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8257822 No.8257822 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for some far-right books.

I've already read a few but they were honestly a bit too simplistic. I don't want a guy who blames the Jews for everything. Someone who delves deep into political philosophy, nationalism, etc. and explains right-wing ideology with science and a consistent philosophy.

Thanks /lit/

>> No.8257830

>I've already read a few but they were honestly a bit too simplistic. I don't want a guy who blames the Jews for everything

but anon, this is literally all far right ideology is

>> No.8257838

No, not really.

>> No.8257842

De Maistre

>> No.8257844
File: 21 KB, 220x344, Trump_the_art_of_the_deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8257848

Yes, absolutely. Stop memeing yourself my man, and get off /pol/.

>> No.8257850

except there are literally no respectable traditions on the right and it is in a state of collapse
see this
Carlyle was a complete fantast and degenerate, yet he's considered hugely important by idiot rightists
as for de Maistre, anyone that takes anti-enlightenment values seriously in 2016 is a joke

>> No.8257851

Your arguments are simplistic and will be disregarded as such.

Thanks, I haven't tried this yet.

>> No.8257854

Big N

>> No.8257855

>except there are literally no respectable traditions on the right and it is in a state of collapse
oh dear

>> No.8257857

>not respectable
>idiot rightists
>it's 2016
>a joke

Just listen to yourself my man. The irony is profound.

>> No.8257858

Got that right off the /pol/-sticky, didn't you. Anon, you sound so sophisticated, tell me more about your worldview!

>> No.8257862

I got what off the /pol/ sticky? I have no idea what you mean.

I am sophisticated though. If you would like to know about my worldview you will have to be more specific.

>> No.8257864

right's got nothign but the bell curve, rand and some neocons claiming free market is god. and then maybe libertarians

>> No.8258020

Aristotle - Politics

>> No.8258035


Can you believe people have different opinions than me in the CURRENT YEAR?

>> No.8258044

the same way left ideology is anti white male.

pretty silly stuff

>> No.8258048

>explains right-wing ideology with science
never has a spookier spooked

>> No.8258082

The amount of pseudo-intellectual Bernie supports on this board is depressing.

>> No.8258104

>right wing

>> No.8258105

Bernie had plenty of problems but he was still the best candidate this year by a mile.

>> No.8258108

Plato, Republic, Laws and the Trial and Death dialogues (4 of them, don't remember all the names).
Aristotle, Politics, Ethics, Categories, Metaphysics
St. Augustine, City of God and Political writings
Thomas Aquinas, Selected Writings and Political Writings
John Henry Newman, An Essay on Development of Christian Doctrine
Hilaire Belloc, Servile State, The Jews, The French Revolution, The Great Heresies
Chesterton, Everlasting Man, Orthodoxy, Heretics
F. A. Hayek, A Road to Serfdom
Hannah Arendt, A Report on Banality of Evil, Origins of Totalitarianism, The Human Condition
Alasdair Macintyre, After Virtue, Whose Justice? Which Rationality?
Edward Feser, Aquinas, Last Superstition, Scholastic Metaphysics

After this you'll have a firm grasp at things and will be able to pick further reading while knowing the essentials.

>> No.8258115

The amount of unread polfags who post x is Bernie is too. It's regrettable you won't read anything which is recommended by anons.

>> No.8258118



Could you imagine how much of a demographic switch would take place if /pol/ knew just how bad this board was?

>> No.8258157

The same could be said about the number of "redpilled" /pol/ dipshits that have invaded even this place since this whole obnoxious SJW vs. "Alt Right" culture war bullshit started taking off. As if all these tools aren't pseudo-intellectual, too.

>the same way left ideology is anti white male

You can't be serious. What a fucking simpleton you are, if you are in fact being serious.

Anyway, OP. As far your request... You're honestly not going to find a lot of "FAR right" material that isn't just fascist crap. If you're simply interested in what would be considered right leaning or conservative you have many more options.

