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/lit/ - Literature

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8290875 No.8290875 [Reply] [Original]

My brother is a huge weeb who has never read a chapter book in his life. In order to try and get him to read I made a deal with him. He reads five books that I select for him and I'll watch five anime series of his choosing (I have never seen anime other than the Ghibli movies).
I enjoyed what I watched but don't think I am going to be watching any more anime any time soon. But now when I sit down and start to read something I imagine all the characters as if it were anime. It's honestly driving me crazy and no matter how hard I try to stop I eventually slip back into it. It is kind of ruining my reading experience.
What should I do, /lit/? Will it just go away so long as I don't watch any more weeb-shit? Should I just give up reading and become a filthy otaku like my brother? Or should I just blow my brains out to get all this anime out of my head?

>> No.8290914

Go watch the entire Bergman filmography to counter the weeb poison.
Start with Persona.

>> No.8290918

Get down with the sickness

>> No.8290956

Embrace it.
Hit rock bottom and then rise as a new individual.

>> No.8290963


>> No.8290979

This is like a /tv/ post. Everything you read is an anime now because you saw some anime? What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.8290982

Anime is now officially regarded as a transmissible mental disease.

>> No.8291007
File: 117 KB, 372x351, smug anime face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a classic /tv/ post.

>> No.8291038

N-nani?? Brutus?
Tch, nothing personal... *half grin* Caesar.

>> No.8291048

my favorite meme is le trool face X^D

>> No.8291063


That's probably still better than the problem I once had when I couldn't stop imagining all the characters as furries.

It went away when I grew out of the fandom and got all my visual stimulus from live action tv and movies. If you give your eyes something different than your visual imagination will have to adapt to that.

>> No.8291070

Ease him into it, try find some Mangas that are a bit more than sex, lame comedy and violence.

>> No.8291084

Do you seriously have that little mental control that you can't even willingly dictate the images that form from reading? Fucking assert yourself already.

>> No.8291087
File: 84 KB, 411x579, Thermae Romae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8291817

I just want to point out that the super alpha dude that made this image appears to be afraid of water bottles.

>> No.8291862



>> No.8291890

watch depressing, bleak slavkino. itll whip the faggotry right out of you

if that doesnt help, then you were a weeb from the beginning and you should accept your faggotry and be one with him.

>> No.8291950



>> No.8291962


>> No.8291981


>muh precious bodily fluids

>> No.8292208
File: 1.03 MB, 699x699, tapestry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course someone like you would have a picture like that saved.

>> No.8292480

>i don't watch anime
Go back to lebbit you cancer.

>> No.8292585

I'm curious, what five books/anime did you have each other read/watch?

>> No.8292673

I subvocalized half of ij as h Jon Benjamin because I binge watched home movies :(

>> No.8292882

yeah, answer this please

also, the only solution for your problem is to embrace the disease now you've got it

>> No.8292970

You sound like a cuck

>> No.8293074

He reads one book, you watch an entire series? Raw deal