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File: 355 KB, 606x608, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8252872 No.8252872 [Reply] [Original]

So Nick Land really DOES browse 4chan...

>> No.8252876

4chan is blocked in China

>> No.8252908 [DELETED] 

what epic memery!!

our parents will never understand memes! :D

>> No.8252965
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>> No.8252970

I think Land's Tao Lin/ Sam Hyde-tier by now. Dude spends all day shitposting on Twitter and spamming his shit on anime forums. What's sad is he actually showed some promise as a philosopher back in the day. Oh how the mighty have fallen!

>> No.8252976
File: 32 KB, 499x499, 1429646063481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying memes don't leave 4chan

>> No.8253019

He's written about 4chan and linked to /his/ threads in his blog before

>> No.8253048

He's written about meme magic.

>> No.8253066

He lives in China so he would need to buy a pass just to post. It's possible he picked that up from Alt-Righters on Twitter or something.

>> No.8253070

He's still the greatest philosopher alive.

>> No.8253075

i don't even like Zizek and I'd take Zizek over Land

>> No.8253076
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>> No.8253084

It's so cringe typing like that in a public forum. I know 4chan is a public forum but this is different. It reminds me of that weird kid who would spew out Family Guy lines at every opportunity.

>> No.8253151

>What's sad is he actually showed some promise as a philosopher back in the day.
not really m8

>> No.8253175

This is actually a reference to Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri which is pretty fucking cool and probably right up Land's alley so I'm not quite surprised.

>> No.8253420

Tao Lin and Sam Hyde are great.

>> No.8253428

That's icycalm's fifth favorite video game so probably true.

>> No.8253435

Land is more fun because he talks about memes. Not even Zizek will go there.

>> No.8253437

After years of pot induced brain damage maybe

>> No.8253449

Duh, that's how they became so great at what they do.

>> No.8253468

Wonder what Nick Land has to say about icycalm...

>> No.8253494

god what a fucking sperg

>> No.8253500

Fuck you faggot, that tweet was funny and obviously true

>> No.8253502

Oh hi, Nick

>> No.8253505

His Twitter avatar makes me feel uncomfortable.

>> No.8253506

where along teh spectrum do you fall nikka?

>> No.8253507

What are his other favorites?

>> No.8253517

Lol he did an epic burn on you faggots personally and you didn't even get the joke. You're the autistic ones

>> No.8253524
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>> No.8253529

sid meier's fer aspies muh dood.

>> No.8253534

Yeah one of the most influential developers of all time is definitely just for mentally ill people.. retard

>> No.8253552

Zizek is a meme, he doesn't need to talk about them. I mean, my got, how should I put it, are we aware *sniff* that memes are *tug* ideology at its purest *wipes brow* and so on and so on?

>> No.8253562

>trying this hard

>> No.8253629


>> No.8254016

Does anyone know why Nick Land has multiple blogs? I didn't realise it but besides XenoSystems he has 2 or 3 other blogs he uses regularly and barely anyone reads or comments on. It's really bizarre.

>> No.8254022
File: 994 KB, 4500x4334, 1438057532217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neoreactioary faggot talking about ebin 4chan may mays on social media
Fucking wew lads

>> No.8254024

Kek is reddit tier.

>> No.8254030

NRX is dead, slain by MPC, why do these spergs keep trying?

>> No.8254079

I disagree. Reddit isn't willing to delve into the occultism that's sprung up around Kek. 4chan is, because we have boards like /his/ and /pol/ and /x/. We're much more likely to take meme magic with a straight face.

Unless you're merely referring to the expression 'kek.' In which case I still think you're wrong, I haven't seen "kek" on Reddit at all.

>> No.8254144

So what kind of background do I need before reading Fanged Noumena ?

>> No.8254158
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>> No.8254162

D&G, Hegel, Kant and Nietzsche are the biggest influences on him I detect.

>> No.8254176

Hurrr stop posting pictures of yourself

>> No.8254201

Along with Moldbug but that's post-Noumena.

>> No.8254211

his blog

>> No.8254215

It's always fun when a reactionary philosophical movement invented by bloggers is slain by people who were banned from a video game forum for being racist

>> No.8254249

he does?

