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/lit/ - Literature

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8276848 No.8276848 [Reply] [Original]

>reading translations
how can you bitch so much about prose without being able to read the book in its original language?
is the average /lit/ poster bilingual at least?

>> No.8276864
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I only speak two languages. English and bad english

>> No.8276869
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>you wlll never fuck a girl this hot bookboy

>> No.8276879

>is the average /lit/ poster bilingual at least?
I think a lot of posters here are from non-English-speaking countries, so the average poster might very well be bilingual. Especially those that speak highly of non-meme non-English authors (e.g. Thomas Mann) have often read the original, I believe.

>> No.8276903


The average /lit/ poster is a memed 19 year old American sophomore at a state college who got his start reading Harry Potter and, forgetting these humble origins, now considers himself intellectually superior.

>> No.8276948
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>tfw only speak Russian and English
>tfw don't speak French and German

>> No.8276966
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>speak english and italian
>don't even really like italian literature
should have learned german ;_;

>> No.8276967

>fluent in Swedish and English
>Decent at reading german

It's a pity that i mostly read French literature tbqh

>> No.8276978

>speak norwegian and english
>can read koine greek very slowly
>can read latin slowly
Is this ok?

>> No.8276981

I'm learning Russian but god knows it's going to take a long fucking time before I can actually read Russian literature without a translation

>> No.8277059

Never, if you don't move to Russia and stay live here 3-5 years with real speaking practice every day.

>> No.8277071

Leggi Manganelli, Malaparte e Moresco anon, cambierai un po' idea. Anche Marinetti, volendo.

>> No.8277072

>he reads books for the prose

>> No.8277086



>> No.8277088


>> No.8277159

>m-muh perhaps even more worthless gymnasium, English public school, lyceé, whatever where we learned to boast about our superiority on Nepalese tapestry weaving forums

Sorry your grades weren't good enough to get into an American university, chump.

>> No.8277162

I don't
I am bilingual, Spanish English and I try to read every English author in English. When it's russian or something else I usually read it in Spanish.

>> No.8277168

What If I don't care about speaking Russian, but only want to read it?

>> No.8277170

>not enjoying the translator's prose

>> No.8277178

Aka, the sensible thing to do with the languages you know.

>> No.8277183

>state college

there's your fucking problem. Proper American institutions and their standards are no joke.

I tried and failed to get in

>> No.8277189

I checked out the Modern Library's English translation of In Search of Lost Time's first volume: Swann's Way, from my library, and I'm thinking about giving the entirety of it a go.

Since I'm learning German right now and my university's pace and rigor forces leaves me very little room to pursue another language simultaneously, I don't see myself acquiring French any time soon and definitely not at the modernist literature point any time soon.

idk, translated has become synonomous with "corrupted" and "bastardized" to me. Is this a worthwhile pursuit?

>> No.8277191

I agree, I've been living in Russia for 6 years now and I speak the language more or less fluent but Tolstoi and Dosto are still a tough nut. Anyone who teaches himself online or plans to take a russian class just so he can read the classics, is up for a sad suprise.

>> No.8277200

Welp, guess that plan goes into the bin.

>> No.8277245

German and english. My mother tongue is russian but I never cared to elaborate on it.

>> No.8277267

Sometimes Russian classical literature is hard to understand even for native speakers, for example:
Лeтит кибиткa yдaлaя;
Ямщик cидит нa oблyчкe
B тyлyпe, в кpacнoм кyшaкe.
Most of Russians don't know what is means кибиткa, oблyчoк, кyшaк, because it's very old worlds.

>> No.8277272

This is just what you want the average /lit/ poster to be so you won't feel threatened by their attitude and tastes while browsing the board bruh

>> No.8277277

Oh well, there are still enough authors left that are easier to understand. If you are learning Russian and want to read something, I'd recommend someone like Dovlatov for starters.

>> No.8277288
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>I'm French, I speak English and can read and understand Spanish and Italian.

>> No.8277302

Or Victor Pelevin, I guess it would be interesting.

>> No.8277305


Seems like a bit of an overstatement. I've only been learning Russian for about two years, with several months doing fuck all, and I can sometimes read a full page of Tolstoy without checking a word. If I keep stuffing myself with vocabulary every day, why wouldn't I be able to read the classics in about two more years ?

