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/lit/ - Literature

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8267703 No.8267703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Always liked anime
>Start reading
>Watch anime
>Realize how shit anime is

What did reading ruin for you?

>> No.8267725
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>tfw read and watch anime

>> No.8267728

>comparing the works of two completely different mediums
>i don't know what i expected

Reading ruined reading for me. I have exact tastes and whenever I finish a book I really like I'm filled with regret for reading too fast. It's not that I think most books are shit, just that it can take me weeks to find that one book that I get really interested in. I usually end up rereading something I know I like already during that time, but then I eventually get bored of my favorites from overexposure.

Really I just need to stop reading a 100 fucking pages per sitting and spend more time appreciating the good book in my hands.

>> No.8267730


>nothing is as emotionally impactful as anime
>keep reading in the hopes that maybe something will enrapture you like the best animes

I've read everything from classics to genreshit to cult figures to modern critical darlings, and nothing still matches anime.

>> No.8267738

Anime is shit lol. I can count all the anime worth watching on my two hands. Everything else is a giant cringefest.

>> No.8267751

Yeah, you'd have to be pretty insecure to have reading ruin anime for you. They're pretty compatible, there are plenty of animes that reference literature and deal with mature themes.

Yeah, there's something about the visual aspect that makes it more affecting I think, although that isn't always the case for me.

Your vernacular makes it all too obvious that your opinion is worthless.

>> No.8267759

>Start reading
>Iyashikei is still the only thing keeping me alive

>> No.8267767


I don't care if anime is shit or "low art" or anything, I just like stories that I can actually get into and enjoy and be emotionally effected by. Books just don't do that for me.

"lol >reading for entertainment/escapement" well will reading fucking James Joyce make my life better? I'm not happier reading him, so I don't care how many obscure literary illusions he puts in his work. I want to have fun!

>> No.8267769
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I don't know if reading literature is the main reason, but yeah, growing up/studying philosophy/reading literature has made me develop very specific tastes and sharpen my skills at pattern recognition.
You probably have shit taste anon

>> No.8267772

i could never see the appeal of anime. it's cartoons for retarded children in a foreign language i have no desire to learn.

>> No.8267775
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Of course there are some very good anime out there, but reading made me more aware of how a good story is build and told; I can see a lot of mistakes and cliches that I couldn't before.

I still watch anime and I especially adore the music/OSTs and cute girls are always fun, but reading more complex work made me enjoy anime less.

Maybe saying that "anime is shit" was harsh but it's a greentext.

>> No.8267776

If you didn't have a strong thrill from reading The Dead then you are mentally below of the age of 18 and should leave

>> No.8267783

Reading didn't ruin my enjoyment of video games as much as getting old and confronting my mortality. Once I realized that it probably wasn't physically possible to read all the books/learn everything I wanted to in the rest of my life, playing video games just felt like I was very slowly killing myself.

>> No.8267786

You could stop watching anime genreshit you know.

Books aren't shit because harry potter is shit.

>> No.8267788

>Your vernacular makes it all too obvious that your opinion is worthless.
I think you might be too /reddit/ for reddit anon holy shit

>> No.8267792

Music mostly.

>> No.8267799

I don't give a shit about whether a story is well-told or original, so obviously it's just a difference of taste.

>growing up
I wonder if you'll feel the same after you've actually done this.

Reddit, much like this place, is hivemind cancer. But at least both /lit/ and reddit are more educated than 12-year-old Leafy fans such as yourself.

>> No.8267808

it's made things better, I would say.

>> No.8267842

watch good anime, family

>> No.8267884
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Some anime actually got me into reading like Psycho Pass and Aku no Hana (Flowers of Evil).

Some of anime's infantile, but then again so are some books (i.e. Harry Potter). It's unfortunate that discussions on boards like /tv/ and most of /a/ and even /mu/ are so incredibly puerile. There's a lot of good shit in anime, but it's a shame it gets occluded by focusing on cliches and fan service. I'm very grateful /lit/ and /ic/ are not so overly facile.

>> No.8267902

this desu

it's not an anime, but umineko, strangely enough, was what got me into reading postmodern literature

>> No.8267994

Reading ruined a lot of video games for me.
I realized reading delivers a story much faster than the type of video games I used to like - you have to beat levels and grind to progress, not just flip a page - and are more entertaining in the end.

But Anime... I got more into anime after I started reading more. Slowly, cuz that crazy Jap fantasy shit is weird but... I'll sit around and listen to em carry on about Senpai while I'm reading.

>> No.8268002

Flowers of evil is brutal. Im certain tvis anime converted a lot of pseuds into better persons

>> No.8268035

comparing mediums like this is insane. You can't really compare the two. Books aren't hampered by having to have engaging gameplay. So the creator can focus their entire creative energies to writing an amazing story, played out in interesting settings, with compelling characters. Books are also usually written by just one person allowing for a singular vision rather than several visions competing with one another.

