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/lit/ - Literature

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8240771 No.8240771 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread.

Just got a new one since the stacks were growing out of control. I have a couple more stacks back home to add on soon. They will probably finish this one off so I need to get one more.

>> No.8240776
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hows it looking, /lit/?

>> No.8240781

Feels really small tbqh, maybe it's because of the size of the books, but the style looks great m9

>> No.8240790

I cringe every time I see bookshelf threads. Feels good to have a Kindle, desu.

>> No.8240795

Kill yourself, anon.

>> No.8240796

how is how to read and why?

i have how to read a book by mortimer adler, should i pick big bloomie's thing too?

>> No.8240827

You should kill yourself, I can read most of your books without spending a single dollar and wasting any space. But you'd say:
>m-muh materialism
>muh feels
>muh patrician image

>> No.8240838

you're ready for the big one

we'll all be filtering shit out of our water, and you'll be snacking on the cheesiest THREE CHEESY mac and cheeses

>> No.8240843

what on earth else are you saving your money and space for? it's not like hookers or drugs take that much money or permanent space.

>> No.8240961

I hate the shelves with the little lip that obscures the title of the first and last book

>> No.8240980

adler's book is worth the time, and readable/entertaining to boot

>> No.8240990

yeah, i've read it already. i thought it was kind of verbose though, still, very good. i refer back to it often

>> No.8241004

>I can read most of your books without spending a single dollar

Are you poor or jewish?

>> No.8241013


This is a great I read occasionally stack but I'm hip with those literati

>> No.8241066
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What can you tell me about corn?

>> No.8241106

/lit/ info graphic /10

>> No.8241140
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I made this recently

>> No.8241147

v nice

>> No.8241154

Nice work.
I'd woodglue some triangular dowels beneath each shelf in the 90 degree corners so it could support the weight of a full collection. And then stain it.
It would look great after that

>> No.8241190

>survive nuclear war
>die of peanut allergy a week later

>> No.8241200

i use those to hide away books that people give me as presents that i don't really like but i feel bad about throwing out

>> No.8241210

Trying to hide the doorway to your sex dungeon, are you?

>> No.8241659

Thank you.

The boards are supported by wooden dowels. Should I still put extra support? The horizontal planks are pine, 2.5cm thick, 94cm long. Do you think they will bow under the weight of the books?

Once I get paid I'll probably buy the material needed to sand, stain, and finish it. The bare pine smells so nice in my room though I might leave it for a bit longer.

>> No.8242060
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From a couple of weeks back (I've got about another dozen since).

>> No.8242090
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And the dozen since. I saw an anon gushing about Dillard on here, and it was cheap on ThriftBooks. Definitely sounded like my type of book.

>> No.8242098

leave me alone

>> No.8242100

do you guys care about the condition of your books?

>> No.8242112

To a certain point. I once got a Penguin edition of T'ang Poems that was literally in two pieces (the binding had snapped down the center). Not really okay with that. I have a book with a corner of the cover torn off and some of the edges peeling and that's fine though.

>> No.8242122

not the guy saying dowels, but what you really need is supports about every 36" (at most, safer to do closer), which means you're about 3cm over needing supports in there. you could risk it, especially since the boards are thick.

I'd do it by putting in panels, like you have on the top, on every shelf because doweling won't do shit for you to stop sagging, and you can make it look like a design feature by staggering them in a diagonal.

also, pine is a bitch to paint if it's strong because it's resinous, so make sure you don't put books on it before you finish it or they might stick.

>> No.8242124

how do i unfuck my brain so i stop wanting to replace even slightly damaged books

>> No.8242140
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i like the word "dowel". it should be used more frequently i think

>> No.8242164

I dunno, I don't see too much issue with that if you've got the money. It probably prevents you from having too many unread books on your shelf too.

>> No.8242184

you could get into that mono no aware shit with tale of the genji and stuff

instead of telling yourself it's broken or old, tell yourself it's lived and well loved.

if you do have the money for it like >>8242164 says, at least donate the "damaged" ones once you replace them if they'd be viable to someone else.

>> No.8242206

Yes, I can't stand beat up books so I take very good care of what I own. I also don't buy used books (or anything really) unless I don't have a choice and even then I look around for a pristine copy.

>> No.8242215

Bloom's book is good but it isn't at all like Adler's. Bloom's book is much more focused on the why part. He discusses great literature and gives examples of why the are great, breaking down the poem/story/novel/play and explaining what it is he gets out of it and why he thinks it is worth reading.

>> No.8242362

Yeah. I was looking it up and pine needs wood conditioner before being stained and varnished. As for being 3cm over code, it is a concern, but each shelf only holds about 30-35 books -- is that heavy enough to warrant it?

