for social people, not for misanthropes

Oh well, I got a free ride so it was just a waste of time and not an active black hole of debt. If you have to pay for your major and you aren't socially adept I can't imagine an english major will do anything for you.

>> No.8314517

>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I know this is pasta, but this gets me every time.

>> No.8314531

I want to draw a picture of Mohammed getting violently fucked in the ass and his dick hole and show it to sand niggers like you

>> No.8314536

>following anybody
conformist sheep

>> No.8314842

Of all the arguments against following someone, that was the worst.

>> No.8314858

where do you get that enthusiasm

t. probably going to law school in a year or two

>> No.8314874

Barn owls are so beautiful. I did a report on them in 4th grade. Why do you regret your English major?

>> No.8314905

You can crush people in arguments quite easily and it's hard as fuck, frustrating, but passing and using what you know is real cool.

>> No.8314972


Post report or GTFO

>> No.8315000

I'll see if I can find it.

>> No.8315112

soren pls

>> No.8315836

It's a real shame you have to be a cuck.

>> No.8315846


>> No.8316134

It's also great I'm not American

>> No.8316135

You don't have to be American to be a cuck.

>> No.8316140

But you have to be an idiot to call people cucks

>> No.8316142

Not when it makes sense.

It's only stupid when people use it as some generic, but edgier, insult.

>> No.8316171

Currently an English Major, I don't want to teach as a profession. I just want to die right now. How do I ease the pain and suffering of wasting time and resources on a subpar major? Seriously, if you guys have any methods of a painful way to end your life, I'd gladly accept.

>> No.8316227

All you faggots pretend to be so smart and well read on philosophy, but still fall for the materialistic/utilitarian meme.

I don't know if it is american thing, or that actually so many in this board are pseuds that might read the works but don't learn shit from them. I'm confused desu

>> No.8316267

I regret your English major too.

>> No.8316543

cut yourself

>> No.8316669

This is very true. Most employers value any degree because they display 'transferable skills'. As long as you haven't suddenly decided that you want to go into something specialized, such as medicine, it doesn't really matter what your major is as long as you enjoyed it. Success in terms of career is more to do with your personality than your education.

>> No.8316708

You realise the first guy was being sarcastic right you fucking idiot

>> No.8316730

Can this depressing thread die already? I'm starting my English degree in four weeks. Surely one of you dingleberries got something out of it?

>> No.8316774

South American here

shouldnt you English Majors be able to land some job teaching kids in High School with relative ease?

>> No.8316841

These newfies falling for old pasta

>> No.8316858

An english major is basically the easiest "I don't know what the fuck should I do after I graduate from highschool" major. 6/10 kids are gonna go for it because it doesn't include any hard math or science.

So basically, you're gonna get stuck with a shitty degree in a market that's saturated with fools who just didn't know what to do with their lives but and took the easy way. Also debts.

Unless you go overseas you ain't gonna find shit with an English degree. At least not without experience or being fluent in a second language.

>> No.8316875

>19 years old
>Handsome, smart, athletic
Ya lost me.

Good bait though.

>> No.8316879

ahhahaha sure

My girlfriend works at our local train station selling tickets. She's never used her major for anything, and most likely she never will.

>> No.8316946

Why not double major?
Study something that you find interesting alongside something else that you can find employment with.

>> No.8316992

>All you faggots pretend to be so smart and well read on philosophy, but still fall for the materialistic/utilitarian meme.

An even more bitter reality is that STEMfags, who enrolled in their degrees with utility rather than personal satisfaction in mind, also often can't make use of their degrees either.

>> No.8317168

This is a good post and I'm surprised no one's said it yet

>> No.8317184
File: 1.85 MB, 349x248, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw chose my major for utility and enjoyment
>actually enjoy it

>> No.8317306

Change it man. It is not a meme that you can learn everything and more on your own time.

>> No.8317329


>> No.8317632


We're waiting

>> No.8317752

I'm getting a library science degree.

>> No.8317839

>Currently an English Major, I don't want to teach as a profession. I just want to die right now.

they need to make this a slogan for the Arts department

>> No.8318142

you motherfucker.

>> No.8318206
File: 56 KB, 491x585, :^).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying this happens to 98% of STEMfags
>Implying that they don'y enjoy their major
>Implying they can't get a job with a major with a high degree of utility
You litcucks that think this amuse me when you say dumb shit like this.

>> No.8318231
File: 61 KB, 555x739, polar bear chainsaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEM major here, graduated with a BS in Biology with a 3.75 GPA, that was 3 years ago and I have yet to get a job using my degree. In the last 3 years I have probably applied to over 500 biology jobs with multiple different formats of my resume and I have only received 2 calls for interviews. A friend of mine went straight from his undergrad to a masters program now has his masters and works on a bottling line at a winery for $10 an hour, welcome to the new normal.

>> No.8318270

i majored in nursing because i was too much a bitch to go to med school. regrats all around

>> No.8318295


Oh, didn't you hear? They're outsourcing STEM jobs to India now. Way cheaper.

>> No.8318306


Mary Shelley

>> No.8318314

The fact that Rimbaud did it automatically proves you wrong, dumbass.

>> No.8318401

Maybe you should have considered applying to medical school like all the other biology majors...

