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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 894x259, wew lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8260925 No.8260925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

itt: either go to reddit and find some absolute plebs or say something pleb

>> No.8260947

Women authors are good

>> No.8260958

Wolfe/Asimov/Lem/LeGuin/Dick are good enough to be "real literature"

>> No.8260964

>even joking about Lem

>> No.8260982
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>> No.8261667


>> No.8261760

Yeah, only plebs use the word "women" as an adjective.

>> No.8261766

3047 people upvoted that

>> No.8261785


if you ever wondered why /lit/ took a massive dip in quality in the past year

>> No.8261788

now this is autism

>> No.8261801

>23,040 points
I tried the upvote button, turns out you need a fucking imgur account for that.
Who the fuck has an imgur account?

>> No.8261806

>retards whining that only three females are included
Ah, that explains the recent influx of SJWs.

>> No.8261810

Seriously. Who the fuck upvotes this shit

>> No.8261814

>As an owner of a Bachelor's in English, I have read many of these. Faulkner and Dostoevsky are amazing. Just got a copy of 1984
Haha holy shit, that comment section is actually pretty amusing.

>> No.8261827

That guy who can't even fathom someone completing Moby-Dick of all things

>> No.8261830

I had a highschool friend who would say "thankee sai" or whatever in texts. Fucking awful.

>> No.8261833

Aren't these threads just fuel for your already inflated egos, /lit/?

>> No.8261834

If I had any kind of ego then I would not be here.

>> No.8261848


Lmfao is a this a joke? I hope so. I really do.

>> No.8261937


Those comments. Wow.

>> No.8262053

>I'll throw in a few. Pillars of the Earth, Ready Player One, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Hot Zone, The Stand, The Martian, Gone Girl

>> No.8262058

>The master as margarita was the best book ever! A talking cat!

>> No.8262061

>Hated Catcher in the Rye, and nobody's been able to explain why it was good.

>> No.8262065

>The book thief, We need to talk about Kevin, Before I die, the girl with the dragon tatoo series...I think this list lacks modern reads

>> No.8262066

>You don't read Moby Dick. You might read excerpts of Moby Dick, but you don't straight up read all of Moby Dick.

>> No.8262069

>Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird" is neither on the list nor yet to be found in the comments ..*sigh*

>> No.8262072

>Hey! Four of these were written by women! That makes 4chan 4 percent less sexist than I would've predicted! Way to go, internet!

>> No.8262076


>My wife is having a shit-fit as I write, I'm being told strongly upvote the fuck out of your comment, tangentially-person. agree+++++++++++

>> No.8262077

>As a school teacher, don't blame us.... My top 100 wouldn't have looked much like this.

>> No.8262086

>Nothing by Stephen King? Really?...

>> No.8262088
File: 122 KB, 500x500, c99aa1dbf9b18c1d8c15ba37576ad1db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post retarded shit on /lit/
>thread 404s in 30 minutes

>post retarded shit on reddit

>> No.8262105

People post in retarded threads a lot here too..

>> No.8262121

An ex used to use the word grok from Stranger in a Strange Land a lot

>> No.8262145

It's actually in most dictionaries now, which is pretty stupid.

>> No.8262161

>What is this, just a compilation of every highschool's summer reading list?

>> No.8262163


woah this is unbearably bad. reddit clings to 1984 like a moth to a flame, they love how it speaks out against le government and opens their eyes to new ideas on freedom and regulation of thought.

What a terrible comment section, this is why the moment elitism dies on this board it'll turn into another reddit chatbox like /tv/ is currently.

Comic/cape shit killed tv for good and you hardly see any real movie discussions on le classics.

>> No.8262189

Hilarious when every Redditor has his thoughts regulated by being a Redditor.

>> No.8262217

>You don't read Moby Dick. You might read excerpts of Moby Dick, but you don't straight up read all of Moby Dick.

>Same with Ulysses. Seriously, you got to be sick to read Ulysses on its own and understand it

>Say it with me now: "David Foster Wallace is a hack and no one would care about him if he hadn't hung himself."

>Hey! Four of these were written by women! That makes 4chan 4 percent less sexist than I would've predicted! Way to go, internet!

>Anyone who doesn't have at least one Pratchett book in their top 100 is not to be trusted.

