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8283354 No.8283354 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know any good youtube philosophy channels?
Only shit I could find is either
>people recording themselves with 240p webcams,
>john green's faggot brother,
>that 'pop' philosophy crap (School of Life & 8-bit Philosophy - though not excluding John Green) and the only redeeming youtuber;
>Eric Dodson https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr8ziBzqZlGAvv4krfAAORQ

any other good video resources to get en/lit/ened?

>> No.8283357

read an actual book you mong

>> No.8283359

Currently doing a thorough read of TBK
just want something to watch while I masturbate anon

>> No.8283386

If fun is allowed look up 3 minute philosophy, it's an aussie guy summaries philosophers with MS paint. Better than it sounds like.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwOCmJevigw (on Kant)

>> No.8283739

Ever tried Philosophy Tube? Ollie is quite good!

>> No.8283751
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here's a real good video

>> No.8283754


>> No.8283784

gregory sadler
the rugged pyrrhus

>> No.8283818

Academy of Ideas is the best one I've found.

>> No.8283951

Yeah, Academy of Ideas and Eric Dodson are my go-to when I want the basic idea

>> No.8283952

Someone upload the 11 philosophy charts and be done with this person.

>> No.8284092

what was that channel where there was this prof that would breakdown chapters of phenomenology of the spirit in his series?

>> No.8284101

Dr. Gregory Sadler.

>> No.8284119

Wi-Phi is okay for 101 stuff

>> No.8284178

God damn that fucking school of life shit pisses me off

their shit about karl marx is disgusting to watch

>> No.8284184

What'd they say?

>> No.8284189

>Look at me, I'm doing philosophy
>What are you reading?
I hate this board sometimes.

>> No.8284197

What does TBK stand for?

>> No.8284220

Brothers Karamazov?

>> No.8284227

CollegeBinary for entertainment


>> No.8284229

>>8284227 here didn't realise >>8283386 already posted mb

>> No.8284266

That his diagnosis was correct, but he had the wrong prescription

t. other
Some people seem to be pissed off by Marx no matter what the context

>> No.8284320

That was horrible. It takes only a small part of Kant's thought and still manages to fuck it up. They show they know nothing by misusing the term "maxim" which is the lynchpin of Kantian ethics. Or saying that Kant was a deontologist when that term did not even exist at the time. Or basically the whole fucking video.

It would be better to skim Wikipedia for 3 minutes yourself, instead of watching a video by someone who did it for you and added mistakes.

>> No.8284347


rest are shit besides academy of ideas.
school of life is okay if you're lazy and want somebody to read wikipedia summaries to you

>> No.8284372

>Or saying that Kant was a deontologist when that term did not even exist at the time.
This is a nonsensical point to make. Yes it is true but it doesn't mean anything. You are literally saying that words can only be used to describe things that existed when those words were used to describe them. Do you see the problem here?

>> No.8284385


Watch/listen to some Slavoj Zizek talks.

>> No.8284402

>Slavoj Zizek
>Anywhere near the word good

>> No.8284425

8-bit philosophy is decent though

>> No.8284430

What's wrong with Zizek?

>> No.8284439

He might be respected somewhere, but it wasn't at my uni. Literally everyone, student and professor took the piss out of him. It was rand level of hat. I'm pretty sure he only has a reputation amoung the most extreme of the extreme left continental phil departments of second rate unis.

>> No.8284460

Just listen to some of his more popular talks or something.And he's by far the most popular contemporary philosopher.

>> No.8284472

He holds (or held it's been a few years) of being near universally hated by profs but loved by masters and doctoral students. He allow(s/ed) access to a lot of tools and arguments that didn't exist before so was/is p exciting.

And philosophy profs tend to hate everyone and students tend to brownnose so also hate everyone.

>> No.8284482


This channel has some amazing stuff.

>> No.8284485

Wes Cecil: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ff15w4ufviWfv9UfIuByA/videos

>> No.8284498

>And philosophy profs tend to hate everyone
Yes, they hate literally everyone. We both know that this isn't true. To find a single figure hated by an entire department, that's including half a dozen professors and over a two hundred students (about 30 of them being post-grad)
doesn't happen unless they are a hack.

>> No.8284501

Holy shit, your whole argument is "well other people don't like him..."

Grow your own brain.

>> No.8284506

And your argument is... hey you didn't give one. I never said that it was an argument. I never said anything about him or his ideas nor said anything other than what I did. Stop pretending like I did and stop pretending like your post is some paragon of argumentative virtue when you also don't try to prove anything.

