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/lit/ - Literature

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8263617 No.8263617 [Reply] [Original]

Who /Kindle/ here?

>> No.8263639

I met someone traveling recently who swore by it.

I figure I should get one myself considering last trip I had an entire backback filled to the brim with books.

>> No.8263644 [DELETED] 

i have two kindles and a library as well. I also grabbed a cool solar charger for my kindle, it works pretty well!

>> No.8263647

i consider myself a kindler, yes

>> No.8263649

I've had my Kindle Voyage for 1.5 year and next time I will buy a Kobo.

>> No.8263656

Me desu. It's pretty stabil though not as convenient for night reading as an iPad, but is much easier to read anytime there is good light because it's non reflective. Got mine for $36 on Amazon, can't beat the price.

>> No.8263657

Develop your hypothesis

>> No.8263669

I would simply enjoy not having to ruin the formating on file-conversions. Since the kindle natively doesn't read .epub files. (I had to root mine and install koReader in order to open non-mobi files).
It's easier to install custom fonts so you are not limited to 7 shit fonts.
And currently the Kobo Glo HD which has the same specs as the Kindle Voyage, is cheaper.

>> No.8263686


Found the German guy

>> No.8263706

I want /fit/ to leave

>> No.8263718

I totally agree. Too bad I updated mine and can't jailbreak it

>> No.8263738


Why don't you use Calibre? One click convert .epub to .azw 3 and you're done. Never had any issues whatsoever, flawless conversions. Can't use special embedded publisher fonts though, I'll give you that.

>> No.8263749

I updated mine to the newest firmware as well, and thought: "Fuck."
However, recently the guys at mobileread forum figured out a way to jailbreak no matter the firmware :) Simply downgrade to stock firmware, jailbreak, and update via amazon website - and the jailbreak will still be there.


>> No.8263761

I use it, doesn't work so well for me. Not a big deal but conversions always have some formatting problems.
Oh shit it's real, I love you anon.

>> No.8263770

I've use calibre all the time. The formating is not as neat as the original file.
(You can probably tweak it in the settings but I'm not that calibre-savy)

After I installed KoReader on my kindle I tried an original epub file and then converted it to mobi and tried reading both on the kindle. The epub file had more space between the paragraphs which I enjoy more.

But it is really not an issue. Just me being a prick.

>> No.8263786


Fair enough. I used Koreader for a while but for me it had its own slew of problems from a technical standpoint. But my biggest gripe is the way it handles footnotes. With the Kindle fw you get that neat popup window with the footnote whenever you tap one. Koreader just skips to the footnote page at the end of the book or wherever the footnotes are saved. And then it's a pain in the ass to get back where you were.

>> No.8263813

Ahh! I just recently installed KoReader and in the book I'm currently reading there are not any footnotes.
But yes, it's a really nice feature.

>> No.8263838

Pretty /g/ a thread but eh.

Yes. I use Kindle DX and Kindle 3/keyboard.

Both are rather great. Never had problems with conversion etc. DX is big enough for most scanned books in PDF form, 3 is small enough to be held with one hand.

I had a Kobo Glo HD for a short while. Sure it was newer and nicer but I just couldn't deal with having no physical buttons (for page turns). Its really hard to hold a device with one hand and reliably turn pages by touching the screen, it requires moving your fingers around, with buttons, you can just rest your finger on the button all the time. Also when reading at a normal distance, I just can't tell whether the screen is HD or not.

It is sort of amazing how little these devices have evolved in all these years. There have been updates and tweaks but as far as reading books goes, all of them work just fine as long as there are no software bugs. Well, I suppose it is natural as displaying text is something rather hard to keep on improving.

>> No.8263841

Question for those that have Calibre. Can i use another device (same model) with my current library? Or will it mess with my original device? I want to have the same books on another device. Will calibre detect the new empty device and allow it? In other words, can i use 2 devices with the same library without issue? Thanks

>> No.8263843

I use three with mine. Works fine.

>> No.8263873

What is the DX's storage size? Have considered buying one for PDF textbooks.

>> No.8263889

4 GB or something like 3,3 accessible to the user.

>> No.8263900


So I can use 2 different kindles with 1 library. Thanks.

