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8273685 No.8273685 [Reply] [Original]

Lit, I've never had sex and I'm 22. What's a good novel for me before I kill myself? I'm gay btw.

>> No.8273689

Death in Venice.
Don't kill yourself.

>> No.8273695

Phenomenology of Spirit, don't kill yourself until you figure it out.

>> No.8273697

Don't do it! Think of all the great books you haven't read

>> No.8273698

Isn't it amazing how people place value into whether or not you've put your phallus in between a woman's vaginal walls. I mean I get that the implication is that a virgin lacks social skills or general attractiveness to successfully have sex [and that's what is really being insulted] but still, it's very strange to me.

>> No.8273700

Hey, I'm 22 too.

In high school we bought a pack of condoms and said, If you haven't used it by 2014, then it's all over. Now those condoms have expired.

>> No.8273703

I wasn't being serious when I said I was going to kill myself, but thanks for caring anon.

>> No.8273707

A manual on rational-behavioral therapy to undo your catastrophic reasoning. Being a virgin in not that big of a deal, especially in early 20ies.

>> No.8273708

Kill yourself, don't kill yourself. Meaningless distractions.

Do it. Don't do it. You'll regret both.

>> No.8273709

*Rational emotive behavior therapy

>> No.8273714

Once you have sex you will realise how little virginity matters. Don't sweat it.

>> No.8273717

In Search of Lost Time
Dance to the Music of Time
The Cairo Trilogy
Chronicles of Barsetshire

Something long, thick and dense that will be at least some kind of achievement and would make something tall to jump off of. This is if it doesn't actually give you a little perspective and make you rethink your awful, self-absorbed self-pitying.

>> No.8273718

cheer up bud you shouldn't kill yourself just because you're 22. Plenty of people don't have sex until they are well into their twenties.

You should kill yourself because you're gay though

>> No.8273725

So you are just an attention seeking little shit? Kill yourself.

>> No.8273738

Virginity really doesnt matter much, my life hasn't changed a bit since I first had sex. It's just an experience like everything else. You'll get your oppurtunity, bud.

>> No.8273820

How can you be a virgin at that age if you're gay? Surely finding sex must be easy as fuck.

>> No.8273824

yeah isn't the gay hookup scene like insane
i had a gay roomie in college

>> No.8273829

You misunderstand. I never had any interest in hookups, my idea of sex has always been a romantic one, but it makes it especially bleak for me because I have no social life what so ever and to be honest I don't even know a single person in my neighborhood who's my own age.

>> No.8273830

Just go to a gay club. Seriously, gay men can have sex pretty much whenever they want to with very minimal effort.

>> No.8273843

Join a local lgbt society or something then.

>> No.8273854

>lgbt society
I'm not sure what that means.

>> No.8273911

I think I'm literally you but two years in the future. You're still a virgin by the way.

>> No.8273924
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Don't worry OP, there are worse things in life than not having sex

Just kidding there aren't and you should definitely kill yourself

>> No.8273939
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I'm a year younger than you OP and I'm in the same boat. Don't lose hope senpai, you never know what tomorrow might bring. Read the Symposium by Plato.

In the last few days a mutual friend has, I think, started expressing interest in me. He hasn't said anything because others were present, but on multiple occasions his body language has been pretty clear. Never having been in a relationship, and being socially inept, I'm never sure how to react. I plan to invite him over to my place alone and see what happens. Wish me luck, and if anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.8273991

Now that aussie shitposting is blaringly obvious, can we start identifying posts by region? Just for funzies.

>> No.8274043
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Hang in there m8, I'm 33 and although I had ONE fling, there was no real hanky panky; so hang tight, keep at it and enjoy the brief moments of joy, that is really all that matters.
Oh, also Steppenwolf is a hell of a good read.

>> No.8274053
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Notes from Underground.

>> No.8274160

I was 21 when I first has sex. I'm 23 now and I've been with eight women. Nothing astounding, but that's a decent turn around imo. And I've been dating a qt for the past six months.

I'm not doing this to brag (none of that is with bragging about), but I'm trying to say that you very well could break into a normal sexual life very soon. It'll just happen. Trust me.

And if you're gay, go on tinder and find some people to go to a gay nightclub with. Shit, I was at a gay nightclub and easily could have got some. You just have to put yourself out there. Gay men are very promiscuous (not in a bad way).

Keep your head up and keep trying.

>> No.8274191


I assure you that gay men are promiscuous in a bad way.

t. homosexual

>> No.8274211


>> No.8274270

Holy shit this.
It is inconsequential.

That being said, stop being gay and go impregnate a pure aryan woman.

As long as you're white yourself.

>> No.8274274

>Gay men are very promiscuous (not in a bad way).
spreading AIDS does not constitute being promiscuous in a bad way?

let me turn on my """PC""" for a second to respond to you

>> No.8274280

>Gay men are very promiscuous (not in a bad way)
>(not in a bad way)

yeah, trying to get HIV by having unprotected sex with HIV+ individuals is totally acceptable

>> No.8274284

>people fall for the sex is fucking important for a happy life meme

just kys

>> No.8274922

Smoke some weed, it'll ease the tension but not make you groggy like alcohol.

>> No.8274933

I'd say it's very important for masculinity and affirmation. It's odd that losing your virginity is seen as somewhat of a right of passage but I can certainly understand it.