Sure, Russian isn't the easiest language to learn, it takes time, but 5-6 years + staying in a Russian speaking country seems ridiculous.

>> No.8277306

That means you have to rely on translations to read decent literature? Sorry to hear that.

>> No.8277312

:^) Meme harder m8

>> No.8277316

But the same thing could be said for other languages. Of course you'll encounter archaic words if you're going to read classics.

>> No.8277325

I'm not saying that it's impossible. Some people are better at learning a language than other. Best of luck! But as >>8277267 pointed out, the language in the books often differs from modern Russian and uses vocbulary that you won't find in some online class. Also, staying in Russia gives you a chance to get to know the way people think and feel over here. In a lot of ways the West and Russia are alike but there is also alot off stuff that doesn''t make sense to us, if we look at the country from the outside. Living here gives you the chance not only to read the books but also to understand a bit better, why authors wrote that way.

>> No.8277625

Aka the emme tetralogy.

>> No.8277668

Yes, I'm in my 30's, from Argentina and I grew up watching subtitled movies, listening to rock in english, etc. And then with the internet it's inevitable to read and write in english when posting on forums and stuff. So it was a natural evolution. I started reading literature in english when it was some rare item that I could not get here, but now I'm just doing it for the sake of reading the author in the original language. I consider myself lucky to be able to read Borges or Cervantes, and then Moby Dick, all in their original language.
So yes, bilingual here

>> No.8277702

>implying translators aren't often great writers/poets themselves
>implying prose/style can't be translated

Translation is a pretty advanced field of study. There is a reason some translations are shit while others arguably improve upon the book. Besides, even when translations were pretty bad, which is the case with a lot of older translations, people still read and enjoyed them enough for them to become classics in English, prompting improved translations to come out frequently afterward.

>> No.8277707

I don't care about the ring or sound of a language. I don't care about symbolic meme writing. I only care about the straight honest content so translations are completely fine as long as they're accurate.

>> No.8277717

>state college
your point?

>> No.8277722


People always fucking exaggerate about how long it takes to learn languages, but it's because they're both stupid and studying ineffectively. It took me half a year of Germany to get to a level sufficient for Nietzsche and Goethe, and after three months in France I'm not doing to bad with Dumas (Houllebecq and Camus were already pie after two months).
I'm sure a year in Russia will be enoughfor Tolstoy with the right mindset, at least for me.

>> No.8277725
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I know portuguese, spanish, english and japanese desu ne.

>> No.8277726


*too bad. And yeah, my native language is Swedish so I'm already quatrilingual.

>> No.8277728

Nice I can definitely respect that.

>> No.8277735

I read translated novels (and usually novels in general) for the characters, themes, plot, etc.
When I want to read something that sounds good I'll read English poetry or good English prose like Melville, Browne, Burton, etc.

>> No.8277752

this t.bh. the >reading translation meme is the only meme I feel bad when people here fell for it.

>> No.8277773


Monolingual pleb detected

>> No.8277774

Douglas Hofstadter wrote a lovely book on literary translation titled Le Ton beau de Marot. :)

>> No.8277787

pure e-penis

>> No.8277795

Do you know differences between Germanic languages and Slavic languages? Yes, if your native language from Germanic family it's a not big deal to learn German, French or English, but if you want to learn language from another family it's not easy as you think.

>> No.8277798

Is it translated to English?

>> No.8277822


They're still IE languages, but yeah of course I know that it's harder. It does seem like there is still a lot of shared vocabulary, though, so I'm not too worried.

>> No.8277824


Pretty sure it's written in English originally.

>> No.8277839

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.8277841

I want to learn Russian for reading but unless I'm in Russia or Goa it would be useless in the real world. :(

>> No.8277844

Emma Roberts

>> No.8277871

>but unless I'm in Russia or Goa it would be useless in the real world
Or Turkey and Egypt

>> No.8277905

>german, french and english universities all rank below that of america

>> No.8277922

Nice feet.

>> No.8277994

English, Italian and Portuguese, next is French

>> No.8278017
File: 88 KB, 736x736, ccb438ce40cb9ab1c7613e627dbbda29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to step on my face ;_;

>> No.8278021

I fell for this meme when I attempted don quijote on my high school level +duolingo spanish. Went two chapters before admitting I understood basically nothing. Fuck you assholes.