>> No.8254272

They're connected to XS under "Connected" and there's a third one there that gives me a broken link. You can tell they're definitely run by him when you read them.

>> No.8254293

Thanks anon

>> No.8254365

he has multiple tweeters as well.

>> No.8254375

What the hell, why? I noticed he has twitter cuts of himself tweeting as Outsider on UF. How fucking autistic is he?

>> No.8254403

well one of them is for "abstract horror". Not really sure what the difference is between ufblog and outsideness is, because it's mostly nrx autism on both accounts.

>> No.8254450

Nah, UF looks like accelerationism/technowhateverthefuck

>> No.8254518

Can someone explain this guy's philosophy to me? The most contemporary philosophy I've read is Heidegger/Freud, and have a basic wiki understanding of some guys like Deleuze and Foucault. Is he related to icycalm/Moldbug (and what do they do)?

>> No.8254530

Jesus Christ no, Moldbug yes. It's hard to explain his philosophy just because it's so eccentric. Nowadays he's one of the main thinkers in neoreaction and in the 90s he pioneered stuff like accelerationism.

>> No.8254533

I agree, icycalm is literally Jesus Christ.

>> No.8254541

Is there anyone that genuinely likes icycalm? I thought he was a joke but I don't know much about him. Anyway, he is in no way related to Land.

>> No.8254546

Some people like him, but that doesn't mean he's not a joke. much like Land

>> No.8254551

he's currently doing a seminar though

>> No.8254552

Land is a joke, but that doesn't mean he isn't the greatest and most important philosopher alive.

>> No.8254563

Pretty sure that's Saul Kripke, actually.

>> No.8254569

Nobody will care about Kripke in 20 years.

>> No.8254570

where does he list his favorite games?

>> No.8254572


>> No.8254574

ignore this post.

>> No.8254575

sorry for not ignoring your post

>> No.8254581

Do you think he's a monarchist, anti-democrat?

>> No.8254582

Really? Lot of people seem to consider him the most important philosopher in the Anglo-American tradition since Wittgenstein

>> No.8254587


He has two ideas that matter, which overlap significantly but can still be chronologically separated. (Although I can't comment on his Bataille commentary, it's the only work of his I haven't read.)

The first idea is that capital/technology represents a force from the future colonizing 'garbage time' (human society and its frame of reference). This impersonal force can be practically delineated from the biological forces inherent to society-ecology but from a sufficiently far enough distance is intrinsic to all self-replicating forces (what the Greeks might call Logos, what NRx might call Gnon). This force (from the human frame of reference, 'capitalism') optimizes for intelligence in the long run, and given capital/technology replicates itself through human effort it will eventually displace humans and render them useless in a hyper-capitalist economy which operates only for its own benefit and no longer for human benefit.

The second idea is the potential for AI to emerge to complete this transition to the machine-economy. This links into the Moldbuggian thesis about the necessity for securing power; in essence, we will end up giving power over to AI gradually since it will be more secure for the holders of capital that would even make the decision.


>> No.8254595


>> No.8254596
File: 89 KB, 877x409, compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Land is a meme on 4chan but he does have some clout in the art world
last week I saw someone on facebook like both 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' and 'Urban Future' back to back which gave me a chuckle
also saw a far leftist post a Nick Land meme
it's quite strange how he seems to get a pass in leftist communities

>> No.8254619

He has a cute voice

>> No.8254658

well http://www.xenosystems.net/kek/

>> No.8254697

Very interesting. Do any commies discuss the capitalist class being replaced by machines? Because I would imagine this would get rid of any conceivable problem with capitalism.

>> No.8254703
File: 9 KB, 195x172, nicky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America right now

>> No.8254940

>slain by MPC

Lmao no. MPC has to be one of the most pathetic non-leftist places on the internet. Just a bunch of 30-40 year old unironic Christfag losers bitching about SJWs and writing up long, smug shitposts about topics they know nothing about

>> No.8254962

>So Nick Land really DOES browse 4chan
In case it wasn't obvious from his obsession with cuckoldry

>> No.8254979

>Thinking 4chan invented kek

>> No.8254985

It invented kek, but it did not invent cuck.

>> No.8255031

It's one of five or so splinter sites of a splinter site of a nearly dead comedy and gaming forum. Just imagine how lame you'd have to be to post there, especially a bunch of serious posts about the decay of Western civilization or whatever they talk about.