>> No.8274936
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That was my planned excuse for asking him over to my place. The last few times we met we've been smoking with a large group of friends. We'll smoke and then sit next to each other on a small two-seater couch and play some video game or other, and if he's interested something will happen I guess.

>> No.8274950

>being dead
>having regrets

>> No.8274965

Moby Dick to appreciate how great the world can be
Miss Lonelyhearts or Day of the Locust to appreciate how fucking terrible the world is
Finish with Thus Spake Zarathustra for once last chance of reinvigoration
If you want to kill yourself after this then it is at least not without trying to understand your plight.

>> No.8274986


>> No.8275016

Someone likes Kierkegaard.

24 here, never had sex either.
Never cared much about personal relationships, I might just talk to a tinder match because I don't want to get involved with anyone I know personally.

>> No.8275020

These are both true. It's a serious matter until you do and then you realise it's a meme.

>> No.8275021

>having sex with a random
future slut

>> No.8275060

Have you met a woman that you have fallen in love with? If not, then what the hell does it matter.

>> No.8275090

If you're cute and interesting and in California I'll go out with you.

>> No.8275093



>> No.8275115

Didn't have sex until I was 22 with my current girlfriend
I still think cuddling is better. It's so warm and cozy.

>> No.8275124

Some people live their entire lives as virgins. No big deal. I know no one will ever love me and it's no big deal.

>> No.8275128

TSZ is too alpha for OP I fear

>> No.8275155
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>I know no one will ever love me and it's no big deal.

>> No.8275159

I was 21 when I lost my virginity, so you're not too far gone. Don't worry. I'm 24 now and have been with 3 women(ok 2 have been hookers but still). Besides you're gay. No joke you pretty much have it as easy as women to get laid. Go to any large-ish city and find a gay club. Unless you're horrible looking you have a good chance of getting laid.

>> No.8275261

You only realize this once you actually do have sex, so telling him is useless and you know it. This is the most important objective in his life and will be until he fulfills and experiences it himself

>> No.8275363
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>MEN refuse to have sex with you
>men refuse to have SEX with you

Do you look like Sloth Fratelli or something??

Do you at least have a nice ass?

>> No.8275390

I feel like all these people saying sex doesn't matter miss the point.

>> No.8275393

Does homosex even count ?

Cant you just grind your way to ass in minutes ?

>> No.8275396

I'd post a picture of myself but I'm not going to reveal my identity on 4chan.

>> No.8275405


He wanted a pic of your ass, anon

>> No.8275425

Black out the eyes. Cmon mate we need a laugh.

>> No.8275429

I ate too much food today, I feel fat. No.

>> No.8275438

>I feel fat. No.
Maybe guys wont sleep with you because they want sex with men, not pansy ass little girls...

>> No.8275439


Show us your brown starfish

>> No.8275441


Have you met The Gays ?

>> No.8275448

I have, nothing makes them harder than a power bottom.

>> No.8275464

You'd be surprised.

>> No.8275998

read Grindr, three flies one stone

>> No.8276142

Starting Strength, although it isn't a novel. Beefcakes get laid, gay or straight.

>> No.8276273

>gay sex
Ya nah, just give up on that one. Male homosexuality doesn't seem to mix well with deep bonds. Not to say that romantic impulses aren't present some of the time; they are, but they're usually shallow compared to hetero relationships, and, much more importantly, they're always delimited by the endless sexual variety that gaydom offers.

>> No.8276275

I don't know if any of this is true but it sounds good. I'm gonna upvote you, anon.

>> No.8276283

I fuck dudes and yes, it is true.

>> No.8276284

Get an escort from Craigslist. Tell her it's your first time, she'll understand. It's really not that difficult.

>> No.8276292

kys, faggot

>> No.8276298

Sorry, him, but he might have aids.

Btw, 27 year old virgin here (try not to sin my child), caring less every day.

>> No.8276335

it's such a fucking meme
virginity literally only matters to virgins

>> No.8276383

>Shit, I was at a gay nightclub and easily could have got some.

Yeah, this. I went to a straight nightclub last weekend and a gay guy hit on me and asked if I was gay. Just go outside.

>> No.8276568

you can be promiscuous and not get aids silly

>> No.8276657

>I never had any interest in hookups, my idea of sex has always been a romantic one

Allow me to let you in on something since I felt the same way when I was your age and homosex.

You'll never find what you're looking for.

I'm not saying this to hurt you, or to make you feel any worse than you already do, but because you need to learn the facts.

Homosexuality is rather narcissistic in its nature. Each homosexual seeks the lost masculine version of himself that he never was in his lover. A male couple is essentially two emotionally-broken men who each are attempting to repair the masculine deficit in one another. Each has the same broken half, so together, they cannot make the whole and form a proper relationship. Thus, all homosexual relationships are rather short-term in length, and this is primarily due to this fact.

I went on my own route: I chose to leave it. I don't identify as a homosexual, I don't engage in it. I don't think it is something to be proud of. I've left it---and I've never been happier in my life. My life started, actually started, when I was 27 and I began to understand what had happened to me, and the true reason why I turned out the way I did. Now, I focus on the better things in life.

Take a look at the books of Charles Socarides, Joseph Nicolosi, Irving Beiber for further reading.