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/lit/ - Literature

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8279014 No.8279014 [Reply] [Original]

Would you pass the test?

>> No.8279017

passing the test would be walking out and letting that daft cunt pay for the meal

>> No.8279018

Even if you haven't read them, everyone here should be able to list at least 3

>> No.8279025

Jane Eyre, Mansfield Park, A Wizard of Earthsea.
Mfw no first date

>> No.8279028

Even if you don't know anything about literature just say Harry Potter 1 2 and 3.

>> No.8279033
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Mira gonzalez,megan boyle and Melissa Broder

>> No.8279035 [DELETED] 

Jane Austen, George Eliot, Mary Oliver. Those happen to be the only women I've read.

>> No.8279042
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"Yeah, mate!" Fist bump! (Go home alone, masturbate, drink, cry).

>> No.8279053

Yes, then I would ask her to do the same for black authors and get all #triggered when she can't

>> No.8279061
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>black authors

>> No.8279063

Pretty easy.

Sylvia Plath
Betty Smith
Emily Dickinson

All the female writers you need ;)

>> No.8279065

I happen to have only read three books by female authors: Pride and Prejudice, Middlemarch, and A Poetry Handbook. However, if I were to be asked such a question I would rather slap my property.

>> No.8279067

Aye, feminists aren't worth the time of day.

>> No.8279068

Eh, James Emmanuel is a good poet. sometimes great.

>> No.8279071

She asked for book titles not authors names. You failed.

>> No.8279072


>> No.8279076

so sad today
selected tweets
unpublished blog

>> No.8279079

Books, not rags.

>> No.8279082

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.
The Colossus and Other Poems.
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson.


>> No.8279100

The Left Hand of Darkness
Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor
To Kill a Mockingbird

BASED men win again, womemes BTFO forever and all eternity

>> No.8279101

Hildegard of Bingen
St. Theresa of Avila
Sasha Grey

>> No.8279109

Oven head
Weak Lungs
Weak Kidneys
Got ya.

>> No.8279110

My friends play a game on first dates now where it's ask women to name three worthwhile works of literature or philosophy.

It never goes well.

>> No.8279112

are you calling female authors rag?
sexist much?

>> No.8279113

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere
Slouching Towards Bethlehem
My Antonia

*le shrug*

>> No.8279124

My friends play a game on first dates now where we ask women to stroke our dicks.

9/10 works every time.

>> No.8279133

you just missed out on a hot date with me my dude

>> No.8279136

god no
>anne frank
>virginia woolf
>missy eliot?

>> No.8279145


Plot twist: we each take turns playing 'the woman'.

>> No.8279150

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Gotcha Bitch

>> No.8279154

Plot twist: Hands are hands faggot.

>> No.8279157

"you know, i could, but i dont think its going to work out between us. bye!"

>> No.8279161
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Lispector Short Stories
Munro Short Stories
Woolf's Orlando
Are we going to bang now?

>> No.8279176

Feminists are sometimes worth my time. People who try to put me through tests to prove my worth or worthies on the other hand won't get shit out of me.

>> No.8279178

Summer of the Elder Tree
There but for the

>> No.8279190

>Sor Juana's Poetry
>Morrison's The Bluest Eye (for school, didn't like it)
>A book about black holes by a female astrophysicist whose name I can't remember
>A lot (+30) of short stories and poems by female authors

I think I might get laid.

>> No.8279198

Also Mrs Dalloway by Woolf. Dunno how could I forget it, I loved it.

>> No.8279206

Kek, nice one

>> No.8279237

My friends play a game on first dates now where it's ask your date to name three books they've read.

It never goes well.

>>doesn't realize its 2016

>> No.8279254

>harry potter
>anne frank's diary
>one of my physics textbooks
I'm probably better off not saying anything tbqh

>> No.8279256

I would

1. Harry Potter when I was a kid

2. The giver

3. Some post apocalyptic book written by a women, didn't realize until after I finished

>> No.8279262

The Waves
To the Lighthouse

>> No.8279266

>Sor Juana
I'd sleep with you solely for that desu

>> No.8279269


A smooth twisting motion feels much better than a jerk, anyway.

>> No.8279281

isn't the waves written by Virginia woolfe too ?

>> No.8279283

Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone, Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, Harry Potter and the prisoner of azkaban. BOOM BITCH! Slash drink in her face, moonwalk out.

>> No.8279286


The guys who can don't go on dates and guys who can't don't need dates

This woman is an idiot

>> No.8279292

Agonism - Chantal Mouffe
Rebellion - Nora Connolly
Collected Writings - Constance Markiewiz

And if she lambastes me for not mentioning fiction, I'd probably walk out

>> No.8279299

yes, they all are

>> No.8279317


Of course, I'd just lie.