>> No.8278037

My guess is
35% american
25% latin american
20% europe
15% UK
5% "other"

>> No.8278079
File: 13 KB, 220x269, LTbdM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wrote it in English. :)

>> No.8278180

Would have actually respect if you learned japanese for japanese literature which is clearly not the case.

>> No.8278201

Girls with high arches
are like a hurricane of MDMA
blasting in my face
while I watch anime

>> No.8278264

Ask yourself why you didn't understand it. Work on that.

>> No.8278276

Kek tbphwy senp.ai

>> No.8278658
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>> No.8278671

I speak english, portuguese and french.
I'm thinking about german, but I've been lazy nowadays.

>> No.8278675

Dann erklär mir mal Nietzsche auf deutsch. Ich kann ihn dir übrigens auf russisch erklären, dafür habe ich habe mehr als sechs Monate gebraucht.

>> No.8278695

I bet you are not even bilingual, you disgusting normalfag.

>> No.8278697


French is a romance language, stupid american. It doesnt belong in the germanic family. We just borrow some words.

It has nothing to do with frankish, since my ancestors dropped it for latin and then it become the french language.

>> No.8278722

Get off your /r9k/ horse. There is nothing normal about learning a language to read literature.

>> No.8278735
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Just go back to where you came from.

>> No.8278738

>We just borrow some words.
>some words
Typical frog's.

>> No.8278752

You should change your attitude. This board is neither your anime heaven nor do I recommend trying to fit in with those jerks to begin with.

>> No.8278779

I have been here since this board was created. You type like you just came over from plebbit or something, so stop trying to act like you know what the fuck you are talking about and just lurk for some years.

>> No.8278788

Because I tried to read it in spanish and I don't know spanish

>> No.8278790

I'm sorry. You just talk like the stereotypical 4chan manchild so I didn't know whether you're a newfag parrot or an OG. Now that I have experienced how mighty your status is I will think twice before I engage in an argument with another anime pro.

>> No.8278808

Were you expecting a hugbox or something? And stop bumping this shitty thread to page 1, this isn't literature.

>> No.8278820

Meme me up senpai. What else do you have in your gold treasure of anime advice?

>> No.8278848

What are some good books to help learn Russian? For beginners


>> No.8278864

You mean for grammatic? If you mean in a general sense I don't think a book will be very helpful. I would recommend first learning the russian alphabet and then the grammatic. Really, just the steps you need for learning any language. The rest is grinding the vocabulary and reading practice.

>> No.8278866

>tfw speak Dutch, French and English
>always buy my books written in or translated into English because i don't like my own language and the literature it produces

>> No.8278999

flat feet

featureless uncurled toes

what a shame desu

>> No.8279392
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>tfw only speak German, Spanish and English
>tfw don't speak Russian

>> No.8279402


Ezra Pound said that every great age of literature is an age of translations, so I feel no shame in saying that I would not want to rely on my shaky French and scant German to read Celine and Kafka. I am working on remedying that, but tell me, did you learn 14th-century Tuscan to read Dante?

>> No.8279411


There's no shame in getting your start with children's literature if you leave it behind as an adult. But this what you hate - you're still chasing the sugar fix of childhood escapism and wondering why it just leaves you feeling sluggish these days.

>> No.8279424

Same here, plus learning German

>> No.8279468
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her feet are fine faggot

i'd suck her toes

>> No.8279470

>the only other language I know has no great literary works

>> No.8279473

her tops are fine.

her soles are pig disgusting for reasons noted >>8278999

>> No.8279500
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ok soles

>> No.8279558


>> No.8279566

Amharic (Predominant language of Ethiopia)

>> No.8279584

i've seen some local efiops read funny letter language book

>> No.8279669

I've slowly just stopped reading translations but honestly I'm never going to learn another language

I feel like some writers are fine to read translated

> Knausguard, cus it's pretty basic
> Nabokov, cus it's still good tootin prose
> Proust, cus...I really cba with french
> Houelbeuqe cus he's rubbish and I can't spell his name anyway and cus franCH

>> No.8279674

only proving my point for me

>> No.8279854

>Expecting people to miss out on great literature if they don't speak English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Latin, Ancient Greek, Chinese AND Japanese (etc.)

