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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 500x250, workmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8287884 No.8287884 [Reply] [Original]

I know lit is a full of book lovers, but what is your day job? I'm a 24 y/o trash-man.

>> No.8287886

So you're our janitor?

>> No.8287892

I'm a 25 year-old NEET.

>> No.8287895

we're all NEET

>> No.8287897

/lit/ is ne(e/a)t

>> No.8287901

Basement dweller roach. Gives me characteristics and experience for when I write a masterpiece.

>> No.8287903

You writing "Diary of a Turkish man"?

>> No.8287907

24 yo IT auditor

>> No.8287908

NEET. Wish I majored in something more practical.

>> No.8287910

Assembly line.

>> No.8287912

what did you major in?

>> No.8287914


>> No.8287919

OP here. Same major.

>> No.8287922
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>> No.8287923

CS student
>fell for the jobs meme

>> No.8287924

sensible chuckle

>> No.8287927

I move boxes from one place to another.

>> No.8287929 [SPOILER] 
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>pic related

wtf come on guys

>> No.8287932

Student, radio operator on the weekends

>> No.8287936

Soon-to-be high school teacher

>> No.8287943


Same. Turning 26 next month and still looking for a job. I've tried the shitty job finding sites, craigslist, nepotism, temp agencies, and still nothing.

It's getting aggravating so when I apply I just put in ridiculous shit now. My work history for the last was reverse psychiatry suicide prevention and grass identifier.

>> No.8287955

Supermarket shelf stocker and occassional editorial assistant. The editorial is only a couple days per month though.

>> No.8287956


>> No.8287960

Starbucks barista

>> No.8287961

hows the pay?

>> No.8287967

I work at a package store. 25 years old.

>> No.8288014

>Grass identifier


I have a job but it's kinda shit. Data entry at an accounting firm. I work from home some weeks but I usually do nothing but read and try to get everything done on Sunday. Not looking forward to tomorrow.

>> No.8288028

26 yo land survey technician

>> No.8288031


I worked at a deli a few days ago but I think I'm fired b/c I went on a manic episode and didn't show up for 3 days

>> No.8288040

Research chemist

>> No.8288056

I work as a temp at a Geospatial firm as an image editor. Before that I worked 58 hours a week at a woodworking factory.

I almost prefer the factory over the deskjob.

>> No.8288057

my dude, what's it like? I'm on track to enter law school but I really want a lit related job and I actually enjoy teaching (I think, I coached debating once and loved it). also a desk job would actually kill me im pretty sure, i can never fucking sit still and work for hours on end

>> No.8288109

Fuckin noice, which branch of chem?

>> No.8288118

Warehouse worker. Used to be a programming teacher but it was too draining, my current job pays well enough and leaves me fresh to do all that reading and studying I love so much. Nowadays I only give classes on whatever subject I happen to be good at for the joy of it if I consider the student worthy of my time.

>> No.8288124

I work at in n out, I graduate next year and aam going to be applying to law school after. Currently majoring in english

>> No.8288127

Physicist. Currently working as a Visiting Scholar helping to develop ways of conserving very old books and paintings.

>> No.8288146

I also move boxes from one place to another, and furniture

>> No.8288156

Bicycle messenger

>> No.8288173


>> No.8288179

The manual labour end of retail. Plenty of time and energy for real work when I get home which is nice, the lack of yaper and feeling of being an over qualified perdedor is kind of eh.

>> No.8288192

19yo overnight security guard/fire watch for a construction site. 12hr shifts all alone, lots of time to read.

>> No.8288207

NEET. My average earning mum recently divorced my extremely wealthy dad, and he (at least, hopefully, just for now) wants nothing to do with me. Before he told me he'd get me a job through his connections when I turn 19 in 2 months, but now that's out the window, and my NEET lifestyle's quality has also sufficiently dropped.

>> No.8288210


>> No.8288217

26 year old NEET, no degree either.

No idea what i'm going to do.

>> No.8288219

26 yo bureaucrat with an engineering degree.