If you are interested in the right as far as social/cultural conservatism, you could try Confucius.

John Locke is often considered to be a Classical Liberal/Libertarian and I would agree with that assessment.

You might also try reading Anti-Federalist Americans from the colonial and revolutionary period. People tend to see them as the precursors to small government conservatism of today. Then again Nationalism is often associated with the right. Hamilton was very nationalistic but he was a staunch Federalist.

>> No.8258173

>reading literary fiction

Also, how lame are you?

"Hurrr I-if only /pol/ knew!! W-we'd show /lit/ then!!"

Why hold your frustrated single guy basement dwelling troglodyte hugbox on such a pedestal? Be your own damn person, you galactic faggot.

>> No.8258181

There's "muh opinions" and there's having a tenable philosophical position. If you think this shit is just "anything goes" then you have a "What if my little pony was REAL and friendship really was MAGIC" tier worldview.

I have to agree that most right wing thinkers usually have a massive gloss about not unimportant concepts so that they can pretend that their dumbass idea isn't a dumbass idea but somehow profound or smart. And then they can get to arguing from their dumbass position for hundreds of pages. I believe the arguing is what attracts people to it even, they have edgy click bait style "opinions" and "thoughts" so that everyone will debate them.

>> No.8258208

i'm just playing by the terms you set.

You're honestly not going to find a lot of "FAR left" material that isn't just marxist crap.

marxists hate men, white people and white men

>> No.8258209

>as for de Maistre, anyone that takes anti-enlightenment values seriously in 2016 is a joke
That's like saying "anyone who takes Marxist ideas seriously in 2016 is a joke" or "anyone that takes Platonic ideas seriously in 2016 is a joke"
you're reducing these philosophers down to some category, regardless of the usefulness of some of their ideas or criticisms. you don't have to be an anti-capitalist to read Marx. you don't need to be a neoreactionary to read de Maistre. according to the wiki even socialists were influenced by de Maistre.

>> No.8258212

oh, and I suggest you might enjoy Ludovici.

>> No.8258214

apply the same high standards to "left wing" thinkers and see where that gets you.

most plebs gravitate towards either of the ideological factions because it gives them an air of sophistication

>> No.8258220

plenty of "tenable" philosophical positions exist for the right.
you just haven't bothered reading past the jew blaming goobers, the same way MGTOWs havent read past anita sarkeesian to read beauvoir

>> No.8258228

Beauvoir isn't exactly a thinker of any capacity, don't you have any better examples?

>> No.8258245

is this a competition to see how many authors we haven't read we can namedrop or are you going to give an actual reply?

>> No.8258249

Which reply?

>> No.8258250

What terms I set? You responded to my first post in the thread?

>You're honestly not going to find a lot of "FAR left" material that isn't just marxist crap.

I don't disagree with this. When did I ever say that only far right material is shitty? I just brought up far right now specifically, because that's the subject of the thread. If there were a similar thread asking for Left lit, I'd say the same thing, but for far left.

>marxists hate men, white people and white men

Have you even read Marx? I don't like Marx, but he was shitty partly because he seemed to envision a world where the working class was a monolith and would simply be united as workers. His view was short sighted and didn't consider divisions along racial, gender, religious lines etc.

Marx was a white man, Engels was a white man. No where in Capital are you going to find white man hate. In fact, being white men in Europe kind of clouded their vision as they envisioned it on a global scale.

You really need to stop watching InfoWars, leave your basement and maybe go talk to a girl something. Holy god.

>> No.8258253
File: 24 KB, 265x400, 9781621574958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this two months ago. Not much of far right, but it's good propaganda.


>> No.8258257

There's literally no fucking right wing intellectuals.

Hah. It's a fucking oxymoron!

>> No.8258259

all it took was ironic shitposting about marx and you flew into a rage not too dissimilar to a /pol/tard's

sitting at your computer all day widens your pores, that's why you have bad skin and blackheads. Luckily your local Olive Young store should carry skin cleansers for men along with salt crystal facial scrubs.

