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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 63 KB, 833x783, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8298423 No.8298423 [Reply] [Original]

why do women have such shit taste

>> No.8298429

Women are actually better writers than men. Women are natural storytellers, due to the gossip in the tribe. So naturally their work reflects this gift. Male writers tend to make boring academic works that are too concerned with their own literary importance. Men also do not have much social talents and are more autistic than women who reflect the human experience in a more pure, accessible way.

>> No.8298432

>why do SOME women have such shit taste
>why do SOME men have such shit taste


Go here if you just want an opportunity to berate women:

>> No.8298440

Slechte schijtpaal.

>> No.8298442

It's a well known fact that on average women have a lower iq than men

>> No.8298443

Women actually have a nice taste to them.

You wouldn't know, though bc ur a virgen :^)

>> No.8298444

I'm actually just gay

>> No.8298447

I'm sure you're used to shit taste then

>> No.8298450

good one, but no, just dick

>> No.8298452

fucking faggot kill yourself degenerate piece of shit

>> No.8298454


>> No.8298455

but i'm actually starting to enjoy my live somewhat again, maybe later

>> No.8298459

*teenage girls

>> No.8298471


>> No.8298482

*middle-aged moms

>> No.8298484

Women have always and will always be worse than men in everything they do.
Prove me wrong, even "womanly" things such as cooking is done by men at the highest levels

>> No.8298508

Personally I like women.

>> No.8298518

why do men have such trouble thinking outside of in-groups?

>> No.8298549

A better question is why do all normalfags have such shit taste. Women are all de facto normies obviously, but the issue isn't their feminity but their normalfagottry

>> No.8298552

waarom het Nederlands?

>> No.8298566

Why do you have such shit taste in women?

>> No.8298573

Wow, what a faggot

>> No.8298582

Because romance and drama are the type of interests in women. But you don't like that type of writing, just like women don't like sci fi or escapism type books.

>50 shades of grey was a pretty good movie (sorry)

>> No.8298586

Drama is fine, it's just the shallow stupid shit that woman like.

>> No.8298587
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Fifty shades is a trilogy?

>> No.8298601

>experiencing the human condition


>> No.8298610

Well I like BDSM since I was 14, and its good erotica on some part. But I honestly think that romance can be compared to sci fi.
>men read sci fi to escape world problems
>women read romance because they love the fantasy of having a rich, strong, and handsome man

Kinda the same but not the same senpai

>> No.8298617

>men read sci fi to escape world problems
except sci fi is shit tier just like romance.

>> No.8298621

then you have an unbiased opinion

>> No.8298622

No, I already explained that I'm not into shallow shit like woman and manchildren.

>> No.8298638

>Women have always and will always be worse than men in everything they do.

Women are much better at being immoral, lying, manipulative, destructive, soul-crushing, treacherous, and subversive.

Men simply cannot compete. They are tame cucks by comparison and have ceded so much ground to women that the former have now begun to talk about how oppressed they are. Women are born physically weaker but have excelled in spite of this massive disadvantage.

>inb4 'muh morality'

Women are beyond good and evil

>inb4 'b-but I can rape you!'

You sure can, but the state, legal system, and cultural zeitgeist will take care of you as it has been utterly emasculated in favor of women

Your ressentiment against women speaks volumes about how impotent you are.

>> No.8298648

>0 proofs
literally not a job in the world woman are better at than men

>> No.8298653

>posts every Tom Clancy book

Why do men have such shit taste?

>> No.8298656

They don't need to be

>> No.8298657


What a ham-fisted attempt at using Nietzsche.

>> No.8298669

It's true though

ask the frogpeople on /r9k/ who has life on 'easy mode'

>> No.8298690

>fine with being inferior
truly a womanly thing to do

>> No.8298691

You're thinking in extremes rather than averages. It's only natural biologically and socially that exceptional individual individuals both in skill and recognition will be females. That doesn't make all men better cooks or all men more intelligent or all men whichever other positive value you attach to yourself and therefore attach to your gender.

>> No.8298700

Just because men can't be bothered with womens shit doesn't mean they're not better at any of those things. See cooking for example.

>> No.8298706
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>a man won woman of the year
What else do men need to do?

>> No.8298709

>having men slave away for women's affection

good one

>> No.8298714

They live, work, and breathe for 'women's shit' and recognition

>> No.8298735

That's why every women is running after succesful men trying to get a piece
good joke

>> No.8298742

I fail to see how that refutes anything I said.