>> No.8288229

investment banking

>> No.8288234

Call centre drone

>> No.8288244

I recently graduated and work as a junior marketeer

>> No.8288267

Mediator for Research in Mathematical Science between Japan and my country.

>> No.8288273

what is the requirement [legal or not] for security guard?

>> No.8288276

PhD student in history, hoping to be a tenured trash-man after my dissertation.

>> No.8288307

only if you're lucky

>> No.8288310


>he wants a job with the city

kek, hope you know someone

>> No.8288312

National Security Adviser

>> No.8288313

Student, now a research assistant as a summer job.

It's decent work.

>> No.8288342

Age requirement in the US is 18, as well as a lack of criminal record.

>> No.8288356

Lab assistant for a research soil lab

I'm halfway to an agricultural engineering degree and this job sort of changed my mind. I'm thinking of just being a biology or mathematics teacher, but I don't want to deal with the shitty pay and dumb students. I wish I could just not work and study all day, since that's the only thing I enjoy.

>> No.8288366

28yo NEET since 2011 philosophy drop-out

>> No.8288374
File: 3.86 MB, 1590x2829, 2016-07-17 06.16.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 years old, oilfield surveyor. Anything construction related, surveyors are involved at some point. In the oil patch, we're the guys that go out on quads/snowmobiles into the middle of nowhere and mark out pipeline routes and lease boundaries, etc. I live in camp for weeks at a time, which affords me plenty of alone time to read and write. It's hard work, but makes for some great stories, and the opportunity for cool pictures. Here's one I took a few weeks ago.

>> No.8288377

That sounds pretty sweet. How did you get the job? Experience, education etc

>> No.8288379

thanks for destroying our environment.

>> No.8288380

what's the money like?

>> No.8288381

np f.am

>> No.8288383


Do you get to carry a gun for bears?
Please get me a job, I will move wherever necessary to do this.

>> No.8288384

he typed on his fossil fuel made electronic device

>> No.8288388

I work at small children clothing shop as a retailer and do some online marketing and stuff for them. 24 yo. Still haven't got my BA. Majoring in History.

>> No.8288392

>this thread
>all these Literature and History majors

lmaoing @ your lives. no wonder this board is full of bitter, pseudointellectuals.

>> No.8288402

Where if I may ask?

OT: I study engineering. German engineering bureau wants me after my bachelor but I don't feel like working yet.

>> No.8288405

26 year old TA/grad student/test grader.

>> No.8288408

Security Guard at a slaughterhouse.

>> No.8288426
File: 68 KB, 960x540, FB_IMG_1439385850307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just walked in off the street. I started at 20 and worked my way up from assistant, but you can go to school for it. Geomatics engineering/GIS. You gotta be comfortable being outside all day, every day - the only 'indoor' part of this job is the drive to site in the truck every morning.

Canadian SAGD oil sands operations are the cleanest in the world, despite what you've heard. There's a reason Canada is still #1/#2 in the rankings of cleanest air quality. Also, we're a carbon negative country, so we're actually helping offset your country's carbon footprint.

Pretty good, relative to other industries, but pretty bad within the oil patch. Surveying isn't understood by a lot of people, and many don't even know the job exists. We kind of get the shit end pay-wise, but we get a surprising amount of authority. I've had companies reroute entire pipelines on my recommendation - "You'll want to swing it further south, to avoid the swamps," etc. You've gotta love the job and the outdoors to stick in this profession.

I've gone on fly jobs into inaccessible, remote areas before (helicopter drops you off with your gear and a radio, picks you up at the end of the day), and yeah, we carried a pistol grip shotgun for bears and cougars. Bears are harmless if they're fed and you don't startle them. Cougars, on the other hand, will stalk you through the woods. As for getting a job, just find a surveying/geomatics company and apply. In the patch, the turn over rate for assistants is very high, so we're always looking for new guys.

Here's another pic I took a couple winters ago.

>> No.8288431

I work in a grocery store.