I'll also note that I love how this tweet, which looks like it's about men's inadequate engagement with women's literature, is really about how women with sex lives don't care about women's literature either. Unless Ms. Wood wants us to picture her ending the date when these failures occur - in which case, the implicit status the crack relies on vanishes. 'Have you read Mary Wollstonecraft?' 'Nah.' 'Me either, your place or mine?'

>> No.8279321

-Any of the Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling

-The Earth Is the Lord's: A Tale of the Rise of Genghis Khan by Taylor Caldwell

"La saga de los confines" by Liliana Bodoc, a latino woman writer who is really respected in my country

>> No.8279322

My friends play a game on first dates now where they wake up forty-five minutes later with a bleeding ass. It always goes BONZER

>> No.8279323
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I don't recognize gender categories

>> No.8279330


Book about black holes eh? Is it The Color Purple.


classic ribaldry

>> No.8279334


Shit, forgot second question mark, ribaldry dented, let's do that again

>> No.8279340


Book about black holes eh? Is it The Color Purple?


classic ribaldry

[director's cut]

>> No.8279347

>ryder - barnes
>price of salt - highsmith
>elegance - dariaux
where do i collect my patrician femme waifu?

>> No.8279348

Ursala K LeGuin
Kay Redfield
Elizabeth Wurtzle

Yes, yes I would

>> No.8279352
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Dw happen to the best of us, anon.

>> No.8279359

The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged

really it would be:
Mrs. Dalloway
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
Book of Dolores

>> No.8279361


That was deliberate, in order to indicate her total unliterariness.

>> No.8279364

>my friends play a game on first dates now where it's ask women to list three hobbies excluding Netflix.
>it never goes well.

>> No.8279376

Easy, and I'm a pleb. JK Rowling, Margaret Atwood, Harper Lee.

>> No.8279399

I don't play games where the objective recedes whenever I complete it.

>> No.8279409


>> No.8279431

Too Kill A Mocking Bird, The Giver, and Twelve Little Indians.
Grade school still counts, right?

>> No.8279437

I don't care.

>> No.8279453

I'd tell her Toni Morrison, Zora Neale Hurston, and Harper Lee. Then I'd revert the questioning back to her and ask her to name three african american male authors she has read. Then proceed to call her a racist cunt.

>> No.8279459


Ursula le Guin
Elif Shafak
Tonke Dragt

What do I win? I can even name ten, 20 would be doable as well

>> No.8279461

Just say 3 Harry Potter books and walk out.

>> No.8279465

Book titles would be Wizard of Earthsea, Fourty Rules of Love, Brief voor de Koning

>> No.8279471

Everyone here would pass it, they just wouldn't have read any of them

>> No.8279488
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Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl by Carrie Brownstein

I could probably get some SJW pussy with those answers if i wanted it. all very femme impowering shit. of course, the correct response is to go wide-eyed and say "hey you know, I'm reading one right now! it's in my car, lemme go get it" and then driving away. fuck people like this

>> No.8279497

Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang
Cat's Eye
Possessing the Secret of Joy

>> No.8279508

Hadrian's Memoirs
Dark Spring

Literally the first that came to mind. Show me a woman who can name three books by female authors that aren't pop bestsellers, YA, or genreshit. I bet I could mansplain the shit out of Holly.

>> No.8279509

Just go for easy ones
and lie obviously

>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Harry Twotter

>> No.8279513

pls be grill. we can cuddle

>> No.8279549


Sorry m8, but I have penis.

>> No.8279559

maybe you'd like being a grill? just think about it

>> No.8279597
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I could easily name over 3. (Anyone here could).

How pleb is the men this women dates? Holy fuck.

>> No.8279604

The Illiad
King Lear
The Bible

>> No.8279610

Memoirs of Hadrian
Mrs. Dalloway
The Last Samurai

But then I would explain to her why I've been boycotting women authors for over 2 years now because some clickbait boycott white male authors articles pissed me off and I don't really miss women authors.

>> No.8279623


Not especially, because what she's describing never happens, it's bullshit for the consumption of bitter hambeasts, patent in its untruth if you think for more than a second.

>> No.8279628
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i play a game on dates where i lie to get pussy

>> No.8279639

A play a game on first (and last) dates where I don't flirt and can barely hold a conversation

>> No.8279643
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im sorry

>> No.8279647

Harry Potter, Twilight and the first book in Robin Hobb's novels.

>> No.8279652
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>Can you name three books you've read by female authors?
>Haha, what?
>It's just a game my friends play when we date guys. Well? Can you?
>...of course I can, I told you that I read of-
>Okay, well then do it.

*two hours later on tumblr*
>And get this....at the end of the date.....he told me he wasn't sure he wanted to see me again. What an evil, woman-hating bastard!

>> No.8279662

>I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Do I win?

>> No.8279667

This. I keep looking around at the waitresses due to nervousness and my date thinks I'm admiring them.

>> No.8279670

Unless she's dating a total Chad.
Then her mouth is too stuffed with cock to ask about anything as gay and beta as books.