>> No.8298744

Men are better at being manipulative and destructive on a grand scale, though.

>> No.8298753

I fail to see how men succesful men slave away for women.

>> No.8298772

Why do you think they work? What's their motivation for being successful?

>> No.8298788

>Women are much better at being immoral, lying, manipulative, destructive, soul-crushing, treacherous, and subversive.
That isn't even true tho. A women might fuck with a guy's life but it's men who crash the economy from financial scheming or start wars to enrich themselves or whatever.

>> No.8298803
File: 74 KB, 458x302, Peter Sotos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we stop him? Seriously, he's ruining young women everywhere. In today's culture, it's rare enough to find a girl who reads, but when you actually find one, she reads Peter Sotos. Even fully grown adult women are reading his nonsense.

Unless we stop him, girls will get their idea of romance from guy who wrote a novel FOR PEDOPHILES in which the main character, who greatly resembles Peter Sotos himself, gets a blowjob from and hot toddler, then makes out with a different hot toddler, the one he really loves, immediately after. They will get their crash course in pornography from a man who is ashamed to, uh, y'know... jerk off. They will get their sexual ethics from a man who would fuck a child that 48 men have stuck their penises into. They will learn about literature from a man who called 'Helping Your Child Recover from Sexual Abuse' "profoundly and disturbingly misogynistic". Their idea of great literature will come from the guy who wrote, "Can I suggest you... GET FUCKED."

I don't even know if he can be stopped, but we have to try. The future depends on it. The second issue of Pure is already being taught in public schools throughout America.

>> No.8298814


woah..this is deep! men are crazy!

I used to think..that people who had power made bigger impacts on the world around them because of said power, now i realize it's fucking men!!

>> No.8298849

Men take pleasure in achieving things, this might be another reason why women are inferior?

>> No.8298861

They take pleasure in achieving things because they know their stock is raised with women which helps constitute their idealized self-image

>> No.8298881

You could just as easily argue that they accumulate women as status symbols and that their position relative to other men is if anything more important.

>> No.8298889
File: 233 KB, 806x1266, c6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their position relative to other men is only relevant if there's a woman to fight over.

You are severely underestimating sexual desire.

Read this.

>> No.8298892


It's unfair to generalize like this, there's plenty of intellectuals who while they enjoyed women separated their work from them entirely and did it for the pursuit of self, knowledge or whatever have you.

Not everyone is a petrarch or dante.

>> No.8298895

Literally never heard of him. Honestly, posting shit like that only gets more people interested with him than repulse them.

>> No.8298896

Only because men had the strength and willpower to seize power in the first place. Not that doing that is a good thing, but that's precisely how it came to be. But you can't really tell me women wouldn't fuck the world up on a grander scale if they had proportionally as much power as men. Look at the few women who are actually seizing power in the world. Look at Hillary Clinton. She's not exceptionally evil, she just has the position to cause destruction that most women wish they could have.

>> No.8298907

>It's unfair to generalize like this
You are in an identity politics men vs women thread. It's all we do in these, lad.
It would be like asking /pol/ to be nuanced in their arguments against blacks.

>there's plenty of intellectuals who while they enjoyed women separated their work from them entirely and did it for the pursuit of self

I'll concede that there have been great men who have refrained from being ensnared by woman; the asexual ones, the mad, etc.
But insofar as he is a sexual being and cares the slightest about woman, he is wholly under Woman's spell.

Woman is the sin of man

>> No.8298932

Threads like this make me realise that being a virgin isn't so bad.

>> No.8298947

This desu. Men are disgusting

>> No.8299004

But anon, I'm a man.
I agree with you though. I haven't showered in a while.

>> No.8299006

>Vampires and bdsm is deep too guys

>> No.8299351


>> No.8299360

As far as I'm concerned both sexes are equally foolish.

>> No.8299377

excellent post

>> No.8299516

>manchildren are often a larger target demographic than actual children for kiddie cartoons, video games and YA pulp fantasy

why do men have such shit taste

>> No.8299521
File: 29 KB, 768x768, sweaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peter Sotos himself, gets a blowjob from and hot toddler, then makes out with a different hot toddler, the one he really loves, immediately after
Which book is this again?