>> No.8288457


Post more pics

>> No.8288462


I'm googling right now but can't find anything.
Can I apply for your company? If I set up an email will you give me the names of some companies?
I don't care where in the country they are, I'm looking to move anyways.

>> No.8288473

Cleanest oil sand operation or cleanest oil operation? I thought the Saudis and the Norwegians had the cleanest oil extraction.

>> No.8288479
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I work for Altus Geomatics, which is a small part of Altus Group, a world-wide conglomerate. If you're in Canada, there's Focus, Can-Am, Opus Stuart & Weir, Challenger, Quest, Precision, Velocity to name a few. Any company that has 'surveying' or 'geomatics' in their name will be what you're looking for.

I've got a few. Here's a big black wolf I saw a while back. I'm 6' tall, and his back would have been at or above my waist if I were standing next to him.

>> No.8288483

Data Cuck

>> No.8288487


>tfw am american not canadian


>> No.8288492
File: 1.16 MB, 1031x1642, 20150905_144744-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleanest oil sands. Not sure where Canadian conventional oil ranks, but the environmental regulations are incredibly stringent, due to pressure from US groups, so I wouldn't be surprised if we were in the top three or five cleanest for conventional. To give you an idea of how strict the rules are, if I take a pail of water from a pond, walk twenty feet away and spill it, we've gotta call in environmentalists to test the soil. On some sites, you're not allowed to dump your coffee on the ground. It has to go into a waste disposal container.

Pic is another wolf I ran into, this one came a lot closer.

>> No.8288497

The US is the largest oil producer in the world, there's gotta be some companies around. 'Exploration' is another keyword to look for. GIS services, maybe.

>> No.8288499

Question to everyone in this thread:

Do you feel intense pressure to "make something of yourself" by a certain age?

I realize I'm spooked as fuck but as soon as I graduated aged 21 I couldn't find a job and felt like absolute shit. I immediately accepted the first full-time job I could and have hated it ever since. I read about people here aged 25 and older working minimum wage jobs and I literally don't know how you can bear it? How do you find a girlfriend with a job like that? How can you live with yourself knowing so many people years younger than you are making more money and gaining more prestige than you?

I work in an office with a bunch of companies, and the majority of the people I work with are privately educated. One of them is a 27 year old guy who is CEO of his own multi-million dollar company, and the others are all highly skilled and earning a bunch of money. The girls are cute and intelligent. They would never condescend to date a guy who is working a minimum wage job, let alone a NEET. How the fuck can you settle for that kind of thing? Don't girls view you as unambitious and pathetic?

>> No.8288514

Have you seen The Grey?

>> No.8288515

I do feel that pressure, but I'm confident I'm on the path to doing so. My job is relevant to my field and not even close to minimum wage, so it's carrying me through the last of graduate school.

I console myself with everyone else being so ahead in that I come from a small town with illiterate parents, where no one ever encouraged me to do anything beyond possibly finish high school.

My spouse sees me as too ambitious t b h. All the conferences are tedious for someone not into academia.

>> No.8288522

I worked as sales support and IT for years (a decade) in NYC and climbed the ranks. Eventually I was managing a floor of 80 people but I never made any more than 60k, and the point came where I had to be a venture capitalist or do something else. So even when you have "made something" there still is another platform to climb.

At that point my wife was in medical school and we agreed that if i wasnt pulling in 90k+ I would just stay home with the kids. I worked my ass off for the next year applying everywhere on the east coast, but I failed.

Now I stay at home with the kids, although I have been to the beach the last 20 days out of 25.

>> No.8288523

I was identifying with you as a fellow achiever who is never satisfied with his accomplishments, and able to recognize all of the things he does not know. But you dropped the ball by mentioning women as your end goal. Stop that shit.

>> No.8288531


>his entire existence is based on what women will think of him

>> No.8288541
File: 3.51 MB, 2829x1590, 2016-07-17 07.40.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, yes. I loved it, but I'm a sucker for adventure/survival movies (and Liam Neeson). It's pretty ridiculous, but I have a high tolerance for ridiculous shit in movies.