>> No.8279922

Дepжи, тoвapищ!

>> No.8280224 [DELETED] 

Not too sure where I stand. But if I were too guess, I'd say I'm a bit ahead of the average. I know Russian, English, French, Spanish, and German. Though I'm much more proficient with the first three.
>tfw don't know Greek or Italian.
It's the worst feel.

>> No.8280435

the grammatical structure is entirely different asshole

>> No.8280437

trying way too hard

>> No.8280460

Bla bla bla

>> No.8280476

I have literally never met a foreigner who was fluent in Russian desu. You don't really need to be fluent to read classics, granted, but still.

>> No.8280483

>Most of Russians don't know what is means кибиткa, oблyчoк, кyшaк
They do as long as they went to school, you know, since those words appear in works that are assigned reading.

>> No.8280720

How do you define fluent ?

>> No.8280781

Everybody knows what these words mean.

>> No.8280790

with a dictionary

>> No.8280822

On par with a native speaker.

>> No.8280851

fluency means being able to communicate without effort for both sides - no troubles to express thoughts in the language and no problems of others to understand them.
It is unlikely for a speaker of any foreign language to be on par with native speakers.

>> No.8280855

Try Чeхoв, easy words, deep thoughts

>> No.8280890

Bидимo, ты нac пpocтo нe иcкaл. Ecть люди, кoтopыe yмeют.

>> No.8280891

not possible

>> No.8280892

>Ecть люди, кoтopыe yмeют.
Умeют чтo?

>> No.8280904

But what does that mean ? All native speakers aren't on the same level expression and comprehension-wise. Also, when a language is widely spread there tends to be regional slangs that even most native speakers wouldn't understand. What if I move to France, live there for years, can speak with French people effortlessly, but then go on vacation in Québec or French-speaking Africa and have trouble communicating with the locals ? Am I not fluent anymore ?

>> No.8280984

Cвoбoднo гoвopить пo-pyccки.

>> No.8281021

If you can convince me that you're a native speaker you're fluent enough. I have never met a foreigner whom I could mistake for a native Russian speaker but I have met a good deal of non-native English speakers whose English was so good you wouldn't be able to tell they weren't actually natives. It's probably because there are comparatively few people learning Russian. To be honest, a great deal of native Russian speakers aren't proficient in their own language and their comprehension of classics would probably be on par with someone who was reading them in translation.
(and yeah, dialects aren't an issue in Russian, it's much more uniform than most European languages)

>> No.8281039

Дpoчить впpиcядкy, блядь

>> No.8281060

I speak French and English, I only read French books and browse /lit/ for memes

>> No.8281097


>> No.8281154

retard with shit taste in feet

non-autistic footfag:
>Those are some cute feet

autistic footfag:
>1/10 shit feet. her toes are uncurled and the Q parabola of her distal arch is B+ grade at best. i will not be reposting this on wikifeet under my account name "FeetMaster937." allow me to flood the thread now with pictures of elderly women's feet and my highly specific fantasties about them.
^^^^^ this is you

>> No.8281292

Meine Deustches ist nicht gut. Ich spreche ein bisschen.

>> No.8281299
File: 89 KB, 610x455, 28t6ws-l-610x610-shoes-black+leather+sandals-leather+shoes-leather+sandals-leather-black+platform+sandals-flatforms-black+sandals-ankle+strap-platform+ankle+strap-black+flatforms-platform+shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a foot thread

>> No.8281404

Can I pretend those are Mira's?

>> No.8281437

they probably are, judging by the shit clothing combination (both type and color) and the fucking black nail polish on top of it all.

>> No.8281445
File: 409 KB, 550x403, Screen-Shot-2015-07-18-at-5.13.01-PM-e1437264842287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I pretend those are Mira's?
No need f.am, gotchu covered

>> No.8281450

I'm German and had Spanish Latin and ancient Greek in high school but I can't speak those languages anymore.

>> No.8281452
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>> No.8281454

I speak fluently Spanish, French and English
Decent reading level in Portuguese, Swedish, and Memesperanto
Learning still nihongo and Russian

>> No.8281456
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>> No.8281462
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>> No.8281464
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>> No.8281477
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>> No.8281481
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>> No.8281561

Oн нe пpo нocитeлeй языкa гoвopил, ayтиcт.