>> No.8300512

Inferior people have inferior tastes, anon.

>> No.8300551

>Women are natural storytellers

Women are natural talkers.

They suck ass at telling proper stories.

>> No.8300585

Women are legitimately a spook and doing things for them is retarded. Having had a girlfriend before it wasn't even woth it. More trouble than enjoyment.

>> No.8300615
File: 926 KB, 350x300, AWpdiDC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patriarchy is the reason

>> No.8300626



>> No.8300663

But do better in school and go to university way more? How does that work.

>> No.8300667

It's more women have a way stronger longing for children, and so don't value their career in the same way.

>> No.8300675

I don't massively like Sci fi, but why is it automatically shit? I've never got that. If a 10/10 writer wrote a sci fi book it would still be literary genius, no?

>> No.8300688

Stacys out

>> No.8300772

The school system has been adapted to cater to their interests. Prior to the sixties women sucked at school, because it was all geared towards how men learnt. Then they changed the ciriculuum to boost female test scores and just kept going in that direction despite the harm that it was doing to males. Go figure.

Also while women tend to do better in college and have more degrees the kinds of degrees that they are likely to get; Women, Gender, Porn Studies are useless and a sign of the degradation of higher learning and academia in general.

>> No.8301817
File: 82 KB, 600x820, 1455210830263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh male persecution complex

bet youre fighting off pussy with a stick nowadays

>> No.8301829


It's not that women have shit taste, it's that they have no taste whatsoever

>> No.8301841


>le funny looking man with hat meme

The feminization of education is an empirical fact. Our schools are run by women for girls

>> No.8301981

>le male disempowerment meme

Go spew your paranoid bullshit on /pol/ you fucking faggot

>> No.8301991

It's literally true

Women get higher grades
Women get into college more
Women tend to disproportionately work at schools, and women tend to disproportionately do better in school

Noticing literal facts doesn't make a person a /pol/ack

>> No.8302023

Maybe a lot of that is because most men are mouthbreathing mongoloids who will spend 50 years of their lives pushing lawnmowers, or will die at 20 in a desert being shot at by towelheads.

Maybe instead of being a paranoid MRA whos afraid of his own mom's voice, you could own up to the fact that most teenage boys are fucking stupid and neglect to give a fuck about school? Or do you want to continue spewing rhetoric about male victimization on an anonymous image board for anime? Youre an enormous loser either way, so take your pick.

>> No.8302032
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>> No.8302042
File: 451 KB, 1000x721, 1462646761224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men do something better than women

>Women do something better than men
>B-but the system is rigged!!!!! Men are at a disadvantage, its not fair!!!! :(

>> No.8302056

So instead of posting a counterpoint youre gonna take the meme route and just say "lol bait :)". Nice. You might as well have posted a Troll Face image.

Congrats on being wrong. Go back to your containment board, I'm sure there's an epic Male Rights thread going on and everyone is wondering where you are.

>> No.8302062

Men have 6.5x more grey matter thus more processing and cognition allowing men to have better taste.

>> No.8302082


>> No.8302093

who the fuck is this guy??

>> No.8302096

>points out that the person has no argument
>"congrats on being wrong"

how can somebody be wrong if they didnt say anything?

>> No.8302102

He's the dude who bankrolls political campaigns for Democrats.

>> No.8302119

But women have at least 6.5x more Shades of Grey matter

>> No.8302136

They fuck it up cause they're dumb, like inviting refugees.

>> No.8302193

Is this bait? He never said men were inherently superior. He stated that schools were originally geared towards men and their learning style, but now are geared towards women. That's not sexist, or paranoid. It would be sexist and paranoid if he said that all of this was part of some secret agenda to undermine men.

>> No.8302464

The counterpoint is easily argued; you discount the homosexual who is very well represented in arts and literature. Do you think Oscar Wilde spent all that time and effort writing plays and essays and short stories to get laid?

Moreover, the man who finds sex and sexual partners with ease doesn't worry about them, much like a starving man thinks being well-fed is the !most important thing in the world while his rich counterpart only thinks of food in an experiential or sensual way. To put it bluntly, undersexed men think the only reason anyone does anything is to get laid. Lord Byron fucked basically every attractive woman in London as a break from his more serious work of writing poems, and later fighting in other countries' wars. Pussy was not his raison d'etre, or at least not in the way you imagine.