Another pic.

>> No.8288543

As a 26 year old NEET I feel it sometimes yes but I have no idea what I want to do and most opportunities seem closed to me. I've never really had direction though, parents never read or had good jobs, I was never encouraged to do anything and the things I did show interest in they didn't support me, in some cases they crushed it out of me so I eventually stopped caring.

You don't find a girlfriend but for some people a girlfriend isn't important. As for people younger than me being more successful, i've lost a lot of interest in life so I feel apathetic. It's good they're doing well but it means nothing to me personally.

As for how you can settle, you just sort of drift. You get one day and you feel like you want to change everything, next thing you know a year has gone by and you've done nothing. The longer you're in it the harder it is, there's also a bias against people who older. Being 26 it feels like everything is closed off for me and peopel view you differently which makes it harder to pursue.

Ambition is not inherently a good trait, I don't see why I would care what girls think.

Sorry for the blog but you asked.

>> No.8288550

aren't we all "writers?"
I'm a concierge at a hotel

>> No.8288551
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Another pic. Walked about 3 KM's through chest deep snow that day.

>> No.8288560

I'm a law student, but currently some sort of NEET during my 4 and a half months holidays
(I just read all day).

>> No.8288563

I'm a 26 year-old English teacher. As a second language.

>> No.8288610

Because I'm aware that the system is heavily biased in their favour, and against me. Having lots of money would be fun, but I've no interest in it unless I'm getting it from something I'm passionate about and actually provides meaning, is generally a positive thing in the world - rather than exploiting others and sapping the world's creativity. Unambitious? I'm the most ambitious person I know. My journey is just a much, much longer one, and I have no head-starts.

>> No.8288613

I'm 26 years old, phd fag and
I'm wealthy enough to sustain myself. I have no intention to work or accomplish anything, I see neetdom as the optimal state, I just hate producing and want to consume vidya and books on my own.

How do you lose interest when there are tons of things to do? Will I suffer the same boredom? Am I just seeking the greener grass on the otherside? I'm just curious.

>> No.8288619


>how do you lose interest when there are tons of things to do?

when you are intelligent enough to recognize repeated patterns in ostensibly diverse things

>> No.8288620
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>a bunch of trees and some dirt
>cool picture

>> No.8288623

good thing I'm not intelligent then.

>> No.8288628

Well, if you have wealth you might be ok but I can barely sustain myself at all. I can barely afford to buy food let alone video games.

You lose interest because there isn't tons of things to do, like I said, i have no money. You will suffer the same boredom if you can't afford experiences and spend your life viewing the world through a screen like I do. I have no friends and no family connection.

It will drive you mad if you are poor. If you're rich you will love it.

>> No.8288631


>too poor to buy video games

Nigga this is /lit/ and we live in the age of the printing press.
You can get weeks of reading for less than $10

>> No.8288642

My wealth comes from inheritance, I will inherit real estate enough to make me live comfy if not filthy rich, about 40-45k after tax&outsourcing the maintenance cost to some company.

I agree with this anon >>8288631 most of the entertainment is cheap, can be found from torrents/youtube/scihub/libgen. It seems to me you don't know how to use them.

Libgen is your best friend.

>> No.8288643

I can afford to read but I can't afford video games. My pc is ten years old, even with Steam sales I can't play a lot.

>> No.8288645

Torrent old games then, playing late 90s to mid 2000s rpgs will keep you busy enough. Arcanum, planescape, kotor2, mask of the betrayer etc

>> No.8288648

Fuck you spoiled cunt

>> No.8288649

As I said here>>8288643

I can read/watch films etc but not video games. This is why is specifically said video games.

>> No.8288650
File: 2.54 MB, 1590x2829, 2016-07-17 08.18.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of a forest fire I discovered and called in last week.

>> No.8288652


>> No.8288653

Played them all years ago.