>> No.8318406

And way worse. The outsourcing meme only applies to the really shitty companies that can't afford better graduates from American universities.

t. not a pajeet, in tech

>> No.8318452

Majored in STEM actually. Not saying I didn't enjoy it but there are other majors I would have enjoyed more if I had not been persuaded to "think of my future". Most STEM fags end up doing data entry for accounting firms or other equally monotonous, unrelated work that is more and more often being outsourced to India, or automated.

Unless you're a top student getting into a PhD program expect to do another 2-3 years to get your medical/laboratory technician diploma so you can use centrifuges all day and babysit an autoclave. Engineering is a different story but even that is starting to become over saturated.

>> No.8318463


I love you /lit/.

>> No.8318989

That's an excellent line, but the rest are disappointingly simplistic (although still good; only disappointing because of the excellence of that line).

>I'm 19 years old.
Already sends warning bells ringing; youth is generally mocked on 4chan (as is normal). It is also young enough that anyone older will identify with him in their younger years, and anyone of the same age will be able to compare his position to theirs.

>I am handsome-
The first parts all play on the memetically hated chad stereotype, and, because this is /lit/, the Greek ideal. But the last word's clinical irrelevance to modern descriptive language (and subsequent absurdity in modern life) renders the preceding sentence "unreal", that is, it winks to the reader as to the pasta's bait-ish providence. It also conjures up in the mind the humorous image of a young man feverishly measuring their ability to have sex, and coming to the satisfied conclusion that they are "virile".

>I have a novel-
The "I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage" plays on the memetic desire, but inability, of e/lit/ists to ever finish a book (let alone get it published, which contrasts nicely with the erring apostrophe in "it's", reinforcing the idea that the persona, despite his superficial failings, is still better than you (or so it seems). The latter half is another "wink", as creative writing professors are not respected, and the whole thing reeks of the self-confidant teenager who's been humoured by his teachers and parents &c., which everyone can relate to (once more ramming the true purpose of this pasta -- making fun of us, and our younger way of thinking -- home).

>I have a girlfriend-
This one is very simple. It plays on the, once more memetic, inability of anyone on 4chan to obtain a girlfriend; this is set against the absurd attempt to reduce her into a few, key qualities, as if she was a new product on the market. This signals that the anon has no idea what he is doing but assuming that a few desirable qualities are necessary to obtain -- so he may show off, again striking at the core of what it means to be an e/lit/ist.

>I have a small group-
Very similar to the above, but this time he is reducing himself down to two qualities; the cold description throws us into doubt over his claim that he is "a reliable source of humour", leading us to believe that he instead fulfils the autistic neckbeard archetype -- as many of us know intimately, either as ourselves, or as -- acquaintances. Oh, and the "different social backgrounds" may play on /pol/ack memes.

Another absurd statement; not only likely, given his age, but also missing the point of having parents i.e. love &c. (a theme here).

>I have no regrets.
Plays on 4chan's general inundation with regret, as well as his youth making it absurd to consider that he would have many regrets.

>I am a passionate-
Very simple. Affirms suspicions of neckbearded autism.

(rest of comment in next post)

>> No.8318991

>I am not-
Refers to the UBERMENSCH/red pill memers, as well as painting him as a general arse, but most importantly strikes at anyone who may have been thinking "what an arrogant prick".

>I will live a good life at your expense.
I cannot decide whether to praise or condemn this last line. On the one hand, it certainly ends the pasta with a punch, finally outright stating its offensive aim to us. But on the other, it has little obvious lead-up, and seems isolated from the rest of the pasta, ham-fisted.

>> No.8319289

why even waste time with pre-law? you could have gotten a bachelors in something like finance and been better off.

>> No.8319293

best line ever published on /lit/ tbqh

>> No.8319309

Gonna get my md in literature in a year, then i'll spend the rest of my life living in a barrel being a douchebag and telling youngsters to fuck off

truly the patrician life

>> No.8319329

Med school is the Kwisatz Haderach if you have any ability to study and the slightest aptitude for biological science.

>> No.8319333

Yeah, sure, let me just get into med school. It's not like you need perfect grades all through your education or anything.

>> No.8319338

throughout* your education

>> No.8319339

I know a couple of guys with stellar MCAT that went to state schools then went to DO school despite middling grades.

What really matters academically is organic chemistry grade and MCAT.

>> No.8319398


>> No.8319404

I haven't seen this pasta in months
and mfw most of it applies to me now

>> No.8319419

>he fell for the natalist meme

>> No.8319452

When I was in undergrad, all my peers feared linguistics and whined endlessly about the prospect of having to take one course in it. I avoided taking it as a result. It turned out, after taking a few courses in grad school, I would have really loved the subject and probably found a better career (this was 8 years ago) if I had majored in it all along.

>> No.8319478

>finished my useless degree and now I can't get a job

I have never even worked in my whole life, I was hoping this day was not going to come

>> No.8319810

>He decides whether to have children or not because of memes

>> No.8320119

Don' listen to kids in college. Half of them are retarded. Literally most of the people in CS say that Calc 2 was extremely hard (pure mathfag btw). It's literally mostly memorizing and proofs, but nothing overwhelming. I got the vibe that most of the kids there diidn't even do the problems in the fucking book. Honestly, my math classes didn't get difficult until I started taking senior level math classes and even they were pretty manageable.

>> No.8320144

*tips fedora*

>> No.8320209

More money is generally better. Never settle. Besides, here kids don't know how to handle money,a lot of kids in my school walk around with over 300 dollars for no reason.