>> No.8284507

It's like calling people racist or anti-semite because they were born a few hundred years ago, or calling Roman/Ancient Greek men bisexual, or calling Jesus a christian. It betrays a lack of historical understanding and is misleading. It also makes it sound like Kant was just some guy in a long tradition of deontologists.

Just because Kant is a deontologist now, doesn't mean he was a deontologist. Presentism is stupid.

>> No.8284510

If you are >>8284402, then you did, and if you are not, then you jumped in with an irrelevant piece of info as if it was any form of argument.

I guess you really don't want to have to think for yourself, huh?

>> No.8284512


It's called "communication" you retard.

>> No.8284518

You could try listening to History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps. It's pretty gud and he has a sexy professor voice (imo), perfect for 'bating.

>> No.8284520

This. There epistemology is pretty great- they set up a good map of the different positions people have and their connections. Their video on Modern responses to Skepticism was impressive.

>> No.8284525

Im glad someone else listens to this. Its one of the most convenient and in-depth sources for Islamic Philosophy IMO.

>> No.8284529

He's not a "hack", his writings about ideology are incredibly important. His political opinions and lectures about every minor thing in existence through a pseudo-leftist prism are just terrible - and they are most of what he is doing nowadays.

>> No.8284536


>wanting philosophy literally explained to you

Jesus fucking Christ. You're as bad as those stupid faggot manchildren that watch other people play video games.

>> No.8284571

nice one 3dgelord

>> No.8284613

>those stupid faggot manchildren that watch other people play video games.
Literally only NEETs and autists have said this.

>> No.8284621

school of life is decent as well, given that it's not meant to be a substitute for reading philosophy. This guy wants someone to spoon feed him while at the same time fulfilling his need to be taught by a medium that doesn't make this spoon feeding too obvious - in case it damages his delicate sense of pseudointellectualism.

>> No.8284642


Came here to post this. Really interesting and in depth stuff.

Also some anon posted this series a while ago and I like it so far.


>> No.8284652

This is essentially SEP in YouTube form. Every philosophy major should watch this channel on subjects of their interests.

>> No.8284670


1) Brian Magee's interviews
2) Logic Lane
3) Arthur Holmes lectures

>> No.8284701

eventually european graduate school when youre knowledgeable about contemporary continental philosophy

otherwise just youtube a philosophers name - youll probably always encounter one or two good videos

stay away from those 4 min pop-philosophical ''utilitarianism in a nutshell'' things for the love of god

>> No.8284774

Ollie jacks off to Marx when he isn't making YouTube videos.

>> No.8284828

To be fair, you don't need more than 4 minutes to explain why utilitarianism is retarded.

>> No.8284835

read books faggot, retarded short clips on youtube aren't good for anything

>> No.8284857

>gregory sadler
this guy is good

>> No.8284917

>good youtube philosophy

This didn't make me laugh out loud, but it elicited a warmth that almost made me smile.

>> No.8284965



>> No.8284969

The motivation to link to that does not compel me to do so.

>> No.8284972

>what is a lecture

>> No.8284974

>referring to higher education settings on /lit/

You'll just confuse people.

>> No.8284981

/lit/'s funny like that. I'm super intellectually intimidated by /lit/ at times yet sometimes it feeds my ego, to my detriment obviously.

>> No.8284992

>intimidated by a bunch of aspies posturing over the work of men who would spit on them

>> No.8284993

Just flip those feelings around and you'll have it made.

>> No.8285005

to be kind-swans

>> No.8285010

>>wanting philosophy literally explained to you

I don't see the problem here

>> No.8285012

what I mean is when I have the occasional actual, intelligent discussions with /lit/izens I can tell that they're well read and sophisticated.

>> No.8285042

There's a quiet minority of people on /lit/ with relevant qualifications or (less commonly) a good knowledge of whatever people are discussing through non-conventional education, but you can tell that it's mostly dilettantes reading for big boy points.

>> No.8285048

yeah, and I always find it helpful to talk to those people.
Healthy dose of humbling, you know?

though it probably doesn't help with my inferiority complex

>> No.8285056

"watching" philosophy is pretty much the plebbiest shit possible, even worse than reading philosophy. Socrates was right.

>> No.8285064

Everyone watched Socrates.

>> No.8285080
File: 25 KB, 494x351, bien mémé.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're francophone

Girard resources

some phil playlist

Conversation between Domenach and Boutang
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCTfGczu8SY (only 1/5 but the rest is on yt)

>> No.8285326

Kane B has pretty comprehensive takes on the modern debates, his voice isn't too annoying and if you can't be arsed to sit through the whole thing he types the important bits on the powerpoint thingie.