>> No.8255035

>implying any westerner in china with half a brain is not tunnelling out to access the full internet
get real kid

>> No.8255038

that's his goal, to kill the heart (all that is good)

>> No.8255043

I am currently doing this :^) say hello to Shanghai fellas.

>> No.8255063

hi dr. nick!

>> No.8255067

haha throw Lyndon LaRouche in ther and these are my kinda guise

>> No.8255073

kek's from world of warcraft iirc

>> No.8255077

Europa Universalis is pretty spergy. The Civ games are about the same as SimCity

>> No.8255088

There are capitalist sort of commies that talk about needing a post scarcity society for communism to succeed and more or less amounts to what you're talking about in most or all cases.

There's also sort of the reverse of that at some points in the USSR and China where there were ideas to create a kind of sub human underclass to take over the shitty work.

>> No.8255115

That comes from the "kekeke zerg rush" meme from StarCraft, but I'm pretty sure the 4chan "kek" is different, being an evolution of "lel". Though maybe some WoW player on 4chan just noticed its similarity to "lel" and started spamming it

>> No.8255123

Kek became a big big thing here with the creation of /s4s/ iirc. It has its origins in starcraft and that some other things are called Kek.

>> No.8255132
File: 16 KB, 197x216, 1378918718007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people care about this nobody?

>> No.8255139

Well, he's not exactly a nobody if enough people care about him, now is he?

>> No.8255158

The question is, why do people care about him enough to make him into more than a nobody?

>> No.8255198
File: 88 KB, 661x716, 1466292140090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nick land the deep & edgy in this pic

>> No.8255206

No, that's the tripfag Deep&Edgy, who used to post here but doesn't any more

>> No.8255207

Is Nick Land an Irish semi-pseud that I think moved to China or something. Like does he write Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Fanfics while getting Steak and Chips with the Lads and claiming everyone else ever is such a pseud and totally doesn't understand whatever latest thinker he happens to have read?

>> No.8255211

>to post here
That's an understatement

>> No.8255213

Gotta say man. I've seen you around and tried to be nice, supported you a little, said I wanted to read your MW2 fanfic, felt sorry for you when you said your life is sad and lonely and you just sit at home playing videogames and getting high.

But you're also a fucking dick sometimes. I don't feel so sorry for you anymore. And I no longer want to read your stories. (I originally thought they were stories involving modern warfare... not Modern Warfare as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare).

When I see you stop trying to seem so cool, putting down other anons, (just like what happened to you and made you baww) claiming to be "alpha as fuck", maybe I'll read your little Call of Duty Fanfiction. Maybe.

>> No.8255215

It makes perfect sense from a marxist perspective as the idea is that the inevitable improvement of machine labour will slowly render all wage labour very similar and make it largely unneccesary, this in turn will cause crises wherein the masses will seize the means of production (i.e. this newfound almost automated labour) and use it to provide comfortable living for all rather than using it to profit the few. There are even essays where Marx talks about the colonization of India as dreadful slavery, but which has allowed the people of India to escape their previous village economy and its hateful toil and insecurity and access the modern world and eventual freedom through the improvements in technology the British brought. This is particulary funny as a Briton because a classic thing for imperial apologists to say is 'But we brought them trains!'. Socialism and the soul of man also explains the idea of antiwork socialism quite well and is short and by Oscar Wilde.

>> No.8255223

>And I no longer want to read your stories. (I originally thought they were stories involving modern warfare... not Modern Warfare as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare).
That still makes me chuckle.

For newfags, it's not that D&E was stupid, he was pretty smart. He was just a massive twat an awful lot of the time.

>> No.8255224

It's been three years since Deep&Edgy last posted.

>> No.8255227

Tempus Fuckit

>> No.8255228

Also onionring's last post was a year ago and it was her calling someone a retard.

>> No.8255241


Nearly 1 year.

I'm sure he's posted on fit since then since I may have bullied him when I noticed him posting, and he quickly stopped posting. But nothing in the archive.