>/lit/ is full of pretentious douschbags who got banned from reddit desu

>List figuratively screams "look at my lit degree I've read all the classics"

>From skimming this list, 4chan seems to think the best books are almost exclusively written by white men

>Game of Thrones isn't mentioned

it truly is another world out there

>> No.8262271

It's literally hell.

>> No.8262296

>>Say it with me now: "David Foster Wallace is a hack and no one would care about him if he hadn't hung himself."
That was probably someone from here memeing

>> No.8262297

>I recently asked my wife if she would like to palaver
> my wife
Damn i really hope he's sterile

>> No.8262318

Tolkien is for plebs.

>> No.8262346

True, and actually I agree witht the comment. Only part it forgot to include is no discernible talent.

>> No.8262350

I hope this finally proves to all the "incel" /r9k/ frogposters here that literally anyone can get a girl to fall in love with him

>> No.8262367
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"I listen to audiobooks"

>> No.8262390

mfw my freshman english teacher assigns gravity's rainbow for summer reading

>> No.8262400

im not sure about this. i love ""audiobooks"" of shakespeare's plays, but thats just radio performances.

or i suppose its more authentic to read homer or beowulf in audiobook form

>> No.8262415

>why aren't le Stephen King and GRRRRM and Terroi Pratchett xDD on the list ????
Jesus Christ

>> No.8262418
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>> No.8262424

>even reddit calls people reddit

>> No.8262565

No it's to fuel my fear that this board will be overrun with these kinds of people. /lit/ may be retarded and exclusive but at least the standard is generally actual literature, I don't want to attempt to discuss anything I've recently read only to be met with, "omg y u read old books nerd" comments like everyone who's posting is 13. Despite how dumb it can get on here people are at least willing to discuss literature on some level, even if that level of conversation is, "The prose is shit" "He rapes his sister" "old no cornfather" it's still on topic.

>> No.8262617

>>Say it with me now: "David Foster Wallace is a hack and no one would care about him if he hadn't hung himself."

this one is true desu

>> No.8262618

I do. Was pretty fun until the SJWs invaded.

>> No.8262625

I enjoy reading.

>> No.8262696
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>I've read these They're aight, I've never stayed up reading them avoiding much needed rest or study to an exam like I did w/ HP Half Blood

>> No.8262703
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>> No.8262715
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>> No.8262718

Yes, although every board does this

>> No.8262724

>/lit/ is full of pretentious douschbags who got banned from reddit desu
I dunno man, I could believe this one

>> No.8262728
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>> No.8262751
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>> No.8262755

You're right. Only a pleb would need to say that (or think that "good" = "is literature").

>> No.8262767

Yeah, fuck using words that only came about in books.

Like Fiona, or freelance, or serendipity.

>> No.8262778

Yes, narcissist and proud.

>> No.8262780

It was a pretty good book.
God damn.
I believe it. My English teacher said she couldn't make it past the first page of Ulysses.
mrw* ;)
Pratchett is good. He's just not at all THAT good. Even Martin's okay, although it's bloody weird to think he should be on a top 100 /lit/ list. But King's genuinely horrible. I don't know why *anyone* likes him, pleb or not.
Reddit's as self-hating as we are, you know.

>> No.8262781

Oh man I saw this and thought about posting it here…but I held back. The comments there are so fucking autistic that it hurt my frontal lobe whenever I read one.

>> No.8262785


This one is true.

The reason so many people hate female characters in fiction (or on TV or in videogames) is because so many of them are "strong" mary sues with literally zero flaws, because having your female character do literally anything wrong will get you crucified on the internet for being a misogynist.

>> No.8262787

It comes from people thinking Plot = Important, and Anything Else = Useless.
They're right. They're plebs, sure, but this is Reddit (which is popular), not /lit/ (which is niche as fuck).

>> No.8262808
File: 211 KB, 550x578, dfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so depressing
if youre a redditor plese leave
we hate you

>> No.8262820

nomen omen

>> No.8262844

>implying bait threads don't reach 200 posts almost every day

>> No.8262859

It is one of the best tho

>> No.8262866


>Women authors are well


>> No.8262873
File: 50 KB, 639x732, 1466973831316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mine don't

>> No.8262874

Drive 14 hours each way on 95 for work every month, then see if they still disgust you

>> No.8262876

>if you ever wondered why /lit/ took a massive dip in quality in the past year

There goes /pol/ again believing that there are others to blame except them for ruining every board they touch.

>> No.8262877

Why I disliked Jane Eyre.