>> No.8242391

tbph i usually solve sagging by a) ignoring it or b) propping up the shelf with the books on the shelf below. if you want to stop it from sagging, you can see if it bows when you put books on it and then deal with it from there.

at 1" thick, the shelves aren't likely to bow enough they'll come off, it'll just look weird and be harder to fix than if you catch it early if you do warp it.

if it does have trouble with the weight you can add panels if you care but that means more staining etc after the fact. it's reasonably likely it would sag at that length if you filled it with hardbacks, but it does depend on weight of what you put on it/how much you stuff it.

i'd just finish it, and if it starts getting full or sagging, cut and treat the panels and leave them dry before putting them in, so you're not waiting for the whole thing to dry again. remember if you leave a rough edge you won't see, it'll still be able to ooze out resin.

>> No.8242426

Getting invaded by /diy/ is pleasant and I wish it happened more often.

>> No.8242530

wow you picked the best dillard

>> No.8242565

I'll probably end up inserting the panels before finishing. Thanks for your input.

/diy/ is pretty cozy

>> No.8242807

May I ask in what order do you have them arranged? Do you sort them out by genre or alphabetically?

>> No.8243572

Neither--by country that the author was born in. It's a bit of a random zig-zag from African through the bottom of Asia, then to Russia, through Europe and hop over to North America to South America. Within country I go chronologically.

>> No.8243626

What's actually a "normal" amount of books for people to own? I have around 200 and it doesn't look like a lot.But then I see people posting their shelves with 40 - 80 books who act like it's an achievement. And then I see irl people who easily own over 1000 and don't make a fuzz about it.

>> No.8243659

For a middle aged person in a white collar job, I would expect somewhere around 1000 books in their house.

But I don't really know. My parents were unskilled laborers and have about 200 on their living room shelves mixed in with candles, whatnots, etc. My grandparents had about a thousand in a room devoted to books (mainly ancestry, self-help and children's books). My grandma on the other side had well over a thousand romance novels.

>> No.8243665

I'm OP and I have around 300 at 24. Growing up, my parents had probably 600-700 around the house.

>> No.8243681
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I have better books than any of you.

>> No.8243870

I'd say 500-1000

Most people don't read more than that in their lifetime

>> No.8243892

>almost all (unread) american lit

try again anon.

>> No.8243932

how do I into woodworking? Any good resources for a beginner?

>> No.8243959

You can get into it with minimal expense. Look here http://woodgears.ca/beginner/

He suggests buying cheap tools. But start up expense can still run you up to $200-300. Still, it never hurts to have tools laying around even if you don't use them much.

I still can't cut straight with the handsaw. I'd really like to buy a table saw.

>> No.8243969

cheers mate.

>> No.8244202

Soooo are you going to have like a single book that triggers the mechanism to your dungeon or something classy at least?

>> No.8244250


You need to build a bookcase that isn't made out of pressed wood.


>> No.8244368

>braging about not spending money on things you enjoy
you got the corporation good anon!

>> No.8244429

Not that guy but my problem is that my main bookcase was built in high school in a serious woodshop out of solid oak. I don't have the tools to build comparable second and third cases nor the money to buy them.

>> No.8244617

If I'm buying online I greatly prefer brand new. Otherwise I will gladly pick up books used if they aren't covered in stickers.

>> No.8244876

Most people I meet have about 1-2 bookcases in their house, maybe 100 books or so. I only envy them when I have to move my library (5000+).

>> No.8244886

High five for the Moomintrolls! Jansson is incredible.

>> No.8244938

Post pics of your library in the thread, anon.

>> No.8244943

>only having one hobby to spend money on
clothes dont buy themselves
guns dont buy themselves

>> No.8244954

There's no reason you can't spend money across many hobbies. Why are you willing to spend it on others but somehow believe collecting books to be materialism?

and pics of your funs please

>> No.8244962

This is stupid. You don't need very many guns, you just need a couple good ones and a duplicate of your primary pistol. The only cost then is ammo which isn't bad when bought in bulk and/or reloaded.

Clothes are similar. Buy several shirts and a few pairs of slacks from BB. Get a couple pairs of jeans and a small amount of high quality casual/field/workout clothes, a pair of running shoes, a pair of sandals, and a couple pairs of Allen Edmonds. You're all in for a couple grand and all of it will last years.

The rest of your money can go to books.

>> No.8244964

patrician hobbies anon
i hope you're an /out/ist and not just a /k/ommando

lit/fa/out crossposter here

>> No.8244966
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I want that goddamn pantry.

>> No.8244967

you're both faggot pseuds

>> No.8244971

Really, the guns thing is mostly stupid because of the disparity in cost between the two hobbies.

My entire book collection (about 1,300 books) didn't even cost as much as two of my best guns. I could go out and buy a gun that's worth at least twice as much as all the books I own. It's plenty easy to fit book collecting in between all that.

>> No.8244989

Right now it's just 90 heavy boxes. I just moved, and haven't set up bookcases in the new library yet. I'll post pics when it's all together.

>> No.8244995

dank memes, have anything of value to contribute?