Some below:

>> No.8285411


First playlist on channel:

>> No.8285434

You are retarded, he made a point and your way of comparing things is as retarded as you are. Think about it

>> No.8285435

I think you described your way of comparing things.

>> No.8285442



>> No.8285448

>"Hey guiz, please shill your fav e-celeb channels in this thread!"


>> No.8285460

Dr Gregory Sadler is pretty good. He has a series of lectures explaining different Platonic dialogues, as well as a series in which he analyses each paragraph of the Phenomenology of The Spirit for half an hour.
A good podcast series, which I would strongly recommend, is this: http://historyofphilosophy.net/ although they're still in medieval philosophy. Another podcast is: partiallyexaminedlife.com which is good too.

>> No.8285569

The video on Kierkegaard was utter cancer. They never mentioned the fact that he wrote in different pseudonyms and there was loads of 3edgy5me atheists in the comments who though they were smarter than him.

>> No.8285587

what the fuck is TBK?

>> No.8285589

your first day here?

>> No.8285594

school of life comment section is maximum tipping

>> No.8285605

Brothers Karamazov? That's not a philosophical treatise.

>> No.8285721
File: 62 KB, 958x783, tsol0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop hating, haters.

>> No.8285732

It's fucking bullshit, they didn't even mention the dictatorship of the proletariat out of all things to exclude.

>> No.8285775

>you don't need more than 4 minutes to explain why ... is wrong
With that rigorless mindset philosophy is not for you, boy.

>> No.8285780

>il ne l'est pas

>> No.8285791

A "rigorless" mindset would include one that determines what is right and wrong for other people.

>> No.8285806


>> No.8285825

Sadler is an actual professor, so don't expect quick edits or animations. But he describes things meticulously.

>> No.8285827


>> No.8285828

R E A D . R E A D . R E A D

>> No.8285829

Philosophy Tube is decent. Greg B Sadler is really great for certain ancient and religious philosophers.

>> No.8285849


>> No.8285873

Look for university lectures

>> No.8285889

Good idea, actually.

>> No.8285904

Got any recommendations? I'm looking for a survey book to get my feet wet. Not in college and too busy to read the whole Western canon.

>> No.8285955

>We both know that this isn't true.
Philosophy is p much the cliqueiest subject in any given English speaking university. For the most part they have super special access to so and so's true thoughts unlike such and such group of hacks. Other academics are often also like this it just happens a bit more in Phil departments.

>> No.8285956

I was a freshmen in college and was assigned a lecture for my intro phil class. It was a defense of determinism and shit. I came out of there so confused.

>> No.8285969

a) honestly no such thing m8, but
b) try Russell

>> No.8285980

Start with Moby Dick, if you get bored and give up then philosophy isn't for you

>> No.8285996

is Moby Dick even that good

>> No.8286001

>try Russell
Might as well tell him to stick his balls in the freezer in case he ever wants to artificially inseminate someone.

The only good thing I can say about Russell's history is it's an alright list of some people to look at. The information about those people is shite.

>> No.8286011

It's a modern Odyssey.

>> No.8286017


Excuse my ignorance, but what does Moby Dick have to do with a survey of Western philosophy?

>> No.8286049

Wireless philosophy is pretty good


But for my /lit/izens you gotta go with Zizekian Studies


>> No.8286052

simply not true, I wish this meme would die already. is it perfect? not by a long shot, but the dude asked for a single book. (Russell himself says at the end of The Problems of Philosophy that you should just skip "handbooks" and read the philosophy canon.)

as far as single volume overviews of the whole history of the subject go, it's basically the best.

>> No.8286064
File: 20 KB, 200x318, The_Story_of_Philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's basically the best.
Uh huh. And this "meme" has been a board consensus since p much the start newfriend. Because it's true.

Pic related isn't the best either it's just better.

>> No.8286073


Thanks bros. I'll probably pick up both books - I know I've seen Durant's book at my local used book store for certain.

>> No.8286078

>no ancient philosophy post Aristotle
>no scholastic philosophy
>no Descartes
>no Leibniz
>no Locke
>misunderstands Nietzsche just as badly as Russell

those are just a few of Durant's problems. better than Russell? not even close.

>> No.8286122

> Russell - now with more philosophers!
I guess Russell may have tried to make up for quality with quantity. And it definitely has Descartes in there. Nietzsche being bad just has to be a given tho he's considerably better than Russell. Like I said not the best just better.

>> No.8286135

>it's basically the best
but what about freddy copleston's history of philosophy? that's GOAT

>> No.8286183

Also considerably better.