>> No.8255248

>>people who unironically ask for the name of meme hot girl images
>These are the same sort of people who feel guilty after jerking off, detest fake tits, and consider the thought of paid sex repulsive on the basis that the other person is faking it.
>They literally cannot stand it if it isn't "real" enough for them. In spite of this, they inevitably ask for the name of the girl and then they inevitably, INEVITABLY, end up at a photogallery consisting mostly of the girl posing in front of a mirror with a camera, at which point the viewer inevitably thinks "hurr durr what an airheaded slut" (because, again, none of it is "real" enough for them), losing all interest and forever destroying whatever fantasy (and it is precisely with these people that the fantasy will always be more seductive for them than the real thing) was still possible with the initial image.
>Don't fucking tell me it doesn't happen, don't tell me I'm just projecting because I don't have this problem. I've been here almost a decade, and I know how people's minds work on this website.
lol no you retard, it's just because they want source for more sexy pics

>> No.8255252

Derrida uses language to showcase ideas.

>> No.8255329

Why does he live in China btw?

>> No.8255333

He's right-ish message with left emotional tone.

Lefties are all tone oriented so they, having never read him or any philosopher he talks about, pass him by instinct.

This aspect of being a synthetic cyborg assassin in sheeps(Lefties) clothing is also pleasantly thematic given lands work

>> No.8255345

In wow when a horde types"lol" alliance see "kek"

It's literally just lol translated from horde and it's funny to type. Started picking up steam when "lol" was old and lulz let etc were in

>> No.8255346

Why is he mentioned so much? What did he even do noteworthy?

>> No.8255349

was a professor of continental phil at warwick until he took shitloads of amphetamines, got heavily into jungle music and became champion of the neoreaction and alt-right movements (although he distances himself from the latter) by writing about cybernetics, capitalism, HBD, terminator-esque time travel, democratic zombie apocalypses and a load of other weird-ass shit

>> No.8255350

this post truly shows how much we have gazed into the abyss

>> No.8255353

Why is he mentioned here so much? What are some unique things he has said besides far right shit?

>> No.8255359

He also has some Lovecraft fanfiction, and I'm sure he shills his crap here

>> No.8255369

>his work has been tied to the development of accelerationism and speculative realism

He's not just a meme, his work is critically used in academia. eg. Benjamin Noy's study of accelerationism

>> No.8255495

I've heard people say kek in real life.

>> No.8255624


Because Shanghai is the future, and that's where Nick Land is from.

>> No.8255648

Remind me why we worship him again? I can see the merit in treating his prelapsarian (before he sperged out, went to China and became a cheaper /pol/ iteration of his former self) work as elaborate avant-garde philosophical fiction but even in that and his philosophy as a whole is fundamentally flawed because it's built on the assumption singularity will develop and that consciousness is something that accidentally develops as a byproduct of technological and industrial development that may even be 'accidentally' instilled by some careless programmers when in reality it cannot come into play without the full initial consent of mankind or one of her prominent factions

>> No.8255656

he's the only philosopher to mention 4chan by name

>> No.8255661
File: 398 KB, 1072x881, 1462076351369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the most memeifiable philosopher ever.

>> No.8255664

Where does he do this? Also I'm skeptical that he's the only one.

>> No.8256791

He said kek in his last blog post, is he on to us?

>> No.8256818

I have no idea who this meme master is, but finally someone who's fair to FC2.

>> No.8256944

Must be a new meme. I remember an anon about a year ago saying he received Fanged Noumena for Christmas and only one other user responding, saying how underrated he was.

>> No.8256972

Is he the leader of The Hidden College?

>> No.8256981


>> No.8257098

Pretty sure that's Stirner actually

>> No.8257232


>> No.8257269
File: 165 KB, 622x319, anime accelerationism1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone know why Nick Land has multiple blogs?

he is pandering to slightly different audiences

UF is for accelerationist leftist edgelords pretending to be silicon valley libertarians

XS is for accelerationist leftist edgelords pretending to be nihilist capitalists and neoreactionaries

timespiralpress is for his ccru buddies and his feminist wife to jack off to cybernetic philosophy where "a thousand genders bloom"

>> No.8257296

I think he's making fun of us though.

>> No.8257306

Leftists don't even like Land.

>> No.8257580


Yes. This is an account from someone who infiltrated them:


>> No.8257587

So that's why he's getting shilled on here

>> No.8257595

hah most irish people get all that shit over with before college. late bloomer?