>> No.8244998

Are you the anon who posted a picture of that nice bay window area in his new house? Still looking forward to it.

>> No.8245020


I can understand this.

Apartment or house?

>> No.8245031

Unfortunately, apartment.

>> No.8245032

i have the same chronicles of narnia set.
i love how easily spottable infinite jest is lmao

>> No.8245048


Damn, well I would first see what your old man or other family member has in the way of tools, if you don't find anything and you are near a metroplex look for woodshops/makerspaces near you.

There really is nothing as satisfying as building your own shit.

>> No.8245059

That's me. Might be a month.. and really organizing the books will take even longer.
Moved from apt to our first house, so I'm happy as a clam to finally have a library, a den, and an office.

>> No.8245077
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>> No.8245208

That's not you, faggot. That's me. Quit trying to steal my (You).

>> No.8245293
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No bully plz

>> No.8245312 [DELETED] 


does stacking them onthe floor count?

i'm having trouble moving them now

>> No.8245317

I thought /lit/ was the remedy to vidya

>> No.8245323
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>> No.8245326

I pretty much stopped playing games ever since I started reading again about 2 months ago.

>> No.8245333

I was never good at games, but I loved the stories so I kept trying to play them. Eventually stopped because they were so frustrating, after that I discovered books and it was awesome

>> No.8245341

now thats what i call memed

>> No.8245344

I stopped getting any form of enjoyment out of them. Got to the point where I would be falling asleep after attempting to play any game.

>> No.8245345

You got any 1st edition or signed mac n cheese in there?

>> No.8245614
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peep these limited edition dino cheeses farn

>> No.8245775

>i love how easily spottable infinite jest is lmao
Yeah, I've kind of noticed that before in some other images but never thought about that

>> No.8245791

I asked you once and you didn't answer me. How is hardcover CitR on the inside?

>> No.8245800

Not him but its the same as the paperback.

>> No.8245822
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>cluttering your home with physical books

wew lads.

>> No.8245825

>physical books
pick one

>> No.8245841

>cluttering your devices with digital books

>> No.8245842

THIS dog needs help

>> No.8245852

like bees to the flowers do the kindle-and-rudefags come swarming in summer

>> No.8245866
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Books take up very little space once you have tall bookcases (at most, they might make a room 2-3' smaller) and provide great insulation and visual interest. And that's if you're an illiterate assclown. If you can actually read, and enjoy large formats, colour plates, antiques, unusual designs, etc., the joys are endless.

>> No.8245881

>blaming summer
Why is this a thing? 4chan is a cesspool regardless of time of year.

>> No.8245884
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>partaking of the technological jew
goodbye rato

>> No.8245887

It's funny how people only say this in the summer.

>> No.8245905

because people only start blaming summer when its summer.

>> No.8245908

Are you implying children don't use the internet more during summer?

>> No.8245910

helo rato

>> No.8245935

Not at all, but in this instance its not the reason. 4chan is a fairly hostile environment with many a retard all year round. Summer has nothing to do with it.

>> No.8246344

I doubt many teenagers use the hobby boards on 4chan. They much prefer shitposting on social media or reddit if they're in middle school. Maybe some on /mu/ during the summer, but that's because musical knowledge is the easiest way to try and seem smart but also hip to your friends.

>> No.8246373

Try again. I bought these all used, so at some point somebody read them.

>> No.8246385
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i am curious why that one book about kelmscott press has been relegated to the bottom shelf instead of being with the other william morris books

>> No.8246482
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>> No.8246529
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I had grabbed it out to check a quote for an article/book chapter on Morris I was writing, and realized some of the pages were still uncut (I used a digital version when getting quotes for rough draft, but I don't trust other people's quotes or transcriptions for final draft, so I checked the real 1924 source), and separated it so I could get a paper knife and cut them carefully. Generally only my more fragile or rare Morris books were in that case: most of them were in this case.

>> No.8248127
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what's the fiona maccarthy book like? i have her book about eric gill, which is quite well known for being, er, interesting

>> No.8248189

As you know, MacCarthy is an excellent researcher and writer. I find her very readable and careful. Her bios of Morris and Burne-Jones were invaluable, as they come damn near to being a day-by-day journal of their lives. Gill was a perverted freak, to be sure, but she just decided not to hide the incest.

>> No.8249593

>the greek myths
could you give me the isbn numbers on those?

>> No.8249813

Not sure if you're trolling or not, but it's Folio Society, anon. They don't do ISBN.

>> No.8249918
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Currently reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.8249926

What's in the rest of that Kallax-esque shelf?

>> No.8249950
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Just my stereo and a rag

>> No.8249972

Sick rag, family.

>> No.8250032
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>Folio Society, anon. They don't do ISBN.

well. i have shelves full of folio society books and i never noticed that before.
you live and learn.

>> No.8250173
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Potato camera + germanfag + poorfag
Bring your worst.