>> No.8279676

It's funny how she's instantly managed to make me lose all interest in knowing anything more about her.

>> No.8279678

Can confirm I'm Chad

>> No.8279686

top kek

It'd proceed exactly this awkwardly in real life.

>taking a date's casually mentioned interest in literature and turning it into a weird hostile knowledge test

The uncomfortable silence after you'd list your titles would be dreadful.

>> No.8279690

I know none, tell me some 4 dates pls, and for reads

>> No.8279692

I wonder if I could remember all the titles of the Resident Evil tie-in novels by S.D. Perry...

>> No.8279697

i like you, 2 of those were my choices
also frankenstein
hell i could even impress her with my understanding of the bloody chamber's vaginal themes

>> No.8279707

I'm not a pleb, so, yes.

>> No.8279710

there's a "best books by black people" thread floating around in the catalog right now

>> No.8279713
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how are you such pansies?

>> No.8279722
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>He doesn't live life oscillating between paranoia and terror

>> No.8279726

Nella Larsen
Banana Yoshimoto
Sylvia Plath
I could tell her 20 more, because I've probably read 300 times as much as her and don't care whether a woman wrote it.

>> No.8279733

Infinite Jest–

Damn, already messed up...

>> No.8279740
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it's always a weird feeling knowing that not only do people go on dates/have sex casually and regularly, but that they also have an actual urge to. why is this?

>> No.8279746

Handmaiden's Tale, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Atlas Shrugged

>> No.8279747
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>My friends play a game on first dates now where it's ask anyone to name three good literary books they've read by anyone.

>It never goes well.

>> No.8279748

>why is this
You really can't puzzle that out for yourself, autismo?

>> No.8279791

>Emily dickinson
>Zadie Smith

"Huh, I only recognize Dick in son, you made those other two up how do you spell them?"
*Pulls out gold iphone in minion case*
"Shaf foest . . S-h? A? Ff? . . ."

>> No.8279796

The first few Harry Potters
To Kill a Mockingbird Bird

>> No.8279823

Pretty much this. She's gonna reach for the moral high-ground and then scramble to recover from an embarrassing BTFO while secretly googling Virginia Woolf and Banana Yoshimoto and Flannery O'Connor and I'll politely pretend not to notice her weak attempt at damage control because God knows it's a miracle that I'm on a date in the first place.

>> No.8279849

Ann Nocenti, Daredevil
Louise Simonson, The New Mutants
Jo Duffy, Star Wars

>> No.8279871

That's like every girl ever dude

>> No.8279886

any male author could become a tranny at any point in the future, thereby making their past works female literature

>> No.8279891

Some of them probably didn't identify as men either.

>> No.8279892

Oryx and crake?

>> No.8279898

Basically this, not necessarily because I have a grudge against female authors but because if a woman is quizzing you so fucking crassly upon first meeting you, she's likely a completely irredeemable cunt anyways.

A woman who has no patience for the nuance of socialization is not a woman, she's a feminist which in our context is a masculinized female.

>> No.8279996


>> No.8280011
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Evelyn Waugh

>> No.8280070

I'd probably lose desu just because I'm shit at remembering names

>> No.8280080

The fact that she feels this is a tough question just goes to show that she doesn't even read herself. It's kinda like asking a gymnast if he can even do a front flip because all they do is backflips. Kind of a poor analogy

>> No.8280098

Yes, pretty easily.
The Awakening - Kate Chopin, The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Second Sex - Beauvoir, Frankenstein - Mary Shelly (Who hasn't read this), and those are just off the top of my head.

>> No.8280101

Glass, Irony and God - Anne Carson
Willful Creatures - Aimee Bender
On Photography - Susan Sontag

>> No.8280105

Uhhhh The House on Mango Street, a court of mist and fury, zenith, one by some immigrant girl and her stupid brother

>> No.8280109

I would say with a solid face:

The Ethics of Ambiguity

and see what is to be continued after that

>> No.8280110

Would lose because it would be difficult for me to quiz-recall le female authors meme because I don't mentally categorize the books I've read into male/female checklists.
Thus this vapid bitch would get up from the table, the realization that she's the real sexist remaining beyond her paltry grasp.

>> No.8280112

Yeah, pretty easily. I'd probably even name three they haven't heard of because they're filthy plebs.
>Mavis Gallant
>Maude Hutchins
>Melanie Rae Thon

>> No.8280119
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Price of Salt is so fucking good

>> No.8280128

>first few Harry Potters

>> No.8280130

Oh I just re-read the tweet. I haven't read any of those I guess TKAM is about it with female authors, preferred the live play adaptation anyways.

>> No.8280132

your taste is rag

>> No.8280155

why would you not read books by female authors? that's like incomprehensible to me

>> No.8280163

I don't understand why anyone would have an author-filter.