As a parting shot, I urge you to consider Alexander. I'm sure the Prince of Macedonia had all the Mediterranean booty he could want, but he drove his armies to conquer out of the thrill of battle and perhaps the jouissance of conquest in the abstract. The thrill of power is more seductive than the thrill of pussy.

>> No.8302476

>The thrill of power is more seductive than the thrill of pussy.

>t. permavirgin

>> No.8302485

Nice one bud.

>> No.8302494

I'll go dominate my 10/10 gf's fat arse now, while you contemplate the imaginary "power" you think you have.

>> No.8302513


>> No.8302578

Everyone has shit taste other, other than me of course.
I wish more women would actually admit they watch porn so they didn't have to hide behind the "no this is just a book teehee."

>> No.8302615
File: 53 KB, 480x480, 1459214992011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the city of (You)



>> No.8303311

Those are the books they read to masturbate, judging women's literary taste on that is like judging male taste in short film via the porn sites they forgot to delete from their history.

>> No.8303317

Interestingly, I remember a lesbian self-proclaimed misogynist blogger who also believed this, and she otherwise regularly wrote about how women shouldn't vote and shit.

>> No.8303377

What's the sample group for those IQ tests? I vaguely recall one finding a gap favoring men that only surveyed high school graduates. If men have a greater SD, then men would perform better wherever such a retard filter exists (not to mention inmates).

This is also my hunch for part of why men have higher math scores on the SAT; about 100,000 more girls than boys typically take the SAT each year, the distribution of "extra girls" or "missing boys" probably has a fairly low mean. Stupid high school girls are more likely to go through the system, while stupid boys just don't try or outright go to jail.

>> No.8303448

because they are bad people

>> No.8303452

>men at the highest levels

That's the thing, males are, for one reason or another, more likely to go full autism over something and reach the peak. Your typical male isn't necessarily better at some non-physical task than a typical female, but there's more likely to be some guy who went all out to master that task. This might actually involve literal autism.

To paraphrase Camille Paglia, there are few female Newtons because there are few female Chris-chans.

>> No.8303566



pick one amigo

>> No.8303570

Genetically speaking they're more human than men.

>> No.8303577

At least it's mostly young adult lit and shit for older women and at least they still read for entertainment.

You see young boys up until death they don't read fucking anything, you'll more likely see them play COD.

Women win this in the framework of the argument you're trying to make, if it was actual to begin with.

>> No.8303584

By what metric?

>> No.8303587

Isn't 50 Shades of Grey a fan-fiction of Twilight?

>> No.8303589

>104 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.8303614

>I've never read a Clancy book but surely if I say that something mainstream is bad I'll get /lit/ points

>> No.8303642

All organisms are inherently feminine. It takes a break of chromosome during development to alter an organism into being masculine from feminine.

>> No.8303716


That just means males are superior. Female is the default. Males are refined.

>> No.8303721

nah its just that kids have varying levels of brain development and nest leaving is one of the stages. No matter what anyone says you will go through this stage, just like everyone else older than who isnt a misogynist teenage shit.

>> No.8303726

so thought provoking academic piece (man) or the book equivlent of gossip (woman) hmmm, hard choice

>> No.8303727

>gossip in the tribe

>> No.8303731

100% not true. The fucking chromosomes are there from day 1 of conception. I don't give a fuck what you say about fetal gender similarity

>> No.8303734

>That just means males are superior

How? How does a chromosome fracture make someone superior?

>> No.8303739


Have you ever met a female genius m8? They're like mythological creatures. No one knows if they actually exist.

>> No.8303746


>>>/rddt/ is that way friend

>> No.8303748

>Have you ever met a female genius m8?

No but there are thousands of examples to chose from.

>> No.8303755

As example Heddy Lamarr invented FHSS and the FH-CDMA scheme. Things highly resistant to narrow band interference. Without it, everything from manually driven missiles that couldn't be sabatoged to wireless phones wouldn't exist.

Countless philosophers, mathematicians. The first computers were programmed and thought out mostly by women.

Pay attention in world history while you're still in high school.

>> No.8303808


There are no good female philosophers. None.

Programming is mostly rote work. Women excel at rote work. That is not genius.

Lamarr was assisted in all her inventions by her husband and shared all her awards with him. She was intelligent but gained most of her technical knowledge from her former husband.