>> No.8281563

wow this is actually spot on

>> No.8281737

A я нe нocитeль, дoлбoёб. Я нeмeц.

>> No.8281773

Hy и кaк, cлoжнo yчить былo? A тo тyт нecyт чyшь чтo якoбы pyccкий нeвoзмoжнo cлoжный.
(я дpyгoй чeл)

>> No.8281791

I thought Ethiopia has long and rich history, how couldnt they produce anything of value?

>> No.8281804

Дoвoльнo cлoжнo, нo вoзмoжнo. Я тoт aнoн, ктo пиcaл, чтo oн yжe 6 лeт живeт в Poccии. Этo кoнeчнo пoмoглo, пoтoмy чтo тaк y тeбя нeт выбopa, ты пpocтo дoлжeн гoвopит пo-pyccки.

>> No.8281805


Danish (thereby also norwegian by extension), english, german, spanish.

Fite me.

>> No.8281818

A чё в Poccии, пo paбoтe?

>> No.8281828

Hy дa, и я пpocтo oчeнь люблю Poccию. Mнe тyт нpaвитcя.

>> No.8281830

>Mнe тyт нpaвитcя.
Cepьёзнo? Пoчeмy? Hи пopядкa ни cпpaвeдливocти ни бoгaтcтвa

>> No.8281888

Кoнeчнo ecть минycы, a тaкжe плюcы. Ho тaк вeздe. B Гepмaнии нa пpeмиep тoжe cкopo пиздeц. Haшa coциaлнaя cиcтeмa cкopo pyхнeт. И в этoм дaжe нe бeжeнцы винoвaты, a нe cпpaвeдливaя pacпpeдeлeниe дeнeг. Oфициaльныaя cтaтиcтикa гoвopит, чтo в 2030 гoдy 40% пeнcиoнepoв бyдyт бeднeми.

>> No.8281920

nice trips
У нac cлaвa бoгy дeньги зa cидeниe нa зaдницe гocyдapcтвo нe дaёт, пoэтoмy и "бeжeнцы" к нaм нe лeзyт. Ho кoгдa нeфть c гaзoм кoнчaтcя нaм пиздeц. Кcтaти, a плюcы-тo кaкиe?

>> No.8281956

Я живy в питepe. Гopoд клaccный. Я знaю, чтo мнoгиe pyccкиe cчитaют людeй здecь cнoбaми, нo мнe нpaвитcя кaк oни гopдятcя cвoeй кyльтypoй и литepaтypoй. Hoчнaя жизнь тyт вecёлaя. A pyccкиe вooбщe зaбaвны нapoд. У вac хopoшee чycтвo юмopa. Жaлкo, чтo вы этo нe пoкaзывaeтe пo тeлeвизopy.

>> No.8281993

A, Питep, нy тoгдa пoнятнo. Mнe тoжe тaм пoнpaвилocь oчeнь кoгдa y poдcтвeнникoв был. A тo в мoём poднoм гopoдe мeтpa нeт, пpoбки yжacныe, зa иcтopичecкими здaниями никтo нe cлeдит, oтcтoй в oбщeм.

>> No.8282026

Я кoнeчнo знaю, чтo жизнь в Питepe oтличaeтcя oт жизни в, cкaжeм, Кpacнoдape. Ho я oчeнь нaдeюcь, чтo cкopo пoймyт, чтo нaдo инвecтиpoвaть в дpyгиe гopoдa, ecли Poccия дoлжнa игpaть бoлшyю poль в этoм миpe.

>> No.8282405



you nailed me

>> No.8282624

Бyдy yчитьcя в Питepe oceнью. Хoчy yлyчшить мoй peчь. Я из Гepмaнии. Moй любимaя пиcaтeль - Чeхoв.

>> No.8282664

are you from russia? if so, no shit you cannot distinguish between native english ones and plain fluent, for myself I have never mistaken one.

>> No.8282666

>bitching about prose
I too was once a college sophomore.

>> No.8282670

You must not be a native English speaker then, you can always tell when it's not their first language. Always.