>> No.8257605

You have to go back

>> No.8257613

There has never been a human being that says absolutely nothing at such great lengths, no wonder /pol/ is hard for him.

>> No.8257616

Hi, Nick. Just letting you know that I think you're a fucking weirdo.

>> No.8257628

Are you a Catholic, Mr. Land?

>> No.8257629

He's definitely not.

>> No.8257666
File: 104 KB, 887x500, nick-land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Nick is a Terminator sent from the future to destroy the Human Security System.

>> No.8257671

NO way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8257675

Lol sounds like you haven't read Jacques Derrida, who uses language to showcase ideas.

>> No.8257678

Is he atheist?

>> No.8257697

I don't know he's just sort of a weirdo.

>> No.8257743
File: 18 KB, 627x154, polbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they do for some strange reason
/pol/ doesn't like him and he doesn't like them

>> No.8257754

What are "white subnormals?"

>> No.8258001

>Leftists don't even like Land.


keep unwoke

>> No.8258017

He's probably atheist.

>> No.8258064

if an outsider saw this pic they'd think it was pure satire and not a depiction of the reality of this board

i wish i was one of them

>> No.8258187

That picture's actually originally from /v/ but with changed to make it /lit/-related

>> No.8258318

He also went through a phase of imagining someone refusing to save him from falling off a cliff unless D&E gave them his wallet. And it was presented as some sort of sophisticated thought experiment.

Fairly smart but ridiculously neurotic.

>> No.8258322

ew. are there girls here? i was under the impression this was a male safe space.

>> No.8258323

he's not irish ya dumb mick

>> No.8258327

what does that make real niggers then?

>> No.8258335

You can never go back. This is the essence of NRx

>> No.8258455

Sadly it isn't, but all of the casual misandry here should have made that obvious.

>> No.8258458

They're cool.

>> No.8258475

Just "the niggers of the earth" non-ideologically?

>> No.8258495

You realise he literally writes articles about /pol/'s meme magic, right?


>> No.8258518

autists are based as fuck desu

>> No.8258540

You're just saying that because you are one...

>> No.8258604

Not in Hong Kong. And the only thing that's actually blocked is the captcha, not the site itself. Also, VPNs... I'm in China right now.

>> No.8258607

>>Shanghai is the future
Most certainly not

>> No.8258725

i wish breh, those sweet bux

>> No.8258752

What the... *cough cough* fuck are you *retch* talking about? *wheeze*

>> No.8258782

No, that's Beijing.

>> No.8258823

He's into a lot of occult stuff though.

>> No.8258837
File: 74 KB, 511x600, 1282978768249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to report this thread

erry time

>> No.8259054

I saw one frat boy call another frat boy a cuck on the bus

>> No.8259151
File: 99 KB, 450x450, IAH_Seal_sm_zpsh01mzb4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butthurt is real.

Eat shit niglet.

>> No.8259205

Why does that emblem look like goatse....

>> No.8259214
File: 34 KB, 599x335, ClGVdYuWQAAX9eB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a schematic of the GRIDS virus :^)

>> No.8259244

They're his main audience actually. Neoreactionaries are contrarian leftists who pretend to be worse than nazis (according to their own admissions).

>> No.8259625
File: 65 KB, 791x607, brexitlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where where you when Landbrand feasted on Left-Accelerationist tears?

>> No.8259650


>> No.8259733
File: 30 KB, 720x540, Entrance-eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8259739

How exactly are neoreactionaries leftist?

>> No.8259745

i always find the person tweeting at the celeb about 4chan much more cringe than their response

>> No.8259753

ha, that explains the late start and continued shitness. for a second i thought we'd let a bad writer out, thanks for the reassurance.

>> No.8259899

Neoreactionaries aren't anything but emotionally disturbed.

>> No.8260382

What the fuck is this?

>> No.8260459

that's because the average leftist is a fucking bread eating braindead piece of fucking shit

real leftists know that the word "nigger" is a way to keep people under control and that political correctness is dangerous and severely undermining to any notion of the idea of marxism

>> No.8261293

left accelerationism is a joke
every left accelerationist I've seen just uses it as an excuse to buy lavish shit

>> No.8261319

I heard Lloyd Banks say this once

>> No.8261506

What is Anon butthurt about? That sounded liek an accurate description.