We don't need female geniuses. A woman's genius is in the bedroom and the nursery. It is enough for them to produce the male genius. They need not possess genius themselves. That would be extravagance.

>> No.8303817

>There are no good female philosophers. None.

You are functionally illiterate and in high school.

>Programming is mostly rote work. Women excel at rote work. That is not genius.

They created the functions that could provide rote work itself in world war II code breaking and acting themselves as human computers you absolute fucking goon. They provided instrumental help by providing trajectory information, formula, largely more important than any soldier.

>Lamarr was assisted in all her inventions by her husband and shared all her awards with him. She was intelligent but gained most of her technical knowledge from her former husband.

Bullshit, her husband wasn't in code. His help was largely just that, help. He wasn't capable of doing what she was. It's not that complicated. Any idea that she didn't create FHSS is beyond anecdotal.

>We don't need female geniuses

And we don't have men who are smart who post here either. You for example still have the education and reasoning skills of someone with a GED

>> No.8303895

>men read sci fi to escape world problems
"let me explain to you things I know nothing about" - you, right now

>> No.8303899

>You are functionally illiterate and in high school.

Name one you inbred neanderthal. They're universally rubbish and their scribbling will not stand the test of time.

Writing functions was a male job. Coding is, as aforesaid, largely rote work. The only geniuses at Bletchley Park were male: Turing and Newman. Joan Clarke was by far the brightest female there and I would only describe her as highly talented. Talent and genius are two different things.

You have an overly romantic view of the female intellect. Almost everything you can put your hands on was conceived or designed by a man. Women make babies. That is their genius and vital contribution.

>> No.8303900

kek is /lit/ mad at girls because they've had shitty girlfriends in the past?

>> No.8303932

nigger the first relationship is always trouble
You don't even know how to fuck properly until your third or fourth.
when starting this kind of thread, it might be better to ask the participants to state if they are american.
in all modern cultures the pressure on men is to be as smart and successful as possible, while women are being encouraged to be pleasant and non threatening.
But Americans really take it to the extreme. Though I've met some very clever american women, it seems that most are being retarded on purpose, honing ignorance as if it had any intrinsic value.
on 4chan I've found that misogyny is much greater in american males, and that's no surprise if you think about it.
why do women have such shit taste? well one theory would be that they are naturally retarded. another would be that men are taught to love arguments and riddles, and a hard book is a little like both. a third could be that women have less hobbies, and the demographic that reads porn reflects the demographic of men that play videogames and haven't read since highschool.
I don't know man.

literally lold for the first time in a week. thank you.

>> No.8303935

Blessing and a curse.
It's easy to write and sell in genres women read, but you will hate the work, hate writing it and hate yourself. But fuck they are voracious readers.

>> No.8304359

E.L James might as well has the same identity as Stephenie Meyer, since 50 Shades of Grey series were basically Twillight fanfic with changed names and horrible OOC.

>> No.8304907

Because women are inferior to men in every single aspect?

>> No.8305183

Why aren't you writing anything like that and swimming in cash

>> No.8305245


>> No.8305320

>>why do SOME women have such shit taste
>>why do SOME men have such shit taste

> Not understanding the concept of a probability distribution
> Being this uneducated

>> No.8305555

>Name one

I did. If that wasn't enough, here. Augusta Ada basically wrote the book on programming language before computers even existed. Grace Hopper created the process of automatic programming for the Remington Division of Sperry Rand.

You owe most of the time you spend on the internet to women.

Stop listening to Milo, graduate high school, get a job.

>> No.8305557

>probability distribution
Probability distribution in the opposite sense would say men are violent killers who deserve to be locked up.

>> No.8305645
File: 2.62 MB, 2352x3229, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women who reflect the human experience in a more pure, accessible way.

Women can't rationally, how the fuck would they be able to comprehend the human experience in a more pure/acessible way?

It's common knowledge that women experience EVERYTHING in a distorted fashion through the lens of their emotions.

>> No.8305661

>Women can't rationally, how the fuck would they be able to comprehend the human experience in a more pure/acessible way?

For someone who says "women can't rationally", you sure do know how to throw a sentence together.

>> No.8305689

>can't think rationally
I just forgot to type it again after I erased the "tihnk" I had written.

>> No.8305690

It's ok :)

>> No.8305728

"the tribe" - guess who's 2 semesters into social anthropology?