Another question. I can transfer the library folder to another computer, download calibre, choose that folder and itll be just like on the previous computer, right?

>> No.8263942


you are the worst

>> No.8264046

How the fuck could they sell out of Oasiseseseseseses, money is not an issue and I need something comfortable to hold

>> No.8264053
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Through Kindling, we shall one day be granted magnificent powers.

>> No.8264122

Who's the cuck?

>> No.8264197

i dream of a world where there would be hunting groups holding baseball bats patrolling public places and smashing any visible e-reader.

>> No.8264221


>> No.8264233
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who /nook/ master race here?

>tfw you can read words in multiple formats, and not get cucked by the apple ipod of ereaders

>> No.8264245


Anyone? Thanks

>> No.8264296

Dead format, dead system

>> No.8264308
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But it still works... possibly even better in ways

>> No.8264339

that will only create underground reading cafés, where the cool e-reading youth hangs out, and lamers like you are excluded

>> No.8264595
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Soon, based free one-day shipping

>> No.8264806

Amazon Swindle

>> No.8264895

I've got one, but I prefer actual factual books. I like turning the pages and seeing my progress manually.

>> No.8265075

i actually love not knowing how far i am in a book most of the time. i have all the page/progress HUD turned off. just one less thing to have on my mind.

>> No.8265094
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Couch table + Music desk = Top tier comfy

If only I could turn pages with a bluetooth remote it would be max comfy.

>> No.8265097

I love kindling, in fact I exclusively use kindle to browse 4chan now. I know the browser is pretty bad but I love the aesthetic of reading e-ink!

>> No.8265103

Honestly the only reason I like kindle is because of the sampling system on amazon for ebooks I cannot pirate

>> No.8265123

I'm not a leech, so I actually pay for books.

>> No.8265180

Mind sharing the method? I thought Amazon prevented this

>> No.8265192

I've never seen this thread before.

>> No.8265224

Bruh, I have that exact case and I regret wasting $60 on that piece of shit. It's not even leather and is very prone to scratches, which makes the case an eyesore to look at.

>> No.8265254

>conversions always have some formatting problems.
No they don't. Fonts are literally the only difference when converting from epub to mobi or the other way around because the code they contain (from which comes the formatting) is literally the same

>> No.8265300

OOooh fuck, that feel is real, real is what is this feel

>> No.8265687

Well, since english is not my native language, and I do enjoy reading danish books as well, I will have to buy the ebooks from other markets than amazons. These markets don't have .mobi

So please, sit on a dick, you ignorant pleb.

>> No.8265689

Where do you fags download your epubs?

>> No.8265694


>> No.8265700

No self-promotion on /lit/, please.

>> No.8265706

mobilism.org (requires account now)
sometimes kickasstorrents

>> No.8265718

Torrents and i got this 2000 books big archive from my friends dad

>> No.8265720

i don't use a kindle because i like to add my own notes to the books i read: i underline things and jot down my thoughts in the margin :)

>> No.8265722

are you okay

>> No.8266339

We don't know

>> No.8266357

Nobody else mad as fuck at the price of ebooks from amazon? It costs as much and sometimes more than the paperback. I refuse to pay it. I pirate a lot but quality sometimes isn't excellent when you pirate, and you can't find every book you want.

>> No.8266375

also pro tip: authors make the same percentage cut on an ebook as on regular books

which is fucking bullshit

>> No.8266445

Is there a way to bypass that

>> No.8266468

Amazon has usually been cheap enough for me. Especially when I count in (the lack of) shipping. I'm just grateful to be able to easily buy the books I can't get pirate etc.

In my own country though, ebooks released here are often ridiculously expensive, except on a few more reasonable publishers.
One reason is absolutely retarded: physical books have a VAT of 10% or so, ebooks get the usual 24% tax on them 'cause no one has bothered to change the laws so far.

>> No.8266484

tt's just the way they found to keep selling real books.

>> No.8266552

kindle are for cucks, buy a kobo you can read all epub you want, no restriction

>> No.8266554

When you buy on amazon, you don't own a digital copy of the book. You purchase the right to view it using their software.

