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/lit/ - Literature

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8271072 No.8271072 [Reply] [Original]

Selected: http://i.imgur.com/r688cPe.jpg/
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Previous: >>8263672

>> No.8271104

First for Poul Anderson's Broken Sword is the epitome of fantasy.

>> No.8271141

*unsheathes shardblade*

>> No.8271164

*windruns behind u*

>> No.8271168


Or The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, where the lunar society, which is full of poly marriage, total racial integration, etc, bombards the fuck out of Earth, which is portrayed as being racist and backwards when the main character gets arrested in the US when the local authorities find out he's got multiple wives and is married to a black woman.

>> No.8271193 [SPOILER] 
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Need more stuff to read:

So far I've read:

>Black Company, liked it
>everything by Joe Abercrombie, loved it
>everything by Miles Cameron, loved it
>GRRM, boring, lost interest
>Brandon Sanderson, the stuff with the coins and metals, lost interest after the first book
>Emperor's Blade cycle by Brian Staveley, loved it
>everything by David Gemmell, loved it

I need more non-edgy fantasy (ie no Prince of Thorns), maybe leaning towards the military fantasy side of things.

Any good recommendations?

pic unrelated, only click if you can stomach spoopy monsters

>> No.8271206

Sounds like you'd like Malazan.

>> No.8271253


>likes Abercrombie

I do not understand.

>> No.8271282

I wouldn't recommend Malazan desu. Erikson gets a bad case of bloated ego in the last few books where he constantly rambles directly to the reader about compassion, war, and power, instead of letting the themes be a part of the story naturally

>> No.8271298

If you're fine with sci-fi, try Martian Chronicles from Bradbury.

>> No.8271301

Well if you liked the Black Company, I'd suggest the Instrumentalities of the Night series, probably Glen Cook' next best series.

>> No.8271372

The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear aren't in any of the fantasy recommendations here, do people not like them? I've just came out of hospital and they both made me feel much better during my recovery.

>> No.8271376

Mediocre written wish fulfillment stories, not much more than that.

>> No.8271471

Autistic wish fulfillment shlock

>> No.8271472

It's an overused word nowadays but Kvothe is the epitome of a Mary Sue. I had to put it down when it looked like he was going to get trained by those weeaboo Vulcan warriors.

>> No.8271509

Isn't that kind of the point? Both books are filled with little stories about Taborlin the Great and people like that. Kvothe is one of those mythical figures, but ends up broken and miserable in the middle of nowhere at the end of it all.

>> No.8271514
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>> No.8271544
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Who would win between a Resistance mage using surrealism as a weapon, and a Nazi officer-priest with a direct line to Hell?

>> No.8271614

>Resistance mage using surrealism as a weapon

So is he gay or is his girlfriend black?

With Mieville it's usually one of the two.

>> No.8271644
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Red Rising

Illustrated Man is better desu desu

>> No.8271656

Any sci-fi and fantasy booktubers worth checking out? Bonus if they're qt grils.

>> No.8271668

*grasps the absolute*

>> No.8271791

>>everything by David Gemmell, loved it
Mah nigga. As someone who's been a Gemmell fan for over 10 years I'll recommend the book Blood Song. It's very comparable to Gemmell's work. I can't recommend the sequels though since I haven't read them because apparently they're not nearly as good as Blood Song, but Blood Song works as a standalone novel anyways.

>> No.8271796

I'd recommend the first 6 books.

>> No.8271799
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Doesn't seem like either, though details are sparse atm - it's more about the nightmarish battleground the city's become, and everybody trying to contact an entity called the Exquisite Corpse. Might be some GRI though.

Anyway, Lin's a bug-girl not a black one, it's important to know the difference.

>> No.8271801

Is BC worth reading past the first 3 books?

>> No.8271833

What do you expect from a stinko pinko?

>> No.8271837
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>everything by Miles Cameron, loved it

>> No.8271848
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Go to bed Senator McCarthy.

>> No.8271859

McCarthy was right though.

>> No.8272057

Trying to remember the title of a scifi story I started a while back but never finished. All I can remember is that the basic premise was that a disgraced space military officer/space captain gets hired on as a bodyguard/pilot for a space princess or something but it turns out there's more going on than she expected! Oh no!

>> No.8272066

Dagger and Coin is perfect for what you want

Also had the exact same experience with Mistborn as you, the second book fails to hook at all

>> No.8272077

I'm mad as fuck, was kinda enjoying some schlocky fantasy (Blood Song) and then for no fucking reason the author makes the sequel multiple perspective and kills all of his characterisation, which is not a great move when it's the only thing holding his writing together.

I couldn't make it through Kvothe goes to college

That's like 600 fucking pages of "he played his lute really well, and the girl liked him and he was good at learning stuff"

>> No.8272088


What does this GRI mean? It's just popped up in the last few months and I have no idea what it means.

>> No.8272113

Generosity Reliability and Intellect
GRI approval is the mark of good, moral fantasy literature for the whole family

>> No.8272115
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so what does /sffg/ think of the hungergamesredfactioncodegeass trilogy? I liked it. though during the third one I kept wondering why characters I liked weren't dying horrible violent deaths in the numbers they should, but when I was done I heard he was working on a new trilogy, so I guess he saving those kills for the next book.

>> No.8272116

I actually wish it meant this

>> No.8272121

Abercrombie usually has people of some moral fiber somewhere, he isn't *completely* off the wall with sex or violence.

>> No.8272122
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>Ender, Catniss, now Darrow

>> No.8272133

Only so he can punish them for doing one decent thing ever

He's unbearable to read because you can see that shit coming a mile off and it has no value outside of this unfulfilled shock

>> No.8272137

Divided between people who won't read it because it's YA, people who dropped it because of the first person present tense edgy narrator, and people who loved it. Morning Star was too long, though.

>> No.8272142

You try coming up with a tagline for old-style pulp disguised as YA without putting school libraries off.