>> No.8305734

>Communist gif
>Identitarian explanation

>> No.8306186


Wow, that anon wasn't kidding when he called you uneducated, I'll add retarded to that assumption too.

>> No.8306222

no, no, the average is the same, but the variance is different

>> No.8306260

there is more to the human than rationality friendo

>> No.8306993


I said name one female philosopher worth shit

>> No.8307028
File: 118 KB, 856x426, PillCosby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate women
>Lets talk about them all the time

*chuckles smugly*

>> No.8307065
File: 2.41 MB, 640x360, women.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that we let Western civilization go to complete shit by giving them the vote (which they uniformly use to support totalitarian governments, invasive nanny states, and globalism) so that they could turn into this

>> No.8307090

Voltairine de Cleyre, Mary Wollstonecraft, Dora Marsden. Three.

There. Are you not so educated you that you can't even read someone based upon their sex? Fucking laughable psued /pol/yp shit.

Women didn't do anything that wasn't already there made by men.

You rot in the socio-cultural consequences of Imperialism and Colonialism, manipulation, not women.

>> No.8307098

>Women didn't do anything that wasn't already there made by men.

It's like the geist of feminism itself speaking.

Complete agencilessness.

>> No.8307108

If it has structures built into it that can fail, they will fail.

You can blame women for that, but that would be incorrect in totality. You can blame the naive political drive powers that be for that, you'd be wise. You can blame the universe for existing in the chaotic, and you'd be correct.

"Western culture" doesn't exist in a vacuum, it melds and changes in time. That's what all cultures do. You cannot "preserve it" outside of the internet, and the sum of human knowledge being very able to be added onto. "Western civilization" is so omnipresent that it cannot die, it can only change. Recording what it is, is its preservation. Its only preservation. On top of this, its records are not free of criticism, and you cannot wave criticism of it as an existential threat to mankind.

All your beliefs are psued ignorant bullshit. Get an education now.

>> No.8307131

>Dora Marsden
>anarchic-feminist suffragette

you can't be serious lad. you just can't.

give something I can at least appraise, like George Sand or Simone de Bovine. Philosopher of language is not the same as philosopher.

>> No.8307150

>Women didn't do anything that wasn't already there made by men.
anon, my sides can go only go so far.

>> No.8307172

>give something I can at least appraise, like George Sand or Simone de Bovine. Philosopher of language is not the same as philosopher.

So you disagree with politics, and therefore they aren't philosophers. Got it.

Emma Goldman. Dora Montefiore. Mother Jones.

You keep shifting goal posts. First you asked me to find "women who were smart", I gave examples. Then you shifte goal posts and said "NUH UH PHILOSOPHERS THOUGH". I did. Then you said "NUH UH THOSE AREN'T GOOD I DISAGREE :( GIVE ME SOMETHING THAT I AGREE WITH :("

All the while you needed to ask, and couldn't debate me on why or how these choices weren't correct.

We've gotten to the point where you're not proving the malignant intelligence of women but the malignant intelligence of yourself.

My point is, if you were to bitch about the failure of a standard you wish to uphold, it is not anyone's fault but the upholders of the standard itself for building it so.

>> No.8307214

Those books tap into evolutionary instincts that men don't share, has little to do with taste; you don't judge men for the literary value of the porno that they watch.

>> No.8307267

>give women vote
>men continue voting for good things
>women vote for bad things

i mean, agree men are responsible for all civilization and culture

but surely women have SOME agency?

>> No.8307272
File: 106 KB, 517x768, John Stuart Mill reads about deontological ethics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't watch avant-garde patrician erotica

>> No.8307286

Are there actually any good romance books that a male can enjoy,..
I've been reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels, cause of True Blood but I heard the last book is shit, so I don't want to bother finishing.