>> No.8262882

The entire first row is memes...

>> No.8262886


That's what podcasts are for. You know, things you are actually supposed to fucking listen to you dumb fuck?

>> No.8262887

>if you love the classic cover art,check out Out of print clothing. I spend way too much there.

There are people who buy shirts with book covers on them. Holy fuck

>> No.8262894

>you aren't supposed to listen to oral works like Greek epics

>> No.8262897

But Joe Rogan only talks to hunters now and I've come to find that Tim Ferriss is a corporate shill. Also they all have friggin ads

>> No.8262906

>From skimming this list, 4chan seems to think the best books are almost exclusively written by white men
oh haha how silly :)

>> No.8262909


Yeah it's great, not due to the talking cat though

>> No.8262914

why, we had some of the finest writers

>> No.8262923
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>> No.8262931


>Joe Rogan

This truly is a great pleb thread.

>> No.8262950

His episodes helped me through some tough times. I think he's a decent masculine role model given the plague of numale podcast hosts.

>> No.8262955

Actually agree here.

>> No.8263030


>> No.8263068
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>> No.8263083

epic, simply epic
truly, that poster was BTFO'd
have all of my upboats, good sir

>> No.8263168

Why did you fucking idiots vote Infinite Jest to first place
I think people were just memeing, I can't remember, or something wrong with how the poll was conducted
It shouldn't be anywhere near the first place, shouldn't be on the list at all

>> No.8263175
File: 23 KB, 662x96, Screen Shot 2016-07-10 at 2.35.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8263227

Don't see what's so bad about this one

>> No.8263236

Mein Gott!

>> No.8263251

BEE go

>> No.8263261

t. that person's mad ex

>> No.8263262

>3 points
Well that hardly counts. It's when thousands of people agree with them that it stings.

>> No.8263264
File: 133 KB, 640x700, 4835f19a7d3448f09952dc1e3eff2a1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't understand it until he was an adult. Of course Dr. Seuss has more meaning than your average childrens book, but it's still written for kids. There's no hidden meaning, it's all at the surface so a child can understand the message.

>> No.8263311

Interesting, how's your Greek?

>> No.8263317

Better than yours

>> No.8263319

Does it matter?

>> No.8263321
File: 177 KB, 720x593, gravity's rainbow review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8263329

The real cringe is the fact that their review said literally nothing that couldn't be summed up in one sentence.

How the fuck do you manage to pad out so little content?

>> No.8263342

I just don't understand why he claims that anyone who 'spent a decade writing it and owned a library card' could have written this book is a bad thing.

>> No.8263357
File: 110 KB, 603x1527, LNpSpxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this epic book stairway?
>we're such books nerds lol

>> No.8263372
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudocaust when? Why is reddit so painfully awful?

>> No.8263374

explain how you're better

>> No.8263376

People also tattoo album covers, such as the Unknown Pleasure image. Can you believe it?

>> No.8263390

He doesn't revel in mediocrity, but is instead filled with self-hatred.

>> No.8263401

Is this more noble though, if we're being honest?
Look what happened to Raskolnikov.

>> No.8263409
File: 137 KB, 512x497, Worm Ouroboros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd get this tattooed desu senpai

>> No.8263416

I think it's cool.

>> No.8263428

Yeah well you're the type of person who uses the word "cool", so no wonder.

>> No.8263455
File: 63 KB, 500x610, e11822-1337720680-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too mature and sophisticated to use the word "cool"

>> No.8263459

I think this photo would be beautiful if there were better novels, simply because it's showing that reading iis akin to climbing a staircase of life.

>> No.8263460
File: 92 KB, 400x400, 1456047466113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.8263463

>Majora's Mask is the quintessential arthouse videogame and proof that videogames are an artistic medium.

>> No.8263476

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.8263478

but i'm not from /pol/

>> No.8263482

I don't get it, GR is a hugely entertaining novel. There's more excitement per page than in 90% of novels of any length. Plus the sheer wealth of stories in it (from German rocket engineer to Soviet linguist to acid-fried superhero group) that it's impossible to be bored.

Also, degenerate sex and BDSM.

>> No.8263484
File: 87 KB, 1891x1079, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is you.

>> No.8263491

>y-y-you mad
This website is for people 18 and older.

>> No.8263492

This guy knows what the score is

>> No.8263504

can't decide if the list or the comments are worse.