>> No.8272150

Can't remember what series it is but one of the best fantasy books I've read of late had "...in a game of thrones..." on the blurb

>> No.8272195

would anyone recommend any of GRRM's work other than ASOIAF? I read the series back in 2011 before the GoT explosion, so I my memory of his writing was more lenient.

>> No.8272213
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Fevre Dream is pretty good, written just before vampires were finally cliche'd to death. Haven't read the others, though apparently he was so disappointed in Armageddon Rag he quit writing for years

>> No.8272232

Dying of the Light is okay, honestly ASOIAF is the most interesting thing he hass done.

>> No.8272261

nm, found it, Hunting Party by Elizabeth Moon.

gay/rape/incest, the standard elements of edgelord modern fantasy.

>> No.8272320


That makes sense, thanks friend-o.

>> No.8272366

Hey /sffg/, this short story I'm working on is about 4k words long now and I don't think I'm halfway done. I've never finished anything even close to this big, and I ran out of steam months ago.

At this rate I'm progressing at maybe 200 words a week and am only writing because I feel internal pressure to either keep writing or give up on my dreams.

Should I start something else, or keep going? I have another story I never finished. Should I try that instead

>> No.8272380

Generally, its better to finish things, even if they aren't very good. Practice makes perfect, and finishing stories is maybe the most difficult thing of all about writing.

>> No.8272385

What's it about? How long do you suppose it to be?

>> No.8272428

Anybody got a link for all the .epubs of Prince of Nothing and Aspect Emperor? I can't into google.

>> No.8272429

the one I'm on now is about an ancient greek shephard struggling to carry on after his daughter dies. After pulling up an amazon girl who tried to drown herself in a nearby creek he makes it his duty to save her, but then he learns why she did it: She burned down a sacred grove, and for that she was turned into a were-lioness and exiled from her homeland

The second one is about about a korean war vet who got shot in the leg. As he adjusts to civilian life he learns three things:
1: His parent's apartment is not wheelchair accessible
2: The bridesmaid from his friend's wedding would be an excellent wife
3: His father, the Rabbi has a lot of weird books on kabbalah

>> No.8272433

Those who willingly avoid the sticky are doomed to frustration.

>> No.8272440

the one I'm working on now is shaping up to be at least 9k words, the other is much, much closer to done the other is at 6k and will probably only be 8k

>> No.8272441
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>he only has two ongoing writing projects

>> No.8272454
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I want to fuck Spinner-of-Rope!

>> No.8272465

I have three, but the third is bigger than either of these, and completely unpublishable due to the fact that the subject matter is 50 years shy of public domain

>> No.8272489

literally the second result on google for "prince of nothing epub" is a kat link

>> No.8272493

Oh, i thought it was there merely to redirect people to /his/ or /pol/. Neat, now i only need to find one for The White Luck Warrior.

>> No.8272648

Is China Melville's 'Iron Council' a decent read? I've never read his stuff, but the kind old man at the bookshop let me have it for free because I was already buying 2 books

>> No.8272660

I don't know, but I've heard people (on /lit/) complain about it being very leftist

>> No.8272667

He is a hardcore left-wing socialist and those types of scum aren't known for NOT injecting their personal politics and beliefs into their own works. So make of that what you will.

>> No.8272681


Its decent.
Read Perdido Street Station and The Scar first though. People complain about the leftist side of it, but honestly, it isn't that bad, I don't mind it when authors include what they're passionate about. In my mind the most powerful part of the trilogy comes from the Marxist aspect, so it's essential to the text.
The Scar is the best one though.

>> No.8272686
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I've searched through soulseek, torrents, the sticky recommendation, and basic google searches and I cannot find this book for download. Found the first two in the trilogy easy enough, but I can't find so much as a dead torrent for this one. Can any bros help me out?

>> No.8272692

Is it necessary to read Perdido Street Station and The Scar first? I'd rather not have to go hunting for them but if it's necessary to make this one readable I'll do it

>> No.8272706

Not really, the Bas-Lag books share a setting but don't really overlap plotwise, except minor stuff like the protagonist of Scar was a friend of the guy from Perdido. You can start anywhere.

>> No.8272709


You can read it without them, but you'll miss lots of important story. The Bas-Lag books, Perdido in particular, got me back into reading fantasy when I was 20, so I'm pretty attached to them. I mean, when you're presented with a character who fucks a woman with an insect for a head in the first chapter you want to spread that book around, you know?
Shouldn't be too hard to find. Everything's on kat.

>> No.8272719


All of the Jack Half a Prayer and the Runagate Rampant stuff carries through into Iron Council though. There's a lot underneath the main plot that carries through all of them. The story of the train is basically an extended metaphor that the previous books establish.

>> No.8272746

*tips shardfedora*
Heheh, nothing personnel, parshman

>> No.8272752

>All of the Jack Half a Prayer and the Runagate Rampant stuff carries through into Iron Council though
Ohh, okay, actually the one real problem I had with Perdido was wondering who the hell Jack was and what he wanted (isn't there also a short with him in Looking For Jake?). Have to get to #2 an 3 soon.

>> No.8272784

People kept recommending China Mieville to me so I read a bunch of his stories and they're okay. Interesting settings and ideas but the prose is, while easy to read, bland and the plots are predictably constructed. I know this is the sffg thread so you're not looking for Literature with a capital L but it is a lot like YA fiction. Like eating ethically sourced fast food.

Neil Gaiman for the male demographic, only not as good. I don't even like Gaiman but he's inarguably a good storyteller.

>> No.8272786
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As, how the fuck do I write a short story? Every time I start shit gets crazy and I end up with thousands of words. Part of my just wants to explore and build the world and it hurts my writing. Even on my big project, a lot of it goes into random philosophical ramblings and exposition and although I can write good and intelligent dialogue, everything else feels like shit.
I think I should learn to write short stories first and foremost.

>> No.8272791

The story in Looking For Jake does explain Jack and his motivations. I think that collection of short stories is actually the best thing he's written. (>>8272784 here by the way).

