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/lit/ - Literature

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8311073 No.8311073 [Reply] [Original]

I care more about the plot than the quality of the prose.

am I weird if I want to be a writer?

I feel so alone when I read a patrician writer and the plot is so simple, feel like betrayed.

>> No.8311076

You are posting the feel man on 4chan. You'll never amount to anything

>> No.8311080

Pretty sure his name is Jok

>> No.8311081

If you look at the vast majority of authors today and for the previous few decades it should be abundantly clear that the current zeitgeist cares much more about plot than prose.

>patrician writer and the plot is so simple

Are you reading Greek memefiction or what?

>> No.8311082

why are most of literature devoid of good plots?

>> No.8311088

I just finished post office.
It was trash.

I also detests realists movements.
life is boring and nothing happens 99.9% of the time.

>> No.8311098

Bukowski sucks.
Do you only read for plot or do you try and look at themes and structure as well? I'm big on prose, structure, and themes. Plot is important but nothing gets me going like a beautifully written novel in a unique and complimentary structure.

>> No.8311102

I've read some stuff like Mckee, lajos egri, hero's journey, 36 plots, david freeman.
I use to read tv tropes.

so, my focus and understanding are mostly plots.

>> No.8311112

>I care more about the plot than the quality of the prose.
>am I weird if I want to be a writer?

Don't worry OP, you're more in-tune with the purpose of fiction than 90% of the faggots on this site.

Most of them like to wank over """"good prose""" that's really just wanton use of rhetorical and poetic techniques which you can find in any book. It's nice as ornamentation, but next-to-fucking useless if it's not backed by any thematic significance.

If you really want a laugh check out The Reader's Manifesto; also John Gardner if you haven't already. Happy writing!

>> No.8311114

Because life is devoid of good plots.

>> No.8311688

I've never understood why realist writers want to make plots that are fucking dull.
is like wanting to make dull and forgetable music.

>> No.8311707

If plot and prose are the only two defining qualities of literature you can think of, you're a pleb no matter which of those you care more for.

>> No.8311718

All this means is you're plebeian. Plot is written for the simpleton, the idiot. It is meant to entertain and to hold your hand through a work. The prose is written for the art. You feel betrayed because of this. You are simple.

>> No.8311721

sorry, but I consider plot to be the structural aspect of a story.

sure, cute prose and rethoric are nice, but they're still superficial elements.

would be like caring more about the painting of a house than if the house is big, have lots of roms, is well light and so on.

In this sense, prose is like interior design while plot is more like architecture.
In this sense I admire more the architecture of a book rather than their interior design.

>only qualities
would love to be proven wrong, though.
what other qualities your want to name.

oh, nice use or memes as argument.

oh boy, it seems you have only known about simple plots.

there's nothing simple about writing a complex plot, the same way a fugue or a symphony is complex.
Is like saying architecture is for the pleb.

I'm sorry I care more about the essential part of the story that is the only one that is repeated in diferent mediums.

>> No.8311747

There are no complex plots, only plots over-extrapolated by academics. Again, if you care more about plot than the actual writing, you're a simpleton not meant for high literature.

>> No.8311748

>what other qualities your want to name.

Characters and themes are just as important in making an overall beautiful work of art. Most "plotless" stories people complain about are usually rich in character development or tackle deep or important themes uniquely, if it's great literature. It's easy to sum up the plot to In Search of Lost Time in a few sentences, but you can't ignore that Proust creates some of the most depthful characters in fiction, that his musings on memory, time, love, just about everything, are very insightful, and that overall he has a wonderful portrait of French society at that time.

>> No.8311754

>there are no complex plots
because you're another type of pleb.
Hell, I haven't seen a single book that can even rival something like Chinatown, The bridge over the kwai river.
Is like if those films have plots way better anything literature can do.

Hell, even wreck it ralph have a more complex plot than even writers you consider good.

film generally have much better plots than most literature.

characters and themes fall under plot.
Sorry if your idea of plot is something useless.
almost as useless as saying that orchestration in music has no role in composing music.

>> No.8311760

Now it's obvious you're just trolling. Go back to your home board now.

>> No.8311765

I'm not trolling and you seem unable to defend your position with a real argument instead of insults and memes, retreating in some snobbery sense because I dismiss plotless literature as nothing more than mere poetrhy.

>> No.8311935
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>characters and themes fall under plot
What inane definition of plot are you using?

Plot is the organization/structure of the events that take place, not the encapsulation of every element that makes a story

>>almost as useless as saying that orchestration in music has no role composing music
The arrangement of elements that make up a piece of music and the arrangement of events that take place in a book are not mutual. Again, a plot is an element in itself, not an encapsulation of the elements of a story

>> No.8311938

No, you are perfectly suited to writing YA novels. I don't mean like Harry Potter but rather like GOT.

>> No.8311943

you can't make a good plot if you don't take into account the character design.

holy shit, you don't even know character orchestration is vital to plot construction.

funny as shit y'all iliteracy.

>> No.8312907

Characters ARE the plot

>> No.8312924

There are 6 or 7 plots, they have all been done to death. All of them are simple.

>> No.8312927

write short stories with little prose and see if your plot holds

>> No.8312951
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Its called flash fiction

>> No.8312988

this failed to hold not only my interest but my attention, but I will force myself to read et

>> No.8312995

would be more stimulating if I was educated on the geological structure of the middle east to get an idea of the demographic of people and location.
I thank you anon

>> No.8313200

The plot is merely an element of a work. The teleology of a work is what is important for without it none of the elements that make it up can be judged. There are great works of literature where plot takes the center stage, but this only means that what the story was attempting to do was best serviced by doing such a thing. It's hard to think of writers who do anti-plot works more than Kafka or Beckett, and it should be obvious that what they are attempting to achieve cannot be done with anything that resembles a normal set of plots.

The problem people have on this board with most works that are plot heavy is that they tend to be vapid and the constant churning of events is merely an idle fancy or superficial distraction from this vapidity.

>> No.8314400

How does theme reveal itself if not through plot? The characters? By what mechanism do characters behave if not plot?