>> No.8263506


What's that one poem? The one about /pol/acks getting triggered over getting called /pol/acks?

>> No.8263513

Sherlock Holmes is a Mary Sue.

>> No.8263518

He's not wrong about Pynchon being garbage.

>> No.8263519

He's got obvious flaws which genuinely hinder him in many aspects of his life, and which stem from his actual personality rather than any limitations to power.

>> No.8263523

Just fuel can't melt steel memes

>> No.8263532

You cannot inflate an ego. You can only inflate the conception of an ego, which is a spook.

>> No.8263625


>role model
>nu male

Jesus Christ. This is truly a pleb thread.

>> No.8263637

Please leave, reddit, this is not the place for your (outdated) "dank may-mays".

>> No.8263638

Are you the same guy from the right-wing lit thread who got BTFO'd?

>> No.8263673

Behemoth is one of lits greatest and most recognisable characters. Hes not nearly as important to the plot as he'd seem but hes an icon, man!

>> No.8263677

Those are just stickers he put on so calm the fuck down.

>> No.8263689

That's what the guy's saying m80 boo.

And it's definitely along the book wallpaper and books by the meter (or whatever that's called) spectrum of faggotry.

>> No.8263695
File: 299 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160710-162027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8263697

No, it's painted on.

>> No.8263707

>deals with teenage suicides


>> No.8263716

Proof? I don't even have some for my claim, so if you don't have proof it's okay.

>> No.8263722
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>> No.8263731


>> No.8263760

cool pic familia

>> No.8263774

>all genre fiction

>> No.8263777

bronte and hemingway

>> No.8263781

have you even read sherlock holmes?
having a brilliant mind is not the same as being perfect. hell, even watson is more of a ""mary sue"" than holmes

>> No.8263792


I think it's just a list of all the books he's read in his life lmao. Mine wasn't very different when I was 12.

>> No.8263803


Watson has flaws too, though. Holmes has a lot of flaws that get talked about once in a while in the stories themselves. No one in an ACD is a mary sue.

>> No.8263829

Thanks anon.

>> No.8263901

Watson is unremarkable
Holmes is a mary sue with a bad personality

>> No.8263923

I agree desu. This board is shit, but at least you can have a real discussion about literature. People on here have pretty broad tastes too, I've learned about a lot of good books/authors from /lit/

>> No.8263927

Some more shit

Faggots getting offended over the use of 'tryhard' in the first pic. It's stupid shit like that gets attention, never-mind the fact it's tongue in cheek or worth getting offended over.

>> No.8263945

why do so many of them have wives that monitor them when they go online?

>> No.8263955

The pasta factory

>> No.8264062


>> No.8264081

>I'm an expert level reader, and even The Silmarillion I have to be very well-rested to even attempt to read.

>> No.8264126

What's so wrong about this?

>> No.8264217

>This. I've read George RR Martin and is a cake walk compared to Tolkien's Lotr and beyond. Especially beyond.

>> No.8264239

>tell coworker I like to read
>"oh cool, I don't have time to do that"
>later she talks about spending an entire evening watching hockey

I used to believe that not everyone was stupid.

>> No.8264303

Where'd you get that from?

>> No.8264310
File: 36 KB, 1069x217, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we be classy gentlemen like redditors, anons?

>> No.8264317

they all reference them consulting their wives about what they're about to post (save for the staircase one)

>> No.8264321

How can people be this retarded?

>> No.8264340
File: 22 KB, 800x450, tmp_24006-18we24y8gj8u5gif-2079288952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditor here.

Why are you guys so against us? When you think about how much 4chan criticizes and judges us for our pallettes, is it really *us* whom are lame?

Maybe you guys need to grow up.

>> No.8264342

>not saying, "You would be six feet under even if we didn't have kids."

>> No.8264344

2/10 weak bait.

>> No.8264347

People who says the word "pleb" are sub-humans

>> No.8264349


>> No.8264353

How else do you know when to use which, besides the he/him who/whom thing?

Thanks, btw. Always looking to better myself

>> No.8264359

People who say "sub-humans" are psueds.