I found http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/essays/nwwf.aspx helpful when I was starting out.

>> No.8272792

It's really not at all YA material, half way into the first book learns you that

The YA allusion was just the best way to market it, and they dropped the whole pretend concept after the first book, trying to get the "Like Game of Thrones" tag instead

What other YA has rape, incest, disembowelment and sodomy all within a few chapters?

>> No.8272794

>It's really not at all YA material, half way into the first book learns you that
I know that, but that's what turns some anons away from it. It certainly feels like an extra-edgy Hunger Games at first.

>> No.8272798

>Mieville's prose is bland
Wow, never heard that before. If anything people usually complain about him using too many weird words (not a problem for me, love a weird word) or that time he decided to only use ampersands.

>> No.8272806

Gimmicks can leave prose feeling even more bland.

>> No.8272820

No idea why Pierce Brown did that, the initial first chapters are so angsty I'm too embarrassed to even recommend it in person

But people who tredge through usually have the same glad conclusion they stayed with it

>> No.8272822

Well yes, I too complain that he occasionally jams inapropos words into his text that don't suit the tone and come across as him awkwardly trying to educate his readers like some "Word of the day" vocabulary expander & yes, the use of ampersands in Railsea was a stupid gimmick. Just because you have weird tasting lumps in your porridge, that doesn't mean it's not bland.

>> No.8272891

>tfw no one will find this for meh

>> No.8272898

Sorry anon, I tried on libgen but it's not there either ;--;

>> No.8272917
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I REALLY want to write a funky vampire short story with the tone of Sister Sledge's 'He's the Greatest Dancer', but I wouldn't know how write it without it being a mess.

>> No.8272928

How do you do research for writing stuff? Do you just google shit? I mean I want to write say mediaeval fantasy warfare, do I just google how to set a war camp, how a king would act, how the battlefield dynamic works?
I have drive and I'm some 24k words in but I feel like a lot of what I write is half-assed horse shit I came up with and has no basis. All of it is too outlandish and it gave me excuse to write shit that just ain't plausible ever.

>> No.8272929

Read history books, watch documentaries; take notes of the relevant bits.

>> No.8272931

Google for recommended, informative books on medieval warfare then go to the library, read them and take notes.

>> No.8272935

That made me think, sounds very interesting but I couldn't help you there, it would be almost impossible.

>> No.8272949


People don't read fantasy for point for point military tactics. Just focus on the characters. If the perspective is a soldier, does he need to understand the strategy, or does he just have to know to stand somewhere and kill people when required? King's don't tend to focus on warfare either, that's what generals and shit are for. Kings act however your character acts. Personal differences go a long way.
Anyway, look for history books and firsthand accounts of warfare. The feeling of being in a battle is more important than a consistent and realistic strategy playing out I would think. I mean, look at The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie. Great book, understanding of warfare is pretty meh.

>> No.8272950

>download shit off uni libraries
>torrent non fiction, read up on references
>write from experience

>> No.8272963


Do we really need another medieval fantasy book that involves a war?

>> No.8273060

>tfw we'll never get a fantasy novel that takes place on the moon

>> No.8273070


Please write that book anon.
I want some comfy moon fantasy with qt moongirls.
Not scifi in any way.
Pure fantasy.

Fuck, that's actually a really cool idea, senpai.

>> No.8273127

I've been reading through some of the side series from the Malazan universe. The Bauchelain ones were alright, kind of discworldy. Crack'd Pot Trail was pretty unreadable.

But this first book in the Kharkanas trilogy; god fucking damn. This is both extremely good in it's own right, and absolutely fascinating for lore.

If you couldn't get into the main series for whatever reason, you should try it. No pacing problems, no anthropology chapters, and Erikson is actually turning into a great writer.

I honestly cannot comprehend how he writes these characters. I don't think I've ever more envied a particular skill in an author.

>> No.8273147

Well you could try this:

>> No.8273155
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>A gripping military fantasy in the tradition of Glen Cook, Scourge of the Betrayer explores the brutal politics of Empire–and the searing impact of violence and dark magic on a man’s soul.

okay sounds good

wait a minute

>main character uses a ball and chain flail


>> No.8273160

Better than yet another asshole with a sword.

>> No.8273253
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Currently reading Heroes Die in the Acts of Caine series, and while I'm not a huge fan of the characters so far, holy flying fuck does Stover do an incredible job at bringing a couple of scenes to life.

The first few scenes with the Emperor in his palace are so fucking vivid it's impressive.

>> No.8273262

I wanted to try that at one point but the way everyone talked about it made it seem incredibly edgy

>> No.8273330

The MC is a hardcore kiler with a hidden soft side. Cliched, mostly fun to read though, and I don't think it's edgy.
Plus this book has had a few neat quotes so far, and I'm a sucker for good quotes. There's this ongoing theme about society, government, tyranny, control and revolution that adds a bit of depth to everything. I like it.

>> No.8273464

How edgy do David Gemmel books get? Was looking into that next, especially Waylander ones, but I'm a bit sick of edge after Glen Cook and fucking Mark Lawrence in a row. Going to vomit if I read about another mercenary company.

>> No.8273510

Gemmell is no where near as edgy as the edgiest fantasy writers, but the worlds his characters exist in are definitely gritty. But not insufferably so. Just gritty enough to be believable. His Waylander novels are probably the "edgiest" in his Drenai series just because the MC starts out as a real grim bastard. But some of the themes Gemmell uses in almost all of his works are redemption and hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds so it's pretty silly anyone would think of Gemmell as being edgy (he was actually a Christian, but not the preaching kind).

In short he's edgier than Sanderson but nowhere near as edgy as someone like Abercrombie. He's somewhere comfortably in between.

>> No.8273539

That sounds like just about what I'm looking for, thanks.

>> No.8273554

Welcome, bruv. There's a reason why Gemmell is the king of Heroic Fantasy.

