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/lit/ - Literature

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8253503 No.8253503[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your worldview stack.

1.Materialist (you can't be anything else really)
2.Nihilist/Existentialist (it's the default fundamental nature of reality)
3.Atheist (agnosticism is retarded)
4.Cultural Libertarian
5.Capitalist (with decent safety net)
6.Racialist and Sexrealist (to a healthy degree)
7.Statist (No-government is retarded)

>> No.8253514


Not literature.

Also 2/10 bait if trolling, 2/10 worldview if sincere.

>> No.8253539

You have low INT and CON, but make up for it with high CHA. You roll a 4 and you're now trapped in a goblin's lair where they say they'll kill you if you can't refute Anselm's Ontological Argument. Your turn.

>> No.8253569 [DELETED] 

>white supremacist
>National Socialist
>believe in capitalism
>women should be subordinate to men

>> No.8253571
File: 66 KB, 584x759, B8A41N_CEAALrtm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lives matter
abort everyone

>> No.8253591

>having a worldview

just think critically and learn to hold two candles. you won't laugh at yourself so much when you look back

>> No.8253593

Turn towards the goblins, tell them that if existence is necessarily implied in the definition of the most perfect being then God is limited by his own existence (not having a say in the matter) and that they, the goblins, should take me like in Corruption of Champions so I can put my charisma to good use. How much do I have to roll for multiple orgasms while screaming about the death of God?

>> No.8253603

Your low INT caused you to misinterpret the axioms of Anselm's proof. The goblins quickly notice this and kill you.

Game over.

>> No.8253614

whether or not this is bait fucking kill yourself op

>> No.8253615


0/10, not internally consistent. Same score if bait, lazy and uninspired. Apply yourself.

>> No.8253634

>National Socialist
>believe in capitalism

choose one you idiot contrarian

>> No.8253640
File: 87 KB, 1280x960, fedora11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*

Back to >>>/r/atheism you disgusting junkie FAGtheist looser.

Pic related: You right now. LOL

>> No.8253648

Marxist feminist Schopenhauerist epicurean.

>> No.8253657

Keep it simple, stupid:
2.Libertarian socialism

>> No.8253658

i hope this is bait

>> No.8253661

but national socialism is capitalism, ignorant rightists please leave

>> No.8253664

Try avoiding internal contradictions first.

>> No.8253670

Libertarian Socialism is cuck tier. You'll need to at least devise a system to keep uncivilized mud peoples out before they loot and mooch your utopia into oblivion. Even then, as with all socialist and statist systems, you will eventually run out of other people's money

>> No.8253681

>The Nazis argued that capitalism damages nations due to international finance, the economic dominance of big business, and Jewish influences.

>> No.8253682

nihilist existentialist with a subjectivist relativist inclination

and a wicked sense of humour

>> No.8253689

Nietzschean Deep ecology

>> No.8253690

You're a fucking idiot

What on earth is libertarian socialism

>> No.8253694

Poe's law is strong with this one.

>> No.8253695

>you will eventually run out of other people's money
this always makes me chuckle.

>> No.8253700

no, it's /lit/

>> No.8253702

>what on earth is libertarian socialism?

An Oxymoron. As socialism basically means coercing people out of their rightful property.

>> No.8253704

Filthy cultural relativist

>> No.8253705


Right up until the point where they spread their perfect aryan ass-cheeks for that sweet, heavy-industry Krupp cock, among many others.

>> No.8253707

> nietzschean
> deep ecology

you mean heidegger

>> No.8253714

shitty bait

>> No.8253716

>As socialism basically means coercing people out of their rightful property
t. angsty libertarian

nah but i agree its an oxymoron

>> No.8253718
File: 66 KB, 512x512, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don hav e girl frenn

>> No.8253719

desu any kind of relativist bs is always that, bs.

>> No.8253725

>What on earth is libertarian socialism
To put it simply:
1. Belief that means of production are best managed by self-organized workers in democratic and egalitarian manner(socialism).
2. Belief in free association as means of governance in place of authoritarian, centralized state(libertarianism).

>> No.8253726

thats not libertarian you goon, its communist anarchism

>> No.8253728
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lol uv'e never had ses

>> No.8253743

In reality I'm a small government centrist, but I admire and sympathize with Libertarians and Ancoms

I believe people are basically good as individuals but that collectives like the state are an inherently alienating and corrupting influence.
That said those are just my own musings and I don't put much practical credence in them, I'm no intellectual.

I just want to work a day's labor and be left alone to try and make it in the world.

>> No.8253748


>> No.8253775

Noncommittal naturalism

'Kantian' compatibilism

Political cynic

Feels pretty meh.

>> No.8253776
File: 12 KB, 236x300, Bernard-Lonergan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critical Realist/Transcendental Thomist.

