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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 485x395, Arthur_Schopenhauer-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8295781 No.8295781 [Reply] [Original]

Reading Schopenhauer's "Art of Controversy" and realized it's basically "Advanced Shitposting Strategies"

>Stratagem XIV

>This, which is an impudent trick, is played as follows: When your opponent has answered several of your questions without the answers turning out favourable to the conclusion at which you are aiming, advance the desired conclusion, — although it does not in the least follow, — as though it had been proved, and proclaim it in a tone of triumph. If your opponent is shy or stupid, and you yourself possess a great deal of impudence and a good voice, the trick may easily succeed. It is akin to the fallacy non causae ut causae.

>Stratagem XXXII

>If you are confronted with an assertion, there is a short way of getting rid of it, or, at any rate, of throwing suspicion on it, by putting it into some odious category; even though the connection is only apparent, or else of a loose character. You can say, for instance, "That is Manichaeism" or "It is Arianism," or "Pelagianism," or "Idealism," or "Spinozism," or "Pantheism," or "Brownianism," or "Naturalism," or "Atheism," or "Rationalism," "Spiritualism," "Mysticism," and so on. In making an objection of this kind, you take it for granted (1) that the assertion in question is identical with, or is at least contained in, the category cited - that is to say, you cry out, "Oh, I have heard that before"; and (2) that the system referred to has been entirely refuted, and does not contain a word of truth.

>> No.8295791

>reading anything but his 'On Women' essay


>> No.8295829

I'm surprised this isn't on the /lit/ starter pack

>> No.8295859

God could you imagine?
Everyone here would have an advanced degree in shitposting, it's be intolerable.
But then again maybe we'd develop whole new levels of shitposting. Take shitposting to heights we can't even dream about. A brave new shitposting world.

>> No.8295871

I'm going to read it and up my game and get hella (You)'s .

>> No.8295885

holy shit

>> No.8295905
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>"Oh, I have heard that before"; and (2) that the system referred to has been entirely refuted, and does not contain a word of truth.

this LITERALLY what you faggots keep doing to me, I hate it so much

>> No.8295982

>On Womeme
>The Art of Shitposting

Schopenhauer confirmed as No.#1 meme philosopher

>> No.8296107

>Schopenhauer confirmed as No.#1 meme philosopher
that is Hegelianism

>> No.8296142
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just imagine a graduate seminar in shitposting with the Schopster

>> No.8296158

>stratagem XXXII
impudent memesters begone

>> No.8296169

ad hominem

>> No.8296179

#2, Diogenes successfully shitposted Plato

>> No.8296206

Arthur was so much ahead of his time

He basically invented MGTOW, shitposting and /pol/.

>The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature and out of it all came their high civilization

>> No.8296376

This is postmodernism

>> No.8296382

Wait is it? I am curious as to why

>> No.8296444

This calls for a recommendation chart

>> No.8297037


>> No.8297073


My favorites are "Make your opponent angry", "Claim victory despite defeat", and of course "Become personal, insulting, rude".

>> No.8297097

>ignoring the excellent "Meet him With a Counter-Argument as Bad as His"

this site has certainly learned a thing or two

>> No.8297111

Despite all the shitposting, Schopehhauer's philosophy is one of the best of XVIII-XIX centuries.

>> No.8297143

Is Schoppenhauer the master of (you)s?

>> No.8297234
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>> No.8297241
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>> No.8297251
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>> No.8297320

Holy fucking shit he invented shitposting

>> No.8297330
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>> No.8297340

fuck, why isn't this in my book of schopenhauer's aphorisms?

>> No.8297362

these aren't aphorisms

>> No.8297370

>ywn watch Schoppy and Diogenes try to outshitpost each other

>> No.8297413

Where are his posts bruh

>> No.8297449

a mod deleted them

>> No.8297458

I was going to point out that I see this sort of thing all the time. In it's most common form:

>(cultural) Marxism!

>> No.8297467

On Reading, On Noise, On Suicide

>> No.8297480

post more pls

>> No.8297542

>Schopenhauer's "Art of Controversy"
well, it's a book of essays and aphorisms, to be precise.