>> No.8258260

I do. Not all but many far left authors make sense. If anything the problems are that they're misread or judged on their person rather than their thinking.

Someone's citing fucking Ludovici itt, and while he's interesting to read for a handful of reasons, his shitty "school essay filler" style leads to incredibly poor arguments. I agree tho that he's one of the better right wing authors.

>> No.8258265

>imprecise use of language

you are the most blatant left wing pseud with delusions of impartiality and I live in Australia for fucks sake

>> No.8258266

>op asks for right wing thinkers
>post a very large list
>it gets ignored for pol vs lit shitposting
Not sure who is worse here

>> No.8258269

>Have you even read Marx? I don't like Marx, but he was shitty partly because he seemed to envision a world where the working class was a monolith and would simply be united as workers. His view was short sighted and didn't consider divisions along racial, gender, religious lines etc.
I forget who made the original point, but it's fair to say that Marx (like Freud) was a throwback to an earlier mode of thinking even in his time. But what he does is truly amazing. It's p much the idealist=> materialist roadmap.

And frankly Marx was a shitty person. This creeps into his writing somewhat. But the central idea of history as material dialectics has little to do with that

>> No.8258270

>imprecise use of language
Who are you quoting bud?

Like fittingly it's not clear at all what you mean by that whole post apart from "don't like it".

>> No.8258279

Andrew Anglin

>> No.8258287

i don't think you'll ever find a far-right thinker who isn't the type to blame blacks/jews/women for everything. and "alt-right" is just regular old-fashioned fascism repackaged for the internet era.
i think you should define the things you care about, like free spech, human rights, whatever, and find a few sources on them instead of trying to adopt a whole new ideology.

also, you won't find any good discussion about it here anyway. you'll only find edgy /pol/tards who thinks saying racial slurs on an anymous internet forum is an act of bravery.

>> No.8258290


>> No.8258292

this guy looks like someone eaten up with resentment, who, not smart enough to devise a way forward, is forced to move backward

i bet he hates himself deep down

>> No.8258296

all that shit about how much he loves himself and his people is pretty obviously reaction formation

>> No.8258308

>t. Michael Arnold

>> No.8258313

Wew I have him on goodreads

>> No.8258315


>> No.8258319

Reaction is the theoretical voice of feeling power threatened and the compulsion to win it back. Against the agency of subordinate classes, it proposes to argue why the lower orders should be forbidden to express an independent will and why they should not be allowed to govern either themselves or the polity. Submission is to become their duty while agency a prerogative of the elite.

Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
Edmund Burke - Reflections on the Revolution in France, The Evils of Revolution
Daniel Robinson Hundley - Social Relations in Our Southern States
Blaise Pascal - Pensees
Ragnar Redbeard - Might is Right
Hilaire Belloc - The Great Heresies, The Servile State
G. K. Chesterton - Orthodoxy, The Everlasting Man
Carl Schmitt - Political Theology, The Concept of the Political
Michael Oakeshott - Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays, Voice of Liberal Learning
Jennifer Burns - Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right
Robert Nozick - Anarchy, State and Utopia
Milton Friedman - Capitalism and Freedom,Why Government Is the Problem, Free to Choose
Thomas Sowell - Black Rednecks and White Liberals
Barry Goldwater - Conscience of a Conservative
Ludwig Von Mises - The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
Irvin Kristol - Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea
Andrew Hartman - A War for the Soul of America: A History of the Culture Wars
Allan Bloom - Closing of the American Mind
Joan Biskupic - American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Roger Scruton - The Meaning of Conservatism, The Soul of the World, The Uses of Pessimism & the Danger of False Hope
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn - Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Time
Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Democracy: The God That Failed
Alain de Benoist - Manifesto for a European Renaissance
Guillaume Faye - Archeofuturism
Daniel Friberg - The Real Right Returns
Pascal Bruckner - The Tyranny of Guilt: An Essay on Western Masochism
Michael Walsh - Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West

Despite their seeming disparity this collection of texts demonstrates reactions capacity for reinvention and vision of a world filled with mysterious evil, where 'good' enters a cosmic battle against decline. An identity tied to hierarchy, without some external measure of their supposed superiority they are nothing.