>> No.8273558

It's not about war familia. I was giving an example because what I write is so high fantasy that I literally invented dynamics because I have no good grasp of what the real thing is supposed to be. Stuff that makes the world believable, not realistic because it's ultra high fantasy after all. But I mean basic shit like how a trader is making his business work, how a king is supposed to behave.
I find the stuff that I write real asspulls because my kings act like edgelords and posh snobs and I basically have no grasp on the real world dynamics.

And the more I write, the shittier it looks and it makes me sad, anons :(

>> No.8273581
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Any recommendations for pic related?

>> No.8273585

Play Crusader Kings II for a little while.

>> No.8273632

I have a friend who is an ultra-sadistic misogynistic n****r killer, what fantasy books/series would you recommend to him?

>> No.8273633

Any suggestions for huge-scale, space-faring sci-fi? Something like the age of sail but with interstellar travel (laser/warp technology optional)

>> No.8273635

A Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

>> No.8273636

Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian

>> No.8273640


Go to goodreads, under fantasy search for reviews that have the word "misogynistic" in it.
Guaranteed good books.

>> No.8273647


Basically, this is a love fantasy with a strong female protagonist.

>> No.8273720

Stop advertising this book in every thread in the most cringeworthy ways possible. We know you're excited for it, we get it. You're going to put people off reading it.

>> No.8273727

I've read about two thirds of Dreamsongs, his short story anthology. Lots of good stuff in there.

>> No.8273742

Technically it comes after Perdido Street Station and The Scar chronologically but it's standalone really. You can easily read it without reading the previous books, although Iron Council is probably the weakest one.

If you're not into politics like me you won't notice the leftist stuff people complain about.

>> No.8273749

You didn't happen to read Un Lun Dun by any chance, did you?

>> No.8273758

No, I'm not falling for this. You're the same guy who in a previous thread asked why Erikson isn't considered one of the best writers in the world or some stupid shit like that.

>> No.8273798

Tok the younger :(

WTF I hate the panyon seer now

>> No.8273805
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>finish reading the second tome of stormlight archives
>come here to share my amazement and recommend the book
>it's one of /lit/'s favorites

feels so good man

>> No.8273806

You didn't hate him before, for starving hundreds of thousands of people to the point where they turn into insane necrophiliac cannibals?

>> No.8273818



Why did he do that to my wolf boy Tok :((

>> No.8273822
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Diversity: The book.
It's another one of these entries that tries way too hard to be as diverse as possible and includes more gender politics and LOL SO RANDOM pronouns, and somehow forgets to be a fantasy novel first.
Might win an award, because critics love praising shit like that, but it's just not a good book.

>> No.8273828

Why is Kropper the best character in Malazan?

>> No.8273882

It'd be a lot better without any of the noble points of view

>> No.8273894

I was considering reading Prince of Nothing but then someone compared it to Dune, urgh. I fucking hated Dune.

>> No.8273928

>Black Company
>Circle of the World
Don't fool yourself, you like grimdark and edgy.
Now shut up and start reading Second Apocalypse.

>> No.8273934

Malazan? Or Cosmere?

>> No.8273945 [DELETED] 


Anon, this will be far less painful for you if you just have a pleasant time reading this book I like.

And specifically, I asked why he wasn't considered one of the greatest living authors, which was mostly bait to determine why people don't like him. But let's be honest, there isn't much competition these days.


>there will never be a zany sitcom starring Kruppe and Crone as a married couple

why even live

>> No.8273955


Anon, this will be far less painful for you if you just have a pleasant time reading this book I like.

And specifically, I asked why he wasn't considered one of the greatest living authors, which was mostly bait to determine why people didn't like him and possibly change their mind. But let's be honest, there isn't much competition these days.


>there will never be a zany sitcom starring Kruppe and Crone as a married couple

why even live

>> No.8273973
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>> No.8273978

For anyone new, this is a list of books to avoid.

>> No.8273990
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Why did you change it from "this is a troll list" like you used to say?

>> No.8273997

But it's GRI APPROVED, why would you pass that up?

>> No.8273998

Then make your own list and show us your superior tastes.

>> No.8273999

To pep it up. If you really insist I'll post that next time.

>> No.8274001

I liked books 2-6 a lot but he started becoming more focused on getting his "message" out there, by having some people act completely out-of-character in order to deliver a soliloquy about war, compassion, power, money etc. There was some of that in the earlier books and it was nice because it added some depth and flavour, but in 8-10 in particular he completely ruins it with his soapboxing.

A lot of the newer characters fall completely flat and sound like echoes of older characters who died, and they're a chore to read. It got so bad in Toll the Hounds that I was much more inclined to read some history or economics than suffer through another fucking Nimander chapter.

>> No.8274021

I assume he's improved since but the first Malazan book is just flat out badly written

>> No.8274027


>Tfw I'm the only one who liked the first book the best

>> No.8274028

Like 80% of the scifi list is just the canon

>> No.8274042

It would be fine if it only focused on Kaladin tbqh, even if it was much shorter

>> No.8274048

I liked the girl, until the last bit of the second book. At that point she totally just turns into a different character

Almost all of Sandersons females do that instead of having natural character development

>> No.8274050

That's the problem with all multiple narrator/perspective books

You usually only actually give a shit about one of them

>> No.8274077

This sci-fi list is fucking shit. Fantasyfags should just go and make their own general already.
Like why the fuck there is Altered Carbon and no Neuromancer or Schismatrix?
There is no Asimov or Herbert but there is fat fuck Brandon Sanderson.
And even the fantasy list is fucking trash. No Tolkien or Moorcock or any other worthwhile writer but there is another fat fuck Martin.
New readers should start with another shitty hipster millennial trash. They should read classics.

>> No.8274080

Drop the series now while you still can (sunk cost meme).

>> No.8274081

The Great Ordeal is out Niggas!!

Go buy it, show Bakker some love!