>> No.8261511

Obviously, and the response is not cringe, but rather a funny burn.

>> No.8261521

Remember when Slavoj Zizek said Nigger.

>> No.8261561

kek is originally derived from the way koreans would type "lol" comes out "kek" on an english keyboard layout, or something like that

koreans did that so much in starcraft 1 that blizzard ended up putting kek into WoW

>> No.8261670

dude did u just fucking chansplain at me....

>> No.8261681

cuck has entered the real life stage of the meme train

(x)chan -> leddit -> /v/ -> twitter -> gaming voip -> real life

>> No.8261749

And it didn't even begin at 4chan. Just like reddit, 4chan steals all of its memes from other sites.

>> No.8261921

they're like jacobins, or so they think.

>> No.8262044

This. I've also mentioned 4chan.

>> No.8262148

what are these?

>> No.8262157

You're better off not knowing.

>> No.8262164

>They're his main audience actually. Neoreactionaries are contrarian leftists who pretend to be worse than nazis (according to their own admissions).

From what I've seen, very few NRxers are actually ex-leftists. Outside of Land and Tunney, they're pretty much all ex-libertarians. All they're really advocating is a LARPier form of current globalism.

>> No.8262175

NRX = "neoreaction" = "capitalist robots will take over the world."
MPC = "My Posting Career", a forum.

>> No.8262181

A lot of "reddit tier" is a 4chan meme.

>> No.8262233

>All they're really advocating is a LARPier form of current globalism.

>> No.8262278

/pol/ hates neoreactionaries.

>> No.8262354

/pol/ hates everything.

>> No.8262359

this >>8262354
This is something most newfriends don't understand. They are like a yapping dog in some old lady's front yard that barks at anything that crosses their view. It is only because Americans are so sensitive about race that this ends up getting barked at so much. They found your "trigger", your "thumbscrew", that is how the mind of a socio/edgy teen works, you "let them" troll you so they do it.

>> No.8262364

Look at this redshitor trying to defend his site.

Someone post the infograph on how information is spread through the internet, it always starts with 4chan.

>> No.8262373

It's true, though.. the cuck meme actually began on the Something Awful forums back in 2010 or so. Tons of other 4chan memes originated there as well. 4chan is really just proto-reddit.

>> No.8262398
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>> No.8262401 [SPOILER] 
File: 344 KB, 600x1182, 1468156700195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8263552

The reason I put (x)chan is because it seems like a lot of the most recent memes have their origins on other chan sites like ylilauta and krautchan

this guy >>8262373 is right, at least insofar as recognizing that 4chan has pretty much turned into proto-reddit and become incapable of producing unique OC.

>> No.8263996
File: 66 KB, 588x666, NickLand2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8264002
File: 68 KB, 485x604, NickLand3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8264021


I can't remember which of his writings this was from but I distinctly remember him saying "I have never been a theist for one single second of my life." he is basically the edginess that atheists think of themselves as having x999 the idea of religions to him is just stupid meatbag monkey shit.

>> No.8264028

>All they're really advocating is a LARPier form of current globalism.

patchwork is literally the exact opposite of this. their point is you can only experiment with government once you kill globalism and the enforced democratic government it engenders

>> No.8264061

Its MacIntyre or Scruton

>> No.8264068

NRx never should have tried to become a thing. Moldbug is interesting but he's a fucking blogger, not the end-all be-all of right-wing thinking

>> No.8264072
File: 92 KB, 773x336, Nick 'Reddit' Land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8264158
File: 20 KB, 450x500, Stabat Mater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Land reminds me of that incomprehensible cyber cult in Ghost in the Shell 2, Stabat Mater

>> No.8264456

>implying he's wrong

>> No.8264528

When was this written though?

>> No.8264662

All of 4chan's memes back in like 2005 and earlier were also taken from elsewhere

>> No.8265049

he's dead now, yeah?

>> No.8265134


it wouldn't surprise me if he changes his mind

he's too into teleology to remain an atheist

>> No.8265166

Probably not.

>> No.8265232


it came from world of warcraft, when members of the opposing faction would type "lol" it came out as 'kek" due to not being able to communicate cross faction

>> No.8265245

Yeah thanks this was covered multiple times.