>> No.8288654

Wendy's cook, got a 9 inch cock

>> No.8288656
File: 2.05 MB, 1590x2829, 2016-07-17 08.17.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a close up of the initial attack helicopter dropping bambi buckets on it after dropping off the slashing crew trying to contain it.

>> No.8288668

Nothing much to do then, just upgrade your pc slowly

I suffer the same problem, bought a high end pc in my undergrad, still using it after 8 years cant bother to upgrade because I will move out of the uni after my phd is over, I don't want to bother myself with protecting-transporting a desktop. I do belive there are plenty of games one can play even with a 06 pc though.

>> No.8288673

There is literally ONE reason more people don't become NEET. There are countless young men shuffling to some awful job early in the morning and trudging home at night to a damp, tiny high-rent room in the faint hope that their suffering will be rewarded with PTP, or a mating partner in the very least. It's absolutely disgraceful, but as a NEET of two years now I have no sympathy for these people. Sometimes when I get anxious or guilty I take the train at evening rush hour and walk through the city and the sight of the exhausted masses ambling home with bags literally hanging from their dead eyes reassures me and sends me home in high spirits. There are literally people reading THIS POST who work a full-time job and claim to "enjoy" the enforced schedule that is their life, and what's more many of these people will DEFEND their decision to spend their brief experience of consciousness on this planet on their hands and knees thanking some capricious manager for allowing them the opportunity to "contribute to society". It really is like something from a dystopian comic.

>> No.8288676
File: 3.14 MB, 1590x2829, 2016-07-17 08.24.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I am feeding a bird out of my hand.

>> No.8288678


I'll let you in on a little secret.
Video games are boring.

>> No.8288680


>> No.8288683

That wouldn't explain why women take jobs though. Especially the women who don't already have children.

>> No.8288685
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The things I want most in life are watching chinese cartoons, masterbating to vidya characters and shitposting on 4chan.
But I come from a family where ambition and success is the main doctrine, me and my older siblings are currently threatening to disinherit the youngest brother because he is underachieving. Im currently 22 yo and considering commiting honourable sudoku because I have not yet begun my engineering studies.

>> No.8288686

im a writer

>> No.8288692

>Nothing much to do then, just upgrade your pc slowly

I'm NEET and live on welfare, how much exactly do you think I get?

Yeah they're a lot of games I can play through emulation etc but this guy>>8288678 has my current feelings on them

I would like to play the new Monster Hunter though.

>> No.8288693


I think that neither wagecucking nor NEET are the answers.
I've done both so don't pretend that NEET is without its angst. It has plenty of it.

>> No.8288696

Because you were in a position you couldn't expect anything better than a low-wage job with enforced schedule and no evolution prospect doesn't mean everybody is. I love my job, I earn a decent living, I have flexible schedules, friendly co-workers and travel a lot. Why should I waste all my day stuck in my room?

>> No.8288700

>love my job

Fucking hilarious if you ask me. I'm surprised every time I'm forced to remind myself that people like you actually browse this board.

>> No.8288702

Can't your mum elect for more assets? In most Western countries when no children (as in, under the age of 18) are involved, the asset split is 50/50 and there's always bias in favour of the mother.

>> No.8288709

For any 25+ year old NEETs here that want to break into the work force, but are nervous because of their NEETness, just remember that 25 and up is the age range where people start kind of taking you seriously, if they don't know your past. Fake it till you make it is some of the best advice you'll get.

Surveyor guy here, I was running two other crews at age 23, because I'm good at speaking and people seem to like me. I knew what I was doing, but I was far from an expert. It was a running joke with my crews that, every time I met with a new client, they'd call one of the other older guys and ask how old I was.

Sometimes you've just gotta roll with shit.

>> No.8288710

Why do you find it hilarious?

>> No.8288711

You don't address anything I posted. I enjoy working. What's so hilarious?