>> No.8258324

Rand and vanilla libertarians (aka right-libertarians, the ones always referred to as just "libertarians," even though there are plenty of left-libertarians) are considered right wing because they are on the economic right.

Though OP did kinda start the thread off on the wrong foot asking for "right wing" authors when he clearly was referring to authoritarian and specifically fascist thinkers, with no reference to economics.

>> No.8258325

A good chunk of the first third or so of that list you're misrepresenting their thought.

Beyond that Nozick's about the best. But he has his problems. It's also arguable if you're going to call the thrust of Nozick, Rand, Friedman etc works right wing, though I'm not going to argue it.

>> No.8258331

George Santayana hasn't been recommended yet, he's great.

>> No.8258334

From what I've read this is a great list. Didn't read that much, since every author here has multiple worthwhile reads and needs a lot of metaphysics before delving into it for many titles, but yeah, great list.

>> No.8258356
File: 177 KB, 400x600, Julius Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julius Evola is THE philosopher/writing for this.

Seriously, Anon - go now, explore his depths. Disregard literally everything else in this thread.

>> No.8258357


>> No.8258415

How so a misrepresentation?

Leviathan is an attempt to justify the demand that an individual submit themselves to the state.

Burke invented conservatism as an idea

Hundley used social science to argue for a populist-Aristocracy

Pascal is seen as an anti-secular intellectualist mystic

Redbeard represents the Spencerist turn of individualsit anarchism

Also, I find the whole libertarian 'state of nature' concept a bit underdeveloped. Hans-Hermann Hoppe is where it's at for consistently developed thought imo

>> No.8258423

I would like to add
Joseph de Maistre - Considerations on France
Louis de Bonald - The True and Only Wealth of Nations

Anthony Ludovici and Evola's Tiger book already got a mention but are worth a look

>> No.8258493
File: 563 KB, 1000x871, The black page in Lawrence Sternes The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should make a reccomendation macro

>> No.8258541

Vu de droite by Alain de Benoist. Translation is currently being Kickstarted but a well-rounded man should of course have no problems reading it in French.
Evola is decent, entertaining if nothing else.
Carlyle is absolutely God tier, but he's a lefty in some senses. Dat prose doe.

>> No.8258554

A critique of the modern managerial state
James Kalb - Against Inclusiveness

A good compilation of research:
Byron M Roth - The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature

>> No.8258564

Nietzsche of course. It helps that he is much less spooked than most of the "far-right" names ITT.

>> No.8258570

>People actually think that people think that free markets solve everything
Markets are generally good but not in all cases

>> No.8258584
File: 230 KB, 1024x576, de ben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to the Arkto's translation should they get the funds but goddamn their graphic design sucks ass. Gonna get the hardbacks purely so I can throwaway the dust jackets

>> No.8258592

wow a good post, on lit?

>> No.8258602


Good choice. One thing i appreciate regarding the Euro far-right is that they usually understand that free-market capitalism is not compatible with right-wing social and societal views.

>> No.8258635

>right wing
>left wing

Good goy.

>> No.8258729

Dude you don't even realize you're being trolled with "all marxists hate white people" and getting really mad because your entire worldview is just as retarded?

To say there aren't well-thought out intellectual defenses of every right wing position from libertarianism to facism is just being a fucking moron. You are so caught in your leftist bubble you don't even acknowledge the existence of thinkers like Leo Strauss, Hayek, Chesterton, Schmitt, Trump, Burke, and Nozick.

>> No.8258747

>projecting modern political dichotomies on ancient works
>good post
