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/lit/ - Literature

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8288362 No.8288362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe that reading makes you more attractive to the opposite gender?

>> No.8288368

kek, it makes you attarctive to them as long as they're interested in it

>> No.8288382



>> No.8288400

Nope. Whenever I met a girl and she read potter and or twilight I canned her.

>inb4 implying (YOU) meets girls

Seriously, only one thing worse than women, women who read shitty stuff.

>> No.8288410

Reading these days actually serves to make you more unattractive; it makes women feel inferior because they only engage in mindless activities like Facebook and Netflix. I have been on several dates where we ask the obvious question of 'What are your hobbies?', and as soon as literature comes up the tone of the date completely changes.

>24 years old now
>went on a date with a girl my age last week
>asked if she ever reads
>'Well, I read the Great Gatsby a couple of months ago but didn't really understand it'

>> No.8288413

No. My husband doesn't care whether I'm reading, much less what I'm reading. It doesn't factor in at all to how attractive he finds me.

>> No.8288415

It does, it got me prime teen pussy before.

The older you get the better teen pussy becomes.

>> No.8288437
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>the opposite gender
fuck you

>> No.8288472

I'm a girl and seeing guy reading is very attractive to me as it tells me that he has his own thing going on and that he has more in his life than just trying to appeal to women or trying to fit in. My ideal guy is the kind of shy, quiet, withdrawn, dark-haired loner sitting by himself with a book who acts surprised in an innocent and nervous kind of way when I get his attention. All of my boyfriends have been like this and I've really enjoyed getting to know them individually, seeing what makes them tick, accommodating their sexual fantasies and kinks and then leaving them go when it's clear they have blossomed into masculine, mature, non-readers.

>> No.8288474

You didn't really answer the OP. Do you think it makes /you/ more attractive?

>> No.8288484

Hey I'm Asian and have dark hair. London?

>> No.8288502

I'm attractive whether I read or not. I know that sounds egotistic but I'm a girl below the age of 25 who looks after her body. I could get a boyfriend today if I wanted to.

Yes actually, Haringey.

>> No.8288504

Sadly. It makes me to some an interesting person to talk to, but that's not attractiveness.

>> No.8288512

>they have blossomed into masculine, mature, non-readers.

>> No.8288519

Why do you keep sidestepping the question?

Do you think it makes you /more/ attractive? Not "do you think it makes you attractive."

>> No.8288528

The only thing that makes men attractive to women is money and success. Reading is just one of many litmus tests to make sure he isnt a neckbeard growing neet

>> No.8288554

To some women I know it has. Women in general? Who cares. I only ever want to date one person at a time.

>> No.8288562

Kek, Haringey here too

>> No.8288564

It will make me more attractive to the girl I will marry.

>> No.8288567

A pretty ugly, poor and weird guy is probably more attractive if he at least has some "respectable" hobbies, interests or something. So yes, I do, but not in some "I''m rising above the average!" way; just in a "at least thats something for someone" way.

>> No.8288661

who the actual fuck grabs a mug like that? you'd burn your fingers and it is just plain savage. this chad clearly never learned from Miss Manners.

>> No.8288665

Pic related isn't even attractive. Fuck off

>> No.8288666

pls be

>> No.8288681

no, just like men, women only care about looks.

>> No.8288699

Not really. I personally don't think whether or not I read is what really factors into whether I'm attractive to girls

>> No.8288704

This. Plus I dont care.

Its on the same tier as "oh he wears glasses so he must be smart lol"

>> No.8288725

Why is this still a discussion?

If you see a qt reading La recherche de l'Absolut, you are interested because she's a qt!
The reading comes off as a bonus, but you'll never be attracted to a hamgalaxy reading the same thing, you'll see the book and say ''patrician'' and move on.

>> No.8288751

What a slut.

>> No.8288764
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In the end it all boils down to one thing:

Are you phisically attractive ?

If yes, well then reading can get you some girls
If no, it won't.

