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8280454 No.8280454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/'s thoughts on the Islamic terrorism problem gripping our world?

>> No.8280464

There's no realistic solution to the problem; similar to the gun "problem" in America, there's no way to effectively erase widespread degenerate culture(s) in the 21st century.

>> No.8280467

Muslim here.

Only cucks would hate themselves.

>> No.8280471

>widespread degenerate culture

Yeah, Western culture should just die out.

>> No.8280474
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>> No.8280475

Here's a wild idea: you could make guns illegal.

>> No.8280480


It's patrician to at least speak on these matters with a refreshing candor that others refuse to, but it is autism not to be able to gauge the right time and place to do this socially.

>> No.8280482

I hope someone does something about it. Islamic terrorism sure has been blowing up lately. I'm in a large metropolitan area, and the increasing death tolls make me scared to even leave the house.

>> No.8280485


Primarily a concern of the white trash element in society; literally the opposite of patrician.

>> No.8280489


>> No.8280492

>make me scared to even leave the house
>he doesn't play Pokemon Go

>> No.8280493

Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump seem like brilliant thinkers. I'm having such a hard time deciding on who to vote for. Both will address RADICAL ISLAM head-on.

>> No.8280494

Psst, friendo:
Most gun homicides are committed with illegal firearms. Keep it up, champ.

>> No.8280495

>the West buttblasted their meddling in the Middle East backfired on them

Karma is so sweet.

>> No.8280496

yeah that worked well for the West Bank

>> No.8280499

>Make guns illegal in America within the next 20 years, and account for the 270 million legal firearms already out there
>Nuke all of the predominantly Islamic countries

>> No.8280500

There's no Islamic terrorism problem, there's Western racism problem and guess what, you white boys are losing because progress doesn't go back and it's two thousand fucking sixteen.

>> No.8280501

I'm pretty sure Clinton will give out free entry to ISIS terrorists to fund her next campaign.

>> No.8280503

Hmmm, that really made me think.
Just a quick thought though... what if... what if making guns illegal would mean there would be fewer guns in society to be sold and passed on illegally. Hmmmm

>> No.8280504

Really? Take this shit to Reddit if you want to trigger conservative simpletons.

>> No.8280524

Why the fuck does it matter what /lit/s thoughts are over /int/s or /pol/s? Do you really think you're going to get some amazing thought provoking answers for posting on "le intellectual board of 4chan" or whatever the fuck your dumb ass thinks this board is?

Fucking off yourself with this off topic bullshit. It's pathetic that this thread hasn't been closed yet and faggots like you banned.

>> No.8280526

this is what you should be worried about:

in the face of the continual western non-response, ISIS will ditch some of the religious pretensions, incorporate social and racial aspects into their propaganda, and evolve into a sort of all-encompassing violent uprising of the disenfranchised

>> No.8280530

Fuck off to /pol/

>> No.8280533

It's not patrician to hate.

Hate is too passionate a feeling for someone as high class as a patrician to ever feel.

>> No.8280536

there are over 300 million guns in America, they aren't just going to disappear

>> No.8280539


Just like narcotics and sex workers, right anon?

>> No.8280547

> its current year
we president now

>progress doesn't go back
Tell that to Iranian women

>> No.8280556

People like you are the worst. Go fuck off to Reddit if you want to play police.
4chan went to SHIT after faggots like you came along and thought moderation was a good idea. There was a time when only illegal content was removed on this site, not this shit ban on or removal of anything "off-topic".
And yes, that means the occasional shit thread like this. But here's how it works: by replying, the thread gets bumped. So if you don't enjoy a thread, don't reply. Quite that simple.

>> No.8280557

it's a lack of education problem, the radicalizers failed their schooling and come from criminal backgrounds. Promoting free market ideals and a mixed economy are our best bet for getting rid of it

>> No.8280560

When you say "islamic terrorism is islamic", I must agree with you. When you add that "islamic terrorism is a problem", I must also agree with you. But when you say "Islam is the problem", I must remind you that it is only through the grace of Allah that islamic terrorism will end, not through any phony western guns and barriers. Accept Allah into your heart, it is the only way.

English is not my first language so forgive me.

>> No.8280569


>> No.8280572
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not under that name they won't. it has been too publicly tainted with horrific acts done in its name for moderates and non-fanatics to jump on board with. ISIS proudly made videos that were like something out of a fukin Hellraiser movie. moderate muslims aren't going to be jumping on board with that lunacy as long as they keep that name.

it's 2016 dawg you gotta think about brand recognition first.

>> No.8280575

Hating all muslims certainly won't solve anything. There are over a billion muslims, and hating all of them only gives the small number of insane, radical ones ammunition for their arguments that muslims are persecuted.

>> No.8280579

brand recognition works the other way too if you present a new product that's great and revolutionary in some way, and the neoliberalist attitude is in fact exactly not to be too sentimental about past stuff and just live in the moment n bee urself