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/lit/ - Literature

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8299901 No.8299901 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/, let's all welcome our new friends from imgur!

tfw it's happening again

>> No.8299919

>recycling content that already ruined /lit/ 9 months ago

So will /lit/ get worse, or have we already reached a maximum threshold of cancer?

>> No.8299922
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>> No.8299925

>implying it's not the frogpeople who have ruined this board

>> No.8299946

>The Hobbit
>The Silmarillion

Some of these things are not like the others.

>> No.8299959

realistically, how many of these people will actually visit /lit/? I remember the last time this list was posted on imgur it got an absurd number of views - something like 800k. Even if 1% of that 800k decided to visit /lit/, that would still be 80 thousand newfaggots. A truly horrifying thought.

I'm not the biggest fan of boogeymen scapegoating, but it would honestly explain the decline in post quality.

>> No.8299969


>1% of 800K is 80 thousand.

Wew lad.

>> No.8299974

Pick out 10 good threads from the entire catalog right now.

>> No.8299982

after the mass exodus of redditors, the summer cross-posters and the tumblrinas(how did they even get here) I honestly have given up hope of this place being at least somewhat digestible.
A lot of oldfags have left and it's encouraging me to do the same.

My experience on /lit/ has gone from learning new things to teaching people things and that's enough to measure a shift in its role in my life.

I just want to fucking talk about books without the goddamn ball-fondling of Reddit or the shitty behaviour regulation of tumblr. I don't care that you guys are racist or sexist or assholes to plebs. you have obscure taste and jarring opinions and that used to be so refreshing. Now we spend all of out time shitposting and explaining ourselves to newfags. I just want to talk about books.

>> No.8300001
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i eben god skol and u stil treed me lik dis?

>> No.8300012

Why is The Stranger so high on these lists? It was a solid 6.5/10

>> No.8300046

8k my bad

>> No.8300068

there is always 8ch

>> No.8300072

How do we get rif of these plebs? Do we sage every thread until they eventually leave? Do we scare them off by posting trump memes in every thread? There is gotta be a way, man.

>> No.8300087

i have bad news for you...

>> No.8300088

what are some good book forums/communities?

>> No.8300094

>Crime and Punishment

Should I stop reading this? I'm only on page 100. I started before seeing this list

>> No.8300100

>should I stop reading Dosto to read something more lit approved
yes you should stop.
not because of the list but because you can't read after killing yourself, which you should also do.

>> No.8300114

It's hard to say if the quality had gone down much since the first imgur post. The memes just change. I doubt many people stay and become regular members. Most people prefer a little more structure, a little more censorship because it's easier to manage and keep track of things, and harder to get offended.

I wouldn't worry about it much. The people that stay are the ones who will, over time, become quality /lit/ posters. >>8299982
Like this guy who went from student to teacher. He seems to think it's a result of oldfags leaving causing this shift rather than an increase in knowledge and ability. I know I have become a better, more well read member since I first came here.

And remember, quality shitposting is done by the most erudite among us. And the best bait comes from genuine noobs.

>> No.8300127
File: 28 KB, 924x1194, US20100101181A1-20100429-D00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think its wrong to not want to align myself with a group which could compile the above shitshow? you're blind to social dynamics if you think i'm gonna be caught dead reading or knowing about the contents of any book featured in that list.

>> No.8300329

Tumblr allows anything that isn't literally illegal to host

You just gotta find a tumblr clique that's not super "Tumblr" who won't bring up irrelevant bullshit