>> No.8264362

>genre fiction is not literature

>> No.8264366


use whom when it is the object of the sentence.

for WHOM the bell tolls

the bell tolls FOR ME
the bell tolls FOR I

who was that man?
that was the man whom i fucked in the pee hole yesterday

>> No.8264452

Only when it's the indirect object, and even as that it can sound odd.
Who I fucked sounds better there

>> No.8264621

Pretty one of them is a joke

>> No.8264754

Yeah, not gonna lie this happens to me, finished remains of the day and just kinda started at the wall for a while

>> No.8264773

Game of thrones LMAO

>> No.8264778

small self-correction : it can be both direct and indirect. it still sounds weird though, unless maybe you're using it specifically to emphasize the who, or when it's the object of a preposition (although you can usually avoid using it by just putting who at the front of the sentence).

actually now that I think of it, "that" would sound better than who and whom. You could also just drop that, and have nothing, "That was the man I fucked in the pee hole yesterday.

>> No.8264815

Fuck, why is he becoming such an SJW?

>> No.8264853

Dubs of truth. It's still good fun tough

>> No.8264857
File: 34 KB, 1267x490, Is this the end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8265126

is this a fucking serious opinion on /lit/ or is it a fucking meme

>> No.8265147
File: 12 KB, 251x242, 1466884877920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I would make a joke about wanting to have sex with her but I see you have children"

It's like something an insane cousin would say if he came over for Thanksgiving dinner after getting shock therapy at a sanatorium.

>> No.8265184
File: 201 KB, 287x262, check em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl looks like she has minor downs

>> No.8265197

Who cares? His books suck anyway

>> No.8265206


>> No.8265210

I like his Sherlock Holmes/Lovecraft short story.

And that's all I've ever read from him.

>> No.8265220

>implying /lit/ isn't frequently filled to the brim with garbage

The 4chan superiority complex never ceases to amaze.

>> No.8265396

fuck off reddit.

yes there are some foolish threads here . . . but currently on r/books i see a harry potter thread, at least three neckbeard fantasy discussions, some YA garbage, "why so much hate on infinite jest", and finally "How do you read a book?"

>> No.8265577

It's part of the programmer lingo now

>> No.8265606

bori sure loves his Infinite Jest[tm]s then

>> No.8265608

The only difference between an artist and a pervert is the easel in front of one. Your photography is just sex now, what would you be if the camera was taken from you..just a pervert then? Social media has given rise to the over sexualized image, and because it's much easier to be a photographer now, more apes have risen from the low lying bushes to push their sexual agendas through a vsco filter. Quality nudity is filled with powerful implication and tension, premier lighting and interesting forms. Gaze upon the works of our social media soft core photographers, what do you see? A sea of homogeneity, hundreds of men shooting the same white women. Portfolios like hanes teeshirts.
It's critically important to rise above the din of other photographers in an environment within which so many of us exist. You use your camera like a genital, no wonder your work is so flaccid.

>> No.8265615

Honeslty, /lit/ has every single one of those threads regularly, though we usually ridicule them

>> No.8265617

... i didnt say anything to the contary

>> No.8265626

>people who say "pseuds" are try-hards

>> No.8265634

/Lit/ and reddit differ in this way - /lit/ knows some shit, but admits to knowing nothing while reddit doesn't know shit, but admits to knowing everything.

>> No.8265643


I read all the shitlock homie novels by the time 8th grade was over

they're not very good books
because "mystery" is a shit genre

>> No.8265672

>I love how I don't have to look up the meaning of a word every couple of pages or so
This is bait.

That said, you should "read what you enjoy". There's nothing wrong with being a pleb. But you *are* a pleb. It's a shame, though, 'cause literature is just generally more interesting than anything else.
Then he's not a Mary Sue. This isn't hard.

>> No.8265675

are you implying mary sues have good personalities

>> No.8265676

The reason they reference wives in the first place is because it gets you a tonne more upvotes (or that's the thinking, at least). The reason they say they've asked is 'cause at least one autist will be offended that they posted someone else's content without their permission, otherwise.
He's using the term in the exact same way we would, you know.
>being an edgy motherfucker

>> No.8265813


>> No.8265852


not this.

>> No.8265870

I understand this though

I read a lot of 17th-19th century lit and it becomes harder and harder to prevent myself from saying "i'faith" or talking about "the fancy". And who, after reading Chaucer, was not tempted to add "I trewe" to his everyday speech?

I find it more natural to say "he hath" than "he has", and am restrained from speaking thus only by a sense of propriety.

This is a natural and desirable result of reading. At its worst, it can spawn "poetic diction", or a taste for saying "m'lady"; at its best, it allows us to use English with more accuracy and vigour. The speech of every great writer has a faintly discernible air of antiquity about it.