>> No.8274082

It's a modern fantasy/sf chart, so most of those suggestions don't count.

>> No.8274088

>years ago some anon makes a chart
>complaints for years by anons who want a new chart
>for a few threads it's nonstop
>some anons make new charts
>every thread there's that one guy who thinks they're made by some /sffg/ commission in an office somewhere

>> No.8274101


>> No.8274105

How respected is Dan Simmons? I really liked the Hyperion Cantos and the latter books introduced me to zen buddhism, but I got the feeling his later two books in the series would have ruined his reputation since they were so janky

>> No.8274109

No you idiot, it's not the 'modern' list, it's a list made someone with shit taste.
Do you seriously believe that Ubik, Ringworld, Roadside Picnic etc are 'modern' novels? Or maybe Black Company is 'modern'?

>> No.8274121
File: 357 KB, 640x360, Deal-WI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why don't you make a list and show us your superior tastes?

Seen as you have superior tastes it shouldn't be too hard for you.

>> No.8274125

I think his chart is shit but we don't need a chart with the same 3 "classic" authors everyone has heard of already. Asimov and co isn't even good nowadays if you take off your nostalgia goggles.

What we instead should do is collectively look for good new blood aka read books with not that many ratings on goodreads and share our thoughts about them. Iron Dragon's Daughter was a good start, I want to see more like that.

>> No.8274126

I know it's a shit list but it literally has "modern" in the title, so it's obviously *supposed* to be modern, you genius.

>> No.8274129
File: 48 KB, 260x260, 9334696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it is so shit then make a better one anons.

Show us your superior tastes.

>> No.8274130

Yes they're modern

You're confusing modern with contemporary you withering dipshit

>> No.8274131

Is it chart anon is offended and now spamming memes hour?

>> No.8274142

>people arguing about taste in scifi/fantasy

you can either enjoy it or not enjoy it

if you want to be smug go read infinite jest

>> No.8274145

No because charts are cancer to these threads.

>> No.8274149

No, it's some anon thinks he's going to change the world by whining about someone's rec chart hour. Seriously, make your own. You won't, and if you do it will be trash.

>> No.8274151

Calm down chart anon.

>> No.8274157
File: 120 KB, 582x625, 1316818587100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I didn't make the chart. But I see a lot of faggots like you calling it shit but never give any real reasons as to why it is shit, or see anyone make a better one.

If it is so shit and you have such superior tastes, then you should be able to make a new chart to shows these books you think we should be reading instead.

But you are aware that these charts are just subjective recommendations of modern SFF and not objective examples of the best SFF book?

Because it seems to me that you faggots are trying to fit in on an anonymous image board by hating on popular things and trying to be contrarian.

>> No.8274162

>tries to calm down some autist that can't stand when people make charts he doesn't like
>obviously I am the anon that made that specific chart

>> No.8274173

Yeah... I'm easy to please as far as fantasy goes. I'm never looking for great writing, because it's not really a big focus genre-wise, but that first Malazan book (which i couldn't even finish), might be the only fantasy book I had to drop due to the writing being so awful... It kinda saddens me since I keep hearing the series' really worth it

>> No.8274175
File: 1.38 MB, 579x807, Dayside Taldain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new
>everyone accepts it

Revelation Space and the Xeelee Sequence both have what I believe you are looking for.

>not Itkovian
I'm surprised I even remembered his name.


But Dalinar is fine aside from it taking forever for him to do anything. Jasnah's book in the second half will probably be rad, too.

>> No.8274178

Maybe if you're making a joke chart.

>> No.8274206

The Silver Spike isn't very good since it's all tying up loose ends and wrapping up the BC's involvement with the Dominator, but the series has kept my attention all the way up until Water Sleeps (where I went back to read through the other books again because I'd forgotten a bunch of shit).

>> No.8274263

Black company, despite being dark and having dick protagonists has objective good and evil, romance, and redemption. Everyone in the 2nd Apocalypse (2pac for short) has the morality of spiders.

>> No.8274277

>>being this new
>>everyone accepts it

What did he mean by this?

>> No.8274307


I dont understand you either, can you name one example where abercrombie is edgy for the pure sake of egdyness?

>> No.8274356

Yeah I don't get people calling Black Company edgy

Sure it's grimdark because it's a world where everything is awful and there's loads of cunts but within that world the stories are pretty standard

Meanwhile Abercrombie's all HAHA EVERYONE WHO DOES ANYTHING NICE MUST BE PUNISHED, that and broken empire are closer to genuine edgy fantasy

>> No.8274400

Django Wexler

>> No.8274423

He does things for shock value or disgust, like having that guy beat the shit out of his sister, that burping general, or pretty much anything in the series. I can't remember much else because I read it 5 years ago.

>> No.8274657

Anyone read the great ordeal??

Hope you are reading, bakkerbro, will miss u

>> No.8274658
File: 2.10 MB, 1164x10000, 1467585838476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other books which talk about the future of the internet?

Just finished Hyperion and about to start the sequel, but finding the idea of a quantum internet alongside AI very interesting.

Any modern stuff which covers this?

>> No.8274700

Vernor Vinge. Deepness in the Sky has a light-speed internet across an interstellar trading network, all of it still based on UNIX code, so much of it they have to have software archeologists. Also in his Fire Upon the Deep, where there's an FTL internet where "kill all humans" can turn into a meme that launches starship fleets.

Also, Hannu Rajaniemi's Quantum Thief has powerful empires grown out of MMO guilds.

>> No.8274709

Snow Crash counts I suppose.

>> No.8274749

Speaking of, for those of you who read Asimov, do you think that the stories of Robots, Empire and Foundation would've developed the same if internet was added as a factor in?

>> No.8274759

Bleeding Edge ;)

>> No.8274762

>Also, Hannu Rajaniemi's Quantum Thief has powerful empires grown out of MMO guilds.