>> No.8307302


m8 please. I never said there weren't intelligent women, in fact I went to lengths to explain the difference between talent, cleverness and genius. I personally know many intelligent women across a number of fields. I have dated intelligent women. That's not what I was contesting. Female philosophers are universally second rate intellects. They are often not even particularly bright outside of philosophy (which is of course true for philosophers in general; for instance, Hegel was widely remarked to be a total dunce in everyday conversation). For metaphysics they have absolutely no aptitude. Zero. The overwhelming majority of female philosophers have either been political thinkers or mystics. But they do have a talent for poetry and letters. There are many great female novelists. I personally think Virginia Woolf is overrated, but Mary Renault is my all time favorite novelist. You keep making these unfounded assumptions about my personal character and intelligence because you cannot help despising me for my beliefs, but that betrays your own ignorance and want of perspective more than anything. I also happen to agree with the other fellow you're arguing against that suffrage was largely a mistake. Howsoever necessary and just it may have been to give women the vote, that does not mean suffrage has been beneficial to society, on the contrary. While I would not advocate for taking away political franchise from women, I'm not so blind as to be incapable of recognizing that, on the whole, suffrage has probably done western civilization more harm than good.

>> No.8308020













>> No.8308134

>women can't think rationally
most humans don't think rationally. I'd be safe to assume you had more male friends than female ones, and that smart women don't really crave your company.
>It's common knowledge that women experience EVERYTHING in a distorted fashion through the lens of their emotions.
if you mean to claim that men experience objective reality, or that objective perception is even a thing, you are either very young or cringe-worthily retarded.

>> No.8308175

wow that gif of teenagers being retarded really convinced me that women are lesser than man.
Particularly when coupled with a claim about demographic information that not only isn't open to the public but would be illegal to be collected at all.

>> No.8308267

I can see how you might think female sufferage was not beneficial to Western civilisation if you don't think the half of the population who were given the dignity of being equals count as people.

But i'm sure whatever annoyances tumblr feminism has caused you outweigh all those people's subsequent lack of suffering.

>> No.8308574
File: 227 KB, 1862x1382, 1466506541610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women can't rationally, how the fuck would they be able to comprehend the human experience in a more pure/acessible way?

women manage to know what they want
to know how to get what they want
to get what they want

>> No.8308587

In every presidential election year from 1980 - 2008 women have outnumbered men in voting Democratic and the same is true for men outnumbering women voting Republican.[1] From 1980 forward there is a definitive difference in partisanship between male and female voters.[7] The following data was gathered by the Center for American Women and Politics from 13 different sources ranging from October 1994 – September 1996. The various polls (Gallup, CBS, Times Mirror Center, Time, CNN) all found women and men to divided, ranging from 10-25 percentage points, on all of the following issues [8]

Increased role of government
U.S. military intervention
Healthcare and welfare
Firearms restrictions
Affirmative action to achieve racial equality

>> No.8308589

>Female philosophers are universally second rate intellects. They are often not even particularly bright outside of philosophy (which is of course true for philosophers in general; for instance, Hegel was widely remarked to be a total dunce in everyday conversation). For metaphysics they have absolutely no aptitude. Zero.
Indeed, women do not need to go this deep in intellectual hedonism, because betas like you are ready to satisfy them on body hedonism. Your praise for dwelling in rationalism is revealing your praise for the ultimate impotence. i bet you like the fantasy of the free thinker.

>> No.8308592

as long as we agree that women make terrible philosophers

>> No.8308630

they're at a baseball game
you can't blame them for acting like this

>> No.8308781
File: 170 KB, 550x603, 1450753336401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the Reservation

What worries women is that all the Blue Pill conditioning men have endured for the past several decades might be undone if men were to actually make themselves their mental point of origin. What worries the representatives of the Feminine Imperative is that Betas might see the pragmatism in following the example of men who put themselves first and eschew the trappings of building their lives around the materialism women seek when their looks fade and their need for men’s resource security is a better prospect than having to compete for men with their sisters. When marriage is an easily recognizable sucker’s bet to the point that even Betas can see the sense in avoiding it, that’s when the Feminine Imperative must shift to a new tactic.

Open Hypergamy makes for aware Betas. Men aware of the game they are expected to play must either tamp that understanding down into denial or they simply refuse to play. That refusal can come in many examples, but the reasoning is the same. The deductive, pragmatic response is for men to go their own way and put themselves at the beginning of their thought processes and goals.

The success of women’s sexual strategy depends on ignorant Betas being prepared to meet (or wait for them) at the time at which their need for security is the greatest. This expectation of Betas in Waiting is part of a Hypergamous plan; it is the consolidation of an Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks prioritization (also known as the Sandberg Plan). Bros Before Homes is an offense to this plan.