>> No.8265875

This is probably the best argument against YA as gateway. Teaches the reader to judge according to a standard that doesn't score Melville or Joyce many points.

That said, I seldom see anyone offer a better standard. Threads like this certainly aren't offering any. And don't point me to that ever-present nebula you all call "better writing." That's an argument for poetry, not for novels.

At least redditors are honest idiots.

>> No.8265892

>the object of the sentence.

sentences don't have objects

verbs take objects, prepositions take objects, etc—but not sentences.

>> No.8265917

>That said, I seldom see anyone offer a better standard. Threads like this certainly aren't offering any.

I think we ought to judge everything by Aristotelian rules. It wouldn't be any less arbitrary than judging by whichever ideas are fashionable right now. And it would produce more interesting and considered judgments.

I have not yet seen anyone argue that Ulysses, because it keeps the story in Dublin, keeps the unity of place. One could argue for or against that point, and it would be an argument worth having.

I don't think anyone will offer a better idea.

>> No.8265926

To an extent, I get it. Although it's "on't" for me. There's so many abbreviations we just randomly stopped using.

Totally disagree with most of this, however.

>> No.8266000

Actually this means you're a faggot.

>> No.8266019

>going to reddit, ever
>even ironically

kys yourself senpai

>> No.8266027

There are reasons. Like if you're a NEET without enough content on 4chan to stop you from facing reality.

>> No.8266043

I only go to reddit for /r/the_donald

>> No.8266048

the_donald is the best thing that happened on Reddit.

Ultimate proof that /pol/kiddies are /pol/kiddies

>> No.8266057

/pol/ literally broke reddit.

>> No.8266058

You mean, Reddit literally broke /pol/.

>> No.8266060


>> No.8266071

The Internet was a huge mistake.

>> No.8266079

>/lit/ knows some shit, but admits to knowing nothing

/lit/ knows nothing past empty posturing, and doesn't even admit that. At least the idiots on reddit are honest in their idiocy.

>> No.8266084

You just admitted it.

>> No.8266091

too late now :)

>> No.8266094

>this entire thread
It's times like these where I wish the mods actually did something, fuck all of you underage losers go back to

Seriously nobody wants you here, you aren't adding anything to the board.

>> No.8266097

Redditors go to /pol/ all the time, even more so than they go on /b/. They made the board even worse.

Basically everything said on /pol/ is also said (popularly) on reddit. Which is a win from a certain perspective, and a crushing defeat from another.

>> No.8266126

/pol/ made reddit great again.

>> No.8266159

Old people say palaver here all the time, he's obviously hasn't been outside much

>> No.8266175

It is literary hell

>> No.8266190
File: 111 KB, 1808x376, Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-11 um 17.13.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not /lit/, but still…

>> No.8266199

>I post to 4chan and yet cannot recognise bait

>> No.8266206

This isn't bait, it's Reddit, this guy is legit. Legit with his way of attempted sophisticated smooth-talk, as if he was some kind of internet diplomat.

>> No.8266228
File: 186 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8266246
File: 57 KB, 637x946, Dedede good mood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I think's MOST pleb of all?

Treating characters like human beings.

You see it all the time. People have "favourite characters"; people get genuinely, intensely butthurt when certain characters are "killed". They want certain people to win, they want certain romantic pairings to be a thing. They can't even grasp the still-in-pleb-territory concept that your favourite character dying might be a really good thing if it's made to be an excellent part of his story (&c.), because they can't get over the fact that they're not real and so their death isn't an actual death.

>> No.8266257

I agree that it's retarded to be annoyed at the writer if things don't pan out for a character like you hoped but I don't think there's anything plebby about empathising and being emotionally invested in a character's story. I bet an author would rather his audience react to a character's death by shedding a tear than saying "ah yes, that makes sense thematically".

>> No.8266259

I like you Anon.

Do you believe treating characters as yet another vessel for the novels themes and ideas is the right way to do it? E.g. Ahab?

>> No.8266341


The outside world is too dangerous.

>> No.8266354

It's true, modern fiction with female leads doesn't tend to focus on female flaws.

>> No.8266360


>> No.8266571

And there's nowhere else to go, that's why most of us keep coming back to this shithole

>> No.8266575

actually, they often hate when a favourite character dies for the simple and practical reason that the character will no longer appear in future entries in the series. in this they are exactly of the same mind as the writer, who will usually "kill off" whichever character they don't want to keep—because the character boring or generally disliked. When fans get angry over this, they are angry with the author's bad judgment.