Women won't go after an ugly beta dude just because he reads books, they'll go after the handsome or at least attractive guy who also reads books.
And can you blame them for it ? Take better care of yourself and then girls will be attracted by you reading, but only because in the first hand you appealed to them physically. You would do the same if you had to choose between a qt3.14 and a landwhale.

Plus getting in a better shape =/= getting fit, only requires a little bit of work and hygiene. Besides i think at least half of /lit/ is at least normal looking if not good looking, the "4chan is ugly" meme needs to fuck off already.

Im sorry if my point isn't clear, english is not my main language

>> No.8288769



>> No.8288772

most people who aren't really fat are at least 'non-ugly'
as long as they are hygienic and all

>> No.8288790

After like 2 minutes it's good to go like this. And it's a very useful way to drink tea while reading, it's a more steady grip and you don't have to look at it to being it to your lips.

>> No.8288800

I agree
I'll add that confidence alone can make an average person look more attractive. I started getting more and more girls the day i got fed up of others, thaught "fuck that shit" and started thinking for myself rather than thinking about how people would see me.
And im not a model, im kinda chubby actually, i just refuse to see myself as inferior, and peoples like that.

>> No.8288803

This, its all about how you carry yourself at the end of the day. Even getting fit is just window dressing.

>> No.8288871

Yes. The process of reading helps you grow more intelligent. As that girl here said, it also allows you to pursue a passion not directly related to women.

Confidence and social skills matter much more, and are more open to improvement, than appearance.

>> No.8288883

guess no

>> No.8288884

Not if you're non-white. Not if you're short. Etc.

Confidence in an attractive person comes off as bravado in a short guy.

Assertiveness in a hot guy comes off as creepy in a non-white.

Luckily I am white and cute but I have literally no charisma around people I don't know, which is pretty much everybody.

>> No.8288889

>Not if you're non-white. Not if you're short. Etc.
t. i dont know anything

>> No.8288890

Reading has made the opposite gender less attractive to me

>> No.8288896

>All of my boyfriends have been like this
why did you leave ?

>> No.8288901

we missed >>8288888

>> No.8288906

Honestly, a bit of chub can be endearing on the right person, and with a good amount of confidence even hot. Goes for girls, too.

Just know what you want or at least pretend to, and maintain some degree of cleanliness. Smell good, feel good, usually, you'll get someone good.

>> No.8288974

Men don't much give a shit what a woman does as long as she's physically attractive. If she's not pretty, no amount of reading will make her so.

But I see women list babby's first philosophy and poplit on their dating profiles all the time, so I'm sure there are more than a few of them who go for various pretentious "intellectual" subculture types who will instantly cream themselves if you namedrop Sartre or Bukowski.

>> No.8289013
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t. Schopenhauer

>> No.8289617

I doubt it does. It just makes them more prone to striking meaningless conversation with you while you're reading. Annoying af, desu

>> No.8289654
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>> No.8289678

It tends to accentuate any latent attraction women have of you. If your a buttface, it won't do anything. If women have historically been attracted to you, then expect the puss.

>> No.8289685

Yeah, if you're already attractive

>Wow you're good looking and you read? That must mean you're smart too. Fill me with your seed.

>> No.8289765

i think it makes me less attracted to it. it works.

>> No.8289774


I do. I learned it by watching this cute English girl who was doing a year abroad at my university. We only met once and our eyes met and I think she might have been attracted to me and I never talked to her again.

>> No.8289819

my reading will help a woman get over her objections/worries/etc

the first decision will be based on looks, mannerisms, graces, charisma, etc. nut after that comes, "what if he's pretty but dumb? Is he a smart choice or just an impulsive one?"

the fact that I read books means I'm easier to explain to her friends and family, and I might even have a real job (an understandable mistake), etc.

>> No.8289849

Yes, but only to ugly girls/boys

>> No.8289851
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>> No.8289904

I nominate this for a 12 minute boil - fine potential pasta material

>> No.8289911

does it make you more attractive to the same sex?
Cuz I gotta say, I never got no boipvcci talking about poetry.