>> No.8250179
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>> No.8250187
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>> No.8250197
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w/ currently reading

>> No.8250237

so i looked at this and thought "hmm King Sleep is a good name for a book, i wonder if it's about a Sandman type of character. i've never heard of Stephen Doctor before, i wonder what else he has written"

time i went to bed i think

>> No.8250262

look at the back cover of any of their paperbacks, they do have isbns

ISBN 10: 8422662671 ISBN 13: 9788422662679 for Graves' Greek Myths

>> No.8250285

that bookshelf is probably smelly

>> No.8250293

>folio society

nice try anon

>> No.8250496

That made me laught, and I'm not even the guy that took that picture. Thank you for making my night, anon

>> No.8250503

Would you mind telling me where and how you learned russian?

>> No.8250521
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>> No.8250534

I am a child of russian immigrants living in germany and my grandmother was a russian elementary teacher so I got taught the basics early on. The rest was affection to literary realism and autodidactic stimulus.

>> No.8250555
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>> No.8250559
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3/3 Better books than uuuuuu

>> No.8250585
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>> No.8250707

Memes aside, I like your books

>> No.8250739

are you female?

>> No.8250752

Looks like you just read what /lit/ tells you too. You have no discernible taste from what I see.

>> No.8250762

sorry, i misread and thought you meant the folio subdivisions of gallimard editions.

i see instead you meant the english company who focus on fancy covers and contemporary illustrators, etc. so i can see why those wouldn't list isbn

>> No.8250771

>kurt vonnegut

nah hes got his own taste senpai

>> No.8250776

>kurt vonnegut
>not /lit/

How new are you?

>> No.8250777


vonnegut threads aren't as uncommon as douglas adams ones here, and usually he gets passed as babby's first postmodernism, whereas adams gets only the comfy trash rating

>> No.8250780

v nice

What are those thin penguin books? Black ones at the top... Are they just excerpts ? I really like your collection.

>> No.8250783

>bluffing this hard

Vonnegut is reddit, my man.

Vonnegut doesn't get talked about here at all outside of slaughterhouse5 and that one only gets discussed because its an easy read for newcommers.

>> No.8250791

>I haven't been here long enough to know /lit/ hates SL5
>or which Vonnegut books /lit/ likes
Normally Sirens of Titan gets the most followers, but Cat's Cradle and Mother Night and a few others are the usual contenders, not Slaughterhouse Five. Lurk moar.

>> No.8250804


>Summerfag making shit up

>> No.8250823

search warosu for vonnegut and you'll find a plethora of evidence, newb

>> No.8250849
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those are from the Penguin Epics series, so yeah, excerpts from various mythology/sagas/etc.

>> No.8251114

nah dude you have the same books as most of them

>> No.8251118

dude they all look brand new. i cant detect a cracked spine in the bunch

>> No.8251122

besides the black authors you are very based

>> No.8252115

>Muh cracked spines

People actually do this? A book should only show wear after being read 3-4 times

>> No.8252155

I mostly agree with this but I have some old, think paperbacks that this isn't true for. I bought them both unread so they were in perfect condition. Just opening them started wrinkling the spine (1st ed J R and the old Penguin Recognitions, both in the OP).

>> No.8252245

What's your experience with Anaconda books?
I've S. Zweig's Welt von Gestern as an Anaconda and their Nietzsche selection, both were riddled with errors like spelling and commas placed inside of words, and they put together a poor, one-sided selection of Nietzsche, so it seems like one of the shittier publishers even though they're cheap. I was gifted a copy of Kafka's Schloss but opted for the Fischer edition instead because it feels like you can't trust Anaconda.

>> No.8252268
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I have stacks of text books and a bunch of random books out of picture that I need to build another shelf for, I want to make it really weird looking and unusual

>> No.8252280
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>> No.8252289

that goethe collection is beautiful

>> No.8252311

Wow I thought I got rid of my morning shakes until I saw this picture lol alcohol and early onset Parkinsons is a great combo

>> No.8252357
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you cant really see names but this is where they live

>> No.8252367
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>tfw no box for my Goethe collection
The increasingly frilly edges of the covers are killing me

>> No.8252381

Ahhhh I love that where they live. What's the plant ? It looks neat like a thick draecana or something

>> No.8252407



>> No.8252447

Thanks :) I've got most of the expansions as well, my game collection is just about as big as my books collection. The shelf is just 2by4s haphazardly put together though.

>> No.8252472
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i think it is some kind of lil' yucca tree, i got the lil fellow at a market on a whim

>> No.8253077

Mah nigga.

>> No.8253444


0/10, not a single copy of Moby Dick. Is this fucking amateur hour? I thought this was /lit/, not /fag/ or /booksasdecoration/ or /tasteless/.

Jesus Christ, I'm disappointed in all of you.

>> No.8253461

Should look again I see two copies well one and another that I'm pretty sure is because it looks like a copy I have

>> No.8253466

I do have a copy though.