>> No.8286210

>it definitely has Descartes in there

there's no chapter on Descartes (had to make room for 50+ fawning pages on Spinoza, amirite?) I just checked the index, and it lists only 11 mentions of Descartes.

Russell includes more bc he wrote a HISTORY of philosophy. he's not an expert on every single era, obvs, but he doesn't leave much out. plus he gives relevant extra-philosophical info (the chapters on the Italian Renaissance and on Newton, for instance.)

Billy...well, he tells a "story." it's not a complete or terribly accurate story, but it's cute I guess.

>> No.8286220

>had to make room for 50+ fawning pages on Spinoza, amirite?
Yes, yes you are.

>> No.8286223

Fred is much better than Russell, but why would dude bother to read like 10 volumes when he could just read primary sources? he said he wanted a "survey."

>> No.8286225

>he's not an expert on every single era, obvs, but he doesn't leave much out.
He leaves loads out and it'd be nice if he had passable knowledge in any fucking era/movement/individual. That's the fundamental problem: there's a list, that's okay, everything else is bad.

The guy was a mediocre to shitty philosopher most of the time and he wasn't a historian so it makes sense his combo of history and philosophy is crap.

>> No.8286237

> le just read the primary sources
If this is Russell-san go ahead and talk about Plato's view. And be as painfully orthodox in your interpretation as possible.

>> No.8286246

>mediocre to shitty philosopher most of the time

OHHHH you're a moron! I thought I was arguing with somebody who knew things, my bad.

learn how to fucking read

>> No.8286250


>> No.8286278

Fucking Kek at reddit Russell fan boys. Good luck reading some bloody Wittgenstein hot diggety

>> No.8286282

last playlist is pretty great for the English guys.

idk about all that nazi language stuff though, fαm

>> No.8286971

fucking duh

>> No.8286995

Wait >>8286073! Brian Magee's even better, same title.

>> No.8287134

how's his book on Schopenhauer?

>> No.8287414

don't bother, philosphy is dead

>> No.8287446
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so is spelling

>> No.8287509

If he doesn't ask, how will he learn anon?

>> No.8287548

learning is for women. and terrorists. and the female relatives of terrorists.

>> No.8287596

Surprised nobody's posted Stefan Molyneux. He does run the world's most popular philosophy program Freedomain Radio

>> No.8287634


>> No.8287654

typos and spelling errors aren't the same thing

>> No.8287656

Ever heard of the school of hard knocks, kid?

>> No.8287659

It just means that nobody who posts here is a part of that cult following.

>> No.8287684
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>I spelled something wrong
>but it wasn't a spelling error

literally huh

>> No.8287722

Your mind is a typo.

>> No.8287728 [DELETED] 

and your mothers cunt is a dark filthy gaping bottomless pit of sadness. but who's counting?

>> No.8288792
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>> No.8288812

It's good for you to follow those short and easy to digest youtube channels if you're not actually taking a philosophy course.

Of course, you'll only really end up challenging your beliefs when you read a real book but, given that you're not taking an actual philosophy course, you'll need quick shows like these to survey the field for you in general.

Of course, you could always follow an actual curriculum but that might be too demanding on your free-time if you're only picking up philosophy as a hobby.

If you're NEET, yeah okay, maybe just stick to hardcore curriculums but even then,what's the harm in watching these videos too.

Also, given how head up the arse arrogant you fools are imagine how you'll look when some filthy casual brings up a philosophical idea that you've never heard of (of course, his ignorance will never come to light since chances are the social circle which you and him are a part of won't push him to get into the details of the idea).

>> No.8288968

Ok guys let's katy another youtuber.
I have found a great victim (female ofc):

>> No.8289182

Isn't that the Civilization game guy?

>> No.8289235
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>> No.8289284

How bad is Heidegger in the kitchen video?

>> No.8290893


>> No.8290938

I've already started the harassment.

>> No.8290991

This guys Channel


Hes a professor who actually works thorough the harder thinkers like Hegel. Of course its not as showy or short as other channels but its thorough

>> No.8291003

Cool. You're the first to recommend him in this thread.

>> No.8291080

But why is he a hack?

>> No.8291346

>Wants to look like philosopher
>Doesn't know how to use "their"
It is honestly and with no exaggeration that I try to explain that this lies signficantly beyond the realm of what I am able to comprehend. To exist as you do, mindless and without eyes, scratching limpid and sadly at walls with no nails to tip your fingertops is to me as the night is to the day

>> No.8293206

I don't think you could accuse him of any Civilization.

But he does think in Black and White.

>> No.8293337

Lesch is pretty good