>> No.8280179

What is it with females enjoying the thought of being cruel and judgemental to people who find them desirable (and given that they're on a date with them, whom they also find desirable)?

I presume (going off gay men, who I know better cause fag and because really femme gay guys do this shit too) it's a sorta a subtle humble brag where you make yourself feel wanted by implying that you get so much attention that you can value it so cheaply that it means nothing to you to do shit like this. What a noxious emotion.

>> No.8280182

I don't even read books.

Harry Potter series, Atlas Shrugged, 50 Shades of Gray

There you go. This is from a mongoloid who saw this thread from the front page and hasn't read a book in about 5 years.

>> No.8280231

the awakening
my antonia


>> No.8280232

The Bell Jar

>> No.8280329

To the Lighthouse
Good Morning, Midnight

Easy. How so many men could fail this test is beyond me.

>> No.8280336

Similar vein of why some guys talk shit about women and honestly view them as lesser; girls often look for any method of control they can find, considering we're usually smaller and already thought of as a default inferiority by a large number major influences in academic fields. It's like, when you know a guy's into you and you're afraid of telling them no because you like being friends and don't want to make him angry but at the same time, it's sort of fun to have someone to rely on. Boosts your self esteem. It's cruel sometimes, yeah.

I really can't see any woman actually doing this test on actual date; female authors have come up if literature's on the table and it's refreshing to see someone well versed in gender studies I guess? It usually isn't that deep; you can tell what a guy's really looking for by the end of the first date, this girl doesn't sound like someone who's actually done so; it could be just projecting on twitter for attention.

>> No.8280339
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>It's funny how she's instantly managed to make me lose all interest in knowing anything more about her.

this. i have pretty good taste in female writers but i would shrug and bail on a woman that conceited. i'd rather go get shitfaced with a gutter slag than have to deal with all of that yuppie tedium.

>> No.8280342

this is the worst

I think enough evidence has been provided to kill the "lit qt gf" meme

>> No.8280379

kill yourselves
oooo, sneaky bastard.

>> No.8280386

>I think enough evidence has been provided to kill the "lit qt gf" meme

>> No.8280511

>kill yourselves
no you

>> No.8280519

anything by William Shakespeare, who was actually a little black girl

>> No.8280538

I've read tons of fantasy trash by women. Harry Potter, most of the Christie Golden Warcraft books. Also Frankenstein.

>> No.8280542

"It never goes well" could imply that they get shitty gotcha answers that show they aren't really reading female authors, just like half this thread.

>> No.8280543

It's not like I'm specifically avoiding them, it's just the vast majority of great literature was written by men and I don't feel like reading subpar books just so I can signal my virtue to some people on Tumblr or w/e.

>> No.8280550

I have to read Vile Bodies for a class this semester, is it any good? Going to read it anyways but just wondering.

>> No.8280555

Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
The World Is On Fire by Joni Tevis

>> No.8280584

Wurthering Heights
To kill a Mockingbird
The Outsiders

No way I'd be able to pull that list out of my ass if I was put on the spot though.

>> No.8280603
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>ask men to name three books they've read by female authors

This girl is screaming for a man to shut her down and make her feel like a little girl again. I bet she wants that more than anything.

>> No.8280604

No, I don't actually read.

>> No.8280611

Harry Potter 1, 2 and 3

>> No.8280621


She's doing the lady thing of bros before hoes (sisses before kisses?), but she's going to tire of it eventually.

I wouldn't do this on principle. Dating plebs is shit. If you want me to talk about female authors we can talk but I'd rather not do it through the medium of a pop quiz

>> No.8280623

This is genuinely not hard and if a guy can't do it it's either evidence that he doesn't read at all, doesn't read literature or has something seriously wrong with him like some of you people who read books based on /lit/ entry guides.

The first three books on my mind would probably be:
>Wuthering Heights
>The Waves
>Wise Blood

>> No.8280628

You can easily just flip the script like "tell me some, I've been wanting to read more female authors"

>> No.8280630

I thought it was bonza m8

>> No.8280632
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i have read 8 books by a female author

>> No.8280633

>Twelve Little Indians
That is not the title given to it by its mother

>> No.8280634


>> No.8280644

only joking btw
i have watched the dvds but i havent read the books
i dont even read lmao
i only come here to troll

>> No.8280658


>haha I don't even read jokes on you retards

Damn you got us.

>> No.8280660

>play a game on first dates now where it's ask

Goodbye, Holly

>> No.8280662

>wasting your time reading books written by nerd cucks instead of living life and banging sluts

you sure showed me, with your collection of paper bound cuckold stories.

>> No.8280682

Asking this and leaving when she fails to answer.

Maybe even make it more specific. Like German philosophy.

>> No.8280696

Her Twitter is an interesting read. She seems to be a dedicated anti-capitalist/feminist, making at least 200 tweets a day.

>> No.8280712
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Do you like grills that weigh 266 lbs, are over six feet tall, and have crewcuts? I would be the world's shittiest trap/twink.