>> No.8288728
File: 84 KB, 536x679, 1458688794713 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to a community college for BS in Marketing
>not sure if I can afford going to uni
>short of the military I dont know how i can break off with my family while not sinking through the floor
>still have these novels to write

I want to be patient and wait until I finish the degree, but holy fuck I need to get out of here.

>> No.8288736


If you serve time in the military it will vastly increase your meme cred as an author later on.

>> No.8288737

Some jobs are fun, and having a sense of achievement is fun.

I'm a chef and get to play with knives and fire all day. It'seems satisfying as fuck.

I do agree about the unfufilling office drone thing though. It would probably make me suicide.

>> No.8288740

The only branch I'm interested in is Coast Guard lel

>> No.8288750

25. busser, student

>> No.8288763

> tfw software engineer at facebook making 250k fresh out of college but still not happy
> feels bad man

>> No.8288778

It's a mindset you're born with. I also closely work with such people—senior advisor in a Big Four—and they simply like making efforts. Of course, they were mostly born in wealthy families, sent in an expensive private school that gave then an excellent instruction. I don't deny it. However, I clearly see in the way the behave it comes down to some natural industriousness. These people wake up early in the morning, have fitness routines they assiduously perform, avoid an excessive break and still spend time home working and reading. They seem to never sleep more than seven hours, wank, lurk on 4chan or do other meaningless time-consuming activities. I try as much as I can to mimic this behaviour and I partly managed to do it, but I'm still jealous.

>> No.8288789
File: 69 KB, 300x275, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risk analyst.

>> No.8288804

Don't take work too seriously, you'll soon realize that 70% of peoples just make shit up on the go and that's okay, we are human beings. Nobody will run after you verifying every little thing you do or say, just act cool and people will automatically asume you know what you are doing

>> No.8288817

I'm the first 25 year old NEET who replied. I've tried and hated all sorts of things employment-wise. The whole "make something of yourself" thing has never meant anything to me. It'd be nice to have money just because you need it for shit, but tying the idea of how much you're making to your self-esteem is a terrible idea because it never ends. You make 50k, you'll want 100k, you make 100k, you'll want a million, you make a million, you'll want a billion, etc.

>> No.8288819

Umm okay GIRL here. Like, um, okay, wait a minute, okay, seriously, if you're a GUY (omg) and don't have a job that is interesting and fun and that makes a lot of money then um seriously okay like hello i'm like not going to date you (ew!ew!ew! haha!) and like if you haven't like achieved something by the age of 25 you're like super not my type or anything just like omg i don't even want to consider it like ummm helloooooo

>> No.8288823

delete this awful bait

>> No.8288825

FedEX. So logistical data entry and management and package handling. Going to school for education administration

>> No.8288826
File: 42 KB, 800x587, 1453692125322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want a job but it feels worthless to try for some 9-5 when they pay in peanuts and you still live at home

Dont get me started on 'bilingual preferred"

>> No.8288828


I'm a 25 year old paid volunteer for medical students studying exams. Sometimes I get to sleep on the beds while they prod and poke me or other times I can read on the job, bringing a book is actually a good conversation starter.

>> No.8288829

>speaking only 1 language in the age of the internet

just kys

>> No.8288831

I dont feel like learning Spanish

>> No.8288837

23 y/o Business Analyst

>> No.8288839

Oh and I'm 20

>> No.8288876

fuck off, as a guy who played a lot of games, I'm still shocked how many games I have left in my backlog. Same with books, same with films, same with anything. I'm basically realized that at this point I will never play everything I want.

>> No.8288879

software engineer

>> No.8288880

Wait, like with a freak show? How the hell are you even made out of trash to begin with?

>> No.8288904

Has anyone here ever quit a job without anything lined up and without any significant experience that would guarantee finding a job when the search eventually begins?

I feel like quitting a job I've worked (without skipping a day) for 2.5 years and living in Hungary or some cheap place for a few months to focus on reading and writing. But I also feel I'm being childish, naive and entitled for wanting to do this. Any advice?

>> No.8288920

What learning site would you recommend for Spanish/French? I keep hearing mixed things about Duolingo.

