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8310931 No.8310931 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better book on Christology

protip: you can't

Feels good to be Orthodox

>> No.8310938

the god delusion

>> No.8310941
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>believing in the Christian God

>> No.8310961
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>Not having a Nietzsche phone strap

>> No.8311004

Probably Jesus of Nazareth and Immigration of Christ.

>> No.8311015

>being Orthodox

You're the exact sort of edgy contrarian who would've been an atheist if you'd been at this stage in your life a decade ago.

>> No.8311027


>i converted to orthodoxy because i treat religion as a LARP session

>> No.8311034

could you share it?
can't find it

>> No.8311146

The Orthodox Church is the one founded by Christ. Of course that is edgy and contrarian to all other "Christians"

Don't know where you can read it online, I borrowed it from my parish. But it's really good, especially for how brief it is (like 200 pages). It covers a ton of thinkers on Christology, both heretics and orthodox, and how they influenced terminology and arrived at their conclusions and clashed with each other.

>> No.8311236

>Immigration of Christ

>> No.8311241

Honestly, I'm not religious at all, but I often find myself defending Christianity because of the culture more than anything else.

I'm also not OP.

>> No.8311246

>Immigration of Christ

He has to go back.

>> No.8311257
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can't find it either, a shame. They do have this over at genlib, might give it a read.

Also, more religious/christian recommendations? What about that book by Ratzinger about Jesus, any good?

>> No.8311281

>book by Ratzinger about Jesus
I haven't read it, but it's on all those bread pill list infographics, must be alright.

>> No.8311328

Cur Deus Homo by Anselm

Better than his Proslogion and Monologium imo

>> No.8311572

The Ratzinger is good. Simple style but there's real depth there.

I think Hans Urs von Balthasar is still the best Catholic theologian of the 20th century.

>> No.8312778

Jesus of Nazareth is very good, some of the best theology you'll find.
I recommend him in general as an author.

>> No.8313276

sorry to be such a pleb, but who's the author? There's a ton of books under that name.

>> No.8313295

Joseph Ratzinger, as seen in the conversation above.

>> No.8313304
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>tfw you can't earnestly choose to become an orthodox christian as a non-slav or non-greek in 2016 because everyone just thinks you're a larping edgelord
>tfw you can't go to church with your countrymen because all the orthodox churches are russian diaspora

>> No.8313812

what would you recommend of Balthazar?

>> No.8313983

Antioch are the main Church for converts, in the West most Antiochian parishes are more than half converts (clergy included) and in the native tongue. They have a lot of evangelism going on

>> No.8314164

>Not Jon Sobrino
I bet you also believe in Hell

His seven volume series about theological aesthetics
Also "Love Alone Is Credible"
Karl Rahner is another excellent theologian, but I'm with the other anon who said Von Balthasar is the best.

>> No.8314247

Balthasar was the most patrician human of the 20th century

>> No.8314262

what about his book called prayer by balthasar?

>> No.8314287

Pretty good, a very nice entrypoint for Balthasar. You can get to the Glory volumes later.

>> No.8314302

cool cuz i ordered that with graveyard clay

>> No.8314321

Not in Scandinavia it ain't, all russian with a few albanian and greek parishes here and there.

>> No.8314908

Karl Rahner is a massive heretic.

>> No.8314975

Are there any Balthasar books available as epubs? Link, please?

>> No.8315006

Look on libgen, if ir isn't there, bookz.

>> No.8315008

this is true desu

>> No.8315245

Where do I get this

>> No.8315520

>non-slav or non-greek

There's also us, Romanians, but we were pretty Slavicized for a few good centuries (as were the Greeks), so yeah.

Also, orthodoxy as practiced here is more of a superstition than a religion. You don't want to get into that. Besides, I don't think you can be a true "Orthodox" if you weren't born hereabouts. It would be like trying to become a samurai or something.

>> No.8316586

>I don't think you can be a true "Orthodox" if you weren't born hereabouts. It would be like trying to become a samurai or something.
But that's the thing, for me it's not about culture in any way, it is about Truth.

>> No.8317254

how so?

>> No.8318403


Seconding Love Alone is Credible.

Read it in high school and it blew my mind. I wonder where my copy is...

>> No.8318469

>tfw pure heathen American but have extremely Russian/Slavic features
>tfw first name is a term from Orthodox Christianity
I could treat it entirely like a LARPing session and still blend in perfectly. Genuinely interested in it as I've come to realize how awfully slack and ineffectual American Protestantism truly is though.