>tfw no lithe, gracile, trap/twink to cuddle with

We'll find him (her??) one day Anon.

>> No.8280715

I like to meet women from a certain *scene" or demographic outside of my experience. I figure out the attributes and hobbies they respect and then I sleep with several of the lauded exemplars of this field. Then I move on. To the next one. I am 25, I have hit the high 40s in terms of notches on my bedpost. It is so hollow yet compulsive, like attaining PlayStation trophies.

Anyway, if you want to see a feminist squirm quote Paglia.

>> No.8280724 [DELETED] 

I have, mostly poets, so I'd pass. Pic related is my /lit/fu. I've also read Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison, so guess who gets black and woman brownie points in one. Obviously Jane Austen. I'm sure I've read some other women too. Can't think right now.

There are a lot of great black writers. Back to /pol/ you fat virgin.

>Richard Wright
>Ralph Ellison
>James Emmanuel

Also Paul Beatty for contemporary fiction and Terrance Hayes for contemporary poetry.

>> No.8280725


>> No.8280730

>go look for fanfics of a book by my favorite fem author
>"let's turn the female MC into a trans!"

Get away from my old books, you SJW scum.

>> No.8280731
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>>8279014 (OP)
I have, mostly poets, so I'd pass. Pic related is my /lit/fu. I've also read Zora Neale Hurston and Toni Morrison, so guess who gets black and woman brownie points in one. Obviously Jane Austen. I'm sure I've read some other women too. Can't think right now.

There are a lot of great black writers. Back to /pol/ you fat virgin.

>Richard Wright
>Ralph Ellison
>James Emmanuel

Also Paul Beatty for contemporary fiction and Terrance Hayes for contemporary poetry.

>> No.8280741

>a trans

w e w

>> No.8280770
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Here's her Goodreads page. It's interesting to scroll through it and observe her progress - from generic "look, I'm reading Twilight" phase to "I am a smart girl and read classics like Odyssey and Tale Of Two Cities" to "Why don't men want to commit to a long term relationship with me? I better read a book like Women Men Love, Women Men Leave: What Makes Men Want to Commit and find out", then she evidently gives up and you have books like The Science of Single, Outdated: Why Dating Is Ruining Your Love Life and The Big Lie: Motherhood, Feminism, and the Reality of the Biological Clock, then you get an obligatory Buddhist phase (nothing too serious, obviously, slap some Eckhart Tolle on top of it), then she discovers mainstream feminist literature (The Cinderella Complex: Women's Hidden Fear of Independence and stuff like that), then she goes deeper (theoretical stuff like Dvorkin and some pop-Marxism) and finally, one of her last reads is Bitch Planet, Vol. 1: Extraordinary Machine - "In a future just a few years down the road in the wrong direction, a woman's failure to comply with her patriarchal overlords will result in exile to the meanest penal planet in the galaxy. When the newest crop of fresh femmes arrive, can they work together to stay alive or will hidden agendas, crooked guards, and the deadliest sport on (or off!) Earth take them to their maker?". Very interesting indeed. The overarching theme here seems to be "Why Am I Not A Desirable Partner For Men And Why Is It Someone Else's Fault?". Her review of Sun Also Rises is also interesting - "This book is mostly about horrible people drinking too much fucking wine and loving the proto-manic pixie dreamgirl. In Spain." In conclusion, if it ever came to a physical altercation in a self-defence situation I could take her out with no effort because I'm a MAN.

>> No.8280772

Nervous Conditions
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Awakening

Done, but I'm a girl.

>> No.8280773

I wonder what would happen if you tracked the progress of the average /lit/ poster like that

>> No.8280777

I can, but I wouldn't want to.

Honestly the sort of girl who asks that probably isn't dating guys who could name three male authors. It's just childish.

>> No.8280788

Nada, since the average /lit poster doesn't read books.

>> No.8280791

Magda Szabó
Nadine Gordimer
Virginia Woolf

probably a dozen others from novelettes or short story collections
most of the time they're not very good

>> No.8280793


>> No.8280794

>Tale Of Two Cities

Fangirls read that for Sdyney Carton.

>> No.8280797

Harry potter and the philosphers stone, the second one, and the third one.
Ive read a.totql.of 5 harry potter books so id pass easy.

>> No.8280798

I never update my good reads account.

>> No.8280803

Actually she's also an author herself.
>In 2015, Holly Wood got angry at bad, rich, white men and began writing bad poems about them. These are those poems.
>This volume includes favorites such as:
>Ted Cruz, How Does Heaven Work?
>Paul Graham is Asking to be Eaten
>Shkreli-Capitalism is Pathetic
>and many more other irreverent favorites.
>Callers are standing by.
Appears to be self-published though.

>> No.8280806

Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek

>> No.8280808


>> No.8280817

Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, To The Lighthouse. Simples.