>> No.8253484

You're forgiven. 10/10 shelf!

>> No.8253489

old fashioned oats are my favourite flavour oat

>> No.8253497

>vertical stacking

>> No.8253535

Have you found your glasses yet ?

>> No.8253822

that's horizontal

>> No.8253867
File: 1.62 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0395 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um....a small sampling of my philosophy shelves

>> No.8253879


>> No.8253885

can you explain what you wrote a bit? I'm new here and this is the first thread i have ever posted in. feels werid to post my bookshelf

>> No.8253892

back to /r/philosophy then

>> No.8253895

that sub is pretty awful though....and i have literature shelves i didn't post. this is like 60 percent of one of 5 or so bookshelves i have. isn't philosophy discussion welcome here?

>> No.8253899


>> No.8253901

Stop being a bully.

>> No.8253905

I mean i haven't lurked that much but it seems like there is more philosophy discussion here then on the history/humanities board

>> No.8253910

I also didn't even show my metaphysics shelves so I don't get this meme....

>> No.8253956

Nice collection, looks expensive as fuck but worth every penny. Those 6 Descartes, Plato, and Aristotle volumes are already like £180 on Amazon.

>> No.8253958

Philosophy yes, metaphysics isn't philosophy

>> No.8253963

Needs more genre fiction

>> No.8253966

yeah it has been expensive, but I think its been worth it. And yeah, thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars

yes it is....but say more. is this from a broadly positivist perspective, or what is your objection?

>> No.8253970

I have a fuckton of genre fiction (sci fi)

>> No.8253983
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It's coming from a non bullshit perspective bit welcome my friend

>> No.8253994

yeah but when you have the occasion to talk to someone who actually knows their shit you should defend your positions, or at least demonstrate you have some inkling of an idea of what you are talking about. rose memes dont cut it.

>> No.8254002

Then feel free to drop by the pleb general >>8246718

>> No.8254075
File: 76 KB, 680x478, 1467456468917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rose memes? You're cute

>> No.8254106


>> No.8254364

you seem like an insufferable individual

>> No.8254371

no. go to >>>/his/

its offtopic shitposting fuck off.

>> No.8254434


>> No.8254537


How many of those have you actually read though?

Probably only two or three.

>> No.8254578

Those are hardcovers with dustjackets you dip. There isn't going to be a crease on the spine.

>> No.8254633


>> No.8254718

University press books are usually pretty fucking expensive and not something you get to pad your bookshelf.

>> No.8254850


Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth, especially inherited wealth.

>> No.8254891

Books take a lot of space in my attic, where they sit in cardboard boxes, because I got tired of having to dust them every month and my child spilling liquids on them all the time.
I own enough physical books to build a castle out of, and I stopped buying more around 5 years ago. Ebooks are superior, more comfortable, more reliable, easier to carry, easier to store, cheaper, and so on.
The only reason to buy physical books is as decoration, and if thats what you feel about them you should probably quit the hobby.

>> No.8254900

>being too poor for regular shelf space
>knocking someone up and having a book-destroying shithead kid

None of our discussions concern you.

>> No.8254904

>ha ha, my views on books are superior to yours because i haven't spawned yet!

I like how you didn't address the practical benefits of a good e-book reader over traditional physical books, and instead insulted me based on me having a functional family.

>> No.8255044

Love the rag is it a shamwow?

>> No.8255055

Top kek mate

>> No.8255393
File: 599 KB, 2000x1200, NortonCriticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There. And for Christ's sake, get the title right if you're going to act superior: the book is Moby-Dick (full title "Moby-Dick; or, The Whale"), not Moby Dick.

>> No.8255458

beautiful. I'm jelly

>> No.8255581
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>> No.8255585
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>> No.8255589
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>> No.8255592
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>> No.8255596
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>> No.8255599
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Whoops, a duplicate

>> No.8255601
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>> No.8255603
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>> No.8255606
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The missing bottom two shelves are dictionaries, some course books, and Das Kapital

>> No.8255647

I want that huge ass plato volume. I'm gonna buy it two paychecks from now, after I pick up Giovanni's room, hardcover 1984, lolita, the tunnel, and either (story of the eye, letters to a young contrarian, or kafka's complete stories).

>> No.8255696

it's funny you can have literally all of those for free with libgen and a e-book reader.

>> No.8255698

Have you read West's Black Lamb and Grey Falcon? I hear it's really good. Also, am I the only one who used to dismiss West because I somehow associated her with semi-trashy romance novels?

>> No.8255701

Yo man, I don't like reading on a tablet. I like having the real book in my hands.

>> No.8255712
File: 13 KB, 313x161, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a tablet, people call it 'e-reader' for a reason, pic related. but whatever works for you, man. you fit with: >>8240827 description.

>> No.8255721

100% man

>> No.8255726

I actually have a kindle with all the books I want to read on it, but to be honest I find that I'd rather read the book with the real book in my hands, and sitting proudly on my shelf.