MMO guilds can't go one fucking year without destroying themselves over some petty squabble

>> No.8274802


>> No.8274851

the MMO referencing was the cringiest thing about it 2bh

>> No.8274868
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Just read pic related. Not great but easy and fun to read.

>> No.8274893

What kind of a name is Gardner Dozons?

>> No.8274894

So I just read Uprooted by Naomi Novik and I wanted to ask: why did it get the Nebula? Mind you, I'm not bashing the book, but it kinda was a light read (nothing wrong with that). I kinda expected more from the Nebula winner. What did you guys think of it?

>> No.8274896

Anyone recommend a good epic fantasy series to get into?
I enjoyed Game of thrones, King-killer Chronicles and LOTR
Thinking of the Blade itself or Black company series as it's on the recommended list but I've seen some anon's say that's a shitty list
Any personal recommendations?

>> No.8274901

Fairly typical WASP name desu

You'll like almost anything if you like king killer but black company's good.
Ignore the list whiners

>> No.8274905

Blade Itself is better than Black Company imo

>> No.8274907

Brian Stavely. At least it's finished.

>> No.8274910


Hated the Black Company for some reason. Just poorly written imo (only read the 1st, dropped it after). The Blade Itself is good though.

>> No.8274915

Abercrombie is really bad, don't bother with that. He has one gimmick and once you figure out what that is there's nothing left

>> No.8274947

>Hope you are reading, bakkerbro, will miss u

There are at least three of us by my count.

Finally started reading my copy ten seconds ago.

>> No.8274955

Gonna read that next

>> No.8274958

But only a genius like you has figured out that gimmick, so it should be fine. Sometimes try to consider that not everyone can be as intelligent as you.

>> No.8274970


If Abercrombie is really bad, how terrible Glen Cook must be.

>> No.8275117

Anyone know something with generic fantasy elves dwarves knights mages but set in a grimdark world. Basically something like the Witcher.

>> No.8275135

Anybody have any recs for good hard sci fi? Thinking about picking up revelation space

>> No.8275146

Warhammer maybe, but not something I'd really recommend.

>> No.8275157

Maybe grimdark isn't the right word, don't really know what it means desu. Something political where good and evil aren't so obviously distinguished I guess.

>> No.8275164

What's Abercrombie's gimmick?

>> No.8275172

Black Company is OK, although it may not be generic enough for you despite the author's best efforts.

>> No.8275176

Has it got Elves and Dwarves? Becuase that is what this is hinging on famalam

>> No.8275179
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Are Raft and Flux worth reading? I enjoyed the scope of everything as presented in Vacuum Diagrams, Timelike Infinity, and Ring, especially with the hyper-advanced technologies and insanely long-distance space traveling but I feel that I won't care too much about the concepts presented within Raft and Flux.

My boy Uvarov got the short end of the stick. Feels MAD, man.

>> No.8275192

Elves and dwarves aren't good for moral ambiguity, because the entire point of having non-human races is for symbolism. Good and evil are going to be obvious distinguished whenever you can tell if someone is good or evil based on their race.

>> No.8275194


I can't tell if this is meant to be an insult or not.

>> No.8275201

Wheel of Time
>Rand and company trying to hide
>Accidentally set off huge fireworks
Jordan is a bit ham-handed isn't he?
>Also Perrin best character

>> No.8275202

Reynolds/Baxter/Egan are basically the big three now

>> No.8275207

So no dwarves?

>> No.8275212

>dwarves and elves

It's honestly not that common a thing outside of gaming related franchises with heavy Tolkien roots.

>> No.8275231

Just finished the first book in the Nightangel trilogy.
The world is really interesting but the characters and dialog is pretty meh/bad.
Does it get better or did i fuck up? (already bought all 3)

>> No.8275240

You fucked up, it's pretty bad.

>> No.8275247

Does the world go anywhere or does it take place in one City like the first one?

>> No.8275274

A mis-spelled one.

>> No.8275282


>> No.8275284

Edgy subversion

>> No.8275300

>not generic

>> No.8275310

Symbolic races have legitimate uses, such as in Tolkien's works, but this guy wants a morally ambiguous story along with races that have built-in morality. The things he wants are incompatible, but I didn't intend any insult.

>> No.8275313


>all these turboplebs that have never read The Broken Sword

>> No.8275315

The Garrett P.I. series by Glen Cook is about a private investigator in sort of "realistic fantasy setting." ie, there are elves and dwarfs and gnomes, but there's also a good chance they live in tenement hovels or ghettos. Sort of Ankh-Morpork played straight and with a minimum of silliness.

>> No.8275325

>write about humans
>call them elves

>> No.8275326

Someone's already answered but it's subversion

All First Law does is put every character on a heroic redemption arc before then having it swing not to redemption but to them suffering more and going back to what they were

For most characters it doesn't even work well, since he has to basically pretend that none of their character development actually happened

>> No.8275329

My point exactly.

>> No.8275345

>write about aliens from Faerie with a completely different outlook on life due to their immortality, magic, and lack of souls
>get called generic because losers sixty years later have watched the movie of this book with a similar setting that was published the same year yours was

>> No.8275360

>write about dwarves
>they're actually elves

elder scrolls kek

>> No.8275366

There's a bit of stuff in the Northern burial mounds and such, and the not-samurai place gets a look in.

>> No.8275373

This is what I want, like in the Witcher were the elves are basically the ra.

>> No.8275384

I've read it and it still isn't particularly common outside of where I specified.

>> No.8275459
File: 5 KB, 238x212, 1468446167787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world is a granary.
>And we are the bread.

>> No.8275470


just finish them they're not that long

>> No.8275471

You or another anon asked him that for 10+ threads now, and he still hasn't answered.

I just find it pretty funny desu.

>> No.8275508
File: 703 KB, 2437x1047, Dinosaurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Son. I thought we got rid of all of you.

>> No.8275519

Neuromancer is garbage

>> No.8275535

Chart anon here I read it, but wouldn't recommend.
Only some stories were good. That is the usual shit with an anthology, it's hit and miss.