Tbh everyone on /lit/ should at least have read the first two

>> No.8280823

virginia woolf, carson mccullers, joan didion ... THE LIST could GO ON

>> No.8280826

OH NO someone is changing and growing
everyoen should try to be more like you and wallow in the same problems you had in highschool

>> No.8280835
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>change is inherently good
Spotted the spook.

>> No.8280839

I bet they ask that question a lot.

>> No.8280841

fallacious assumption

>> No.8280852

I wouldn't use the verb "growing" in this case, more like "descending". Anyway, if you find yourself in a situation where you are undesirable to people and unable to get anyone to commit to you, ask yourself a question "Is there something I can do to become a person people want to be with? Is there anything I can do to stop being a net drag on society?". That would be "growing".

>> No.8280859

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

>> No.8280862

>>Shkreli-Capitalism is Pathetic
Fucking socdems I swear

>> No.8280874

She sounds more like the "crony capitalism" crowd.
"Shkreli-Capitalism" is just capitalism.

>> No.8280894

Yes that was what I was getting at.
Saving capitalism from its own contradictions.

>> No.8280933
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Brontë sisters. Boom, I got laid.

>> No.8280964

ofc, why would anyone read anything other than the voluminous output of Margaret Cavendish for their entire life

>> No.8281012

Not really. Not like lol funny.

>> No.8281040

>The Pale King
>by David Foster Wallace

>> No.8282177
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don't you want a partner that cares about her quality of spouse? or are you too worried about your inadequacy?
"men don't read books written by female authors" is a myth started by men who don't read and propagated by women who don't read
because women DO get so much attention of that kind that it means literally nothing unless it's coming from someone they're attracted to, desu, they just let it get to their heads
>it's refreshing to see someone well versed in gender studies
if by refreshing you mean repulsive

>> No.8282233

I would name the three books and then dump her for being such a faggot

>> No.8282246

I refuse to invest the time to read a novel written by a female. Vastly inferior minds.

>> No.8282260


The Awakening
Atlas Shrugged
The Bell Jar

>> No.8282267

moderate chuckle

>> No.8282299

I'm married. I married someone who was nice to me and I in turn am nice to her. I think needing to have the "best" partner is a desire to make another person an extension of your ego and that that drive arises from insecurity and will lead to unhappiness. Also people are implicitly testing others for the characteristics they desire all the time which is ok but an explicit test on a first date would signal to me that the person is needlessly arrogant and devoid of social grace and because I value myself I wouldn't consider her good enough for me.

>> No.8282309

The Bell Jar
The Luminaries
No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guy's Fault I'm Not Popular!

What do I win?

>> No.8282323

>Complete Dickinson
ma nigga

>> No.8282324

p & p
wuthering heights
mrs. dalloway

the list goes on...(tbf i have read quite a lot)

>> No.8282334

Name three books you've read by a pansexual, demi-queer, trans-racial, Xer with transexual headmates.

Oh you can't? Bigot

>> No.8282337

It does include a lot of girls but if you value yourself don't let yourself get treated that way. It may not be worth it to you but it was definitely worth it to me.

>> No.8282340

The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
Going Rogue: An American Life: Sarah Palin

>> No.8282345

harry potter
fifty shades of grey
that one with jennifer lawrence

shit is easy as fuck just chicklit and YA and your good

>> No.8282352

Short stories dont count lad, tho the yellow wallpaper is pretty good.

>> No.8282357

Alexandre Dumas he gets bonus points for being French and black and Haitian. Three in one strike.

>> No.8282358
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L-E-L m8

Love Every Laugh.

>> No.8282363
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>i think wanting to marry someone of upstanding character and virtue is egotistical
ok buddy, hope she doesn't divorce you when she realizes you don't read female authors

>> No.8282365

Harry Potter
Secret Journey by Peg Kehret
The Great Gilly Hopkins

>> No.8282369

Catherina Regina von Greifsberg
Sybille Schwarz
Ursula le Guin

She doesn't even know the first two.

>> No.8282371


Now this is effortposting.

>> No.8282386
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I agree, commodifying people and talking about their "quality" is sickening to me. My only criteria in a partner are that they're kind (to me and others), that they understand my feelings, and that they share my love for certain things.

Not being a slave to traditionalist spooks doesn't mean you'll end up with a crazy feminist, it just means you'll end up with a decent, non-elitist person.

>> No.8282393

It's not my fault women don't write good books

>> No.8282397

I think you guys are missing the point of this tweet. The question is supposed to expose the feminist men who would answer with alacrity all their favorite female authors. It's well known that even feminist women don't want to date feminist men. And so passing the test, at least with full marks, would entail answering something like "I've never read any women authors because they haven't ever written worthwhile books."