>> No.8255737

EVERY book I have on my shelf is a banger, with the exception of The Forest by Justin Groot, which was a neat sci-if premise that was absolutely butchered.

>> No.8255754


>> No.8255759
File: 200 KB, 2048x1152, bookshelf 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda old photo. Memey I know, pls be nice.

>> No.8255801


>99% genre fiction.

>> No.8255804

I've read all of them I think.

What this guy said:

>> No.8255831

Allen wood?

>> No.8255853

A recent acquisition, haven't gotten around to it yet, but this is definitely not a semi-trashy romance, and the opening lines of the prologue display a good grasp of the novelistic discourse and make me want to read on, even though it's also the kind of book fitted with an index in the back: 'I raised myself on my elbow and called through the open door into the other wagon-lit'.
I would recommend this edition as well, the revised one-volume edition of 1955, reissued 1977 by Macmillan, as it includes a map of the Yugoslavia area with cities and its territorial changes 1800-1929, that is, if your Baltic geography is as poor as mine.

>> No.8255858

I see no memes, only pedestrian trash

>> No.8255886
File: 148 KB, 1300x730, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even joking. I sold/gave away/threw away a shitload of books as I'm moving soon. The rest are all packed away.

>> No.8255905

I've never got why people think books are hard to move; I've always enjoyed packing up and moving mine (they're the first thing I pack, too). I use boxes of uniform size and keep each one labeled. Putting them back on the shelves at the new place is always the best part though.

How many did you have before?

>> No.8255932

I never counted, but in the hundreds, not in the thousands. I kept ~150.

I still had lots of shitty fantasy etc from when I was younger.

Its not that they're hard to move; I'm just treating the soon-to-happen move as a reason to get rid of stuff that I don't need (also got rid of all my old video games, lots of music, lots of old technology).
I kept only the kind of books that I might read again, so mostly some classics, personal favorites and my philosophy books, as well as the ones I've not read yet.

>> No.8255964
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It depends on the collection and move.They're easy to pack, but hauling these bastards up two flights of stairs was not amusing. I own a lot of large hardcovers, so each box was 55-75 lbs. So average 65 lbs x 75 boxes=4875 lbs. Throw in the other random books that went downstairs and you have roughly 5000 pounds of books. That's why I hate moving them so very very much.

>> No.8255979

Found the Carnap

>> No.8255981

That is a fucking solid book shelf, my man.

>> No.8255983
File: 1.20 MB, 1804x2071, box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have gone with smaller boxes, anon, if they only have books in them. Go about 1.5 the size of a shoe box. I use these, which I get from my MIL's office, since they go through a lot of paper.

Anyway, I treat the stairs + boxes as great exercise. The apartment I'm in now has some very precarious looking stairs that I got them all up in the middle of Texas summer heat. I lost about 5 pounds in the move.

I'm guessing you're the anon who recently moved I've already asked for collection pictures so many times, so I'll hold back the request this time.

>> No.8255989

Those are all great reasons, imo. If it's books you don't like anymore and never see yourself reading, you might as well get rid of them then. I never ended up taking much of that kind of stuff when I moved away from home, so my mom's still stuck with it all.

>> No.8255999

Thanks, man!

>> No.8256140

>not stealing your physical copies from barnes and noble
holy shit plebian

>> No.8256234

I use Ikea bags, they're perfect for everything, I would live in one if I could

>> No.8256290

No Pynchon, Melville, or Joyce. Try again, dickcheese.

>> No.8256653

that is the most tedious pile of dingo's kidneys ever

>> No.8256731

i guess

>> No.8257000

nice starter-kit, fag

>> No.8257010

gimme thos snes game, boii

>> No.8257048

Aww, does somebody like stuff you don't like?
I'm not a philosophy major either, but that's a good collection of Western knowledge.

>> No.8257183

Damn....that is a pretty serious philosophy collection you've got going.

>> No.8257319
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>that's a good collection of Western knowledge.

philosophy is not knowledge

>> No.8257644

They act like its hard because they're lazy I assume.

>> No.8257650

>guns dont buy themselves
At least you have a means by which to deservedly end yourself

>> No.8257652

>Infinite Jest
>books recommended in the /lit/ wiki
The anon you called dickcheese is kind of right.

>> No.8257655

>I make it obvious when I troll

>> No.8257670


>Hegel is the only thing that looks beat at all

Keep pushing lad

>> No.8257719

Maybe. They're more or less the easier thing to pack imo. Dishes, china, everything from the kitchen is way more of a hassle (to move too, because you've got to be more careful). Clothes are bulky, if light, and you need tons of boxes for what amounts to little being moved.

And guns, for the one anon who mentioned guns, are awful in moves, because you often don't have enough cases to hold them all, and you've got to keep them wrapped up in something to prevent scratches, but you don't want to stack too much on top of them, and it ends up you've got to make a separate all trip just for them. Then new neighbors are going to think you're a nut if they see you unloading a car full of guns.