>> No.8289940

Nice post, despite the fact you have a penis you really got /lit/ going

>> No.8290005
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What if my teeth look like pic related and I'm 2poorfag to afford braces? I'm fucked and can never be physically attractive, right?

>> No.8290021
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>> No.8290024

9/10, can't believe how many people fell for this.

>> No.8290056

Attraction is a spook.

>> No.8290058

13, al dented -- mom's spaghetti

>> No.8290059

No, I cant say it does. I don't get any
boypuccy anyways, I live a very sad and lonely life. II'd think that talking about material things even like books can get pretty tedious for anyone. I consider material things any sort of media, so having a hobby like that probably isn't good for attracting other people's attention. Who am I even kidding though, talking about relationships with other people?. I'm a social dailure, and I don't even remember what I was talking about anymore and I can't even look at what I'm typing because the fucking text box on the screen is cut off to the side so I can't see it. Fuck this lonely world, it's just like trying to push a rock up a hill, while having annoying music like britney spears blasting inside your head, except the britney spears music represents what you feel about the futility of your life. Because not only are doing this insufferable task called living, which leaves you feeling bitter about every single possible fucking thing, but you can't get your stupid thoughts out of your fucking head. I don't even care enough to try to think of a good analogy, I want my analogy to be shit to represent how fucking lonely and forsaken and shitty my life is. How many more fucking years do I have to be alone and miserable? So no, I didn't get any fucking boy pussy. Never hAve, and probably won't until the beauty of youth has faded away and I won't want it with amy of the disgusting old people.

>> No.8290090

No, I think it just makes me look more withdrawn. Most people like social personalities. Attractive people generally look attractive doing anything, though.

>> No.8290103

>Most people like social personalities.

You'd be wrong. Plenty of women love a brooding mystery. Initially at least.

>> No.8290124

What about men?

>> No.8290173

I'm a girl and seeing guy reading is very attractive to me as it tells me that he has his own thing going on and that he has more in his life than just trying to appeal to women or trying to fit in. My ideal guy is the kind of shy, quiet, withdrawn, dark-haired loner sitting by himself with a book who acts surprised in an innocent and nervous kind of way when I get his attention. All of my boyfriends have been like this and I've really enjoyed getting to know them individually, seeing what makes them tick, accommodating their sexual fantasies and kinks and then leaving them go when it's clear they have blossomed into masculine, mature, non-readers.

>> No.8290205
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>mfw I found during a date that she liked to read Hegel, Kant and le sniffy meme man
>mfw she wasn't into me

>> No.8290218

I have a thing for broody type girls but they're hard to find.

I might have less of a headache with a chill normie girl though

>> No.8290223


Not at all. because usually women aren't "mysterious" at all

>> No.8290235

Pynchon, you're old as fuck and married. Stop asking 4chan weebs for dating advice

>> No.8290239

Too bad you write like a guy.

>> No.8290930

Yes, certain kinds of bookish guys follow me around frequently. But i'd say it's my breasts that do the most to persuade them to do so.

Personally I only go out with well read men though.

>> No.8290999

what book is this from?

>> No.8291012

Just rip em out bruh

>> No.8291045

Reading itself probably makes you less attractive because it's solitary, sedentary, arcane and nerdy. But presumably we're reading to build our character, intellect and understanding of the human condition; girls (and worthwhile people in general) like the intellect and maturity reading should result in.

... so basically, reading for a good reason is attractive. Reading to tick off a checklist so you can brag to people on Internet and fill your vacuous lives is .... probably not attractive.

>> No.8291118

>always remember what John Waters said

>> No.8291151


it would make chad from OP attractive but you need to look good already for reading to accentuate things

there's also the problem that the only women i know are from my English department so reading is not anything out of the ordinary and i'm not even that good of a student

maybe i can go wow some pygmy woman with my ability to read spirit runes but otherwise i think i'm S O L

>> No.8291355


>> No.8291387
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Gr8 b8

>> No.8291394

post feet