>> No.8282402


underrated post

>> No.8282403


>> No.8282412
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you are strange

>> No.8282417

Hey guys, I've never had sex and i'm over 20

>> No.8282429
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>upstanding character
>traditionalist spooks

>> No.8282430

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

>> No.8282449

To be fair, I don't know what you mean by those words, they're pretty nebulous. I'm just assuming the most common connotation in a place like this. But even if you aren't using those words in a traditionalist manner, it comes across as elitist and exclusionary when you talk about someone's "adequacy".

>> No.8282457


Harry Potter
Jane Eyre

I think I might pass.

>> No.8282489

Room of One's Own, Wrinkle in Time, and Jane Eyre

>> No.8282566

Godless: The Church of Liberalism
Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America
Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole

>> No.8282584

Yes, easily. Anyone who actually reads a lot would be able to do the same. Women authors are not some rare species, nor are they shunned nearly as much as feminists think.

>> No.8282589

It's almost as if you just defined growth in a specific way because you have specific underlying premises not shared by everyone else such as that one should be beneficial to society in its current state.

How about you do this fun posting in the next goodreads thread and go through the books on someone's list with the assumption that their selection is just driven by them not getting laid and trying to find someone to blame or something to replace them getting laid. Might blow your mind.

>> No.8282591

Harry Potter series
The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton
Middlemarch by George Eliot
The Brontë Sisters

>> No.8282595


Fuck women and their games.

>> No.8282613

>Wolf Brother
>Handmaid's Tale
>Wuthering Heights
Yeah, but I wouldn't exactly be showing off.

>> No.8282615

If you want someone of virtue observe them when they don't know they are being observed. If you want a shiny bauble to show of put them through tests to ensure they know the socially appropriate answers.

>> No.8282619

Who hurt you bby

>> No.8282821

>letting that daft cunt pay for the meal
Being a brute doesn't prove her wrong

>> No.8282827

is that one of her "poems" or is that a list of book titles

>> No.8282839
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No love for Katherine Dunn?

>> No.8282877
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


>> No.8282879

I read it as:

My friends play a game on first dates now where it's ask a cute but stupid guy out and then find out he doesn't even read books.

It never goes well. (But sometimes I'll fuck him anyway)

>> No.8282894

>"I've never read any women authors because they haven't ever written worthwhile books."

that's not true though

even the Romans admired Sappho's poetry

you're just being stupid if you think women have never written good books. even the most conservative Victorians were usually smart enough to admit that they enjoyed reading Jane Austen

>> No.8282904

She's a lady version of a robot at the end of it

>> No.8282912

Fucking Harry Potter you cunts.

>> No.8282926

I thought the number of books was impressive until I started noticing that some of the "books" are actually essays

>> No.8282927

Yes. And then I would get up and leave.

>> No.8282932

>Do you like grills that weigh 266 lbs, are over six feet tall, and have crewcuts?
Slightly better than a bulldyke but, no, no thank you. I think traps might read more than twinks, but you'll have to play up the genre shit for most of them. Maybe try Woolf?

>> No.8282944

Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (fucking horrible)
Harry Potter
Hunger Games

>> No.8282947

Girl with a Pearl Earring, Time Traveler's Wife, Nelly Bly travelogues. Dead simple.

>> No.8282951
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Original JCO Gangsta reporting in

>> No.8282952

>I won't date you because you don't consume media produced by my gender

So, this is what things have come to?

>> No.8282957

Emma Donoghue, Katy Reichs, JK Rowling

Only Donoghue is a decent author but I'd pass the test.

>> No.8282963

I can kind of see where she's coming from though: it's more odd that someone would avoid female authors, and might indicate an inability to relate to women or take their thoughts and experiences seriously.

>> No.8282967

Okay; The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper, childhood favourite.

Basically anything by Ursula K. Leguin; I read the first four(?) Earthseas, but I'll count them as one because I don't need to be a scrub.

Grave Secrets - Cathy Reichs, I was given it to read during an overnight stay in a police cell; coming quietly has some advantages, but I wouldn't call the literature selection one of them.

Right, that's three and notably none of them were J.K. Rowling or Suzanne fucking Collins.

I think this entitles me to a shag.

>> No.8282978


No. Males have shown throughout time they can write female characters just as well as females can or better. It doesn't take a male or female to write about either experiences and thoughts candidly.

>> No.8282990

Songs of Innocence- Blake
Thus Spake Zarathustra- Nietzsche
The Woman Destroyed- Beauvoir

>> No.8283089
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>The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper, childhood favourite.

>> No.8283138

>Ayn Rand
>0 of 0 results

really /lit/?

>> No.8283142

more to the story's voice than the characters.

>> No.8283152
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Ayn Rand isn't suitable for discussion is polite society. Pic very related.

>> No.8283171

Only have two:
Harry Potter
The Outsiders

>> No.8283172
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>> No.8283174

You can't call yourself a reader if you've not read Virginia Woolf.

>> No.8283193

>Would you pass the test?

No, but I also have no interest in dating the opposite sex to begin with, so there's that.