>> No.8275602

Neuromancer is garbage because the cyberpunk genre is anathema to good storytelling, but it is still better in relative terms than Altered Carbon.

>> No.8275608

>Rastafarian Space Colonies
Its not adding up, famalam

>> No.8275648

Might sound weird but... any books where libraries in the story are kind of important or the focal point?

>> No.8275661

Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.8275700
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Are there any stories that tackle the internet in the opposite direction? That is, without magical instantaneous communication. Where instead of one giant connected internet between all people, there are localized nests of internet around colonies, with their own memes and lingo totally separated from the world outside their gravity well.

>> No.8275707

anyone realize that most books the protagonist likes to read?
And that they view libraries as an Altar?

>> No.8275715
File: 85 KB, 849x478, 1460861553366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Narrator talks about the joys of reading books
>You're listening to it as an audiobook

>> No.8275731

Hyperion a little with the colonies that were settled pre-farcaster technology. Also the various factions in Reynolds' Revelation Space. Conjoiners and whatever the fuck.

He takes light speed as still an actual limit so.

>> No.8275762

Not that I know of but I'm working on it. Really big planet where multiple human civilizations reach the information age without knowing about each other.

>> No.8275770

Library of Babel.
Souls in the Great Machine.
Brin's second Uplift trilogy.
The Pagemaster.

>> No.8275786

There's a very good chapter in Shadow of the Torturer set in a library. Its kind of a companion to the Library of Babel short story.

>> No.8275807

So were the mothers of those kids upset because once they found their book of gold, they were automatically librarian apprentices? Sorry for pleb.

>> No.8276052

Cogweaver Trilogy.

>> No.8276064

You mean we are the grain.... right?

>> No.8276103
File: 99 KB, 720x960, 1467114492307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world is a granary, and you're the chaff

>> No.8276239

Now this is an interesting idea. I would read this.

>> No.8276296

Why do you post this picture in almost every thread?

>> No.8276306


>> No.8276317

Maybe they want to show everyone just how fucking bad Sanderson is at creating believable worlds

>> No.8276339

Where is the anon who kept track of memes?
He had a macro with all our current memes listed.

>> No.8276387

>Writing simple fantasy for a young audience
>Goblins/Orcs overdone to shit
>"le humans is the real evil" also overdone
>Evil monsters for the sake of evil are worthless
>Cheap stand in of real world politics isn't worthwhile

What the fuck is an opposing force/antagonist that would be worth exploring? Allegory for inner doubts? Taking place in imagination during coma? Hallucinations? Religious twist?

>> No.8276393

Nature itself.

>> No.8276396
File: 551 KB, 739x979, fdr just fuck my shit up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want World War 1 era Uchronia/Fantasy
>Its all Steampunk shit

>> No.8276411

Maybe that would be a good idea. Something like evolved natural defenses that came about after environmental abuse. Insects, flora and fauna that kill sentient life.

Hell, throw in bullshit about magnetic zones and radiation causing anomalies that result in magic, and thousands of years after doomsday the fantasy setting exists. Then a message about not abusing nature, being terrifying in it's corrections.

>> No.8276416

Stalker in prose when?

>> No.8276417
File: 43 KB, 317x500, whzviolqjfqfkmg59lth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know
Stalker is already based on a book.

>> No.8276420

Yeah, I just remembered that the moment I hit submit.

>> No.8276429

Caught me, cheeki breeki

>> No.8276432

>muh ferngully
The reason we don't see that much anymore is because it was so incredibly overused until about ten years ago. Rather than have nature be something that's sentient in the same way humans are, have it be like Sora no Woto, where there's mudslides and floods and earthquakes and droughts all the time, where they can't trust the ground under their feet and need to find something to put their faith in.

>> No.8276437

It's going to take a while but I am working on it.
>mfw I want to write a fantasy with good realistic medieval warfare but I can't resist that industrial aesthetic

>> No.8276439

I thought if was aliens....
Did I read it wrong? I read the version that the author wanted released, not the "cleaned" verison that was released decades ago.

>> No.8276444

>not gri approved
I thought Russians were the undisputed squat kings of rape?

>> No.8276473

Its was aliens, but being "based" on a story isn't a 100% adaptation.

>> No.8276543

>close to finishing Claw of the Conciliator
>Severian ends up half-raping the only relevant female who hasn't shown or faked interest in him... besides Thea, of course

Well I... I actually don't know how to react to this.

It's kind of weird that a big catholic could create a MC so strangely autistic that doesn't give a shit about everybody else.

>> No.8276552

desu the Book of the New Sun only made sense to me when I read the Urth of the New Sun

>> No.8276594

About a hundred pages before this there is a mention of sex drugs. Severian is a puppet on strings.

>> No.8276604

Anyone else agree Gormenghast trilogy is the GOAT of fantasy? Nothing really compares (The King of Elfland's Daughter is close, though).

>> No.8276619

>Do we really need another medieval fantasy book that involves war?
Write your own book senpai. The shit insert my preferences to whatever you're writing is getting old. I'm writing to entertain myself, not you.

On that regard, I'm writing a book with semi-war on it with one book focused on it because it's necessary for one of the goals of the MC. Final book will have a final confrontation of armies but the focus is on the protag who is not on the army battle.

>> No.8276628

Fallen man, man. Fallen man.

>> No.8276654

Ghormenghast is like epic-length Edward Gorey...didn't finish Titus Groan...should I persevere?

>> No.8276668

>look up Dr. Talos's Play online to see if there's anything to it other than some extra stuff that Wolfe put in there just for the sake of inspiration, like the tale before
>all dem interpretations and discussions

And now i'm wondering just how much of what i read so far flew over my head. Probably all of it.

>> No.8276678

Of course. It's considered by many critics to be the best fantasy of all time. The only thing is that it's not a good entry, it's more of something you read after you're more well-read.