Based Lonergan

>> No.8253778

This isn't a canonical response but I would argue that I am able to imagine that something "necessarily exists" when it in fact it does not so the greatest thing I can imagine will be something that i imagine"necessarily exists" but in reality does not.

>> No.8253811

I beat the goblins to death with my steel fedora and first edition copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, transvaluating all values and laughing (as I walk out of the lair) at people who wasted their time reading gay shit like Anselm and Aquinas in order to prop up a monkey delusion, while at the same time smugly noting that having a game where there is a "dungeonmaster" who controls all things is a cute atavistic hangover from man's ancient tendency to anthropomorphize natural processes, which has now even bled into man's recreational time

>> No.8253817
File: 132 KB, 1000x797, bernini1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.Materialist (you can't be anything else really)
me too
>2.Nihilist/Existentialist (it's the default fundamental nature of reality)
me too
>3.Atheist (agnosticism is retarded)
me too, but if I'm talking to a tiresome autist I'll just say agnostic
>4.Cultural Libertarian
me too
>5.Capitalist (with decent safety net)
me too
>6.Racialist and Sexrealist (to a healthy degree)
What does he mean by this? Racists and sexists are retarded edgelords but I don't think all people are the same
>7.Statist (No-government is retarded)
Me too

>> No.8253823

t. people who don't know what libertarian means

>> No.8253837

Jesus, you seem to be a huge piece of shit, OP.

>an Idealist
>influenced by Aristotelian ethics
>a traditionalist
>in favor of meritocratic systems
>a National Anarchist
>a Race realist

>> No.8253838

Typical Fedora, doesn't possess the intelligence to comprehend Aristotelian metaphysics so he makes incoherent remarks about "muh naturel procezzes" and acts as if he's won the argument.

>> No.8253845

>muh god


>> No.8253849

what's the bitch frm the pic from

>> No.8253851

Quite simply:








>> No.8253853

it is possible to be intelligent and believe in god.

>> No.8253875

you're not making a good case for such a thing

>> No.8253881


abstract materialist (reality is not a random ball of spaghetti, it's an excel spreadsheet. platonic objects are fundamentally pretty close to the truth of things due to the infinite extent of mathematics (and the universe)). The mathematical universe hypothesis is really rather obviously true.

Most people are either inherently evil due to personality or magical thinkers incapable of judgement.

>> No.8253882

you have an odd understanding of intelligence if you think it is mutually exclusive with the belief in god.

>> No.8253886

this. Life is an incredibly silly pain in the ass. Would not recommend

>> No.8253888

Belief in God is necessary to be intelligent as only the Theist has reason to believe that the world is intelligible.

Yes there are, you are merely to ignorant or lazy to properly understand the arguments.

>> No.8253898

great, now i have to argue the other side.
it is possible to be intelligent and not believe in god.
you don't need to defer to a supernatural being to "believe that the world is intelligible," because by being human you believe the world is intelligible.

>> No.8253913

you're an idiot, not even meming

>> No.8253914


you're tipping your fedora too hard

atheism is a passe meme. thank god it's dying

>> No.8253915

If you don't believe in God what reason do you have to believe that you are a human being? And why, if you do not believe in God, do you believe that being a human being, implies the intelligibility of the world. If God does not exist some form of Epistemological skepticism seems necessary in order to hold a coherent belief.

>> No.8253924
File: 4 KB, 302x167, Molyneux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice argument

>> No.8253953

i'm not arguing for atheism, and i think militant atheism is ranks among the stupidest intellectual movements

i don't need a reason to believe that i'm a human being because i exist as a human being does, whatever a human being is.
i exist in such a way that indicates some understanding of the world i am in.

also epistemological skepticism is an incoherent that undermines itself.

>> No.8253955

incoherent position* that undermines itself, i mean

>> No.8253974

You just repeated yourself. How can you know that you exist? How can you know that knowledge is possible? How can you know what Knowing is or what it means to know?

>> No.8253978
File: 47 KB, 720x428, 1463932840211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these spooks

>> No.8253981

So, I am a goon even though you are the one ignored "To put it simply" line?
Of course, political philosophies are not defined in two clauses, hence why I appeal to the narrow but simplest explanation.

>> No.8253989

At the same moment one thinks of a world view, the world itself is modified, so that when one finishes the recapitulation of their world view, the world view refers only to a past world. Even this world view i just espoused could be erred because it might have happened when i was thinking about it that the world itself modified in the sense of ceasing to be modified, in which case it would now be possible to have a concrete world view.

All reason is, is a mere spook.

>> No.8253997

My favorite part about this is that people are subscribing to ideologies simply because it applies to them or benefits them on some way, even if you all know it's actually bullshit. But for the hell of it:

>antinatalist because I hate life
>atheist because I've found "God"

>> No.8254040


>the world

Biggest spook of them all

>> No.8254043

Anti-religious agnostic
Stoic (at work)
Epicurean (at leisure)
Culturally libertarian
Intrigued by Marxism (but generally indifferent to economics)
Racialist, Post-Sexual
Pragmatic in approach to most things

>> No.8254060

what is post-sexual?

are you a pervert?

