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/lit/ - Literature

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8313713 No.8313713 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe reading makes you better than people who don't read?

>> No.8313724

Someone who reads has a broader understanding of the world and is a lot less likely to act uncivilized like nignogs do in public. So yes It is easy to tell who is uncultured swine and who isn't.

>> No.8313725


>define "believe"
>define "reading"
>define "better"
>define "people"

>> No.8313727
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Yes, because I'm pretentious. But taking into account the fact that I'm old, never had a job, never had a gf, no friends in the last 10 years and many other things, I am objectively worse than other people, I'd say worse than most people out there.

>> No.8313728

Not really, I respect farmers more than Professors.

>> No.8313730


>he thinks understanding comes from reading books

>> No.8313732

reading is just one path towards betterment. a reader will not always be better than a non-reader, but any given person can improve themselves by picking up reading.

>> No.8313733

It only makes you "better" in the sense of increased literacy and understanding of the subjects you've studied.

You can still be a piece of shit, though.

>> No.8313742

Reading lets you experience a world from another persons perspective which in turn helps you develop a broader understanding of the world.

>> No.8313744


>reading = experience

lel hokay senpai

>> No.8313772

Hey! That's what my community college teacher said, too!

>> No.8313802

No but I think it makes me more knowledgable at the least

>> No.8313826

yes, people who don't read are lesser beings

>> No.8313827

I believe reading makes me better than I would be right now if I didn't read. but that's because my other habits are all very bad.

how I compare to others is not something which I devote much mental energy to solving—there are more ways than reading to improve oneself—and I have known men more heroic, more self-denying, and more warm-blooded than I, who have learned noble habits and motivations by other means than reading.

>> No.8313891

i 100% wholeheartedly believe it does. just like i think less of people who watch tv or movies or listen to certain music. just like people think less of me for certain things. if youre looking for a liar just look at the person who says they dont judge. you live and die by your judgements.

>> No.8313901


There is no such thing as being "better" than other people, there are just people who are satisfied with their lives and people who are not.
Reading might make you feel better about yourself, but the act of reading itself doesn't put any more value to our meaningless lives.

>> No.8313919

Not reading, but reading literature. People who just consume garbage entertainment like TV, capeshit, or genre fiction aren't using art for the right reasons. I think you should consume media which challenges you.

>> No.8313926

No, I'm pretty useless. I don't even know how to make a boomerang, milk a cow or build traps.

>> No.8313931

I don't, though. I also don't judge you for judging, or for calling me a liar. But you'll be happier once you realize >>8313901 is right.

>> No.8313932

Maybe you could read a book and learn how!

>> No.8313940

4chan has taught me more about the workings of modern society/human psychopathology than books ever could.

>> No.8313943 [DELETED] 

1400 years of Shari'ah permitted paedophilia, inbreeding and education/culture based in mindless tradition, rather than productivity or progress, has damaged Islamic intellectual capacity and hormonal balance to the point where they've become a violent moronic savages.
Predominantly Muslim countries such as Iran have an average IQ of around 84, which is about one standard deviation and 14 points below the USA who score at 98.
Cousin marriage, which is considered prestigious and pious in Islam, causes genetic damage that impairs mental function and concentrates genes that lead to schizophrenia.
You know schizophrenia, the illness that often causes people to become violent and isolated and suffer from religious delusions?
The kind where they might believe a racist, slave owning, war mongering paedophile was the last great messenger of some super magic sky man?
Aisha was 9 when 59 year old Mohammed had sex with her.
That's sick and he was a sick disgusting man.
People of other faiths want to grow and change and contribute to the world, Muslims only want to preserve their ways and do not care at all about improving technology, culture or quality of life.
Even most moderate Muslims advocate a shari'ah world caliphate.
The psychological damage of paedophilia and genetic damage of inbreeding mean their children can't live happy normal lives and don't have the necessary brain power to develop a realistic and reasonable worldview.
That's why Muslims need to believe in 'Almighty Allah' who has power over everything, because will power and self responsibility is too much effort and hard work for them.
They become Imams, welfare queens, gang members and religious figures because real work and innovation is too hard and they need to live off handouts and crime.
They are literally just the dumbest and most emotionally weak people on the planet and that's why you can't handle science, objective reality or attempting to seduce and not rape adult women.
They're all too scary.

>> No.8313949

revolting, this knowledge must be passed down through generations, not simply read in a book!

>> No.8313995

This is what happens when you ask a poltard if reading makes you a better person.

>> No.8314048

I earnestly believe that reading books (nonfiction or fiction) makes you a better person. If you enjoy talking with other people at all, you will notice the extreme difference between the qualities of conversations you will have with a person who reads and one who does not. People who read are more apt to talk about interesting subject matters, are more able to articulate thoughts, and in general are more accepting of others beliefs (and not just ignorantly opposed to beliefs that aren't their own).