Yet video games do things books can't. The biggest being that the audience is directly involved in the action. The hero failing can be even more compelling in a game than in a book because you, the player are also failing. And when the main character accomplishes something you too have also accomplished something. It's easy to get invested in a story you are a part of. Throw in all the other shit like visuals as well as sound design and games can be just as good as any book.

Now if we could get game developers to stop copying what worked last year (or last decade) and actually get interested in creating new creative projects then we would be set.

>> No.8268047

The sad fact is that roughly 99% of any given category is shit, period. Yeah, reading is generally what keys you into that, but unfortunately it only happens when you find the good books and you realize that what you read before was shit.

>> No.8268052
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>mfw a pleb shit talks Flowers of Evil near me
The manga at least, didn't watch the show.

>> No.8268058

That's what made LiS so good for me, the fact that Max's choices and words were to some extent my own. That sense of being inextricably connected to a fictional character who has their own personality but is also deeply influenced by you is really a unique experience.

>> No.8268077

LiS started off well but turned into absolute shit by then end
>that ending, oh god

>> No.8268092

I liked the ending, but yeah that seems to be the consensus. What was so bad about it, in your opinion?

>> No.8268107

I'm sure we all have anime we think is bad but still like, but what anime do you like and think is truly good and maybe even transcends expectations of anime?

I really liked Welcome to the NHK, which is probably well known and at least somewhat regarded.

>> No.8268121

i never liked anime and probably never will

i really dont know how people cant stand 5 more minutes of shitty dialogue and forced edgy openings

>> No.8268122

>watching anime for the plot
>not watching iyashikei or SOL
>not watching CGDCT
>not realizing that chinese cartoons are only good for cute girls

Absolute pleb

>> No.8268154

Well, one end is clearly better than the other, but the one i got
>driving off into the sunset after everyone you care about has been killed
so fucking autistic
I like the other one better because i thought it was fitting saying she needed to die, but this was the universes way of allowing you to spend sometime with your friend before that happened
but the way it was handled was terrible, the way they came to the conclusion that Chloe was the cause of the hurricane was literally just pulled out of their ass
(not to mention that whole last episode was them just trying to capitalise on feels by shoving the player through abstract sequences reflecting parts of the game you'd already played)

>> No.8268156

NHK was good (except for the pyramid selling arc)

>> No.8268176

Those sequences were to emphasize Max's attachment to both sides, I don't see anything wrong with exploring the psychological effects of the game's events. And yes the driving away seems ridiculous at first, but I think it's fine that they choose to show their grief in a subtle way, rather than overtly.

>> No.8268221

They were fucking smiling as they drove away

>> No.8268229

Also there would be nothing wrong with that if it actually was "exploring the psychological effects" rather than very obviously just trying to cash in on the emotional events of the game in the last episode

>> No.8268237

Watch tatami galaxy mate

>> No.8268242

I grew up with anime and at 16 it just suddenly came to my mind that anime was almost always filled with endless pandering and cringy dialogues that I couldn't bear listen to for even just one minute. I didn't start reading books seriously until 21 so literature didn't do anything to me in that regard.

26 now and I can't believe friends around me still manage to watch anime in one setting without feeling something's wrong. I mean sure, some anime got some nice plots and settings, but christ the dialogues and pandering kill it for me.

>> No.8268265

>reading literature for thrills
w e w

>> No.8268401

Regular conversation. Rarely is a conversation as interesting, nuanced and penetrating as dialogue in a book. The redundancy, lifeless vocabulary, and mechanistic quality of most conversations dawned on me once I started reading habitually.

>> No.8268403
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Mushi Shi.
Each episode contained within itself. Elegant, solitary, and reads like poetry. The blaring bodies and dazzling flourishes of more lurid serializations couldn't be further away from Ginko and his wanderings.

>> No.8268434

Yeah I think they were just trying to show the positive side of an ending that's obviously worse in many ways, but I'd rationalize it no matter what they did to be honest family.

>> No.8268446

I liked Shion no ou and then mostly i watch animes with cute traps like marya holic himegoto et

>> No.8268456

The word is a vague one mein-faggot

>> No.8268460

I hate this too. Pandering, fan service, and so on feel akin to breaking the fourth wall.

>> No.8268660

>Everything I don't like is Reddit

>> No.8268665

My life Tbh

>> No.8268668

Psycho-Pass is pretentious bullshit tbqh. The cyberpunk world was cool but it tried too hard to be deep and philosophical. Flowers of Evil was a wild ride though.

>> No.8268704

Literally every anime and manga mentioned ITT is shit and you're all faggots.

>> No.8268712

I would have to say ghost in the Shell, even thought I only really liked the movie. I thought innocence was mediocre and couldn't stand even the first episode of the series

>> No.8268728

There are still some towering masterpieces among anime, Kill la Kill and Cowboy Bebop being two that immediately come to mind.

>> No.8268751

>truly, pretending to be from the chans is making me euphoric

>> No.8268764
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You just have shit taste in anime to begin with OP

>> No.8268791

leave immediately

>> No.8268806

Make me, faggot.

