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8251682 No.8251682 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosophical school of thought should I parrot to appear intelligent and educated while I am, in fact, neither?

>> No.8251684


>> No.8251694

Critical Theory

>Buy Tyson's Critical Theory today
>Get the Foucault Reader
>Reas Anti-Oedipus
>Get the Derrida Reader
>Read only Ta Nehisi Coates, Proust, and bell hooks

Memes all the down, kid. Memes all the way down.

>> No.8251695

just call everyone a cuck

>> No.8251696

none. The only people you'll convince are idiots who also don't care, and anyone who does care and isn't an idiot will realise quickly what an awful pseud you are and that you care about being found out.
>daily reminder philosophy is often pre-law and when it's not, it's because they're lawyers who want to have more arguments than the law allows

>> No.8252514

Nihilism will fool the normies but intelligent people will eventually call you out.
Kantism appeals to everyone so yeah, go with kantism

>> No.8252619

>the intelligent calling out nihilists
how exactly? how do you refute it without bringing in a god?

>> No.8252661

They're not going to call out the theory in itself, they'll just see through his act and realize he's just parroting nihilism to appear intelligent. Normies will be fooled by it, because they don't have enough intelectual apparatus to argue against nihilism and see past the surface of his shallow knowledge. This being the case, i'm guessing OP wouldn't go deep into nihilism, he'd just learn enough to appear intelligent.

>> No.8252677

just call everyone and everything a spook
>hey dude that's illegal you can't do that!

>> No.8252722
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Stoicism. The everyman's "philosophy."

>when a few of your buddies get hard-ons for aurelius
>end up becoming sanctimonious tools

>> No.8252724

Doesn't really work that well

>> No.8252728

kant requires autism or sociopathy, which OP has a good chance of having but it really does need to be full blown autism or sociopathy to follow through on, and nobody likes a kantian

>> No.8252738


You can't refute solipsism either. Just like nihilism, it's still shitty regardless, and pretty much doesn't matter at all since literally no one lives in genuine accordance with it.

>> No.8252819

>Derrida is a meme
No he isn't you fucker! Derrida is a bona fide, certified genius. You're a moron. Don't spout bullshit you don't know anything about.

>> No.8252824


autism, maybe, but sociopathy?

Methinks you are projecting.

>> No.8252837

lack of empathy for yourself and others is very handy when making deontological moral choices.