>> No.8266570

Oh sure I know that. Usually that is plenty enough as long as the price is indeed cheaper than other ways to buy the book, I do get to read the book.

I do prefer to purchase straight from publishers who provide epubs (or mobis or whatever).

>> No.8266777

I just like to see the samples the legitimately allow for books I cannot find on pirate sites, and then maybe buy them

>> No.8266819

Prime day is tomorrow you imbecile, could have saved $40+ dollars lmao

>> No.8267072

holy fuck I'm an idiot

>> No.8267091

I drm all my amazon purchases and store for future use. I don't share them though because I feel bad about cheating the author

>> No.8267116

Just get them from your local library

>> No.8267425

It holds more books than I could read in a lifetime and works consistantly with a backlight. If you want to straddle the cutting edge like its a horse fuck off to /g/.

>> No.8267527

You were the one talking about master races.

We do realize that most e-readers (with e ink) are totally adequate for reading, whether old or new, with only a few features worth caring about (size, frontlight if you need it, the ecosystem if you want to buy books, ergonomics). The only really bad ones are some Chinese no name things, for they may have unreliable software and such.

>> No.8268084
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Well so far I'm satisfied with it. Makes the Kindle actually comfortable to hold when folded back, has a nice premium feel to it generally, and is definitely suede leather

I guess I'll see with the scratches over time

>> No.8268095
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Pic of the front

>> No.8268349
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have had this model for some years now, has paid itself at least 5 times

>> No.8268370

I bought my Kindle 3 for like 50 euros and my Kindle DX for 90.

They've paid themselves back very well, too. Getting those expensive, rare and ~academic~ books by piracy does it with like a few books, though. Really a great solution for a poorfag.

>> No.8268413
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Amazon Fire vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

>going to be reading only
>Pros and Cons of both?

>> No.8268424

Kindle Fire runs Android, LED display

Kindle Paperwhite runs specialized OS by amazon, e-ink display

Go with the Paperwhite, especially since you're only going to be reading. Once you experience the e-ink screen you'll hate reading on anything else but it and paper itself

>> No.8268458

desu ipod classic 160gb was the best mp3 player

>> No.8268473

I have a Paperwhite, but I only got it for reading books in foreign languages. Being able to look up words by pressing on them is great. Been reading Harry Potter in German for about 9 months and I'm 2/3 through the first book. Also reading Zero no Tsukaima in Japanese, 1/4 through after 2 months.

Haven't read anything in English yet. Every time I think about it, I tell myself I should be practicing my languages instead.

>> No.8268482

or just use Calibre because theres no difference between epub and an epub converted to mobi

>> No.8268516

Its there some risk by jailbreaking bad? Im really not that good at technology and i dont fuck up 5ever my kindle...

>> No.8268535

why would you need jailbreaking?
I dont rememeber doing anything to my kindle and I can read any book I download

>> No.8268546

>can download most books in .mobi
>kindles read .mobi
kill youre self

>> No.8268552


ive always had to convert to mobi but ive got an old (kindle 3?) from 4.5 years ago

as for jailbreaking, just follow step by step instructions. jailbroke kindle fire 3.5 years ago out of whatever its amazon os was into android and i know nothing about computers

>> No.8268560

download in .mobi

>> No.8268628

I want to put cute wallpapers... read on epub. Yeah

>> No.8268796

cancel it nigger

>> No.8270158

Bump for whatever reason

>> No.8270271

bump for prime day

>> No.8270320

what is prime day? Any discounts on ebooks?

>> No.8270376


Anyone who travels abroad or reads more than one language will have an easier time with a Kobo. Native epub support is a huge plus, especially with Project Gutenberg.

>> No.8270384

Except when there is a difference. You're content with spending more money on a product you will have to take extra, albeit small, steps to use with certain files which may or may not turn out the way you expected? Why the brand loyalty chum?

>> No.8270585

>be russian
>have a fuckhuge library of ebooks in russian available to torrent because russians don't give a shit about copyright
>download it so I have any book I may ever want on my computer and ebook reader
Feels good.

>> No.8270669

I heard one person say that the Voyage is more comfortable to hold.