>> No.8257765

>presumably chronological
>stops at frege
>like a whole shelf to kant and his detractors
You've got problems son.

>> No.8257769
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>back to /r/philosophy then

you are so clearly assblasted with envy over his collection.

>> No.8257801


Google my man.

>> No.8257949
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Pic 1/? random shit I have beside my bed.

>> No.8258079

It's like 60 percent of one of two philosophy shelves i have...

>> No.8258125

Wait why do u own two ereaders? Do you use them both??

>> No.8258360

There are three in the picture.

I have two Kindle DX:s because its a great model, not made any more and there hasn't been a replacement model for it, so I acquired an extra to keep using em for longer. The large size allows me to actually read scanned book PDF:s, not only proper ebooks.

I have a single Kindle 3 because it is small enough to actually carry around and use when commuting etc.

>> No.8258812

>Newton as Philospher

>> No.8258818

I looked so hard hoping to find an Infinite Jest hidden in there somewhere

>> No.8258840

you seem like an ok guy

are you in the GTA?

>> No.8258897
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Mfw this is my only book

Am I pleb?

>> No.8258910
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Compelling shit t.b.h

>> No.8259063
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The "meme" rack

>> No.8259085


>Reading Ulysses or Petersburg in any other language besides English or their original tongues

Por que? Dios mio

Actually, what did you think of Petersburg? I enjoyed it a lot but it never really gets any attention here on /lit/ especially when people try and make it the next "big meme book" in those threads, I basically look at it as an experimental Crime & Punishment.

>> No.8259352

Holy shit how many of these have you actually read?

>> No.8259388

~2/3, plus a few hundred I don't own yet (that I read as an ebook or through the library).

>> No.8259393
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look again :^)

>> No.8260048
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Started collecting Franklin Library and Easton Press editions of my favourite books last year.

>> No.8260065

I love the looks of these, but how are the editions? Specifically the translations, do you think they choose well? It matters more with some texts than others obviously.

>> No.8260069

not a bad selection, but those covers are very tacky

>> No.8260086
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>> No.8260091
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A few of the translations aren't the greatest. That's why I've passed on the Franklin editions of Faust. The Homer editions are Pope for the Easton press and Fitzgerald for Franklin, and I'm not a huge fan of the pope translations.

>> No.8260111

Dont you like to write in your books to figure shit out? I would feel bad fucking those up

>> No.8260120

Hey, it's a matter of taste. You don't like them, I think they look good especially in the right room/with the right kind of bookshelves. (These aren't my pictures btw.)

>> No.8260129
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I never write directly in my books. Even old paperbacks. I have notebooks for that.

These aren't as expensive as they look though. Usually go for 25-40 bucks CDN.

>> No.8260133
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I really need to get rid of those IKEA shelves, but they were so damn cheap and easy.

>> No.8260142

>Usually go for 25-40 bucks CDN.
What? Where do you find them for that cheap?

>> No.8260172

Abebooks, or any used book store or antique shop that deals in fine press books.

>> No.8260204
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>> No.8260209
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>> No.8260213
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>> No.8260219
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>> No.8260225
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>> No.8260232


>> No.8260234


your dad's bookshelf doesn't count, trust fund babby

>> No.8260555

What about a shelf of Orson Scott Card novels and Penguin thrift editions screams trust fund to you?

>> No.8260792

where'd you get that edition of illuminatus?

>> No.8260856

half price books, they had a stack of them at the time.

>> No.8260870

Nice assortment. I have more than a few of the magical ones, but I covet several there, like your Mystical and Magical System of the A.A. and the Blavatsky.

>> No.8260977

the set of Blavatsky was a lucky find, the a.'.a.'. one is good but not exactly what I was expecting.

>> No.8260991

this looks fucking horrible by the way

>> No.8261300

lmao you are a giant faggot

>> No.8261490

Add some hinges to the side and you have a great secret door to hide your rapedungeon.

>> No.8261759

>not El Mobio Dico

>> No.8262958

>calls others faggots

>> No.8263015

the folio society greek myths set makes another couple of appearances
i bet you haven't read them

...me neither
i bet that's the folio society set that has the worst read:owned ratio

>> No.8263178
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It's been a process plotting out the library before placing the order. After many multiple revisions and much measuring, I think the library is finally planned out (pic related). The queen couch/bed and piano have reduced the available bookcase space, but eight 7' x 3' Liatorps should handle most of the collection gracefully.

>> No.8263193
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I have a pair of little battered paperbacks of Graves, and use them all the time, but the Folio Society copies would probably go untouched if I had them. That's the problem with showy editions, and why, despite my love of nice bindings, I tend to buy paperbacks for any straight prose book (well, that and cost/space considerations).

>> No.8263247

What made you go with the Liatorp? That top left corner would've been a great place to corner them if they had a half size one.