>> No.8288927

Cashier. Great job for what it is, but I increasingly feel like a loser for not having a 'real job' at 23.

>> No.8288930


I've had over 40 jobs and I always quit that way.
I work for a couple months at most, then have this weird emotional change where I either get really really depressed or go maniacal, and just stop showing up.
It doesn't matter, even if I really like the job and the people there it still happens. And then in hindsight, after it's over, it felt like I was dead or pretending to be someone else the entire time I was there, and that it all just suddenly imploded/exploded.

So this is what I do, and then I find some new place to work for a while until it happens again. I never know how long I will last, it just happens spontaneously and I can't really control it.

>> No.8288940


>> No.8288944

NEET, and no college education. 22 years old. I hate school and I decided college was too stressful for me, NOW I'M UNEMPLOYABLE BABY WOOOO!! Americaaaa fuck yeahhhhh.

>> No.8288949

Well, i've played most of what i'm interested in, most games bore me these days, starting to wonder if i'm done with games in general since I can barely play one for more than 2 hours without getting bored.

Agree with your backlog on films and books though. The more I read and watch the more I discover and it just never ends.

>> No.8288960

I don't know in which sector you're working in but two and a half years spent in the same company is quite a long time. Many people here leave after one or two years, usually when they are denied a promotion. You should secure another position, though, and be sure you want to quit. If you expect to get a promotion, you should know you won't get it as soon as you're hired, whatever how long you worked prior. If you expect to get promoted in four years, don't leave while expecting it in one and a half year. Previous experience isn't taken in account.

>> No.8288962
File: 2.29 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a call center for an insurance company. I'm 23 and just graduated college with a BA in English last year. I hope I can get something that makes us of my degree in the future.

>> No.8288963

It heavily sounds like bullshits.

>> No.8288969


What's so hard to believe about it?

>> No.8288970

In my field this is easy. I quit whenever I get bored.

>> No.8288978

What's your field?

>> No.8288992

I read a lot of posts like this (especially on /v/) , that after a certain point, a lot of /v/irgins seem to get bored with vidya after certain age, it's usually when they reach their 20s. I don't get it, but I kinda understand it. Maybe it's because "back then" there were no steam, no internet, and you were only limited to a couple of games. Nowadays I see a lot of people buying into this steam sale bullshit, only to found out they haven't played 90% of these games, they only bought them because it was "on sale" very cheap. But that's just my observation, I'm sure there are more reasons for that, like you've played some much you tend to get the feeling "it's all the same bullshit".

Usually when I see posts like that, the recommendation is that you take a break from video games for like 2-3 years and then come back to them. See if you like them now. Can't say if it works since I don't have a problem like that.

>> No.8289025
File: 98 KB, 800x533, ben-affleck-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, I know I'm trash so life is kinda simple. I work, I don't get in people's way, go home. Rinse and repeat. I don't feel jealous of other's people success and happiness. They did it, good for them.

>> No.8289310

Chef. There are too many restaurants and not enough people who know wtf they are doing.

>> No.8289422

game developer for a megacorporation

>> No.8289726

I'm a CS major, interning with the DC government developing software. I am already tired of pretending to be a techy guy even though I'm not bad at it. I really just want a small plot of land and disposable income to travel. Maybe, I'll pull it off after working for two decades.

>> No.8290102

Ivy league student, but currently working for {GOOG, MSFT, FB, AAPL}

>> No.8290733

I'm a 22 year old soon-to-be graduate student in Computer Science

>> No.8290833

I did for my parents' sake but recently found out my dad has cancer so that pretty much went out the window.

I'm still gonna try to go through with graduate school and try to get my younger brother to do the same. I don't know how my mom is going to manage because she's a spaz.

I don't worry about relationships and girls for the simple reason that I'm Schizoid so I can't have normal relationships anyways. I rarely even get that urge anymore so its whatever.

Right now I just got locked out of my online midterm for a class I'm taking this summer. fug