>> No.8282679

fik ihn auf junge!!!!!!!!
I'm American, speak English and German, I can read French. I read all my news in French/German because of "Le Figaro" "Le Monde Diplomatique" and "Die Zeit" (esp. Die Zeit) are uncomparable to most US news sources. I haven't had the balls to fully attack a German/Literature book yet.

>> No.8282695

>not reading in 5 languages

>> No.8283385

Samefagging all the way down. Calling it right here right now.

>> No.8283393

Sounds likely.

>tfw only speak Russian, English and German
>tfw don't speak French

>> No.8283417

I'm trilingual (French, Latin and English), and I've just started learning Spanish. I don't have an issue with reading translations though, there's too much quality literature out there written in too many different languages to learn a new language every time you want to read something. If I did that I would have to learn in addition to my current languages Portugese, Russian, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, German, Chinese, Greek, Arabic, Norwegian and more. Very few people have time for that.

>> No.8283420

You will learn a language faster by speaking it. Although 5 years sounds excessive, 3 should easy do.

Because most people remember shit that was assigned in school? Come on.

>Haшa coциaлнaя cиcтeмa cкopo pyхнeт
Not that Russia even has one that could crash.

>> No.8283479

I know three languages but the two that are not English are spoken only by about 15 million people combined. They hardly help when it comes to reading anything discussed here.

>> No.8283494
File: 28 KB, 224x171, are you for real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't fluent in at least 10 languages and competent in another 10

>> No.8283519

Where I am from many state colleges are very competitive.

>> No.8283525

Dann schreib mir doch auf deutsch. Wann kommst du denn genau? Vielleicht kann ich dir irgendwie hier weiterhelfen.

>> No.8283548

lol retard languages

for retards haha

like the ones in your homeland LOL

>> No.8283661

I only know English and feel like such a fucking American. But everytime I put forth effort to learn one (Japanese and Spanish so far) I just put myself down and lose the will.
>You'll never be fluent like a native
>You could be focusing on something related to your major instead of learning a language for next to no reason
>if I don't keep this up for the rest of my life I'll just forget it anyway
>I have nobody to practice with
>Can I really learn a language by myself
And then I cry myself to sleep.

>> No.8283668

I hate everythfedshgetrh 5erhber3hbrebhetfrbneh4trhbe435herdtsbvfdsbsfdsgregreasbrdes

>> No.8283695

>learning Spanish when you already know French and Latin
You'll be reading that sweet South American lit in a few months tops.

>> No.8283714

>I have nobody to practice with
Finding Spanish and Japanese penpals is easy.

>Can I really learn a language by myself
Why the fuck not ? It takes some people two or three years to become decent at their target language on their own while millions of students around the world spend years studying Spanish and English several hours a week without ever becoming any good. Whether or not you'll "master" a language only depends on your motivation.

>> No.8284053
File: 316 KB, 768x1892, 1465952447947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i learn german just to read books?
i feel like i would have no other use for the language

>> No.8284055


Was von Nietzsche möchtest du denn das ich erkläre? Mein Grammatik ist wie du siehst nicht perfekt, aber ich kann mich gut unterhalten mit Bücher und Konversationen mit Leute - Rechtschreibung ist aber nicht so wichtig für mich. Und verzeih die späte Antwort, ich habe nicht an die Fade geguckt die letzten Tage...

>> No.8284057
File: 178 KB, 330x319, 1462412151015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. rejected from harvard

>> No.8284086

english and arabic ayyyyyye

>> No.8284170

Tach, Ende August ist Einführungswoche. Lebst du in St.P.? Mein Ziel ist TRKI 2

>> No.8284211

Well, I speak French and English.
Most of my friends who browse here are foreigners who pretty much have to be bilingual to read and post.

>> No.8284225

Ja. Ich bin derjenige, der auf russisch geschrieben hat, dass er schon sechs Jahre hier wohnt. Wenn du also Fragen hast, kann ich dir gerne weiterhelfen. Ein Austausch oder Auslandssemester ist das Beste, was du machen kannst, falls du in Deutschland nicht mit Russen zu tun hast.

>> No.8284231

Meine Freundin ist (echte) Russin, wir reden aber eher auf deutsch. Ich werde einen vollen Sprachkurs belegen und somit die ganze Zeit Russisch lernen

>> No.8284233

Kein Problem, ich hab Zeit. Was Einfaches: Was meint Nietzsche, wenn er vom Übermenschen spricht und wie wurde er missinterpretiert?