>> No.8268818
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Depends on what kind of anime. I like a lot of anime simply because of what they do with the medium more than whatever feats they manage with the writing.

It's not like anyone pretends to put Stephen King on the same level in his craft as Tolstoy, although that example may be extreme.

People also forget just how old literature is as a medium compared to much, much newer ones like film and animation, not to mention its prevalence in most nations' culture and history. They're very much behind when it comes to having centuries' worth of tradition and respected master works.

>> No.8268835
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>from the chans

>> No.8268858

Tatami Galaxy, FLCL, Mushishi, Lain

NHK is also great!

>> No.8268865

It's painfully easy to identify pseuds by them thinking literature is the be-all-end-all of media. I dont give a fuck what you've read.

>> No.8268872

My anime taste is beyond god

>> No.8268883

Post your 3x3 faggot

>> No.8268894
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>> No.8268899
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forgot my favorite anime

>> No.8268911

This so much.
Although I feel like I realised that much too late. I'm 25 now

>> No.8268936

>Your Lie in April
>Code Geass
>your lie in fucking April
Kill yourself/9

>> No.8268938

Thanks for the (You)

>> No.8268944

Harry Potter is good though.

>> No.8268953
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>love Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
>read books
>none of them have even a single moment of impact akin to the bits from 'Essays on Mind and Matter' or 'We Must Dissent'

>> No.8268988

Anime is an incomplete artform because of various reasons.
1. The anime industry uses to much fanservice. A must have character is in every anime, just to catch another target audience.
2. The weighting of decisions and feelings are also targeted by what they think the audience will like, not what the mangaka wants.
3. The storys are mostly very bland, there aren't millions of anime, there a lot, but there isn't the same level of competition, which makes them think less and spout it out.
This is my personal opinion, but i haven't read a manga, or an anime which wasn't flawed.
There were a few which came quite close, like hunter x hunter (i love the subliminal psychologys and the huge plot) abd fma.
But hell, i think one should notice that there is no comparison of anime and reading, one should go about each it's own way.

>> No.8268993

Btw 2. when i said what the mangaka wants, i mean it could be his own feelings because of the way japs are closed up, but it doesn't talk to me as much and feels childish at a lot of points.

>> No.8269032

This is all true, but perfectionism leaves me cold. I like anything that makes me feel deeply, and if that's caused by pandering then I'd just rather be blissfully ignorant.

>> No.8269039

I dont consider anime a seperate artform from cinema, the production model is jumps anime heavily like you mentioned.

With manga and comics in general you have very high time-to-produce plus an author trying to manage two different skillsets of writing an art, so you get a whole bunch of guys who have a really big right arm but the left one is chicken bones. And since they take so long to produce you have guys trapping themselves to work on a single story their entire lives. Horrifying shit.

>> No.8269121

Yup, i can't even start to fathom what it's like to be togashi.
Though he could start writing manga at his pace and then give them to jump at a point where he has a lot of work that he can give them.
I never said that cinema and anime were in two different rubrics, i said that writing and anime/manga were. I for my part can translate the problems of anime to tv too. I am bored with the medium of tvshows, all trying to look like something else, when all they do is work out clichés.
I am not shunning anime, i am saying what i think. Be it as it may, it is something i kind of demand, in some respect at least. I know what you mean, i've been there, but it's not worth it for me.

>> No.8269157

The last third of Kill la Kill is utter garbage and throws all character development to hell for le epic showdown!!! It's nauseating because the show had such potential.

>> No.8269189

Same here. though for me it was even worse, i visted an anime convention. The problem is, they use it as some sort of escape from reality. They don't enjoy the artform, they know their 5 favorite anime, dress up as naruto and are the most stupid people you'd ever meet.
There are barely any places you can talk about the psychological and philosophical apsects of an anime, mostly it's "OH MY GOD HE POWERD UP AGAIN, I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHOW". I can't handle the idiotism.
Also the pseuds and the compensating people are no where as extreme, than in this part. That's why anime is looked down upon. Same way as metal, though metal has the problem, that most of it's music is idealistic shit, full of pseuds too.

>> No.8269236

Mangas ruined anime for me, and nothing has ruined mangas. It is just that It is very hard for me to find a manga I like, so I just don't read them that much, but I know i stopped liking anime because of their respective mangas. Most anime is for kids, tho.

>> No.8269244

Space Dandy. it's meant to be a comedy but it has more than a few amazing episodes in terms of animation, writing, and commentaries on the entire industry.

>> No.8269266

>not knowing that K-On is the pinnacle of chinese cartoons

>> No.8269297

I'm a patrician since I only watch or read series with very little plot since enjoying plot==being pleb.
Slice of life, cute girls doing cute things is essentially the same as enjoying well crafted prose and /lit/ should recognise that.

>> No.8269347

Kek'd, trying to justify your inadequate tastes.

>> No.8269368

philosophy ruined prose fiction for me

>> No.8269383

this is what the entire internet is about. feeling like someone is considering you as someone.

>> No.8269445

Ruined story based video games,