>> No.8254061

I will never understand how people in a fucking literature board don't know "libertarian" meant the opposite of what amerilards think it means up until 10 years ago.

>> No.8254062


is this a fancy way of saying you're a kissless virgin

>> No.8254082

Who's this semen demon?

>> No.8254089

>atheist because I've found "God"

>atheist because I've found "God"
>atheist because I've found "God"
>atheist because I've found "God"
this is actually true, if you subscribe to the ZIzekian view that atheism is actualy christianity

>> No.8254092

not a single classicist

you frigates have a long long way to go

>> No.8254098

Eh, just the way I like to categorize my opinions on sexuality and gender I guess. I could've just typed out "indifferent to categories of sexual orientation/gender", it was probably already implied by cultural libertarianism. Sorry for using an unspecified term.

>> No.8254104

>men and women are le same

so you're just an idiot then, gotcha

>> No.8254147

how can one person be so disgusting

you're literally the meme zeitgest in flesh

>> No.8254149

Is this bait? Or have you just never interacted with humans ever?

>> No.8254156

I didn't say they were the same, only that im indifferent to the distinctions between them. Beyond biological reproduction, I can't think of any reason to distinguish the two in modern society.

>> No.8254165

so you're just an idiot then, gotcha

>> No.8254182

We're shaped by the world we live in, no? If this is the age of memes, then I suppose you're probably right.

>> No.8254209

literally everything is a meme

your favorite meme philosopher was a meme in his time, stop being assblasted that new memes took over

>> No.8254245
File: 25 KB, 685x646, 2dee574e893b89dcce04d4acbdeac5fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egoist Quietist

>> No.8254274

Yes and no. Yes in that, knowing this is a Christian board, my views would not be taken kindly to, but no in that they are my actual views. And of course I've interacted with people before, as much as anyone, just mostly (almost exclusively) white middle class people. I take a pragmatic approach to things and tailor myself to the social contexts I'm in. 99 percent of the time "worldviews" are just shortcuts to quickly explain your position on a complex issue brought up in idle conversation during the otherwise unimportant and undistinguished (I prefer humble and unassuming) lives most of us lead.

>> No.8254279


>> No.8254280

Nice, I can respect that

>> No.8254290

This world is an artificial prison that can be escaped from through the transmutation of material, mind and spirit.

I am actually the best god but a shit god trapped me here so that he could cuck me. I will chop off his benis and eat my wife when I get back then I will birth a daughter and fuck her to create a new world that has anime IRL.

>> No.8254294


>> No.8254313

>/lit/ >> Christian
What have you been smoking and can I have some?

>> No.8254318

You on the spectrum breh?

>> No.8254329

how is existentialism the default lol

>> No.8254349

>atheist (wish I wasn't tho)
>Humean skeptic
>materialist except not dialectical
>libertarian left but politically non-euclidian
>everyone is wrong except for me

>> No.8254368

me too

>> No.8254382
File: 186 KB, 1280x842, death of socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slight left of centre, economically
social libertarian
agnostic. i'm uncertain about most things, though one thing i know is that a god is much more interesting than the absence of one. the world's too mysterious and full of shadows for me to say 'yes' or 'no', so i would rather put a 'maybe', or 'unknown until further notice.'
moralist, hopeful, and idealist - though i realize the pursuit for perfection and 10/10 morality is a fruitless goal.
a man is capable of bounding ambition, knowledge, and power, and he has a natural right to pursue this to the best of his ability, so long as it doesn't subvert his brothers and sisters.
still searching and learning always, it's best to keep options open, as our views crumble in the wake of time to wax poetic a little.
i like joyce, whitman, melville, and plato. most of all, i wish to be an auteur; exploring music, film, my own prose experiments, learning the classics, studying linguistics, i'm taking latin, history, and philosophy this fall.

nothing is certain, our comprehension crumbles on a daily basis. humanity has the ultimate power of reason and faith; an ability for both hope and despair, we face a blank, black, faceless wall, but i believe, and i think it's best to believe, that there's something on the wall. maybe a nice painting?

modernist, humanist?

>> No.8254422

Queer Zizekian-Heraclitean National Socialist Realist Dualist

>> No.8254427

jesus fucking christ

labels everywhere

please god save me


>> No.8254453

1. I know what the word human being means (biologically)
2. I can observe myself
3. I fit the definition
Was that so hard?
It's a little trickier to jusify believing in something I cannot observe.

>> No.8254463

Come on over senpai, we'll get /lit/ af.

Couldn't tell you, never been tested. But if I've made it this far there's no need to go through all the extra paperwork.

Seem like pretty cool anons.