>> No.8263394

I do wish they had a thinner version (maybe 24-30"). At least I'll have one clean corner (lower left), and enough room to see/take books in the overlap area of that upper left. The Liatorps are higher than most (7') and use thick solid wood for the shelves, with full wood supports, so they can handle really heavy loads much better than the cheaper ones. and two of them (in the centre of each combo) will be the glass-door versions, for antique books and a few display items.

>> No.8263423
File: 1.16 MB, 655x761, jest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking found it..

>> No.8263483

What is a sofatable/box?

>> No.8263497
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>> No.8263520

>that fat golden damn book
tell me is that the newest edition or is it an older one? i've heard the newest edition has inaccurate diagrams

>> No.8263814

It's a strange rhombiod thing I'm going to have to build instead of a window seat behind that couch. Basically it will be a wooden box in the right shape to provide a table between the couch and windows (for plants, drinks, etc.) and have a hinged lid with space for blankets, pillows, etc. inside--the bedding for when guests use the hide-a-bed in the couch. We have no guest room, so...

>> No.8263856

How many bedrooms is the house you bought? And how did you ever convince your spouse to let you have a room mostly devoted to books?

>> No.8263869

The arrangement in the top left corner seems kinda stupid.

>> No.8263875

usually called an ottoman

>> No.8263883

Really does. You've gotta re-think that, anon.

What about just keeping end-tables to either side of the couch, and putting one of the Liatorps in the top right instead? It keeps some of the symmetry without that weird dead/unreachable space.

>> No.8263914

> Books? Nah I don't read those, but they look good! :)
- you

>> No.8263933

It's going to be notably taller than an ottoman usually is (and a weird trapezoid), but generally, yes.

>> No.8263946

Next to the piano? No, I'd like to, but there wouldn't be room to open the library door. The overlap shouldn't look that odd: there should be 8 inches or so next to the top left case to see/reach the books on the end. I wish it wasn't necessary, but this configuration already has two fewer bookcases than originally planned, so I refuse to give up another. Eight is the minimum.

>> No.8263957

Is that two doors opening to that room? That seems a little strange, unless one goes to a bathroom. It seems like it'd be more convenient if you could wall one over, but I have no clue how hard that kind of thing is.

Anyway, look forward to seeing how it goes! I'm hoping to find a home with good vaulted ceilings so I won't necessarily need to find all that wall length--just going to go all the way up the wall.

>> No.8263969
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>> No.8264085
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Just one set of French doors in that lower right corner. My drawing may be misleading people in various ways. There's also a heater on that right wall, which would cause problems if I put cases there, so the piano is a better bet (can be pulled out a bit, etc.). Here's part of the room with that bay window.

>> No.8264087

That's an interesting eclectic mix. You enjoy historical warfare info, anon?

>> No.8264113

Are you keeping the blue? I bet it'd look great with that darker grey on the Ikea shelves. I think I'd have gone with a fluffy chaise lounge in the bay window though, myself.

That neighborhood looks nicely tree-filled.

augh I wish I had a house already

>> No.8264154
File: 198 KB, 1100x825, IMGP0335edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue is a new coat to prep the room, but we're going with white shelves, so it'll have that Greek look. I agree with the chaise, but we needed a big sofa bed for guests. At least we;ll have a nice chair on the other side, and a big couch, for seating.
I'm stoked, I admit. It's not going to be anything incredible, but it's such a quantum leap from my decades of "line all the walls and stuff the Walmart cases til they break" to have a pleasant specific library that I can't wait. Ordering tonight, and then post-delivery endless assembly nightmares will begin, then getting the books on the shelves roughly, and then the real organization when I have time (it's impossible to sort them right out of the boxes).

>> No.8264201
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The house has three proper bedrooms, plus that big "family room" (the library), and a finished basement containing a great den--which I'm making into a shameless nerd cave (pic related)--, a small office, a small workshop, third bathroom, and a great storage setup in the furnace room. We got very lucky.

>> No.8264219

Jeez, I'm hoping your wife gets a room or two to devote to her stuff as well.

I wish basements were a thing down South; the only house I've seen with one was my grandma's, and it was really more of a food cellar.

Definitely sounds like you got a good and spacious home--I can't afford half as much, but I'm hoping to swing at least a two-story home (the cats love stairs).

>> No.8264287
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Your cats would love this strange split-level place: it has five flights of stairs between den and top bedroom! I suspect that's part of the reason we got a deal on it.
My wife's books are going in the library too, and her piano, and we're splitting the office.. and she gets a lot more closet space than me, so we're all good. Besides, by letting me outfit the den and library, she no longer has a living room with thousands of books and weird toys (well, except our kids') in it. She's quite content with the deal: I have ten times the stuff she does.

>> No.8264481

you and your wife are both faggots

>> No.8264696

I honestly have only read the first volume, the second one is mostly abridged versions of different classics.

its the 1990 fourth printing.

>> No.8265012

And that one can of febreze.