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8273222 No.8273222 [Reply] [Original]

Ill start.

>Gone Girl.
Shitty ending.

>Atlas Shrugged.
Self explanatory.

>> No.8273254

Notes from Underground because that shit hit way too close to home

>> No.8273259

dave eggers' a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. jesus christ what an unbearable read

>> No.8273260
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This one by Banksy.

>> No.8273275

'The amazing pleasures of smashing your head against a wall'

>> No.8273280

>gone girl
is the ending different in the book? cause i fuggin loved the movie's ending

>> No.8273294


Haven't seen the movie.

The last couple of chapters in the book had Nick thinking/planning to out play her and fuck her shit up with some justice but the last chapter he fucking destroys his tell-all book and gives up.

>> No.8273304

that wasnt in the movie, but i assume them living together again was in the book. seems about the same gist of it.

>not wanting to live with and fug your beautiful yandere

>> No.8273308


Well Rosalind Pike (who plays Amy) is very beautiful but the ending is still enraging.

>> No.8273310



Also, what is the ending meant to tell us?

>> No.8273317

dont get a beer gut and be endlessly exciting and mysterious to women or they'll make you die a little every day

>> No.8273331

>The Sorrows of Young Werther
the feels were just too much desu.

>> No.8273453

>After Winter by Guadalupe Nettel
Waste of clean prose and neat structure. A hysterical feminist's wet dream. Retarded story and shit moral ("bad people get what they deserve").

>> No.8273576

gone girl was great

better than any of the millennium series

>> No.8273614

Really? I have Zeitounon my shelf, now I'm going to read it sooner.

>> No.8273626
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>best millennium series
>not Iowa trilogy by Marilynne Robison.

>> No.8273638

Brave New World.

Because I'm living in it, and because the ending was abrupt.