>> No.8284249

In der staatlichen Uni auf der Wassiljewski Insel? Mach dich schon mal auf einen Haufen von Chinesen gefasst, die überhaupt nichts können und den gesamten Kurs ausbremsen.

>> No.8284253

Дa вceм пиздeц. Хopoшo былo лeт 10 нaзaд, кoгдa ты знaл, чтo Poccия кoнeчнo в жoпe, нo вoт нa зaпaдe зaтo вcё бyдeт хopoшo. Moжнo былo вepить в лyчшee. A ceйчac - хyй. Хoтя, кoнeчнo, нeмцы c их "к 2030 гoдy 40% пeнcиoнepoв бyдyт бeдныe" вызывaют yмилeниe.
Tы гoвopишь кaк чyкчa из aнeкдoтoв.

>> No.8284281


So wie ich es verstehe, ist der Übermensch von Nietzsche der Mensch, der überwindet der Moralismus und die begrenzenden soziale werten. Der gewöhnlichste Misinterpretation von die Leute die nicht einmal der Wiki-Artikel angeschaut haben, muss sein dass es um ein physikalische oder biologische Konzept handelt.

>> No.8284310

I read Metro 2033 in an English translation of the original Russia and it was still able to:
a) Absorb the fuck out of my into the world
b) Create tension of relief at multiple moments
c) Scare the socks off me to the point where I though I would finish a chapter in the morning


>> No.8284315

Metro 2033 is YA ficton, so no wonder it doesn't lose much in translation.

>> No.8284450

Does Nadsat count, or am I just a pleb?

>> No.8284470

Ich werde einen Eingangstest machen und somit hoffentlich in einem Kurs ohne Chinabremsen kommen. Momentan bin ich B1-B2....

>> No.8284929

Also mal ohne Witz, du sprichst wirklich gut für jemanden, der sich die Sprache in kurzer Zeit selbst beigebracht hat. Aber ich fürchte, du bist damit eher eine Ausnahme.

>> No.8284940

In so einer Gruppe war ich auch. Das Problem ist, dass der Einstufungstest schriftlich ist. Das kriegen die meisten Asiaten auch hin. Aber das Mündliche ist es halt, womit sie die Gruppen aufhalten. Ich bin damals fast wahnsinnig geworden und hab mich dann entschlossen, meinen Unterricht in den vielen Bars von Spb weiterzuführen. Hat aber auch gut geklappt.

>> No.8284954

Was sind Kasen?
Auf Englisch mal:
Good vocab but cases were border line embarrassing. The cases in German are the beauty of the language that give its brevity and precineness. I highly recommend that OR (original replier) invests the time to learn them ausgezeignecht gut

>> No.8284970

> In so gruppe war ich

Mein kamarade

>> No.8284973

Sure, he struggles with grammar. But cases and endings are, what make German a nightmare for a foreigner and personally I'm more the forgiving type when it comes to that. Memorizing the rules is of course necessary but I believe that you can only fully get it right, when you are constantly use the language actively when talking to natives. And this it where it helps to live in country where they speak that language.

>> No.8284976

No one reads russian in the original

Dont be fooled by these memers

>> No.8285022


Danke! Ich weiß gut dass mein Grammatik furchtbar ist, und ich sehe auch viele von meine Fehler - aber es ist nur dass ich nicht weiß, wie ich dem korrigieren soll.
Ich weiß nicht warum, vielleicht irre ich mich, aber ich habe den Eindruck, dass ich mich besser mit der Grammatik unterhalte wann ich mit Leute rede - kann doch auch ein Illusion sein.

>> No.8285054

It's the same for me with Russian. When you're talking to somebody, it's way easier to bullshit your way through a conversation. You can mumble or swallow endings and people will tell you that you sound like a local since they do it too but out of laziness. Doesn't work that way when you write something down.

>> No.8285118

>they think being able to shitpost in an image board makes them bilingual
>they think communicating in a language is actually understanding the language
>theyre not at least trilingual

>> No.8285168

Verdammt.... Da ich nicht unter finanziellen Problemen leide, wäre es geschickt, insbesondere im Zuge der TRKI Vorbereitung, an einer renommierten Privatschule noch einige Stunden in der Woche dann zu hängen?

