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/lit/ - Literature

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8274353 No.8274353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did she mean by this /lit/?

What other politically aware non-white poets could you guys recommend?

>> No.8274366

what an insufferable person

>> No.8274379

Eh, she's just waaay overcompensating for when she and her friends bullied that black kid into killing himself.

>> No.8274385




>> No.8274458

is this what passes as wit or intelligent thought?

>> No.8274464

Lot of genetic fallacy in her posts.

>> No.8274494

omg im so outraged

please seek out and post more twitter and social media pics of people who outrage me.

We need to keep triggering outselves.

I've got tumblr, and I'll scour through it. Look for anything SJW-related.

You, >>8274366, you've got facebook, and you, >>8274458 take instagram.

OP, you have twitter. Find the best SJW nonsense you can and post it here for us to get outraged about.

>> No.8274503

Mira Gonzalez is going to make a hilarious 36 year old housewife

>> No.8274519

oh please. We're just reacting to a photo of someone who's being stupid.

I'm also bitter that she gets at least some recognition in the literary world and I don't

>> No.8274522

She can make these sort of jokes to her white male husband :^)

>> No.8274536

Do we really need this thread every day?

It's not even literature related.

>> No.8274541


>> No.8274546

then complain to the mods, don't be a shit to bitter fucks like me

>> No.8274551

>doing anything

>> No.8274553

She's literally white herself

>> No.8274569

hey, they banned me for criticising BLM.

>> No.8274573

lol you guys are funny

go you

>> No.8274586
File: 1.57 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-07-13-13-20-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her bf a white bald dude

>> No.8274589

Let's dox the shit out of him for dating an SJW roastwhore

Get /b/, /r9k/, and /pol/ in on it

>> No.8274599

You're right homeboy. I fall into that trap too.

I think of it as 'outrage porn.' Going out of your way to find something that pisses you off. It's a good way to reinforce your worldview.

>> No.8274604

everyone does it.

>> No.8274605

You know how it's obvious that you're a pseud?

Protip it's not the fact you're dwelling on thehigh school entry level political circlejerky discourse i

>> No.8274612

Take a look at the ressentiment boards /r9k/ and /pol/. They consist solely of clickbait articles and social media comments that they find triggering.

Don't let /lit/ become like that.

>"*link to clickbait article about identity politics issue concerning black authors* is she right, /lit/?"
>"*screenshot of disagreeable opinion on social media vaguely related to literature* Wow, really makes u think"

>> No.8274613

calm down newfag. that image gets posted here all the time.

>> No.8274617

Why do you bother engaging with this sort of stuff? People will always say dumb things. You don't see anyone linking conspiracy theories on /lit/ saying "hey what do you think about this guy saing the world is a cube?" Why do you waste your time going in circles discussing something that is as absolutely insignificant as a stranger's twitter posts?

>> No.8274627

That didn't happen lol. /pol/ tier statements get made in most large threads here, 'criticism' of BLM is completely fine

>/b/, /r9k/ or /pol/ doxing anyone
>implying they don't just offshore all their work to /g/ and taking all the credit for it

>> No.8274628


Mira Gonzalez is perhaps THE most renowned contemporary poet in the world

>> No.8274632

because she's a woman and an SJW and I want you all to agree with me that her opinion is deplorable to reassure me of my being correct in loathing her and her kind.

They're destroying white society

>> No.8274645

I take people I don't know personally to be strangers. I can't talk about a stranger's opinion because I don't know them closely enough. Seeing opinions secondhand through media is always privy to editing and self-fashioning.

>> No.8274656
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>> No.8274661

OK, I'll just learn to be content with the fact that I will never receive a literary award and I will never be able to quit my day job to work in literature, and that this is not because of my lack of skill but because of my demographics.

>> No.8274669

fucking bookfags, stop whining and let me redpill your shitty board

>> No.8274675

/r9k/ here, we usually tell /pol/ to leave with their race bait, we post other triggering things more to joke about it helping to trivialize our crushing loneliness and problems in life

>> No.8274677

not contemporary but these guys are pretty great desu


>> No.8274727

Voice of a generation

>> No.8274730

Give up /r9k/for a couple days and your life will feel like 3% better I guarantee it

>> No.8274757

Keep that shit on /r9k/ then, there's no need to shit up other boards just because you're wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.8274761

what is r9k? and what is it all about?

>> No.8274770

she's mexican and jewish also though

>> No.8274774

>woke up at 1 pm
>took a handful of drugs and drank some redbull
>stuck a vodka soaked tampon up my butt
>it stung
Why is she (semi)popular, again?

>> No.8274776

probably descended from a white mexican

>> No.8274791

Frogposting lonely virgin autists who piss into piss-jars because they're too socially awkward to use a bathroom and who spend their time playing 'vidya' and watching anime and discussing the size of women's labia, calling women roastwhores and dedicating their entire board to female and 'normie' hate.

Their patron saint is whoever has shot a school up last.

>> No.8274911
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really he looks like he probably doesn't have very many opinions though

not without clearing them with his idiot girlfriend first, anyway

pic unrelated

>> No.8274968

I always laugh that she is the daughter of one of the members of black flag

>> No.8275094
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>> No.8275292

The "nothing more noble than white dudes playing devil's advocate" one is pretty good, on its own.