>> No.8276745

Naomi Novik just released a book which is basically that. Girl becomes a sorcerer, evil forest tries to kill everybody.

It was okay, more on the YA side of things though.

>> No.8276797
File: 21 KB, 317x475, darkeden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I mention Dark Eden? It's a quality book that explores the sociological aspects of humans marooned for generations, a modern day Lord of the Flies, with better writing

>> No.8276828
File: 257 KB, 1080x1599, Gormenghast Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8276835


the Malazan book of the Fallen and Assassin's Apprentice.

>> No.8276924

>the Malazan book of the Fallen

after a long moment of a hundred heartbeats, i said "meme series"

>> No.8276938

>Jordan is a bit ham-handed isn't he?

Keep reading, later on he actually unironically pulls the timeless

>character see somebody in a shady alley
>"you?? impossible!"
>character is killed

The funny thing is that four books later I still have no idea who killed Asmodean.

>> No.8276987

I wanted to thank the anon that rec'd me The Emperor's Soul. It was my first Sanderson and now I regret ever thinking badly of him, the man can actually write.

I look forward to WoK and hope it'll be as good as this was.

>> No.8277035


There's no need to shill, cosmerefag

>> No.8277040



I was actually a pretty vocal Sanderson hater here before i gave it a try. I honest to God don't even know what the fuck a "cosmere" is, as I said I only read that one short story and found it was good, not exceptional but good.

>> No.8277045

Could short pulp like Conan become popular again?

>> No.8277047

Why do you keep asking this?

>> No.8277066

... this is the first time I have...

>> No.8277124

Could short pulp like Conan become popular again?

>> No.8277127

Get used to it. He does like 4 or 5 rapes throughout the series.

>> No.8277192

Why do people think rape is acceptable in any story fiction or not it's a despicable act and having that in books just makes people want to do it

>> No.8277194
File: 55 KB, 625x626, 1440164549471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8277204

Is Elric actually any good or is it a meme?

>> No.8277212

>reading codex alera
>it's kinda crappy but the intrigue is fun
>second book is entirely about fighting insects
Oh am I so done

Know what you're good at mate

>> No.8277216

Sanderson's a good action writer and he's pretty good at protagonists who are coming of age

Unfortunately he keeps also writing hundreds of pages of bad worldbuilding and using other protagonists

>> No.8277232

His women are the absolute worst, and they usually have the same personality (other than the older sister in Warbreaker, as I recall).

>> No.8277242


How is that bait in any way?
You probably wouldn't say the same about child porn would you, but somehow the rape of an adult is a non issue?

>> No.8277249

Child sex is fine too, yes. Learn to differentiate fiction from reality. If you can't do that see a therapist.

>> No.8277273

>Child sex is fine too, yes.
Never change, lit. Never change.

>> No.8277304

Child rape in literature is perfectly fine. Stop baiting.

>> No.8277348

Don't get the hype either. It's a decently written YA book with a fairly cool premise and terribly generic central characters and absolutely execrable "romance".

>> No.8277377

Tuf Voyaging is fantastic (inventive, funny, and delves into some very interesting themes and morality questions), Fevre Dream is among the best vampire books, and Armageddon Rag is like GRRM does Stephen King, to the great effect. His Dreamsongs collections are also great; some absolutely excellent short stories there. Sandkings, The Second Kind of Loneliness, The Pear-Shaped Man, The Monkey Treatment, The Fortress, and The Way of Cross and Dragon are must-reads.

>> No.8277382

>why did it get the Nebula?
Because it was written by a woman and that's the only reason.

>> No.8277402

The Way of Kings - one of the three main POVs characters entire story is pretty much centered around a library. I'd say around 70% of her chapters have her in the library for some time at least.

>> No.8277406

>I'd say around 70% of her chapters have her in the library for some time at least.
Yea and it's the shittiest part of the book. I skipped through her chapters like mother fucker.

>> No.8277432

It was marketed specifically as YA so no, sorry.
I read London's Overthrow, King Rat, Perdido Street Station, Looking For Jake, Railsea, Embassytown, Kraken and The City & The City.

>> No.8277442

What are Robert Silverberg's most recommended books? I don't know where to start, his works are quite numerous

>> No.8277455

It's miles better than the posh tossers doing nothing

>> No.8277520

Why would you read 8 books by an author you dislike?

>> No.8277578

>blacks are swarms of animalistic murderous rapist, who are out for the flesh of white man & woman ass
>anybody is going to accept that shit in society in this age

>> No.8277582

>implying pulp fiction necessitates that sort of ideology

>> No.8277598

It's in the fucking book, read it. Conan and lovecraft were scared of blacks to the extreme.

>> No.8277615

I'm reading >>8277045 as "Could new original pulp fiction similar to Conan in the sense that it's pulp fiction become popular again?", you're reading it as "Could pulp fiction including Conan specifically become popular again?". Both valid interpretations of the comment.

>> No.8277691

I think it's pretty much been replaced by the likes of Sanderson and the like, which resonates more with modern audiences due to them owing more to comic books and films than to Gilgamesh. Especially in that the focus has moved away from having weird characters to having people who talk and act like millennials.

>> No.8277696

Nope, even in pulp thrillers publishing now focuses on longer pagecounts and has spent a good while implicitly linking this to the value of a book

Short pulp like Conan or Parker won't come back because they aren't ever gonna make books that cheap again

>> No.8277705

That's not revealed until Book 13, mate. And even then, it's a character saying that so and so has killed three people. It isn't even explicitly stated until you open to the back of that fat fucking book and look it up in the glossary.

>> No.8277789

Metro 2033

>> No.8277896

Not until sci-fi/fantasy magazines will become popular again.

>> No.8277899

I found the character insufferable. You could tell it was written in the time of the navel-gazing boomers, who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire because they would be trying too hard to chase the next endorphin rush at any cost.

>> No.8277974

Man, that would be great, but I don't see magazines in general being popular again, let alone a niche field like SFF shorts.

>> No.8278048