Or perhaps intelligent people have these qualities before reading, and reading is not the cause.

>> No.8314052

What has that got to do with the question? Or is this some new pasta?

>> No.8314096


>> No.8314199

Yeah, but only people in a literate society.

>> No.8314362

It's purely anecdotal, but reading has made me more understanding towards other people. I used to have a short fuse when I was younger, but reading's taught me to be more patient and it also taught me to keep in the anger.

Science has backed this up. Reading fiction promotes the development of empathy in individuals. It doesn't make me better than others, but it makes me a better person.

>> No.8314364


>> No.8314388

the greeks helped me resist american propaganda media

>> No.8314397

How are you old with no friends and no job? Practically speaking, how does one live with no income or couches to surf on?

>> No.8314410

I like you
>define "define"

>> No.8314417

Same, although it rarely helps in real-life situations.

>> No.8315450

Not necessarily. I read because my love of literature feels like the one consistent factor in my life. Books are like a crutch for me. I can fall back on them to remind myself of who I am, even in the face of my life's very unpredictable vicissitudes.

>> No.8315524

Yes, but people who are happy and are able to make friendly small-talk without alienating people are better than me in other ways.

>> No.8315525

Yeah. You're correct. I guess it just helps me sleep easier at night.

>> No.8315531 [DELETED] 


Reading makes me a better person (particuarly the Gospels), but it doesnt make me better than anyone.

It actually makes me realise how much i need to improve.

>> No.8315626

>how does one live with no income or couches to surf on?

>> No.8315772

Estrogen filled thinking faggot

>> No.8315774

Yes. But I still consider career academics to be inferior

>> No.8315779

t. Someone who has never met a "farmer"

>> No.8317462

Better than other people? Immaterial, pursuing reading to be better than others is misguided. Better as a person? Of course.

>> No.8317532

No, but the best part is that they believe it. That's just enough for me.

>> No.8318084


Being "well read" is an established meme.

>> No.8319038

Better at what? Reading? Empathising? Writing? What makes a person better than another? What would make the best person the best? Why these values? What objective do they match? Does reading make you righteous? Does it lead to wealth? To happiness? To scientific advancement? To beauty? Sustainability or survival? To truth?

>> No.8319091

shut up retard

>> No.8319100

No believe me, I have, a lot of them are contemptible, but they're the colours and I appreciate their work

>> No.8319566


>> No.8319799

In most cases, yea. Reading may not make one better, but it enables them to take actions that they were always capable of but never could or would.

>> No.8319827

"Better" is a pleb qualifier to use.


>> No.8321523

It helps developing insight. That can be very useful or not at all depending on your stance on life and such.
It also teaches you things you didn't know and that is always a good thing I guess

>> No.8321532

I'll be ur friend fag

>> No.8321548

I think if I read 1000 books I'm not better than a faggot that doesn't read
But if that faggot decides to read I'm better than him at this matter, and have all the divine right in the world to call him a pleb

>> No.8321571

By my personal evaluation people who say interesting things are more valuable ('better') than people who do not say interesting things.

Often I've found that people who read are more prone to say things I find interesting than people do not read, so I would say that reading has a >50% chance of making a person 'better' to me.

I also think that reading makes me 'better' in the same way, in the sense that my reading has made me a more interesting conversationalist to most of the people I converse with, although it's hard to estimate. I suspect that some people find me an annoying pedant, but a larger amount of people have also expressed that they it pleasant to converse with me since I above averagely make non-banal statements and am also often met with enthusiasm when I have some basic knowledge of my conversational partner's expertise or area of interest, especially if it's an expertise or area of interest that is relatively obscure.

That said, my general awareness of things has also made me a fatalistic pessimist who is incapable of engaging with life beyond a sustenance level except perhaps as an ironic observer, so my general utility to other cunts probably isn't that great.

>> No.8321578

Watch out mate, moral nihilism is dangerous.

>> No.8321585

Math please
>Do we know more things
>Will it be more interesting?
Try to explain La Recherche de L'Absolut to a uninterested lawyer
It makes you interesting to your peers, like an athlete with an athlete or a faggot with a /fit/izen

>> No.8321767

Many of those people here are bigoted. They are counterfeit and hamper the progression of society.They kindle noxious strife.

They should also be disenfranchised. Their opinion should not count. They should learn to be more placid. Then, like me, they may be remunerated by kindness, wisdom, and humility. They should be bestowed talismans. Perhaps then they may say something right with only slightly higher frequency.

>> No.8321785

Better how so? Intelligence? Morally? Having something interesting for small talk or trivia? Reading makes you well read and therefore better educated, but those two don't make you a better person.