>> No.8283199
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A Visit from the Goon Squad

Deltora Quest

Adam and Eve After the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution

>> No.8283206

Wizard of Earthsea, The Good Earth, Rape of Nanking

>> No.8283215

>deltora quest
I'd date you bro

>> No.8283217
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>> No.8283222
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What do you think this trap reads? Most of Woolf is too hard for me.


I started reading the Dark of Rising when I was a kid but I had to stop because it was too scary.


A dickload of people mentioned her specific books, just not her name.

>> No.8283253

>What do you think this trap reads? Most of Woolf is too hard for me.
genre shit. just look at the tshirt. nice trips btw. read more sci-fi/fantasy. orlando isn't that hard and it's woolf's trap book so you could just pretend to read it near a clinic.

>> No.8283271

I'm not attracted to females over 15, and wouldn't waste my money on a pseud like that.

>> No.8283290

Most preteens are attracted to girls their own age. Good for you, lad.

>> No.8283294

She has no character or virtue because she's a disgusting old hag.

>> No.8283298

I'm 28 bub

>> No.8283326

>my friends play a game on first dates now where it's ask men to name three books they've read by female authors

>where it's ask


>> No.8283329

dumb hag

>> No.8283330

Sure ya are, Timothy.

>> No.8283333

I believe him, you lose

>> No.8283341

I really am, I like girls half my age and began dating one 3 years ago.

>> No.8283348

Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Joy Luck Club
I Am Malala

Do I win the progressive award?

>> No.8283352

Simone de Beauvoir is the last relatively sane relevant woman thinker so I'd just go with her:
Second Sex
Ethics of Ambiguity

Bonus because even if you haven't read her you can just say Camus and Sartre shit and get away with it

>> No.8283374

Ulysses, Infinite Jest, and of course Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.8284230


>> No.8284240

>"Shaf foest . . S-h? A? Ff? . . ."
niqqa the last s is silent you done fucked up

>> No.8284260

This, I would pass the test, but she failed another one.

>> No.8284276

OMG Gillian Flyn

>She's doing the lady thing of bros before hoes (sisses before kisses?), but she's going to tire of it eventually.

This. This bullshit little test is what college women who think that their pussies are gods gift do. When you get into your 30s and talk to the single gals, they are willing to date alcoholic morons with a criminal record for spousal abuse as long as they can stick around in a job and a romantic relationship for longer than 2 weeks.

>> No.8284279

Hm. I don't really think about the gender of the author since what matters if their writing quality, but I guess probably? I mean, even if I had nothing else I could always just name the Harry Potter series. Anyone who uses Twitter is obviously not a connoisseur of the arts.

>> No.8284294

I don't know why you guys get triggered by girls like this. They're the female equivalent of Cheetos men who ask a girl if she's read Dune or some other fantasy novel and then berate her for not being intellectual enough when she hasn't.

>> No.8284297

I was high school friends with this trap back when she was a guy. I recently added them on snapchat and was very confused by their story.

>> No.8284354

Jk rowling, stephenie meyer, amy tan

Suprise, women only write dumb bullshit lol

>> No.8284357

To Kill a Mockingbird
And Then There Were None
Jane Eyre

Boom, stupid feminist bitch

>> No.8284360


>> No.8284362

No, Station Eleven. Pretty good read

>> No.8284382

If I've ever read a book written by a female I don't remember it

>> No.8284407

> The Red Tent (gay)
> Pride and Prejudice ( gay)
> Uncle Tom's Cabin ( gay)

I've passed, but at what cost ?

>> No.8284413

>Deltora Quest

Mah niggah

>> No.8284419

I would say Wuthering Heights, To the Lighthouse, and Hunger Games.

Of course if they asked me for details about them I would not know anything because I haven't read them but I doubt they would have either.

>> No.8284442

Both her friends doing so many first dates and her friends inserting bullshit political correctness tests into them would be huge turnoffs.

>> No.8284451

Weebs get off lit.

>> No.8284522

Woolf, Brontë and Austen

Brontë, Brontë and Brontë might be a funnier answer

>> No.8284531

Made me softly chuckle assuming you didn't unironically get it mixed up with Dragon Quest

>> No.8284556

I think he only knows about the anime.

>> No.8284632

well shit looks like I'm the stupid one, didn't even know there was an adaptation. Time to watch some anime

>> No.8284850

>black authors
plato, shakespeare, dante

>> No.8284882

>And Then There Were None
>not Ten Little Niggers

>> No.8284899

Harry Potter woman
Virginia Woolf

>> No.8284912 [SPOILER] 
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w e w

>> No.8284915

Sancta Biblia
the Alcoran
the Samhita

>> No.8284918

Pride and Prejudice

I'd be in those panties in no time

>> No.8284997
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>It's real

Holy fuck

>> No.8285037

A poem about being sick?

>> No.8286114


Men explain Things to Me
We Should All be Feminists
Adios, America