>> No.8297638

Sadly, Schopenhauer didn't get very many (You)'s in his lifetime, and often had to toil away in obscurity while Hegel soaked up all the dank (You)dom. And so he vowed to create a masterpiece of generating and churning out enough (You's) for generations of future young men so that they would never know what it is to be cucked by a fucking faggot Chad named Hegel. We now have access to this power, and never again will we go wanting

>> No.8297675

wew. Stratagem XXXII describes like 90% of the posts on this board

>> No.8298122

yes but OP's stratagem excerpts themselves are not aphorisms

>> No.8298132

Spooks. I win!

>> No.8298170

I have this in book form.

You fucks haven't read it.

He distinguishes between what is 'right' and what is 'true'. The book might help you with the former, but Schopenhauer actually disowned the work in his later years upon realizing that it is better to have the truth than to win mere arguments/debates. Of course, you can do both at the same time: but where you can't convince the mob, err on the side of truth.

EVEN STILL, he wasn't really recommending the arguments he advises, so much as pointing them out in an ironic/sarcastic way. In pointing them out, he is rendering them less capable of crippling you.

>> No.8298174


Things like Marxism have been entirely refuted, though. There are times when the arguments apply.

>> No.8298179

Marxism is simply a misinterpretation of Hegel.

>> No.8298187


And Hegel is a misinterpretation of morality.


>> No.8298201

We can try to fix that with Lacan

>> No.8298214


You can't polish a turd.

The trouble with so much of Western philosophy is that it held Hegel to be the heir to Kant, rather than Schopenhauer.

Hence all the esoteric obscurantism we see in Post-Modernism/Structuralism/etc.

>> No.8298286
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>Make your opponent angry

>This trick consists in making your opponent angry; for when he is angry he is incapable of judging aright, and perceiving where his advantage lies. You can make him angry by doing him repeated injustice, or practising some kind of chicanery, and being generally insolent.

>> No.8298288


>le shit in the streets man

That's just being an Indian

>> No.8298291

Where can you read stuff that Diogenes wrote? Isn't it mostly second hand retellings of the things he might have said?

>> No.8298312

You're just butthurt.

>> No.8298316

>Should he maintain that Berlin is an unpleasant place to live in, you may say, "Why don't you leave by the first train?"

I guess Berlin was a pisshole even before the muzzies invaded

>> No.8298398

That's the opposite of a pseud.

On women is his least interesting or enlightening piece of writing. It's just for mysoginistic tards. 2 volumes of world as will, fourfold root and people focus on that essay

>> No.8298422


>Unironically subscribing to the 'misogyny' conspiracy theory

>> No.8298465

>words don't have meaning
>things are not to be deduced unless stated by an approved authority figure or a flawless argument is constructed that is then approved by the same authority figure

schoppy disliked women. is this even disputed?

>> No.8298478


Why's that wrong, though?

Seems pretty reasonable tbqh

>> No.8298596

Don't forget Schoppy applied this as a teenager on fancy parties with the likes of Goethe and such in attendance.

>> No.8298608

aka copypasta

>> No.8298611

Reality has a misogynistic bias.

>> No.8298650
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>> No.8298804

His writings are lost, so you probably already know everything about him that you can know. Too bad he didn't have a group of lackeys like Socrates to write down Diogenic dialogues.

>I believe the virtue of justice lies in the separation of labor
>I believe Athens is buttfucking the rest of Greece
>But Athens is the bastion of Greek democracy
>My vote doesn't ever change an election, but my shit can serve as fertilizer that helps grow the food that keeps us alive. Which is more valuable, my shit or your precious state that defies your definition of virtue?

>> No.8298837

The romantics must have been the most fun group of people to get worked up. Imagine Hugo's face when you made fun of any French defeat

>> No.8298843

Taking a 5 year old meme from Reddit, for shame.

>> No.8298891

it was if you remember deep&edgy

>> No.8298957

you deserve more (You)s
Diogenes is like a stock character, and there's only one anecdote which has a chance of being from a contemporary out of all of them. What's great about Diogenes is that for hundreds of years after any time anyone came up with some shit a Diogenes memer would come up with, they said they were quoting Diogenes not making shit up.