>> No.8270722

I have an iPad too and want to read at night but even then I'm buying a Kindler

Looking at a phone/tablet makes me unable to sleep for like 1 or 2 hours after I turn it off. I'd rather read with the lights on with the Kindle since ads say it doesn't tire the eyes or removes your sleep

I ordered it, should arrive this Saturday

>> No.8270763

are you me

>> No.8270922

Yeah, but that's how most digital stuff works.

>> No.8270930

i think
also discount on books unlimited and kindles

objectively wrong

use calibre and dedrm
easy to install plugin and remove DRM from any ebook

>> No.8270934 [DELETED] 

b https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CelHevoZHuA

>> No.8270936

I can only read hard copies. Maybe it's autism.

>> No.8271002

Amazon prime day is today, sniggity snagged a brand new paperwhite for 90 bucks

>> No.8271027

got one like a week and a half ago refurb for that price.

debating sending it back so i can get one without fking ads for like 10 bucks more instead

or should i just 'jailbreak'?

>> No.8271155

I bought the one with ads. How gay are they? And is it possible to get rid of them via jailbreak?

>> No.8271244

Refurbs are on sale too bro. Just got a Voyage for $140 (with tax)

>> No.8271299

>tfw there will never be a new ipod classic

>> No.8271925
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>wanting a literal brick in your pocket

>> No.8271980

>Want to buy Gumbrecht's Production of Presence
>R$65 for the ebook in english
>R$25 for the printed book probably translated from english
The amazon store has failed me for the first time.
Also, is the book any good (I'm buying it either way)?

>> No.8272004

Who the fucks even needs 160 gb music??
I have a 4 gb of music on my android and its like too mucho

>> No.8272064

I have 67gb of music and I'm somewhat tired of all of it, but still like to have all of it readily available (I still enjoy most of my music and could feel like listening to it at any given point). I could easily see myself wanting 160gb in a few more years of exploring new albums.

>> No.8272072
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>> No.8272078

Honestly this post was just a bump, I want an answer for >>8271980

>> No.8272084

But thats so much music. How do you even get the time to listen all that?
And you can listen the new songs on YouTube so you wouldnt download unnecesaraly anything.

>> No.8272101

Does buying book, removing drm, saving on pc and then refunding book work?

>> No.8272112

a lot of shit I like isn't on youtube or spotify, or maybe it's exclusively in one of the two and I'd have to keep switching. Then there are the issues of data spending, audio quality and poor cataloging on streaming services.
67gb is not much on /mu/, really.

>> No.8272123
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kbo h20 here,

reading underwater master race

>> No.8272317

It's a pain I hear, just use libgen or google around for mobi's/epubs

>> No.8272362

hmmm ill think about it. it seems nice, and it would be money i'm probably gonna spend anyway to get rid of ad cancer


theyre not like...bad..its just that they're still noticeable and i still wish they werent there. like i noticed that one of the ads had something about telomeres in it, and i found myself thinking about telomeres on a run. ugh

the dumbest thing about them is that i can't even get ads for like...stuff on my wishlist or goodreads, its just all the crappy books or smithsonian stuff

eh, i worked up to around 50 or 60 gb when i had a decent collection. but of course a lot of it went unlistened to. then i had Spotify premium for a while so I got rid of it...going back to downloading to save $

>> No.8272379

>i'm probably gonna spend anyway to get rid of ad cancer

Well if you don't need wi-fi you can just do this

>> No.8272382

I've heard you can just ask Amazon customer service to disable the ads and they'll do it for free.
It'll depend on the representative you get, but you can just keep trying.

>> No.8272387


>> No.8272395

ill try these, thanks

and i just realized i don't have time to go for the voyage deal lol. rip

>> No.8272402

There are 3 hours left for the refurbished Voyage deal.

>> No.8272408


yeah i know. am poor.

>> No.8272410

I bought a paperwhite for $40 off today.

Seems to me like you can't beat the utility of having all your books on a relatively small device, especially when you can get books dirt cheap for kindle.

I still like reading physical books when convenient though.

>> No.8272503

whos the cleric*

>> No.8272789

What's the best place to acquire ebooks for a kindle for free?

>> No.8272882

Why would you ask a question that's been answered nearly 4 times in this same thread already

>> No.8272910

libgen.io buddy