When it comes to television, this kind of cynicism is open and obvious—character deaths signify the death of viewer interest, or failed contract negotiations with the actor, or some other real-life issue. Genre fiction is, in that respect, comparable to almost any television series. Readers of those book series are as certain as we are that they are not reading "art", but they don't want to read art.

>> No.8266585

>As an owner of a Bachelor's in English, I have read many of these. Faulkner and Dostoevsky are amazing. Just got a copy of 1984

>> No.8266670

that comment made me feel ill. how can that actually happen? seriously

>> No.8266677

Well, perhaps they haven't read it yet.

It's not like 1984's bad. It's just a meme book.

>> No.8266761

Same thing happens to people on /lit/, just in a way that's slightly less viscerally cringe-inducing.

>> No.8266796

I wish I could still get that excited about reading, honestly.

>> No.8266807
File: 93 KB, 800x800, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The most successful thread by far right now on /lit/ has the premise of being negative about commentary on another website.

>> No.8266809

> mary sues with literally zero flaws
That defines Sherlock Holmes. He does ANYTHING
- Boxing
- Literature
- Science
- Music
- Cooking
- Disguising
- Womanize

and i'm sure i'm forgetting more.

>> No.8266835

And don't get me started with the waifu shit.

>> No.8266839


>> No.8266852

I feel like this would be an extremely comfy thing to have in your home while growing up, I get secondhand nostalgia just looking at it (the presence of GRRM kinda ruins it, but whatever, the kid doesn't know what the books are actually like).

>> No.8266869

>or i suppose its more authentic to read homer or beowulf in audiobook form

They were read back then, Alexander the Great always slept with a copy of The Iliad under his bed and read it almost religiously.

Off topic but he was related to Achilles and Hercules

>> No.8266920

I don't care about what happens to characters, but there are certainly characters who I love deeply.

>> No.8266930

Must have felt bad to read about his ancestor being such a whiny bastard most of the time then

>> No.8266934


Learn when to use who and whom, and then we can talk.

>> No.8266943

A borderline crippling drug addiction?

>> No.8266956

Why do you guys give a shit about what other people read?

>> No.8266965



Only that which pertains to his profession. In one story Watson mentions Holmes didn't know that earth revolved around the sun because it legitimately didn't matter to him.

>> No.8266969

Because deep down I want someone to talk about books with but nobody else reads anything that can really be discussed.

>> No.8266971


That's not a reason. If you want to talk to people about literature you like, we have /lit/. Why does that then cause you to hate people you can't talk with?

>> No.8266981

The dumb should fear the intelligent

>> No.8266995

/lit/ is filled with shitposting memery but I do enjoy it, that's why I'm here right now. But having a meaningful conversation about stuff like that in person is so much better.
Only once in my life have i met a person I could do that with, she walked up to me in a bookstore and we had a two hour conversation about epic poems. We talked for a while but things trailed off for various reasons.

>> No.8267021

wait, i thought they were mythical?

>> No.8267026

nice post i like it

>> No.8267035


I bet you think Beowulf and Paul Bunyan are mythical too, fking pleb

>> No.8267040

Weird mothering bdsm style relationship. The weird thing isn't so much the checking imo (because there could be all sorts of legit reasons for that) but that they feel the need to broadcast it.

>> No.8267044

>they feel the need to broadcast it

They feel the need to broadcast that they have a wife. Their wife probably didn't monitor them, it's just an excuse to mention she exists. Then again, there's also an increasing amount of people with no hobbies besides using the internet, in this case Reddit, and they share that with their spouses. Sad, really.

>> No.8267168

Personally I think it's just an attempt at being "relatable", some weird millenial version of a suburban middle-aged guy making jokes about "the wife" being a bitch. They're just pseudo-normies trying but failing to fit in.

>> No.8267190

did everything everything have a baby with king crimson is that what im looking at here?

>> No.8267225

>How the fuck do you manage to pad out so little content?
learned from the best, looks like

>> No.8267290

They probably did exist, but the stories about them were almost certainly exaggerated. Alexander was only a few generations younger than Achilles, so he almost certainly could have reliably traced his heritage back to Achilles. The Trojan War was real, and so was Achilles.