This then becomes a paradox for the Feminine Imperative. A man’s life experiences are generally a wellspring of attraction if not arousal for a woman. Experience is the source of a genuine Amused Mastery and a man’s self-serving experience is usually a prime indicator of an Alpha mindset. My Red Pill brother Goldmund is a perfect example of how personal, self-asserted, self-initiated experiences can be parlayed into a very effective Game.

Be that as it is, the proposition of any and every Beta going MGTOW in various ways, hitting the open road and regaling women with the stories of their exploits presents a problem to Hypergamy; Hypergamy wants certainty and a well-traveled Beta is still a Beta. Furthermore, living for the experiential implies less investment in Beta men developing skills, status, affluence and the personal equity that make them good prospects for Beta providership when they reach the critical age at which women need their cooperation in fulfilling their Hypergamy. At least, that’s the implied concern for women. Men with a sense to educate themselves from experience are usually all the better for it – even when that experience is a nightmare.

>> No.8308784

I should add here that prioritizing experience above other consideration needn’t be limited to Bovy’s silly impressions of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road. What concerns the feminine is that men would devote the lion’s share of their personal efforts on anything unrelated to meeting women’s future or present security needs. It’s not just men wanting to scale Mount Vesuvius, it’s men having any self-import at the expense of women. When men’s ambitions are centered on satisfying themselves and not about developing equity that’s useful to women, that’s when those men (and those who would encourage it) are shamed for not being an adult. They are shamed for not manning up or growing up to meet the needs of women and thus not living up to “adult responsibilities”.

Responsible Adults

It’s not an accident that society conflates men’s servitude with qualities of adulthood – it’s the design.

As such, women begin to get nervous that their future provisioning and security are their own responsibility. How those needs are met are a discussion for various other threads I’ve written, but the social expectations of men qualifying for ‘manhood’ by assisting women to fulfill their own Hypergamous imperatives are at the root of the “sexist” accusations on Bovy’s part. To her, it’s sexist not to plan one’s life according to women’s ‘correct’ sexual strategy.

Bovy actually shares a lot with contemporary Christianity. Ensaturated by feminine primacy, the modern church has made efforts to convince men that their servitude to women is both an article of faith and a prerequisite for responsible adulthood. In a reversal of traditional faith, men aren’t men until they’ve established themselves as being capable of providing for both themselves, but for women as well. Any man shirking this is shamed for “prolonging is adolescence”. All life priority and preparation is presumed to revolve around supporting a future wife irrespective of her own decisions and the results that come from them. The contemporary church is a Beta production institution as it is, but it’s interesting to see how both Bovy and modern Christianity align on the position of men’s proper roles.

This is an interesting parallel when you consider the lengths to which women have gone to emancipate themselves from (ostensibly) being dependent upon men’s influence and provisioning. Western culture has evolved around the strong independent woman stereotype, yet it’s sexist for men to emancipate themselves from the worst of women’s sexual strategy. Bovy’s perspective relies heavily on the Old Books rules set in the misguided belief that women are still beholden to roles of domesticity and repression in an era of triumphantly embraced Open Hypergamy.

>> No.8308787


As I mentioned in the opening, it’s important that we contrast this concern for Betas leaving the plantation with the blatant soft prostitution of the Sugar Babies dynamic. In the light of women’s naked opportunism, and with that opportunism’s materialistic purpose, it’s easy to see how patently false Bovy’s premise is here.

In an era where we develop successful apps to aid women in setting their price on a basic date, it’s easy to recognize Bovy’s disingenuousness. MGTOW and its Red Pill aware derivatives are really just practical, logical responses of men protecting themselves from an Open Hypergamy women are all too ready to educate them about. The End of Men is also the eventual end of women’s expectations of long term provisioning. If Bros aren’t interested in homes the old social contract is put in jeopardy and Open Hypergamy only serves to expedite this shift. Women at the Epiphany Phase looking for the “equal partner” that Sheryl Sandberg assures her sisters will be waiting for them find that men have declined to play along.

The old joke is that if women would have sex in a cardboard box men would never buy a house. The joke’s played out now because women are happy to fuck an Alpha in much less, and now they’re proud enough to tell Betas all about it.

>> No.8309172


>> No.8310299

Stephen hit the nail on the head with "Misery"

>> No.8310577

this isn't taste in literature, it's taste in porn. pretty classy actually, compared to men

>> No.8310635

unironically defending Tom Clancy, who wrote 1000 virtually identical books