>> No.8285238

Am besten wartest du erst mal ab, wie die Gruppe tatsächlich ist. Ein Tutor lässt sich zur Not immer leicht finden. Sieh lieber zu, dass du am alltäglichen Leben genug teilnimmst und nicht nur mit anderen ausländischen Studenten zusammenhockst. Die Leute freuen sich für gewöhnlich, sich mit Ausländern zu unterhalten. In Bibliotheken und Cafés werden übrigens oft kostenlose Seminare angeboten. Da kannst du einfach hingehen und versuchen, dich einzubringen. Sobaka.ru ist ne ganz hilfreiche Website.

>> No.8285258


In order of proficiency, think Im good, am to lazy to pick up a new one now.

>> No.8285285

Ok, danke für die Anregung, werde mir die Seite mal anschauen.

Kannst du noch Tipps zum alltäglichen Leben geben? Studentenwohnheim, wo einkaufen, hast du Sportkurse besucht, nennenswerte Kurse bzgl Literatur, etc..?

>> No.8285334

Das Wichtigste ist, dass du dich nicht davon irritieren lassen darfst, wie griesgrämig viele Leute aussehen. Das ist einfach so, dabei können es die nettesten Menschen sein, wenn du sie erst mal kennenlernst. Es gibt verschiedene Supermärkte, die in Sachen Qualität und Preise sehr unterschiedlich sein können. Die beste Kette ist wahrscheinlich Okei, oft sieht man aber auch Geschäfte von Diksi, das ist sowas wie ein russischer Aldi (nicht gut, aber günstig). Ausserdem gibt es überall kleine Geschäfte, Produkty, die das nötigste verkaufen und of 24 Stunden offen sind. Wichtig: Alkohol wird nicht nach 22 Uhr verkauft. Hast du schon eine Unterkunft?

>> No.8285349

Ich lebe in einem, von der Universität vermittelten, Studentenwohnheim wohnen

>> No.8285367

Immer diese Autokorrektur....Kannst du kulturelle Highlights nennen? Was muss man sich, neben den bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten, unbedingt angucken?

>> No.8285382

Dann darfst du nicht zuviel Luxus erwarten, aber Spaß kann man da schon haben. Ein Sportvereinswesen wie in Deutschland gibt es übrigens in der Form nicht, aber schau mal, was dein Wohnheim so anbietet. Gehst gerne in Bars oder Clubs? Ist vermutlich die beste Art, hier Leute kennenzulernen. Alkohol hilft auch bei Sprachschwierigkeiten, kein Witz.

>> No.8285399

Ja, Alkohol hilft, allerdings trinke ich nicht mehr. Ich werde mich anderweitig beschäftigen müssen.

>> No.8285402

Sieg Heil deutsch Danke ledenhouten. Nict ausse Kun ürkenätuften?

>> No.8285445

Trinkst du halt nen Saft, ist ja nichts Schlimmes. Es gibt hier unglaublich viele kleine Museen, die man so nicht in Reiseführern findet. Das Erarta auf der Wassiljewski Insel ist ein modernes Museum für Kunst und in der Nähe ist ein ganz interessanter Friedhof (klingt komisch, aber man da gut spazieren und auch über die Geschichte der Stadt lernen). Das Etazhi ist ein Kunsthaus am Ligovski Prospekt, sehr viel Fotografie und alternative Kunst. Aber ich spamme hier den ganzen Thread mit Reisetipps zu. Wenn du willst, kannst du mal dienstags ab 17.30 in die Majakowski Bibliothek am Fontanka Kanal kommen. Ich leite da einen deutschen Konversationsklub. Da kann ich dir auch mehr erzählen. Außerdem haben die eine gute Auswahl an deutschen und englischen Büchern und bieten auch viel kulturelles Programm an.

>> No.8285473

Vielen Dank, bei Gelegenheit werde ich dich aufsuchen.

>> No.8285496

Mach das, dann kann ich dich vielleicht auch mit ein paar Einheimischen bekannt machen.

>> No.8285875


>> No.8285884

best emma
worst actress
i don't really care
why my friend
did you have to
post her here

>> No.8287640

They do.
Also, those*